Conceptualize Dishonesty Using the Fraud Triangle

shoplifting7Honest people can have a hard time perceiving and understanding dishonesty in others. Because they have a difficult time conceptualizing it they have a difficult time detecting it. A common lament among managers who have discovered fraud among their employees, vendors and clients is, “I don’t understand how he could do this to me. I had no idea it was happening. I’m just too trusting.”

People too often identify themselves as being trusting, when they’re really being naive. Don’t be naive, protecting your business is vital, many small businesses have been closed due to the fraudulent behavior of their employees, venders or clients. If you don’t want to be taken advantage of it’s important to understand the 3 key factors of the Fraud Triangle.

Before discussing these factors it’s helpful to define fraud, people often have misconceptions about it. According to “Black’s Law Dictionary” fraud is “a generic term, embracing all multifarious means, which human ingenuity can devise, and which are resorted to by one individual to get advantage over another by false suggestions or by suppression of truth, and includes all surprise, trickery, cunning, dissembling, and any unfair way by which another is cheated.”

The 3 factors, which make up the Triangle, are typically present when someone commits fraud. Understanding these elements will help a manager spot dishonesty easier and earlier, because a person who exhibits these thoughts and characteristics is at great risk for deceitfulness.

1. The perceived pressures the person believes they are under.

2. The perceived opportunity the person has to commit fraud.

3. The person’s rationalizations for committing the fraud counter-act their innate integrity.

Here’s an example of how the Fraud Triangle works. Mrs. K has never stolen from her employer and is indigent when others do. She wants to take her immediate family to an expensive reunion. She can’t afford it, but all of her extended family are attending. Mrs. K perceives this as a personal and financial crisis (1st side). She’s the company’s bookkeeper and there are no fiscal controls in place (2nd side). Mrs. K rationalizes that she’ll “only borrow” the money for the trip and then pay it back (3rd side).

She embezzles the money, gets away with it and keeps on stealing. Because usually, once all 3 components are present, when people commit and get away with fraudulent acts they continue the behavior. Also, they may continue behaving dishonestly if they get caught but have no or too few consequences. This is why many managers have found that giving someone “a break” usually backfires on them.

When you understand the Fraud Triangle, and use it as a touchstone for conceptualizing people’s dishonesty, it becomes easier to formulate a defense against deceit. There are many ways to mitigate each of the 3 factors, which can greatly reduce or eliminate the possibility of being taken advantage of. After all, your honesty should be an asset to your business not a liability.

Nicole Abbott – writer, educator and psycho-therapist

Open to Privatization- Liquor Bottle Security

Many states are toying with the idea of privatizing liquor and alcohol sales. Instead of state run and regulated locations, anyone can potentially apply to have a license to sell wines, liquors and other alcohols out of their stores. This means big box retailers, grocery stores and local corner shops all would have an equal chance to get in on the action, should they choose to. Unfortunately, many who are entering into these inventories do not understand the implications of needing and not having liquor bottle security.
Near the Seattle, Washington area, where liquor sales were privatized within the last few years, the moment everyone was open for business organized crime struck big and struck hard. Many of the stores did not think through the necessity for liquor bottle security to be in place. As a result, some early reports came from businesses loosing upwards of a thousand dollars a day in liquor bottle theft.
By the time the stores figured out what was going on and the losses that they had incurred, hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory and potential sales had been lost. Liquor bottle security quickly moved into position as the number one priority for these businesses.
Since then, the inventory losses have slowed down. It has been primarily attributed to the implementation of liquor bottle security and overall liquor bottle theft awareness.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Many states are toying with the idea of privatizing liquor and alcohol sales. Instead of state run and regulated locations, anyone can potentially apply to have a license to sell wines, liquors and other alcohols out of their stores. This means big box retailers, grocery stores and local corner shops all would have an equal chance to get in on the action, should they choose to. Unfortunately, many who are entering into these inventories do not understand the implications of needing and not having liquor bottle security.

