You Can’t Afford to Ignore Employee Theft

theft (2)People like to believe that the hard work, dedication and sacrifice that goes into starting and building a business will be rewarded, but that’s not always the case. It’s sad to see a business fail, especially when an owner has put a lot of time, energy and money into it.

It’s particularly troubling when the reason for the failure is employee theft or occupational fraud (stealing money, property and time).  Occupational fraud accounts for about 30% of small business closures per year (U.S. Department of Commerce).  It’s destructive to them because they’re unable to absorb the losses created by the fraud. 

The 2014 Global Fraud Study “Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse” estimated the average small business loses about 5% of revenue each year to fraud (The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners).  When they have small margins 5% can be the difference between profit or loss — the difference between remaining open or closing the doors. 

Most owners don’t think their employees are stealing from them.  They believe their workers are more honest and loyal than the average.  If they do suspect theft they ignore it by rationalizing “it’s not much”.  They assume the statistics are because of the other guy’s workers, who must be taking a lot from him. 

Unfortunately, that’s not a valid assumption.  There have been many studies, done over decades, about employee dishonesty and the results are interesting — as well as disheartening.  Depending on the study, 75% — 85% of people admit that they have in the past, are currently or will in the future steal time, money or property from their work place.

One of the constants, in the studies, is the conclusion that how an employee is treated doesn’t have much to do with whether they commit fraud or not.  They’ll take from a boss who they like as well as from one who they don’t.  Some of those 30% of business who failed were run by nice guys.  No small business owner can afford to ignore occupational fraud.

Don’t Confuse Training with Meetings

meetingpic.Initial and continued on-the-job training is one of the most effective ways to curb shrinkage and loss.  When done correctly it can reduce employee theft, lower shoplifting loss, cut down on administrative mistakes and catch vendor fraud.  Unfortunately, it’s become one of the most dreaded parts of a job.

It’s dreaded, by both managers and employees, for a good reason.  On-the-job training has become confused with and replaced by the employee meeting, which is usually boring, poorly run and downbeat.  But, they aren’t the same thing.   

Over the years experts have promoted replacing the “old way” of individualized on-the-job training (and management) with the “new and time saving” plan of having employee meetings instead.  The idea of managing and training people by group, rather than individually, is becoming the norm.

Supervisors are trying to change and manage behavior through group meetings, instead of properly training (at first and on a continuing basis) employees individually.  But, that way of managing only goes so far with good or average employees, and it especially doesn’t work with problem ones. 

It’s not uncommon for a new policy to be created as a response to one or two people’s problem behavior.  The policy is then presented in an employee meeting as a store wide issue, rather than the individual one it actually is.  Often, new policies don’t need to be written – the old ones just need to be enforced. 

They need to be enforced at the individual on-the-job training or coaching level.  Employee meetings are, at best, ineffective places to address one person’s behavior; at worst, they undermine management’s credibility and authority.

For example, this was overheard in a retail store – “Don’t forget the employee meeting at 3.  You know, where we all get yelled at for something Brittney and Josh are doing, but the team leaders are too scared to say anything to them.” (These weren’t their real names.)

It’s a given that proper training is the best defense against mistakes, loss and shrinkage.  Employee meetings are good places to give information and do general training.  But, the best and most effective training is still individual coaching based on the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Nicole Abbott is a writer and psycho-therapist with over 20 years of experience in the fields of mental health and addiction.  She’s an educator, consultant, lecturer, trainer and facilitator, who has conducted over 200 workshops, trainings, presentations, college classes and seminars. 

After Dark Is Not Just For Vampires

Money1For Retailers there are a number of scary things that happen when the sun goes down. As we get into fall it becomes darker, earlier. This can become problematic for us. We have issues that get magnified with darkness that concerns employee/customer safety and the safety and security of our businesses. There are the usual concerns of employees walking to their cars after closing and the like. I want to bring up some that you may have not considered.

