Unlock The Code- Alpha Security

Alpha Security uses many different kinds of retail anti theft devices in their efforts to prevent shoplifting and reduce inventory shrink. While there are many retail anti theft devices, Alpha Security wanted retailers to be able to use a universal key to detach them. This would limit confusion at the point of sale and ensure speedy checkout, as cashiers would not have to flip between multiple keys to detach multiple styles of retail anti theft devices.
The problem comes from multiple retailers using the same kind of detacher key. Shoplifters are starting to steal the detacher keys and use them for their own theft purposes. We are even seeing employees accidentally lose their key and shoplifters finding them and using them.
Needless to say, it would be unbearably expensive for a small business to have to reinvest in an entirely new security system just because of one lost or stolen detacher key. Alpha Security, realizing that this was starting to arise as a major issue, immediately began to develop a new key: The S3verify Key and devices. 
Now, these keys and retail anti theft devices have a store specific code. Similar to a chip encoded car key, without the proper key, the locks will not open. A stolen key will erase itself preventing a shoplifter to use it.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Alpha Security uses many different kinds of retail anti theft devices in their efforts to prevent shoplifting and reduce inventory shrink. While there are many retail anti theft devices, Alpha Security wanted retailers to be able to use a universal key to detach them. This would limit confusion at the point of sale and ensure speedy checkout, as cashiers would not have to flip between multiple keys to detach multiple styles of retail anti theft devices.

The problem comes from multiple retailers using the same kind of detacher key. Shoplifters are starting to steal the detacher keys and use them for their own theft purposes. We are even seeing employees accidentally lose their key and shoplifters finding them and using them.

Needless to say, it would be unbearably expensive for a small business to have to reinvest in an entirely new security system just because of one lost or stolen detacher key. Alpha Security, realizing that this was starting to arise as a major issue, immediately began to develop a new key: The S3verify Key and devices

Now, these keys and retail anti theft devices have a store specific code. Similar to a chip encoded car key, without the proper key, the locks will not open. A stolen key will erase itself preventing a shoplifter to use it.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Best Not To Overcomplicate Things- Retail Anti Theft Devices

Sometimes we get so caught up in a situation that it is easy for things to get overly complicated and messy. It is better to stop, take a step back and reevaluate what is really happening and start over with the solution.
I see so many small shops that have either heard of complex shoplifting scams and schemes or have seen one particularly complex incident and are now devising unnecessarily complicated plans to stop shoplifting.
I always recommend taking a step back and evaluating what the real scenario is, and what the best solution is. While those complex thefts are out there, most of the shoplifters use relatively low- tech and simple forms of shoplifting.
One of the most common shoplifting methods is to conceal merchandise in a bag. That includes handbags, totes, sports duffels and backpacks. A shoplifter thinks they can stuff product in their bag and walk out the door without being noticed.
The best way to deter and combat this kind of theft is to use security tags, commonly called EAS tags. The tag is a visual warning that the merchandise is being protected. Even if the shoplifter tries to steal the product by concealing it in a bag, the EAS alarms will still register.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Sometimes we get so caught up in a situation that it is easy for things to get overly complicated and messy. It is better to stop, take a step back and reevaluate what is really happening and start over with the solution.

I see so many small shops that have either heard of complex shoplifting scams and schemes or have seen one particularly complex incident and are now devising unnecessarily complicated plans to stop shoplifting.

I always recommend taking a step back and evaluating what the real scenario is, and what the best solution is. While those complex thefts are out there, most of the shoplifters use relatively low- tech and simple forms of shoplifting.

One of the most common shoplifting methods is to conceal merchandise in a bag. That includes handbags, totes, sports duffels and backpacks. A shoplifter thinks they can stuff product in their bag and walk out the door without being noticed.

The best way to deter and combat this kind of theft is to use security tags, commonly called EAS tags. The tag is a visual warning that the merchandise is being protected. Even if the shoplifter tries to steal the product by concealing it in a bag, the EAS alarms will still register.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


High Profile Cases

shoplifting7A high profile, professional athlete was arrested recently for shoplifting. Allegedly, he paid for a bottle of cologne and then proceeded to the menswear department. He placed a few packages of underwear in his shopping bag. At the point of his apprehension, he was also found to have a “tester” bottle of cologne in his bag (unpaid for) as well. He is not the first athlete/ celebrity to be caught shoplifting, and most certainly will not be the last.