Near the Seattle, Washington area, where liquor sales were privatized within the last few years, the moment everyone was open for business organized crime struck big and struck hard. Many of the stores did not think through the necessity for liquor bottle security to be in place. As a result, some early reports came from businesses loosing upwards of a thousand dollars a day in liquor bottle theft.

By the time the stores figured out what was going on and the losses that they had incurred, hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory and potential sales had been lost. Liquor bottle security quickly moved into position as the number one priority for these businesses.

Since then, the inventory losses have slowed down. It has been primarily attributed to the implementation of liquor bottle security and overall liquor bottle theft awareness.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


A Better Way To Identify- Liquor Bottle Security

Liquor bottle security is not just about bottle locks- even if they are the top of the line Alpha Security EASy Bottle locks. Liquor bottle security is about every piece and part to the security puzzle you have inside your store.
Unfortunately, when you are dealing with a consumable, and often addiction driven, inventory even the best security features won’t stop a truly determined criminal. That is why your liquor bottle security should also include some form of reliable and high quality video surveillance.
When I watch the evening news, the majority of the theft related stories I hear come out of liquor stores. It seem like whenever there is surveillance available, the footage seems to find their way onto the news. Local law enforcement often uses these videos to help find a suspect.
Along the same lines, courts will utilize video surveillance to help them prosecute a case. Whether the suspect is robbing the store or shoplifting from it, a solid prosecution can sometimes be more easily made when there is video surveillance available to corroborate the plaintiff’s case.
Even better than video footage, is high quality video footage. The less grainy and more detailed the picture, the better chance law enforcement has of finding a suspect and then successfully prosecuting them in a court of law.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Liquor bottle security is not just about bottle locks– even if they are the top of the line Alpha Security EASy Bottle locks. Liquor bottle security is about every piece and part to the security puzzle you have inside your store.

Unfortunately, when you are dealing with a consumable, and often addiction driven, inventory even the best security features won’t stop a truly determined criminal. That is why your liquor bottle security should also include some form of reliable and high quality video surveillance.

When I watch the evening news, the majority of the theft related stories I hear come out of liquor stores. It seems like whenever there is surveillance available, the footage seems to find their way onto the news. Local law enforcement often uses these videos to help find a suspect.

Along the same lines, courts will utilize video surveillance to help them prosecute a case. Whether the suspect is robbing the store or shoplifting from it, a solid prosecution can sometimes be more easily made when there is video surveillance available to corroborate the plaintiff’s case.

Even better than video footage, is high quality video footage. The less grainy and more detailed the picture, the better chance law enforcement has of finding a suspect and then successfully prosecuting them in a court of law.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Conducting A Security Self Audit

shoplifting4Part of your internal auditing process should be a section devoted specifically to your store’s safety and security measures. Some points should be audited on a daily basis, while others can be less frequently, such as once a month. When you monitor your store’s security measures consistently, you are able to respond more quickly to any malfunctions or procedural breakdowns.

One of the easiest security features to audit on a daily basis is your EAS and security tags. These are the anti theft devices put onto your merchandise that provide a visual deterrent to potential shoplifters. Ensuring 100% compliance is not only a stronger deterrent, but also reinforces the concept of operational accuracy and a check and balance system internally. Employees who are held accountable to stringent operational standards are less likely to look for opportunities to steal from their employer.

A daily audit of EAS tags consists of a department rotation and a spot check of those items. There is no need to check every single item, unless there is a pattern of under performance in those areas. The best way to do the daily audit is to only audit 20 or so items on a given day. From there, it is easy to determine the percentage of accuracy. If out of 20 items only ten have the appropriate tagging, you have 50% compliance. You can do more or less based upon your actual needs, but a similar process will be the most time efficient, with the most accurate results.

Along the same lines is auditing the EAS alarms at your doors. These alarm activations should be reviewed by CCTV whenever possible. You need to understand why you are having alarm activations, and how your employees are responding to them. You can bet that the shoplifters coming into your store are watching for this, so don’t give them the advantage by being oblivious to what is going on in your stores.