Employees – Are you taking your deposit after closing? Night makes this a much more dangerous task. Consider changing this to mid-day. Take it at lunch time. Lock the deposit into the safe overnight. Then take it during the day when there is less risk. Safes are not very expensive. $400 will get you a decent safe. Bolt it to the floor so someone does not steal the safe. When you take the deposit to the bank conceal it in something other than the bank bag. Let’s not make it too obvious. 

Robbery – Many of us never discuss this with our folks, we should. What is your plan? Do they understand that their safety and the safety of your customers trump everything else? If you are not sure what you should do or say, contact us.  I can send you a draft policy and some materials you can use (free of charge and I am not going to try to sell you anything). 

Customer and Employee Safety – Yes you could be liable for something that happens while on your property. This includes your parking lot. Even if you are leasing in a strip center. If there are lights out in the parking lot or if it is poorly lit then do or say something. An email to the management company or property owner will put them on notice that you have a concern. If you have control, get it fixed. If there are people hanging around that you are uncomfortable with, then contact the Police. Ask to meet with a Sgt. or Lt. over your area. They would rather prevent an issue than deal with the results. If the department has public business meetings, you should attend. This will give you information on crime trends in your area and ideas on how to combat them.

Speaking of the Police, have you taken the time to make acquaintances with the Police Officers working your area? Do they know that you always have a cup of coffee available and want their presence in your store? Do they know that you encourage and support their efforts? A uniform officer and a patrol car in the area of your business goes a long ways to preventing problems. 

As a former Police Officer, I can tell you that these things mean a lot to them. The majority of contact they have with people is with criminals and victims. Normally they do not see the rest of us as we are not their normal “customers”. Especially in today’s times a kind word, show of support and asking for their opinion and guidance mean a lot to them. Do this enough and when you really do need them, They will be responding to the face of a person they know instead of an address.

Remember, those Officers, their spouses and friends are also your potential customers.

Shoplifters – Remember that shoplifters need one thing to ply their craft: concealment. Even if you have a Checkpoint System make sure that your store is brightly lit, that there are no hidden spots that make a shoplifter feel warm and fuzzy about concealing merchandise. Make sure that your folks fully understand your vision of customer service. Staff that display good customer service skills will shut off most impulse shoplifters. Consequently good customer service skills are not just a tool for sales but a weapon against shoplifting.

Customers that have Checkpoint Systems that LPSI installed can always schedule a free, live on-line shoplifting seminar. We are happy to help. October is a great time to schedule this before the holiday season gets in full swing. This will help raise your staff’s shoplifting awareness for the holidays.

Let us know, if we can help you get ready for your holiday selling season!


shoplifting7We live in a world where technology helps us with everything. From the mundane, to sending a rocket to the edge of our solar system to beam back pictures of Pluto. Without the rampant growth of technology and the way we communicate today, none of this would be possible. In the Loss Prevention World, our technology helps us to detect anomalies that could be indicators of fraud. We have the latest high definition camera systems (that we can also access on our smart phones) to view those anomalies with the push of a button. I often think about our industry 20 -30 years ago and wonder how we ever got by. Could you imagine prosecuting an internal fraud case with absolutely no video? I’m sure there’s a lot of you out there that remember those days.

One thing we, as a society, probably take for granted the most is ease of communication. With the touch of a button you can communicate with anyone, from anywhere, so long as there is an internet connection. So what has that done for the LP industry? It’s allowed us to connect and share ideas with our peers across the country and across the globe. We can share information with our law enforcement partners anywhere, at any time. If there’s a big ORC group, we can identify them, track them, share information with others and ultimately have them arrested. The greatest advancement in the LP world, in my opinion, is how well we network with one another.

Networking is key to our survival. I want to know what’s happening somewhere else before it begins to affect my stores. Likewise, I want to share new ideas and tools to help my peers, even if we work for competing retailers. No matter who we work for, our main goal is the same; reduce losses caused by theft, fraud and other forms.

What if I told you criminals operate in the same manner?


This is a screen shot from a popular blog website. If you know where to look, you can find a treasure trove of shoplifting “how to” guides. What we see above is someone who wants to boost some alcohol. Simply ask the “community” and someone (usually multiple someones) will be more than happy to provide you with tips, tricks and even specific methods to steal from whatever store your heart may desire.

