Make Inventory Preparation Fun For Everyone

     “It’s INVENTORY time let’s go have FUN!” There’s a phrase you will never hear. Let’s face it anyone who has been through an inventory knows that it is drudgery. Aside from the counting of merchandise, there is all the preparation that leads up to it. If done properly it is time-consuming and tedious. You and your team are standing on ladders looking on top of fixtures, digging through boxes, in cabinets, and behind fixtures for items that have been misplaced. There is also kneeling to look under gondola base decks, cashier stands or under soft drink coolers for that one little piece of merchandise that rolled under there months ago. Then there are the painstaking tasks that need to be completed such as going through merchandise to make sure everything is properly ticketed. Someone should be spending some time contacting vendors with cut-off dates for bringing in a new product or providing credits for merchandise they are removing. Store managers have to make sure all of the tasks are being planned out, assigning who will complete them and follow up on them. ALL of this is BEFORE inventory night even takes place. Oh did I mention you still have to keep your store operating while you get these projects done? No, it really is not a fun prospect and if your employees get grumpy or dirty and dusty while doing these things they may not be thorough in their assignments. Do your inventory overnight and employees get tired and frazzled and you could wind up having more shortage than you should. Finding methods to get your team on board and keeping them fired up requires making inventory fun.

     How do you make inventory fun and interesting for your employees? There is a variety of ideas store managers can introduce to make the process more engaging for their staff.

  • Almost every business has that one person who is creative and let’s face it super-energetic about fun activities. Find that person, make them your inventory “Fun Captain” and cut them loose. You may even give them a small budget to work with so it is more fun for them too and they feel empowered to make decisions. It will be a load off of your plate. Just be sure that there are brief status meetings you two hold so you can help keep things on track. Sometimes these folks can have grandiose ideas that can be tough to reign in if you don’t stay a little involved.
  • FOOD! Everyone loves food and it can pump up the mood of a team. If you have a “Fun Captain”, ask them to come up with a week of food ideas for each day of prep and inventory night. It doesn’t have to be fancy maybe “Doughnut Monday”, “Candy Corn Tuesday”, “Pretzel Wednesday” and so on, you get my drift. Inventory day should be a bit more special. I have seen everything from fruit, coffee, and soda brought in for energy overnights to sub sandwiches and chips. One place I worked for the store manager brought in breakfast foods at the start of the day and pizzas that afternoon. Be creative!
  • Music. I saw one store that did inventory overnight and since there were no customers they played upbeat music over the P.A. system. Someone from that store would occasionally get on the microphone or phone and pretend to be a DJ. It was lively, it didn’t cost anything and the “DJ” was entertaining and funny.
  • Hold contests. Who doesn’t enjoy being part of a contest? It may be giving a prize to the person who can find merchandise stuck in the oddest location. Maybe it is retail trivia questions focused on shortage and safety issues. A correct answer can be rewarded with a “fun-sized” candy bar. You can purchase those bags in any grocery store and if you sell them then requisition a bag.

There are other ideas you or your “Fun Captain” will come up with, the key is to make it enjoyable for your team. Remember, the more engaged your team is and the more they understand why they are preparing for inventory the better the overall results will be when shrinkage numbers come back.

Preventing Shoplifting The Right Way

The laws in the United States concerning shoplifting undergo changes that in some instances put the strain on the retailers and their profit margins.  The shoplifting law changes in 2014, in California, for example, let retailers in the state feel a sense of vulnerability and hopelessness.  They expressed concerns about the fact that the laws allowed individuals to feel empowered to go into a store and shoplift without getting into too much trouble. 

Those losses are not only detrimental to the profit margins of the store but can mean an increase in the number of shoplifters that can enter the store feeling embolden to steal. Such an increase comes with an increase in violence, and retailers are feeling the change. Proposition 47 passed in 2014 that reduce the penalties for many crimes, shoplifting included a law change that has left many retailers feeling vulnerable.