A similar situation would include a shoplifter who is related to (or claims to be related to) a high profile personality. It is a frequently used tactic that a shoplifter will try to intimidate their accusers by name-dropping congressmen, chief or police, celebrity, etc. More often than not, these claims are unfounded, or play no significant role in an investigation. For the few times that the claims are true, your store will have more to contend with than the loss of merchandise.

These high profile shoplifters do not steal out of need. They clearly have the money to pay for such items. They are stealing out of boredom, entitlement, or simply because they are looking for a challenge- to see if they can get away with it. Their crimes are not necessarily expensive items; sometimes it can be simple items like underwear, health and beauty items, even food items. This means that it is not improbable that a celebrity can shoplift from a small, local store.

That being said, it is not a common occurrence for a store to experience a shoplifting incident by a high profile person. It is merely a fact to keep in mind while you are making shoplifting apprehensions. You never know whom you might be picking up, so it is best to make sure your policies, practices and actions are completely by the book for each incident.

After making an apprehension, the suspect might try to bully their way out of the situation by telling you who they are, or who their relations are. This is the time to be professional, avoid making sarcastic or snarky comments and stick to the facts. If they truly are a high profile personality, every little step may be dissected and criticized later on. The media outlets will inevitably catch wind of the apprehension and will try to make it a bigger story that what it needs to be.

You can be faced with news reporters, bloggers, fans, etc coming into your store. Some will just look around to see the now infamous store. Others will come in and try to make trouble- asking questions, making comments, even potentially making threats.

I worked loss prevention for a retailer, who many years ago made an apprehension of a very famous actress. Even though the case was air tight, national news sources hovered throughout the entire process. Statements had to be made to ensure the integrity of our company’s reputation remained in tact. At the same time, it was very important that our own legal team was involved to make sure we did not overstep the legal boundaries of an open court case. If for some reason the apprehending officer made statements to the media, and the case was lost in court, we could have had potentially disastrous civil liability cases brought against us by the actress. On the day the verdict from her criminal trial was to be released, every one of our stores across the country received numerous threatening phone calls. Some merely threatened to never shop with us again if “we” found the actress guilty of shoplifting. Others had more severe threats of violence.

With the increased chance of media scrutiny during a high profile shoplifting incident, retailers can often find themselves faced with more variables and consequences than what was anticipated for a seemingly routine shoplifting apprehension. Without black and white policies in place, the added liability from a case gone wrong can have devastating and lasting consequences both to a retailer’s image, and their financial bottom line.

Double Up- Prevent Shoplifting

My store apprehended a shoplifter recently using a rather unusual method to conceal his merchandise. If it wasn’t for our retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting, we might not have discovered what was going on.
This was a situation where we didn’t catch on to this particular shoplifter right away. We actually had several interactions with him before we realized what was going on.
He came into our store and used a wheelchair with one of our handheld shopping basket in his lap. He would go about his business and come to the register to pay for the items. No matter how diligent my cashiers were when they rang him up; the EAS alarm was set off when he left.
We always double-checked for retail anti theft devices accidentally left on his paid for items, but could not find any. After about a month of this happening every time he came to shop, we started to get suspicious that something else was going on. 
We watched as he came in one day and realized that he had picked up two shopping baskets, not one. At first we thought they had just stuck together, until we saw inside the baskets. As it turned out, he was hiding merchandise in one of the baskets, stacking the second one on top and adding more merchandise that he would pay for. When he left, he would leave with all of the extra merchandise sandwiched between our shopping baskets- unpaid for.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

My store apprehended a shoplifter recently using a rather unusual method to conceal his merchandise. If it wasn’t for our retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting, we might not have discovered what was going on.

This was a situation where we didn’t catch on to this particular shoplifter right away. We actually had several interactions with him before we realized what was going on.

He came into our store and used a wheelchair with one of our handheld shopping baskets in his lap. He would go about his business and come to the register to pay for the items. No matter how diligent my cashiers were when they rang him up; the EAS alarm was set off when he left.

We always double-checked for retail anti theft devices accidentally left on his paid for items, but could not find any. After about a month of this happening every time he came to shop, we started to get suspicious that something else was going on.