Not only are these individuals concerned about what’s the best way to shoplift, some (if not most) are concerned with potential consequences of actually getting caught. There exists here, a somewhat underground community of shoplifters who are more than eager to share thshoplifting2eir knowledge to others who may be new to the game. Much like a tenured LP manager taking a green agent under their wings.

I must admit that is very easy to distinguish the “rookies”. This community is very well versed on all the latest EAS devices that we use to (try) stop them. I’ve even seen links posted to different websites where one can purchase magnetic detachers and
other tools that would make the most seasoned LP professional cringe at the thought.shoplifting3

Of course, it doesn’t just stop at shoplifting. Take this one for example. This member is boasting about a new computer and monitor he “walked out” with. This was your classic “sweetheart deal” with a dishonest associate. Note how they state the dishonest employee was able to fake a transaction because “everyone trusts him and no one pays attention.”

Does that sound like your store?


I could sit back here and post screenshot after screenshot. The one common theme amongst all these posters is that stealing from big box retailers is a victimless crime. They see what they do as something that is not “a big deal” as they perceive that our insurance will cover our losses. What they fail to see is the actual damage they are doing to our stores. Lost product = lost payroll = lost wages. They, like every shoplifter and dishonest employee, are taking money right out of the pockets of our employees (including us!).

I hope by reading through this today, you will have a little better understanding of how the 21st century shoplifter operates. No longer is shoplifting a shameful thing. Tto people like this, it is something to be celebrated. By “saving” money, they may very well put each and every one of us out of business.


image3-NEOBIZMAGI’ve had the pleasure of running the most productive team of LP agents in our company for quite some time. My team of 10, who cover markets across the Southeast, consistently make solid cases day in, and day out. Not too long ago, my peers put me on the spot at a regional meeting and asked what makes my team so successful. We have the same number of people in markets like Houston and Atlanta, who don’t have the number of cases that we do. So what’s the secret to success?

Hire the right person

From the time I have an opening, I look for the perfect candidate. I actively go out and recruit when time permits. I’ll reach out to my industry peers and find out who their top performers are… and not so shamelessly try to lure them away. I have never once settled for a “warm body” hire, as I see all too often in our stores. I not only need someone who can catch a thief and build cases, I need someone who can work alone, who has a strong work ethic and can build partnerships with stores teams, managers and local law enforcement.

Pay for performance

When you find that right person, don’t let a few dollars come in the way of a great hire. Money is a great motivator and in this field, you get what you pay for. Spending that extra payroll can pay off for you in the long run. This assures that you are getting someone who will be dedicated to their job in addition to being less likely to go rogue and cause you a potential lawsuit. Remember, you can get a job flipping burgers for $10/Hr. is that the quality person you want on your team?


I don’t care how much experience someone has. When they come to my team, they all get the same amount of training. I often hear store managers say that “they don’t have time to train new store employees.” That makes me cringe. Without proper training, you are setting a new hire up to fail. I personally provide the first 2 weeks of training to all my new hires. Yep, I scrub down to a t-shirt and shorts and work the floor, just like the old glory days. After that 2 weeks, I have them shadow 2 of my top performers for another 2 weeks each. 6 weeks of training altogether before they are ever released on their own. There is always time to train.

Set expectations

Time and attendance. Cases. Personal code of conduct. Interaction with managers/law enforcement. All these areas need to have certain expectations set in stone. I expect my team to arrive to work on time each day. I expect them to make solid cases each week and I expect them to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times when interacting with anyone on behalf of the company. This also includes shoplifting suspects. When someone on my team fails to meet those standards, you can bet your paycheck they will be called out on it. I don’t accept sub-par performance in any job category; neither should you.

Motivate, Motivate, Motivate

I can’t stress that enough. A productive team is a motivated one. Find ways to get your team motivated. For me, the simplest, yet most effective method I’ve found is free food. My top performer each month gets a $30 gift card to the restaurant of their choice. I also find the time to spend at least a few hours each month with my team and when possible, buy them lunch. Twice a year we’ll do a cookout as well. I’m telling you, free food is a motivator. Try it out.