On the other hand, big retailers such as Wal-Mart, Bloomingdales, and Krogers are being sued for extorting customers.  They accuse customers of shoplifting and then charging them money for the “courtesy” of not calling the police. The customers are bullied into paying for an online class by a company called Corrective Education Company and then the company pays Wal-Mart, Bloomingdales, and Krogers a cut of what they are charging these accused customers.  The practice is insidious and wrong according to the legal company carrying the lawsuit, and customers and retailers have to be aware of this insidious and amoral practice.

Shoplifting is a crime, and retailers are arguably upset by the law changes that make it for them more difficult to do business. But, accusing customers that do not have the financial means to hire legal counsel is preying upon the poor and defenseless, and that is morally wrong.

Protecting a business from shoplifters is the responsibility of the owner and the management team, and no one understands the travail the loss prevention team goes through every day when the store opens its door for business. If, as a store owner, you are asking yourself what is a good solution for the prevention of shoplifting, we have to tell you, you have many.

But, one of the most effective solutions you have at your disposal for the prevention of shoplifting in your businesses is training your personnel and management team.  Research has shown time and again that having trained personnel in your store or business decreases your losses thus increasing your profits.

Stopping Shoplifters Is As Much Attitude As It Is Equipment

We supply and install the best anti-shoplifting equipment made. Checkpoint Systems is the gold standard of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) equipment. Support is off the chart. Checkpoint Systems has factory Tech’s everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE. They have to since the majority of the top retailers in the world are using Checkpoint equipment. These Techs are not sub-contractors. They are skilled EAS, Radio Frequency (RF) experts. As an example, my Sr. Tech Dan is a former Navy Electronics Technician; he worked on highly advanced systems that protect our country.

That’s all good and well but we can install the best equipment using the best people out there but if you do not have the right attitude, you will not have solved your shoplifting problem. You will simply have spent money and felt good about what you purchased but YOUR SHOPLIFTING PROBLEM WILL COME BACK.

You have to instill the right attitude about shoplifting prevention in yourself and your staff. Shoplifters are not afraid of the Checkpoint equipment all by itself. But, they are very afraid of the Checkpoint equipment when it is supported by a trained, knowledgeable staff. The equipment will work. It will notify you when someone tries to steal a protected piece of merchandise. But you have to be on your game long before this happens. Do you know what shoplifters look like? Do you know how to spot them before they steal? You can easily expose a shoplifter in your store with the proper customer service techniques. These skills will not make the shoplifter transparent but will delight your good customers and increase your sales. Good customers love attention, shoplifters hate it.

I believe this so deeply that we at Loss Prevention Systems include free, live shoplifting training as often as you reasonably need it. Staff changes, new manager or supervisor, new employees that are new to retail or your store? Let us train them, free of charge, for the life of your Checkpoint System when you buy it from Loss Prevention Systems.

So you get actual LP training from a former Director of Loss Prevention with over 35 years of experience. FREE!

So if training is the key, why do you still need the Checkpoint System? That is a great question and the answer is simple. The equipment is there to support you when you cannot be everywhere at the same time. Retailers’ biggest expense is labor. If we can keep labor dollars down, we are more profitable. The fact of the matter is that shoplifters seek out and even create situations where they steal when you cannot pay the attention required to spot and deter every shoplifter. By the way, one in ten people that are in your store right now is there to steal from you. That is where the Checkpoint System comes into play. It is working 24/7, does not take breaks, vacations, sick-leave or simply not show up. Checkpoint equipment has a great attitude and is always looking for shoplifters.

Now, what are YOU going to do to change your attitude and start getting the margins from your sales that you deserve? Contact Loss Prevention Systems now and make it happen. Chances are we will actually be able to assist you to begin stopping shoplifters before the system is even delivered and our amazing Techs can install it.

How Abused Return Policies Can Hamper Customer Relations

Having to balance a customer friendly environment that makes patrons feel like you want their business and keeping a structure in place that ensures the store is profitable can be difficult. This is especially true when it comes to customer returns. At times, return policies even seem to put store management and loss prevention teams at odds with each other. On one hand, stores are afraid that a strict return policy will turn off regular customers and result in a loss of business. On the other hand Loss Prevention teams in their efforts to…well…prevent losses have a tendency to want to tighten procedures on everything. There is an argument to be made for both sides but there may also be a happy middle ground where both can come to an agreement.