If an EAS alarm is activated, your employees should respond to the person going out the door and offer their assistance to deactivate any tags that were missed during checkout. You should look to see if you have a specific employee who is not deactivating tags properly, causing unnecessary alarms. You should also review to see if you have the same person setting off alarms, they might be a shoplifter to watch out for. These audits can be done weekly rather than daily and still prove effective.

One area in particular to audit at 100% is alarm activations before and after your store closes. While most of the alarms are likely to be dismissed by stock/ freight movement to replenish selling shelves, you want to watch out for that one that is not. The alarm activation you are looking for is caused by an employee stealing. It is not unheard of for an employee who is stealing from their store to try and take the merchandise out after hours. Fewer people are around to notice, and the employee can take more merchandise out at a time, without arousing suspicion. If no one goes back to review these after hours alarms, the employee can go undetected for months or sometimes even years.

Any reputable alarm company, such as Checkpoint, will give you a daily and weekly listing of alarm activations. The report should include the time and the date, allowing you to cross reference with your CCTV recordings. By looking at the times, you can quickly determine which alarms are after hours. After hours alarms should be conducted as soon as the report is received. If an employee actually is stealing, it needs to be swiftly investigated and dealt with to prevent further financial losses.

The Life Cycle of a Bottle- Alpha Security

Alpha Security is no stranger to the life cycle of a liquor or wine bottle. As a company whose mission is to provide successful anti theft devices and deterrents, Alpha Security understands that sometimes liquor bottles can end up having a completely different life of their own.
The typical cycle is the liquor is bottled and then distributed by the maker of that particular brand of alcohol. From there it arrives at a liquor store (restaurant, nightclub, etc) to be sold to an adult over the age of 21. It is here that the bottles sometimes decide to add in a new step in the distribution process.
Many non -chain restaurants or clubs are hard pressed with their available finances to purchase their inventory. As such, they are always on the lookout for a new, cheaper avenue to take- improving their margins and profits along the way. Criminal rings have been initiated, or work with these venues to produce a new stream of inventory- through the theft of liquor bottles from a near by liquor store.
These criminal theft rings will seek out and target liquor stores that do not have Alpha Security EASy bottle for their bottle locks, or a similar kind of bottle security. Without bottle security, liquor bottles are easily stolen, and then resold to these restaurants and clubs. 
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Alpha Security is no stranger to the life cycle of a liquor or wine bottle. As a company whose mission is to provide successful anti theft devices and deterrents, Alpha Security understands that sometimes liquor bottles can end up having a completely different life of their own.

The typical cycle is the liquor is bottled and then distributed by the maker of that particular brand of alcohol. From there it arrives at a liquor store (restaurant, nightclub, etc) to be sold to an adult over the age of 21. It is here that the bottles sometimes decide to add in a new step in the distribution process.

Many non -chain restaurants or clubs are hard pressed with their available finances to purchase their inventory. As such, they are always on the lookout for a new, cheaper avenue to take- improving their margins and profits along the way. Criminal rings have been initiated, or work with these venues to produce a new stream of inventory- through the theft of liquor bottles from a near by liquor store.

These criminal theft rings will seek out and target liquor stores that do not have Alpha Security EASy bottle for their bottle locks, or a similar kind of bottle security. Without bottle security, liquor bottles are easily stolen, and then resold to these restaurants and clubs.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Protecting Your Employees- Bottle Security