Aside from free food☺, I find that calling out great performance motivates everyone. Just last week, one of my agents made a $1,500 shoplifting stop. I publicly recognized him for his work and 2 more of my agents made $1k stops that week. Would they have made those stops anyway? Maybe? What I can tell you is that there exists this atmosphere of friendly competition amongst my team. Seeing their peer get recognized undoubtedly made them more focused in order to gain that notoriety as well. Just as you call out the bad, always call out the good.


This is my “cliché” for a successful LP team, but it holds water. Each week we all get on a conference call and talk about the previous week. I’ll let each one of them talk about their apprehensions and what they could’ve done better during each case. This is also an opportunity for me to bring up any concerns I have, company initiatives coming out, or any other house cleaning that I need to speak to. This is also a great time to discuss new trends and big time boosters that we need to focus on. If you’re not speaking with your team regularly, then you’re leaving valuable information on the table.


We’re retail. We’re busier after 4 and on the weekends. Does that mean you have to work your team a closing shift every night and every single weekend? No. (I heard the collective gasp.) Remember I told you my team is the most productive in our company. Guess what? They only work 1 ½ weekends a month. That’s right. I schedule them to work one weekend and one additional weekend day. During the busier holiday times, we might increase that a little bit, but it’s important to keep those in there to prevent burn out. I give them a free extra weekends off, they give me plenty of shoplifters. I have no complaints. I also don’t schedule them the same mid/closing shifts every day. I vary from  openings, mids and at least one close per week. Again, I try to prevent the burnout of working a close every Friday, or all day every Saturday.

You’ve more than likely heard plenty of these before, however applying them to your LP team can be highly beneficial. We have to remember that those we employ are put in incredibly stressful and often potentially violent situations each and every day. The idea that they get up and are happy to come to work each day is a true testament to their character. I had a boss a long time ago tell me that employees are people first and employees second. You take care of the people who take care of you. Those two lines are how I run my team and it’s never let me down.

The Habitual Shoplifter

shoplifting2According to the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) there is no profile of a typical shoplifter. 

And while three quarters of the shoplifters are adults, the rest are under age persons. Men and women shoplift equally, and more than three quarters of the shoplifting done in the United States is considered opportunistic.  Habitual shoplifters, which according to the NASP steal an average of 1.6 times per week, employee theft and organized shoplifting rings are a major concern for the retail industry, and the cause of billions of dollars of loses.

For more about this and other topics follow the links below.

Habitual Shoplifters are an International Concern

Shoplifting and other forms of retail theft cost retailers tens of billions of dollars each year. As a result retail leadership has learned to recognize the value of a well-trained management staff and a professional loss prevention department. We have learned to drive operational efficiency, and ensure that controls are in place and adhered to throughout the organization. We have learned the value of deterrence, limiting the desires and the opportunities for theft and other losses by integrating loss prevention concepts with retail practices. We have embraced a belief in training and awareness as being at the heart of a successful loss prevention program.

Despite our best efforts, there will always be those that will test our resolve. For those retail loss prevention professionals that must deal with shoplifters every day, we are trained to recognize that a shoplifter can look like anyone—shoplifters are not bound by gender, race, creed, or social standing. Professionals are trained to identify patterns of behavior and must follow strict protocols before shoplifting suspects can even be approached. There are well-defined principles that guide our decisions, and clear steps that must be followed before an apprehension is made.

But there are times when specific individuals will draw our immediate attention. Based on well-established patterns of previous behavior, the habitual thief—those that are known to have stolen from us on multiple occasions in the past—deserve our efforts and focus. While not a definitive indicator of future intentions, their presence in the store warrants priority consideration.

Teton Village Sports shoplifters arrested


Two suspects in a recent shoplifting were arrested after they returned to the same store wearing the clothing the store managers say they stole.
On Saturday at 10:24 AM the Teton County Sheriff’s Office received a call from an employee of Teton Village Sports reporting that the suspects from a shoplifting incident earlier that week were back in the store. They were reported to be even wearing the same clothes they had been wearing when captured on surveillance video earlier.