Customers can and do lose receipts and in many instances, this hinders the person’s ability to get a refund and in some stores, it may even prevent an exchange of merchandise. In some of these situations, the customer may only be seeking to exchange an item for a different size, color or design and yet the manager sticks to the policy regardless of circumstances. This hardline approach can and does anger many shoppers and it will result in lost business. Yes, the policy is in place and the intentions of it are good but the lack of flexibility in not permitting even an even exchange or a trade for a similar item can be a poor choice. A store will pay for that decision through the loss of future sales.

Many stores have gone to the extreme of allowing an exchange or return giving the shopper up to 365 days to make a return! In a article, “15 Stores With The Best Return Policies”, by Maryalene LaPonsie, Nov. 22, 2017, they reference 15 stores that have some of the best (read easiest) return policies. The article points out that even among these stores a bit of tightening up on the policies had to be done due to return fraud and abuse. Still, consumers will find that even without receipts they can at least receive store credits towards future purchases. Not too bad for losing a receipt and keeping merchandise for a year.

From a Loss Prevention perspective, this seems far too excessive and an abuse of a retailer’s goodwill. Taking back a return that is a year old or even 90 days old means that item has dropped in value due to markdowns or because it is out of season and no one is going to purchase it. Loss Prevention departments are concerned with profitability just as are store managers but tend to see things in more immediate terms. Taking that winter coat back in July means that it is either going to take up valuable stockroom space or will have to be marked down. Is there some way to come to an understanding between Loss Prevention concerns and store manager concerns?

Shoplifters do abuse store return policies often on repeat occasions. A May 14, 2018 article by staff, “Racine woman charged for Walmart thefts”, reported on a woman who was caught on camera entering a Walmart store, selecting an airbed and taking it to the return desk and receiving a gift card. She was caught on camera committing the same type of theft about three weeks later at the same store. The story reported that the suspect had a history of shoplifting in the county dating back to 1991. In a related story from, May 21, 2018, a woman entered a Walmart store and “placed several items into a cart including DVD’s, floor mats, jeans, household goods and groceries.” The story relates that she went to the service desk and made returns for items she hadn’t bought and was able to get about $64 cash. This offender also had a history of 10 prior theft convictions.

Store owners and Loss Prevention officials need to devise clear-cut policies that provide fair returns and refunds to honest customers while putting roadblocks in place for criminals. Once policies are hashed out and agreed upon, consistency in administering those policies is required. Deviating and making exceptions only opens up the door to return fraud and abuse and takes you back to square one and career shoplifters will continue to abuse your goodwill. 

Good Intentions With Bad Outcomes; Retailers Must Prepare For Increased Violence From Shoplifting Gangs

Actions based on good intentions don’t always have good results. One of the most famous of missteps was the Coca-Cola attempt to improve its formula and market “New” Coke. The idea was well-intentioned but the public reception was cool if not outright hostile. According to the website INVESTOPEDIA, “ “Classic Coke” returned to the shelves less than three months after it had been retired.” In the same article, they point out that in 2008 the manufacturer of Motrin found out that there was a problem with the medicine not dissolving properly. Reportedly they did not want to “incur the associated negative publicity, the firm sent out secret shoppers to buy the products off of store shelves, which resulted in a lawsuit in Oregon in 2011.” (“8 Good Intentions With Bad Outcomes”, Lisa Smith, updated December 15, 2017). Laws can have the same problems of unintended consequences, helping one constituency while hurting another.

In an article in LPM Magazine, “Retail Crime In Los Angeles”, May 1, 2018, An example of a law that was intended to help “reduce prison crowding in California’s overwhelmed prisons and provide treatment rather than jail time to qualifying drug offenders” was Proposition 47. How could such a program go wrong? Who would not benefit from such a law? Apparently, retailers are bearing the burden of unforeseen consequences in this case. According to the article part of Proposition 47 also converted “many non-violent offenses, including shoplifting from felonies to misdemeanors.” The story goes on to say that shoplifting offense under $950 result only in a citation to show up in court. Inevitably career and habitual shoplifters are going to learn what the lines are between a misdemeanor and a felony and they are going to take advantage of those delineations.