Liquor stores are at a higher risk of being broken into at night, or from being robbed during operating hours. There are many kinds of bottle security to protect your inventory assets, but what are you doing to protect another valuable asset- your employees?
Increasing your store’s overall security is key to protecting your employees from and during a robbery. Some of the best solutions are to use security cameras and alarm systems. Adding a silent alarm behind a counter can be extremely beneficial during an actual robbery attempt.
The silent alarm button will alert local police to the store without being obvious to the robber. Knowing that there is a silent alarm can help employees feel safer before a robbery attempt. They can feel like they are being protected proactively.
Employees also feel safer and more secure during a robbery attempt because they know help is on the way. Even if the robbers leave before the police get there, the employees feel less alone in during a highly stressful, and potentially traumatizing, event.
Bottle security can help to decrease the likelihood of a robbery even taking place. When potential robbers see that there are security cameras, monitors, signage, and even bottle locks, they know there is a heightened level of awareness and security features in place. Compared to a liquor store that does not display any meaningful bottle security, the robber will be more likely to go on to that store.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Liquor stores are at a higher risk of being broken into at night, or from being robbed during operating hours. There are many kinds of bottle security to protect your inventory assets, but what are you doing to protect another valuable asset- your employees?

Increasing your store’s overall security is key to protecting your employees from and during a robbery. Some of the best solutions are to use security cameras and alarm systems. Adding a silent alarm behind a counter can be extremely beneficial during an actual robbery attempt.

The silent alarm button will alert local police to the store without being obvious to the robber. Knowing that there is a silent alarm can help employees feel safer before a robbery attempt. They can feel like they are being protected proactively.

Employees also feel safer and more secure during a robbery attempt because they know help is on the way. Even if the robbers leave before the police get there, the employees feel less alone in during a highly stressful, and potentially traumatizing, event.

Bottle security can help to decrease the likelihood of a robbery even taking place. When potential robbers see that there are security cameras, monitors, signage, and even bottle locks, they know there is a heightened level of awareness and security features in place. Compared to a liquor store that does not display any meaningful bottle security, the robber will be more likely to go on to that store.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Prevent Shoplifting During This Holiday Season

shoplifting2The security of your retail store during this holiday season is an important part of your business. Shoplifting prevention and employee theft are more critical during this time of year, and having your store prepared for this can be the difference between profits and losses. To read more about this follow the links below.

5 Quick and Low-Tech Tips To Prevent Shoplifting in Your Retail Store

As a small business retailer, it’s not always easy to just throw money at problems like shoplifting and take advantage of all the technology that big box retailers may be privy to. Whether it’s cameras, door scanners, or facial-recognition software, sometimes their big-ticket cost just doesn’t fit with your small business security budget.

But when you recognize facts like shoplifting costing retailers upwards of $13 billion each year, it’s important to identify it as a problem that needs to be dealt with.

So, what’s a boutique owner to do? In this post, I’ll be looking at cost-effective and low-tech tactics that you can start implementing right away.

Let’s dive in.

1. Keep Your Store Organized and Products Well-Placed

How easy should it be to identify whether something has gone “missing” from your store? Empty space on your shelves should be enough of a visual cue to signal something has gone wrong.

Holiday Shopping: More Shoppers, More Theft — Prepare Your Business

The holiday season can be a stressful time for most people, not to mention retailers. With the seasonal shopping season starting earlier and earlier each year, many small businesses are scrambling to order inventory, ensure their shelves are stocked, all the while decorating their storefront in a way that will entice customers to come in and shop local.

While some may complain about the commercialization of the holiday season, there is proof in the “figgy pudding.” According to the National Retail Federation, holiday sales represent approximately 19.2 percent of the retail industry’s annual sales of $3.2 trillion. And that’s not just for the big box stores and e-commerce giants, the upcoming holiday season is extremely important for small business owners. It’s the biggest revenue driver of the year, and can keep a business afloat or sink it. However, the increase in potential shoppers, brings an increase in potential theft. Seasonal shoplifting can be detrimental for small businesses owners, who are trying keep their doors open for another year.

Opiate epidemic

The message, delivered Thursday night to a standing-room-only crowd at the Wood County Educational Service Center, was clear: the opiate epidemic in Ohio, and Wood County, is a community problem.

And the problem must be solved by a community-wide effort.

The Opiate Epidemic Town Hall meeting, presented by the Wood County Opiate Task Force, featured a panel of experts on the subject from a variety of fields.