Teton County Sheriff’s Office deputies, who were patrolling the area, arrived within seconds and positively identified the suspects as those wanted for the original crime. The deputies say that the suspects were in the process of victimizing the store for the second time.

Using Technology To Prevent Shoplifting

theft (12)Shoplifting is an issue with lots of bad ramifications.  The shoplifting that many businesses experience is financially devastating for the business, local and US economies. The financial burden that small business owners experience due to shoplifting can be hard to overcome.  Profits are slim in some cases and the shoplifting and employee theft can make a small retail business close its doors for good. For more about this and other topics, follow the links below.

Why Inventory Tracking Software Is a Critical Investment

Running a small business often means making tough decisions about how to spend and where to invest your limited capital. From inventory shrinkage to supply and forecasting challenges, an effective inventory tracking system and software is a critical company investment.

If you don’t track your inventory, you have no way of preventing employee theft, and trying to create your own inventory system using a spreadsheet program like Excel is time-consuming, error-prone, and rarely effective.

These days, it is relatively inexpensive for a small to medium-sized business to get its own inventory tracking system with the latest software. When you consider the potential costs of not tracking your inventory, it’s a no-brainer.

Beating Inventory Shrink

In 2014, inventory shrink resulted in over $44 billion in losses for retailers, over 50% of it the result of internal theft, administrative errors, and unknown causes. Internal theft alone accounts for 34.5% of inventory shrink. Administrative errors make up another 16.5% of shrink. These can be significantly reduced through the implementation of effective inventory software and systems.

Owner: Shoplifting ‘not a victimless crime’

Owner’s experience shows the toll that shoplifting takes on small businesses.


CARY, N.C. — In early July, designer dresses, slacks and jackets valued at $3,000 were stolen from ADORE Designer Resale Boutique in this Raleigh suburb, one of Nancy Alinovi’s two consignment shops in the area. She still feels sick about it.

“It’s just this feeling in your chest,” she said. “It’s not a victimless crime.”

Alinovi said it will be months before everything returns to normal at the family-owned boutiques, which cut prices in order to stay afloat after the theft. Her experience shows the toll shoplifting takes on small businesses, where margins are small and business is personal.

According to a National Retail Federation’s security survey, shoplifting accounted for 38 percent of the $44 billion in retail inventory loss due to crime in 2014.

Large capital losses from theft are especially hard on small businesses, said Jennifer Martin, executive director of Shop Local Raleigh, an organization that advocates for and supports small companies. Many smaller firms are tight on time and money, and an unexpected event can push them to the breaking point.

Security systems know all the self-scan tricks

MOUNT DORA — Last August, a 58-year-old woman, using a self-checkout station at Wal-Mart in Leesburg, allegedly was seen placing two items in her hand before scanning them so the scanner could not record the barcode and charge her for the blocked item.

Assuming she was being watched from afar, she also allegedly waved items too far away from the scanner for it to record a sale but made it look like she was using the equipment as intended.

On Saturday, a 30-year-old woman allegedly tried a couple of other ways to beat the system at Wal-Mart in Mount Dora, concealing items inside a sweatshirt and even a backpack she self-scanned.

Neither got away with it and face theft charges because retailers know all the tricks and have self-check security systems in place to detect them, according to the website

Public Shaming and Shoplifting

shoplifting5The public shaming of criminals has been around for centuries.  For a good part of the world’s legal history (and some still today) the punishment for crimes happened in public: pillories, pelting offenders in the stockades with rotten food and feces, hanging, ear nailing, branding, sandwich boards which proclaimed the crime, dunking stools, shunning, whipping posts, maiming, etc.

There’s a natural human desire for others to be recognized and brought to justice for their crimes.  The emergence of public shaming via social media is a continuation of that desire and heritage.  Social media is just a new, albeit broader reaching, component of a very old method of controlling crime and providing justice. 