We watched as he came in one day and realized that he had picked up two shopping baskets, not one. At first we thought they had just stuck together, until we saw inside the baskets. As it turned out, he was hiding merchandise in one of the baskets, stacking the second one on top and adding more merchandise that he would pay for. When he left, he would leave with all of the extra merchandise sandwiched between our shopping baskets- unpaid for.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Plug And Play- Alpha Security

The Alpha Nano Gate is a smaller version of the cumbersome EAS towers most retailers are using to manage their retail anti theft devices. It is also infinitely easier and more cost effective for a small retailer or specialty shop to use. 
Conventional EAS towers are maintained under service contracts, require complicated hard wiring to install, and need to be tuned and service regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly.
The Alpha Nano Gate literally is plugged in and ready to go. Without a need for a service contract, bulky wiring, or tuning, it is easy to see why the Alpha Security Alpha Nano Gate won an award in the economic efficiency category.
The small design is easily installed with six screws and a battery to back up the system in case of power failure or intentional tampering.  This design makes it easy to be installed into the smaller entryways often found in specialty boutiques and locally owned retail establishments.
When you are a small retailer, you are constantly on the look out for ways to reduce your overhead. Finding a cost effective way to prevent shoplifting is beneficial in not only reducing your operating costs, but to also increase your revenue through maximizing inventory availability.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

The Alpha Nano Gate is a smaller version of the cumbersome EAS towers most retailers are using to manage their retail anti theft devices. It is also infinitely easier and more cost effective for a small retailer or specialty shop to use. 

Conventional EAS towers are maintained under service contracts, require complicated hard wiring to install, and need to be tuned and service regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly.

The Alpha Nano Gate literally is plugged in and ready to go. Without a need for a service contract, bulky wiring, or tuning, it is easy to see why the Alpha Security Alpha Nano Gate won an award in the economic efficiency category.

The small design is easily installed with six screws and a battery to back up the system in case of power failure or intentional tampering.  This design makes it easy to be installed into the smaller entryways often found in specialty boutiques and locally owned retail establishments.

When you are a small retailer, you are constantly on the look out for ways to reduce your overhead. Finding a cost effective way to prevent shoplifting is beneficial in not only reducing your operating costs, but to also increase your revenue through maximizing inventory availability.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Providing Valuable In Stock Positions- Retail Anti Theft Devices

When customers can walk into a retail location, find the merchandise items they want, and the quantities they need, sales will increase increase. Taking it one step further, you also get the advantage of repeat business. The customer knows they can rely on your retail location to be in stock for their consumer needs. When you prevent shoplifting, you assure your customers that you will consistently have the right in stock availability to satisfy your customer’s needs. 
Industry leader Alpha Security products are tried and true retail anti theft devices specifically created to decrease shoplifting, while maintaining better inventory accuracy. 
As shoplifting decreases, our inventories become more accurate and more plentiful (due to a lack of missing merchandise). We, as retailers, spend significantly less time worrying about whether or not we have a particular item in stock, and more time getting the customers to actually buy them.
By providing our customer base with valuable in stock positions, sales are maximized and profits are increased. As a customer, it is very frustrating to shop for a specific item and have it be out of stock. It is even more frustrating if the entire shopping trip had been centered on an advertisement or a specifically needed item and the store was all out.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

When customers can walk into a retail location, find the merchandise items they want, and the quantities they need, sales will increase. Taking it one step further, you also get the advantage of repeat business. The customer knows they can rely on your retail location to be in stock for their consumer needs. When you prevent shoplifting, you assure your customers that you will consistently have the right in stock availability to satisfy your customer’s needs.

Industry leader Alpha Security products are tried and true retail anti theft devices specifically created to decrease shoplifting, while maintaining better inventory accuracy.

As shoplifting decreases, our inventories become more accurate and more plentiful (due to a lack of missing merchandise). We, as retailers, spend significantly less time worrying about whether or not we have a particular item in stock, and more time getting the customers to actually buy them.