It seems that shoplifting has dramatically increased in Los Angeles as criminals have found that it is lucrative for them to engage in the crime with minimal cost if they are caught. The ramifications that are being felt include increased monetary losses for retailers due to theft-related shrink. Worse, the story states that violent behavior from shoplifters is seemingly on the rise. Danger has always been a concern for retailers and especially Loss Prevention professionals when stopping a shoplifter(s). Now that potentially violent criminals have been released because of the reclassification of certain crimes the stakes are higher. The story points out that gangs are becoming more active in shoplifting. As mentioned criminals are quick to learn and they learn rapidly when penalties for a crime become less severe.

Violence in shoplifting cases is becoming more pronounced and not simply in Los Angeles. A story on by the reporter, Michelle Bandur, Dec. 20, 2017, referenced a group of women boosting merchandise from retailers in the Omaha area. Detective Galloway interviewed in the report, “said they don’t avoid confrontation and may resort to violence.” He said they have received reports that these women will, “… load bags in front of employees and sometimes I’ve been told by employees they will taunt them.” He went on to describe incidents of the members of the group knocking people to the floor. They have attempted to run over others in a parking lot if they noticed a person trying to take a picture of their license plate. These incidents support data from the National Retail Federation 2017 Organized Retail Crime Survey. According to the survey, 98.5% of responding retailers reported “ORC (Organized Retail Crime) gangs are just as aggressive or more aggressive and violent when compared with last year. 26.5% said that gangs are much more aggressive than in the previous year (pg. 10). If these numbers from the NRF Survey are true, when coupled with Proposition 47 retailers in L.A. may be in for some very rocky times in years to come.

Retailer owners must become familiar with methods to prevent shoplifting without endangering employees in the process. Tried and true methods such as aggressive customer service may not be effective deterrents any longer. Adjustments by Managers may include carefully reviewing hours of operation and not staying open as late at night. If cameras are not in place owners may want to install them to have quality video and pictures for police in case of a serious incident. Starting a Retail Crime Prevention organization in partnership with local police can help identify theft trends and organized and violent persons. Finally, retail theft prevention training from Loss Prevention Systems Inc. can provide more information on how to stop theft and keep your employees safe from harm.

Prop. 47 may have been well-intentioned but it has opened up a Pandora’s Box of problems for California retailers.  Through proper training, owners and managers can position store teams to be ready for security and safety issues now and in the future.

Inventory Software

Inventory in a retail store can offer the management and the loss prevention team a clear picture of whether their efforts are working or they need to modify something entirely different. 

After a busy day or during the holidays, inventory plays a very important role in your store.  A visual inventory can give you only a glimpse of what is happening, but a true inventory can offer you a real picture, even if it’s more expensive for your store. 

There are many software programs that can aid you with the inventory of your store, and even if that becomes a little costly for you, it will pay to know what’s selling, what is not, and what is being stolen.

A software program will aid you by tracking packages that are being delivered, on transit, items which expiration dates are approaching, and items that are selling well and need to be re-stocked. An inventory software program can help you make decisions that otherwise could take weeks to put in place.  What items to display, or put on sale, which items to have discounted and which items are selling so well you need to put an order in place.

A simple Google search can deliver a list of the most promising software inventory programs that can help you.  Those programs can offer an array of features you may not even know you need, and the companies selling those software programs can offer you pricing for you to compare other programs and their features. Do you know an owner of a retail store that is using a software program? Have you asked them how they like it? If you know someone that is already using an inventory software program, you are in luck.  It can save you time and perhaps money when you decide you are ready to purchase one yourself.

There are many small business owners that own a retail store that has many issues they do not know how to solve. Starting with problems with personnel, management, and loss prevention techniques, the issues can be many and varied.