Retail has a centuries old history of public shaming, because up until recently most stores were mom and pop operations.  Owners personally knew which customers weren’t paying their bills and who was stealing, and they had ways of letting others know too.  Not long ago, owners posted bounced checks near the cash register, so everyone saw which neighbors were deadbeats.

Now store owners and managers are turning to public shaming again for their on-going, ever increasing problem with shoplifters.  They’re frustrated, burnt out and angry, and are increasingly using social media to combat the issue.  They’re posting pictures and video of alleged shoplifters and some caught in the act.

The motivations behind posting this information are varied — it’ll shame the criminal into stopping or at least staying out of the store; someone will identify the thief and they can be charged; it’ll shame law enforcement into “doing something” about the crime; other shoplifters will see the store is serious about crime and stay away; it gives the owner a feeling of control and not like a victim.

But, these new tactics have triggered a very old question, “Does it work?”.  The answer is the same as it has always been, “Yes” and “No”.  Both answers are correct, because it depends on the situation.  The spectrum runs from — the shoplifter was mortified and didn’t do it again to the shoplifter became a celebrity in their social group and increased their stealing.

This strategy has always had mixed results, which is why store owners and managers should be thoughtful and cautious about using social media for public shaming or crime fighting.  In addition, the legalities of it are murky at best and must be considered before posting pictures or video.  Be sure to evaluate each situation on an individual basis before taking any action.

Nicole Abbott is a writer and psycho-therapist with over 20 years of experience in the fields of mental health and addiction.  She’s an educator, consultant, lecturer, trainer and facilitator, who’s conducted over 200 workshops, trainings, presentations, college classes and seminars.

Retail Burglar Alarm System Considerations

240x600I thought I would provide you with information to assist you in making decisions regarding the purchase or maintenance of a security system for your property. The information provided will help cut though the “fog” of choices regarding alarm systems.

I have over 35 years of experience in both commercial and military property protection. My Bachelor’s Degree is in Industrial Security and my knowledge includes physical security, design of alarm solutions and installation. I am also a licensed alarm tech.

When selecting a security system for a commercial space, you do not have to spend a great deal of money. However, you need to be cautious of putting in a system that is so inexpensive that you are really only getting a false sense of security. If you purchase smart, you will have a good system that will last for years and provide excellent coverage at a very reasonable price.

Choosing a provider – There are so many choices that it is usually overwhelming. Ranging from large national chains to single man shops. What is the best? Well, there is no answer that fits everyone. But you should consider the following:

How reliable is the company? How long have they been in business?

With large national chains, you tend to be just a number despite their advertising claims.

With some small operations you have to be concerned, if they will be there next year.

Generally regional chains and smaller operations are going to be more attentive to your needs.

Be VERY cautious of alarm sales people. Most of the time they are focused on quota and really do not care, if you are properly protected or not. Most do not have practical knowledge of physical security, they are salesmen. Make sure you get what is best for you not for the sales person who is trying to make quota and/or selling you components that are add-ons you really do not need.

How long is the contract? 5 years is WAY too long of a term. A good contract length is 2-3 years. Remember, if they cannot hold you with good performance and service, they will tend to try to get a longer contract. Length of contract is negotiable even with large companies. Besides where will you be in 5 years? Will your company have outgrown your current space and you have to move? An assurance of “oh if you move we will move with you” may sound great but what if they have done a poor job? Do you want to continue that relationship?

Watch out for companies that have wording in their contract that automatically raise your monitoring charge usually on an annual basis. Many times it is explained away as a “cost of living” type charge. It is just an underhanded way to get more money out of you.

I will discuss equipment later in this document but keep this in mind: A trick that the large companies do, is sell you the alarm control.  But it is proprietary and THEY are the only company that can program it. This keeps you locked into them forever. No one else can monitor or service it. Insist on a NON-Proprietary alarm control.