By providing our customer base with valuable in stock positions, sales are maximized and profits are increased. As a customer, it is very frustrating to shop for a specific item and have it be out of stock. It is even more frustrating if the entire shopping trip had been centered on an advertisement or a specifically needed item and the store was all out.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


A Better Sell Through- Retail Anti Theft Devices

Every time an item of inventory is broken, damaged or stolen, a new item has to be purchased to replace the unusable one. As a result, the products that are actually sold need to pull more clout to be able to compensate for the missing item.
Of those three losses, theft is the most common, and the most financially devastating to businesses. It is more likely that a thief would steal multiple of an item, than it is to have multiple of the same items damaged. Even if they are, those can typically be traced back to a shipping problem and either the carrier or the manufacturer can be charged back, mitigating some of the potential financial losses.
Shoplifters, on the other hand, are harder to get a financial recourse from. Even when a shoplifter is apprehended, it can be very hard to charge them with prior incidents. Unless you have evidence that cannot be contested, you will only be able to claim the loss that was incurred during current incident that the shoplifter was apprehended during. That means you may have stopped the cause of the losses, but are still out the inventory from those prior incidents.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Every time an item of inventory is broken, damaged or stolen, a new item has to be purchased to replace the unusable one. As a result, the products that are actually sold need to pull more clout to be able to compensate for the missing item.

Of those three losses, theft is the most common, and the most financially devastating to businesses. It is more likely that a thief would steal multiple of an item, than it is to have multiple of the same items damaged. Even if they are, those can typically be traced back to a shipping problem and either the carrier or the manufacturer can be charged back, mitigating some of the potential financial losses.

Shoplifters, on the other hand, are harder to get a financial recourse from. Even when a shoplifter is apprehended, it can be very hard to charge them with prior incidents. Unless you have evidence that cannot be contested, you will only be able to claim the loss that was incurred during current incident that the shoplifter was apprehended during. That means you may have stopped the cause of the losses, but are still out the inventory from those prior incidents.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Not Quite The Right Size- Alpha Spider Wrap

On a recent consultation, I was talking to a small business owner who wanted to add colognes and fragrances to their product assortments. They thought it would be a great way to increase their ticket averages, and not needing significant retail space to merchandise the product effectively. The question was which of the Alpha Security products to use.
This particular group of stores was already using the Alpha Security Alpha Spider Wrap to secure several of their other boxed products. What they wanted to know was if they could use the same Alpha Spider Wrap to protect the boxes of fragrances. Since the wraps are designed for boxes, the business wanted to save some money by using the retail anti theft devices that they already had in stock.
Even though it sounds like it should work, I cautioned against it. The Alpha Spider Wraps are much bigger than what will work effectively for these small boxes.
I recommended using the Alpha Security Keeper Boxes. There are several styles to choose from, and the Keeper Boxes are designed specifically to prevent shoplifting of fragrances and cologne products.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

On a recent consultation, I was talking to a small business owner who wanted to add colognes and fragrances to their product assortments. They thought it would be a great way to increase their ticket averages, and not needing significant retail space to merchandise the product effectively. The question was which of the Alpha Security products to use.

This particular group of stores was already using the Alpha Security Alpha Spider Wrap to secure several of their other boxed products. What they wanted to know was if they could use the same Alpha Spider Wrap to protect the boxes of fragrances. Since the wraps are designed for boxes, the business wanted to save some money by using the retail anti theft devices that they already had in stock.

Even though it sounds like it should work, I cautioned against it. The Alpha Spider Wraps are much bigger than what will work effectively for these small boxes.

I recommended using the Alpha Security Keeper Boxes. There are several styles to choose from, and the Keeper Boxes are designed specifically to prevent shoplifting of fragrances and cologne products.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


You Are in Charge

shoplifting3There is a video of a shoplifting apprehension that has been making its way across the internet. The video is not a company sanction video or even surveillance based off of CCTV coverage. It is a video that some bystander started to record on their cell phone. Within the video, you see two employees making a shoplifting apprehension. The suspect is refusing to comply, and a physical altercation is ensuing. At some point, one of the employees is stabbed, the suspect ends up on the ground and the second employee starts to hit the suspect in the face.

The video is an interesting mix of several things that were done correctly, and several things that absolutely were not. Even more interesting are the comments that were posted that very clearly showed two completely opposite line of thought around not only what the video showed, but the interpretation of the events as well.

In the video, we do not see what happened at the start. We do not see what the merchandise is, or where it’s at, or even if there actually was stolen merchandise. All we see is the apprehension taking place in the parking lot between two cars. The suspect is clearly fighting off the employees and refusing to comply. One employee verbally states that he is (company name) loss prevention and to stop fighting. He says this a few times, clear enough that it is caught on the video.