Address those issues before you buy any software programs to help you with the inventory of your store. What are some of the strength and weaknesses you need to address with the personnel of your store? Is the management team coordinating with the loss prevention team? Is there a loss prevention team? Are they addressing the issues or just pushing them aside for other people to tackle? Not all problems can be solved by buying software or by hiring more employees.  There are many problems that can be solved by being vigilant and by addressing those problems without hesitation. A software program can help, but that is only one key aspect of running a store.

A Checkpoint System Is Now More Important Than Ever

Shoplifters seem to be getting bolder than ever. Much of this is greed. Many people simply want stuff and have no moral compass. Others are emboldened by lax law enforcement or Politicians that pass laws that do little to protect you. Whatever the case be, it has a negative impact on Retailers. We are expected to open our stores, compete, pay employees, pay expenses, taxes…. And make a profit. Shoplifting theft is yet another pressure on us.

The key to stopping shoplifting is prevention! You have to keep the losses from occurring. Once the shoplifter has stolen merchandise, even if you catch them, you lose money in labor, unsellable merchandise, sales and the like. This is where a Checkpoint System shines. This is high-quality commercial grade equipment that works 24/7. However, like anything else, you must get as much value out of any equipment you have. A piece of equipment that can pull double and triple duty for the same investment brings a better return on investment. Consider what Loss Prevention Systems offers.

First, when our customers purchase a system from us, they get FREE anti-shoplifting training for the life of the system. This is live training by a Loss Prevention professional as often as you reasonably need it. I actually spend a fraction of that time on the Checkpoint System itself. Most of the time is spent teaching you and your staff how to detect and dissuade shoplifters from even entering your store. You can actually have fun with shoplifters. Drive them crazy and they will get frustrated and simply leave you alone.

Next, there is a whole world of new innovations in the Checkpoint Systems line. People/Customer counting is one. Your system can count customer traffic. You then receive a weekly report that details your traffic by the hour of the day, day or the week. This data can be merged into your sales data to give you a more complete picture. Customers use this data to help with decisions on staffing levels, open/close times and more. The system will also report on the Checkpoint System alarms. How and when they occur. This further feeds into your decisions about staffing levels. You may say that my cash register tells me traffic. Not so, as not every customer that comes into your store makes a purchase. Why is that? Possibly because you do not have enough staff on at the times when you really need it.

How about remote control of your Checkpoint System from your mobile device while inside your store? This feature notifies you of alarms, maintenance issues, and real-time stats. You can be in your office, stock room or anywhere in your store and the system will notify you of an alarm. Immediately. This also gives you control of the system itself. Checkpoints systems are already ECO-friendly in their power consumption. But you can set up a schedule that tells your system to power down during the hours you are closed. Over a year that money adds up.

Marketing? Our systems have AD Panel capability either built-in or as an add-on. The antennas are there at the front door anyway, why not have them greet your customers with signage that you can change out as often as you wish. Promote an item, a sale, a special or simply say “welcome”. Print whatever you want and slide it into the clear acrylic frame. Now you get double duty without taking up any more floor space.

How about control of items you do not want to leave the store under any circumstances? Key rings, customer hand baskets, notebooks, documents, tools, equipment or supplies. Simply put a tag or label on them.

Contact Loss Prevention Systems today and we will help set you on the path to higher profits!

School’s Out – Time To Get Ready For School: Tips To Prepare for a Successful Back To School Season

Summertime is here and now is the time for children to rejoice and shout for glee as most are finishing up their school year. Put away the pens and paper and lunchboxes and prepare to enjoy the warm, sunny days. No Mr. and Ms. Retailer, not YOU, the children. The moment the schools let out is the moment you should be preparing to roll out the merchandise for the next school year. Wait too long and you will be a step or two behind your competition.

Certainly, most children will not be anxious to go school shopping so soon after starting their vacations but we, the dads and moms out here, are always looking for special sales and deals that will save us a few bucks. Education may be free but all of the accessories are not. Think about what we parents are purchasing to send the kids off to school. We are asked to provide crayons, pencils, pens, glue, and paper. Lunchboxes, backpacks (wait, regular or see-through?), binders and notecards also fill our school supply lists. From there schools and grades may have varying requirements. The retailer who is going to be top of the class is the one who will anticipate the needs of the pupils and parents and prepares accordingly.