Are they insured? Get a copy of the insurance and insist on an updated copy every year. Better yet have them list you on their policy. Is their coverage adequate for a loss due to their negligence? Keep in mind that alarm companies are NOT insurers. They will not insure your life or property losses. That is what your insurance is for. But if they make a serious error or commit Errors and Omissions (E&O), you need them to cover their mistake. Have your insurance agent review the coverage document provided to you. Do this up front. Like my Attorney says to me “Let’s get the paperwork right at the beginning because I have never seen anyone wear their wedding dress to the divorce”.

Are they licensed? Check the Secretary of States web site. Are they properly licensed for low-voltage alarms, are there complaints….?

System Design – Unless you want a lot of bells and whistles you can keep It pretty simple. Here are the key items you should have:

Alarm Control (brains of the system). See above about proprietary vs non-proprietary.

Alarm Keypad near the front door. This is how you arm and disarm the system. In my experience a keypad with an “alpha” display is best. This usually costs a bit more but instead of it displaying a zone number such as “Zone 08” it will for example say “Back Door Left”. This is much easier to deal with when there is a problem.  And there will be a problem usually late at night when you need clear information. If you also access your suite from several doors, then you want a keypad at each door for your convenience.

Door Contacts. Contact every exterior door both personnel and overhead doors whether you use them or not. They are a “hole” in your wall.

Glass Break Detectors should cover EVERY bit of your glass that is accessible. This is the most likely way a burglar will break in. Usually one glass break detector in every office with any windows will take care of it.

Motion Detectors. You should have at least one. This should be in a hallway or other area that would make it very difficult for someone to move very far without tripping it. You do not need to cover every square foot. That is overkill and not generally necessary. The exception would be, if you have very valuable supplies, equipment or other assets you need protecting. Then a motion detector covering that area is warranted.

Fire Protection is a nice thing to add. This may help reduce your insurance premiums. Keep in mind that you may be in a building that has a sprinkler system. What you should ask is that sprinkler system “monitored by a central station” or is it simply going to ring an outside bell if activated. From a fire perspective you want it monitored. However, what happens if there is a water flow in the middle of the night or on the weekend and no one discovers it until business hours? Monitoring will keep your losses in merchandise and structure more limited.

Burglary sirens are nice but do not go crazy. One siren on the inside is enough. Keep in mind that almost every keypad has a built in siren.

Automatic Testing – This is one of the most overlooked issues. If your alarm system is not checking in with the alarm companies central station on a routine basis then how would you ever know if it stops working? This happens a lot! Alarm systems are electronic and mechanical devices that do break. An electrical surge from a phone line connection or 110 Volt power happens very frequently. If your systems communications go down you may never know it. It will not show up on the keypad.

Look for a “Supervised, Weekly Timer/Test”. This is an automated signal that your alarm control is programed to send every week at the exact same time. The central station computer is watching for this signal and if it does receive it then the central station computer notifies an operator and they then notify you. This process is all automated and normally is programed to happen in the middle of the night. The central station will then notify you the next day during business hours. If you are really concerned, then you may wish to select a daily timer/test signal.

Timer/Test signals are very inexpensive to you and many companies provide a weekly one free of charge.

Notification of an Alarm – This is the call list that the central station uses to get a hold of you in the event of an emergency or a problem. They cannot help you, if they cannot reach you. Keep this list up to date. Some of the better alarm companies can send you an automated email several times a year with your current call list. This reminder helps you to keep the list current. The problem with a call list is that it is out of sight, out of mind. Without these reminders you usually do not know until there is a problem. You should also have the alarm company send you an automated e-mail whenever there is an event such as an alarm, timer/test fail, maintenance problem…. Those should also be included in your service at no charge.

Reports – Another often overlooked feature is an open/close report. Your alarm company can program your alarm control to instantly send a signal to the central station each time the system is armed or disarmed. Your system tells the central station which employee armed/disarmed and at what date/time. A summary report is sent to you once a week by e-mail. You should tell them you want an “all activity” report. This should not cost any more. That way you will also see alarms, troubles…. In addition to the opens/closes. This is much easier for you to read. Most of us only need a “log only” report. The log only version is less expensive because there is no intervention by a central station operator.