This is a very important part of the apprehension process. The employee needs to make sure the suspect is aware that they are store employees, not random people that are assaulting him. Without a verbal identification, a shoplifting suspect can say they ran, or fought because they didn’t know who was coming after them. If an employee carries and shows some form of badge or employee identification, it only strengthens the employee’s clout during an apprehension.

This particular employee is also seen wearing a set of handcuffs, and later puts them on the shoplifting suspect. This is one of the points of confusion during the reader’s comments. Many believed that the store employee had no legal right to carry or use handcuffs. While each jurisdiction can be different, it is actually legal in most places for the use of handcuffs in a shoplifting apprehension by store employees.

The biggest part to remember is that handcuffs are used only to keep the employees and the suspect safe. There is a right and a wrong way to put the handcuffs on. They can be put on too tight or too loose, and the employee needs to execute the application correctly. Shoplifters should not be handcuffed to objects like tables or chairs. Shoplifters must also be protected from harm while they are wearing handcuffs. Needless to say, hitting a shoplifter with the cuffs, or throwing them at them is not legally or morally acceptable. All of this is the responsibility of the employee and the company if handcuffs are to be used.

Back in the video, as the suspect was finally on the ground being handcuffed, the second employee takes a few punches to the suspect’s head. What I see, based off of years of experience, is an employee who has not been properly trained, and is mentally and physically worn out from the fight and the adrenaline surge during the apprehension. This is not excusable, and the employee and the company could be held liable for assault. It is a sad reminder that employees who are to be used as a witness need to be selected carefully, and properly trained well before they act as a witness. This role should not be performed by the closest available employee as you are going out the door to make an apprehension.

Finally, it was shocking to see how many people commented about how employees and stores are not allowed to make apprehensions; that they should have let the suspect go and called the police. Again, it is important to check with your specific codes for your location. However, it is commonly acceptable for a retailer to stop a shoplifter. It falls under Merchant’s Privilege of the shopkeeper’s code. Basically, it is a citizen’s arrest.

If your stores do allow for apprehensions of shoplifters, it is important to make sure your employees are acting completely within their rights, and are well informed of what they can and cannot do. With this many people oblivious to the fact that apprehensions are legal, don’t take it for granted that your shoplifters understand they can be apprehended and prosecuted. A shoplifter who thinks that only police can stop them will be more brazen to steal, and also much more difficult to convince to surrender peacefully.

Move The Marker Forward- Retail Anti Theft Devices

Many retailers, in an effort to reduce operational expenses, have started to employ fewer full time employees and more part time workers. While this move makes initial financial sense for many small businesses, it does not always move the marker forward in the challenge to prevent shoplifting.
Part time employees might make for a better financial situation, but this is generally a case of you get what you pay for. Because part time employees are less likely to have guaranteed hours or might not be eligible for benefits, they are also less likely to be truly engaged in your business.
Retail anti theft devices are more likely to be used inconsistently when the responsibility falls onto part time employees. It is a tedious task of applying them, and then removing the retail anti theft devices during the check out process. They simply do not care if a customer is inconvenienced by an alarm or if they actually contribute to prevent shoplifting incidents.
While I am a firm believer that all employees need to be held to the same accountability and responsibility standards, it is critical to your business that full time or more engaged part time employees need to gate keep the process to ensure its success.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Many retailers, in an effort to reduce operational expenses, have started to employ fewer full time employees and more part time workers. While this move makes initial financial sense for many small businesses, it does not always move the marker forward in the challenge to prevent shoplifting.

Part time employees might make for a better financial situation, but this is generally a case of you get what you pay for. Because part time employees are less likely to have guaranteed hours or might not be eligible for benefits, they are also less likely to be truly engaged in your business.

Retail anti theft devices are more likely to be used inconsistently when the responsibility falls onto part time employees. It is a tedious task of applying them, and then removing the retail anti theft devices during the check out process. They simply do not care if a customer is inconvenienced by an alarm or if they actually contribute to prevent shoplifting incidents.

While I am a firm believer that all employees need to be held to the same accountability and responsibility standards, it is critical to your business that full time or more engaged part time employees need to gate keep the process to ensure its success.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547