What are some of those things that you can do to get the head start that will drive sales for your business?

  • If you aren’t keeping old school supply lists filed away, start doing so. This will give you a good idea of what teachers will probably ask parents to provide the coming year. The schools will probably not make lists for the coming year available until July so knowing last year’s information gains you some advantage.
  • Advertise. Use social media and in-store flyers as cost-effective means of getting the word out to customers. You may also want to check on the price of a radio spot to air a short commercial. If you only rely on posting flyers and banners in the store you are limiting your advertising to those customers already shopping with you. You need to spread the message to bring in additional shoppers.
  • Create displays near the front of the store that focuses on school-related supplies that complement each other. For example, create an endcap with binders, loose-leaf paper, pencils, pens, crayons, compasses, and protractors. If your store is geared to clothing then displays for children’s clothing should be on focal points. Regardless of what your store specializes in, order a one-time shipment of some lunchboxes and food storage containers for sandwiches, chips, dressings/sauces. Parents are conscientious of rising school lunch prices and reusable containers appeal to both the cost concerned and environmentally focused families.
  • In the process of creating the displays don’t forget about merchandise protection. Use electronic article surveillance labels and hard tags on everything. Don’t lose sight of the fact that those displays will also attract the attention of shoplifters and they will steal merchandise that isn’t secure. Small and expensive items will be especially tempting.
  • Begin clearance pricing some summer products earlier to free up floor space for back to school related merchandise.
  • An easy to overlook opportunity is to keep your check lanes full of impulse buy goods. Snacks and drinks are top items but finding cool gadgets and pens that may interest students and adults are great opportunities for a few extra dollars.
  • Don’t forget about add-on sale items. Calculators tend to be popular and they need batteries. Peghook your calculators, keeping your high-end TI-83’s, TI-84’s, etc. in Alpha Keeper boxes to make them available to customers while protecting them from theft. Add the corresponding AA and AAA batteries on additional rows of peg hooks and deter theft by using Auto Peg Tags. Speaking of batteries it would also be a good idea to place battery chargers and rechargeable batteries in this type of display. Again, expense minded and green-minded patrons will find something to appeal to them here.

It is not always easy to think outside the box when anticipating the needs of school students especially if your store specializes in one area but it can be done. Be creative and it can pay dividends.

A final thought on back to school sales opportunities. Some retailers offer special deals to teachers (who present official credentials). Not only does this help your profit line it is a huge boon for teachers who often use their own money for classroom supplies. You can develop a new loyal customer base with such an offer. Make preparations early for the return to the classroom and you will demonstrate you have learned your lesson well.


Protecting Your Profits This Summer

In many parts of the country, school will be out soon and the plans for a summer vacation will come sooner than expected. And even though an article in Money magazine states that 56% of Americans haven’t had a vacation in 12 months, the place that most Americans visit when they Do take a vacation is Florida.

Vacationers are a good thing for local economies.  Hotels, restaurants, and other businesses that depend on vacationers see an increase in sales and profits during the summer months due to the increase in customers.  Retail stores see an increase in walk-in customers too but have to be careful to protect some items in the store if they want to preserve those profits.

What are some of the items you need to protect during the summer months?

  1. Swimwear and sportswear – Tagging your swimwear and sportswear with an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) tag can help you prevent the shoplifting of that article.
  2. Hats, visors, and baseball caps are all items that are in demand during these months due to the weather. If you are a store frequented by tourists, displaying these items where they can be overseen by the cashiers could prevent them from being stolen.
  3. Sunglasses – There are many things that are stolen every year that make no sense, but sunglasses are small, beautiful accessories that are sought by everyone.  They can be easily stolen because of their size, and perhaps the accessibility the shoplifter has to pocket them without being caught. There are Enhanced Performance Labels that are placed directly on the UPC label for items such as sunglasses, makeup, and other small items to deter the shoplifter from taking them.
  4. Sunscreens and mosquito repellents are items that many people on vacation need.  These items are small and easily concealed in people’s purses, oversize shirts or even the pockets of their clothing.  Placing an Enhanced Performance Label on these items can greatly reduce the chance they will be stolen.
  5. Drinks and especially alcoholic drinks are easy items to steal, especially for the young people with no I.D