This report is a very important tool for business owners and managers. It will let you know who is coming in and when which is a good tool to assist you in tracking employee time when you are not there. It will also alert you to someone coming in after hours. Use this report as a proactive tool. If something falls outside the norm then question the employee about it. This lets them know you are aware and will help to prevent issues such as employee theft.

Alarm System Codes – Every employee should have their own code. Employees should not be allowed to share codes. Tell your employees that they are accountable for what happens with their code. If a theft or incident occurs because they gave their code to someone or someone saw the code, then they will be held accountable. Codes should never be simple such as-1234, 2468, a year, birth month/year combination, phone number…. Anything obvious. You might try using a person’s last four digits of their SSN. People tend to protect that number. Let them know that if their code is compromised for any reason, they must notify you and you will simply change it.

Transmission via cellular or internet – I personally love this feature. Most of the problems with alarm systems involve phone line issues. I think cellular is best. A cellular signal cannot be blocked due to a cut phone line or phone company trouble. Most alarm system cellular units hit at least two towers and many times three. Cellular connections are VERY fast. It is also more reliable than your voice cell service.

You can also send signals via the internet. This is nice because like cellular you eliminate a hard wired phone line and is more economical. But an internet connection is vulnerable to interruption and being cut just like a phone line.

There are a lot of other great services that your alarm company can provide you to fit your individual needs: supervised open/close reports, wireless sensors, video tied to the alarm system, remote connectivity to your alarm system via PC, tablet or smart phone and much more. This allows you to access your alarm or view video anywhere in the world. Many of these are not only convenient but critical in business and asset protection.


shoplifting6Like it or not, there exists a chance that your store will fall victim to an armed robbery. Why? It’s very simple. Your store has money inside. There are those that refuse to work for a living and will resort to a robbing innocent people like you and me. What would you do if faced with that situation? Would you, or your employees know what and how to react in order to prevent injury, or loss of life? Do you have a robbery policy in place that all employees are familiar with? If not, well, it’s time to put pen to paper.

Just within the past month, one of my stores were robbed by tow gunman during business hours. Two men walked into the store, approached the cash office with guns drawn and demanded our money; my money. Luckily, my employees did exactly what they were trained to do and the goons left before anyone was injured. Sometimes, retailers aren’t so lucky. There was a recent story on local news where the same situation occurred at another store and the owner fought back. Unfortunately, it ended in tragedy when the robbery turned into a homicide. That’s not something I ever want to go through.

If you’re created a new robbery policy, I’ll give you some points to consider. Most importantly, there is nothing in the store worth losing your life over. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Everything inside those four walls can be replaced. You, your employees or a customer cannot be. In your policy, you should explain that. Train your employees to comply with all demands and get the thieves out of the store as quickly as possible. Most importantly, do not call 911. It’s going to be automatic for people to start pulling out cell phones. DON’T! The response time to a robbery in progress call will be hot and heavy. You don’t want the police showing up with gunmen still in the store. There could be a shootout, potentially hurting people in your store, or you could be faced with a hostage situation. Neither are great, so get them out of the store as quickly as possible. This is why you have CCTV cameras!

In your policy, you should also include an after action plan. For example, what on Earth is that manager, or supervisor on duty supposed to do after being robbed? As calmly as possible, close the store, and ask all customers to come to the front. Inform them that the store needs to close due to a police investigation, however if they would like to give a statement to police, they are more than welcome to do so. Next, move all of your other employees to a common area of the store, away from the crime scene. You’ll probably want to start counting money to see what was lost, but don’t. Remember that your store is now a crime scene and you won’t want to tamper with any potential physical evidence. The police will tell you when they are ready for you to calculate your loss.

Long term, you may want to contact your HR department if you have one, as there may be some employees, especially those who were the actual victim, who may need some counseling. Everyone reacts to these types of situations differently and it’s important that you understand that your employee has just gone through an incredibly stressful ordeal and may need time away from the store to process what happened. While a robbery may not be something that ever crosses your mind, it can happen. Having a policy in place and having your employees well trained on that policy can very well save a life one day. Remember, nothing inside those four walls is worth dying for.