Many retail stores’ profit margins are slim,  and shoplifting does not only put a dent in their profits, it can also mean bankruptcy for some of them.  As you train your employees and make them aware of the issues in the store, shoplifting has to be at the top of them. If employees and the management of the store work together to keep a vigilant eye for shoplifters and keep an up to the date inventory of the store, they will prevent shoplifting and increase your profit margins.

Memorial Day Sales With A Different Twist 

Holiday sales events and promotions are intended to boost retail sales. The obvious big event is the Christmas holiday season which seems to begin in October for many retailers. The event carries into January when merchandise goes clearance as retailers prepare for the next holiday event and the beginning of the Spring sales lines.  During the remainder of the year, retailers also take advantage of other holidays by appealing to customers. These events just are not as extravagant in terms of time or advertising.  Clothing stores conduct promotions at Easter to sell dresses, suits and related accessories. Grocery stores and discount retailers run special deals on candy, eggs, toys, and baskets. The 4th of July sales may be geared towards parties, cookouts, and summer themed goods like bathing suits. The sales don’t necessarily have anything to do with the holiday being celebrated they simply entice customers to come in for the low prices. Below are a few ads I found online for previous Memorial Day sales to illustrate my point:

  • A furniture store: $1 Down and 60 months no interest
  • A Home Improvement store: 10% – 30% Off Major Appliances $396 or more
  • A Car Dealership: Memorial Day 100 Sale – Payments as low as $100/month
  • A Grocery Store: Big Three Day Sale

Many of the ads feature red, white and blueprint as well as stars and stripes in attempts to appeal to the patriotism of potential shoppers. I understand the need for merchants to do everything they can to increase sales. Retail is competitive and in order to stay in business owners must take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

     What I would like to suggest is that retailers look more closely at the holiday they are running promotional campaigns for. Try to see if there is some way to honor the holiday, specifically Memorial Day. I am suggesting that if a retailer is holding a Memorial Day sale they take the opportunity to honor the fallen soldiers for whom the day is remembering. This is no easy undertaking. I have seen restaurants that have attempted to recognize the sacrifices of the fallen with discounts and free meals for military veterans. Despite the good intentions, they get grief from some people (I assume they are veterans) who chastise them for not recognizing the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. As a veteran, I appreciate the effort shown and think that the griping is misplaced. There are few ways they can recognize fallen heroes but a meal or discount is the form of appreciation they can offer.

     What can a retailer do then to promote sales and keep to the spirit of the Memorial Day holiday? I would like to offer the following ideas:

  • Offer a portion of each transaction to a non-profit agency that provides assistance to the widows and children of veterans who have fallen in combat. Just a few of the groups that help such families include:

Fallen Patriot Fund

Faces of Valor USA

Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund

These are just three organizations that provide such assistance and there are many more out there.

  • While it has been the source of some contention you could consider offering a discount of 10% or greater to service members or veterans who can show a military ID or a copy of a DD 214 form (a document that shows a veteran has served).
  • Consider setting up a display for Memorial Day, often called a Fallen Soldier Table, a White Table or a Missing Man Table. The effort will not go unnoticed by those who have served or the family members of fallen soldiers. The displays are not difficult to prepare
  • If taking a portion of a day’s sales is not in your budget, a donation can or collection jar with a designated charitable organization listed is an appropriate alternative.
  • Finally, invite a veteran’s group such as the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) to hand out poppies for a donation at your store. 

The VFW uses the money collected to provide financial assistance in maintaining state and national veteran’s rehabilitation and service programs and partially supports the VFW National Home for Children.

The ideas are certainly not all-inclusive and you may find some other source of recognition of the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes. The point is that you honor the day and what it represents as you still run your sales and specials.  Remember those who have made it possible for you to operate your business in a free country.