The issue of opiate addiction has ramped up in Wood County, and nationwide, in recent years. In the U.S., someone dies from an opiate-related overdose every 15 minutes. Some addicts begin with an addiction to prescription painkillers like Oxycontin and Vicodin, obtained legally or illegally, and then move on to heroin – which has become cheaper and easier to obtain.

Heidi Riggs, of the Ohio Attorney General’s Heroin Unit, shared the story of her daughter, Marin, who died in 2012 at age 20 of a heroin overdose. Marin, despite a variety of gifts, dealt with a self-esteem problem that led to her addiction.

Adapt and Adjust- Bottle Security

A generation ago, bottle security was allowing the clerk to keep a baseball bat behind the counter. We could shake down anyone who we thought might be stealing from us. If we were wrong, well, that was ok. We would just yell at them to never come back and send them on their way.
Times have changed. Bottle security is vastly different, as are the legal confines that we need to act within. If we accuse someone of stealing, not only do we need to be right, but also we have to be able to prove that they stole from us. Otherwise we can be found liable in a court of law, and who wants to have to pay a shoplifter who was stealing from us?
Bottle security is about adapting and adjusting to today’s business climate, not wallowing in how things used to be. Advancements in technology allow our bottle security to do some of the work for us. Instead of confronting every person we suspect of shoplifting, we can use bottle locks, like the EASy Bottle, to deter them from the start.
If the Alpha Security EASy Bottle lock is not removed an alarm will sound as the person exits with a bottle. That gives us cause to approach, not accuse, but to approach them and ask them to pay for the product.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

A generation ago, bottle security was allowing the clerk to keep a baseball bat behind the counter. We could shake down anyone who we thought might be stealing from us. If we were wrong, well, that was ok. We would just yell at them to never come back and send them on their way.

Times have changed. Bottle security is vastly different, as are the legal confines that we need to act within. If we accuse someone of stealing, not only do we need to be right, but also we have to be able to prove that they stole from us. Otherwise we can be found liable in a court of law, and who wants to have to pay a shoplifter who was stealing from us?

Bottle security is about adapting and adjusting to today’s business climate, not wallowing in how things used to be. Advancements in technology allow our bottle security to do some of the work for us. Instead of confronting every person we suspect of shoplifting, we can use bottle locks, like the EASy Bottle, to deter them from the start.

If the Alpha Security EASy Bottle lock is not removed an alarm will sound as the person exits with a bottle. That gives us cause to approach, not accuse, but to approach them and ask them to pay for the product.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Preventing Theft This Holiday Season

shoplifting3Theft this holiday season is not something out of the ordinary. Shoplifting happens daily all across the globe. The United States alone loses billions of dollars each year due to this crime. Authorities and the retail industry collaborate with each other to prevent or ameliorate the amount they lose due to this crime. During the holiday season, stores are busy and management and employees have less time to keep an eye on the customer, making it easier for shoplifters to get into the store and snatch something. Prevention can save you thousands of dollars; protect your store, your profits and your employees this holiday season.

Holiday theft season approaching

Every year as the holiday season approaches, thefts and other related crimes begin to trend upward, more so as the Christmas holiday looms closer.

Misdemeanor shoplifting thefts are not the only crimes that climb during the holidays. Residential and business burglaries also rise significantly.

Preventive policing by the Harker Heights Police Department helps to lessen these property crimes. Preventive measures include neighborhood and business patrols.

The Harker Heights Police Department has in the recent past positioned the city’s public safety command vehicle in the parking lot of Market Heights during the holiday shopping period, providing a police presence and rapid response for business owners and the shopping public.

Such a strategic move not only serves to provide the public with an immediate crime reporting station, but it also serves as a deterrent to criminals who would seek to victimize businesses and the shoppers they serve.

Season’s thievings

With the Christmas season just around the corner, police in Maury County are preparing for one of the most common holiday crimes: shoplifting.

So far in 2014, shoplifting incidents in Columbia have been reduced by 20 percent compared to last year, Columbia police Lt. Joey Gideon said Friday.

But, he said, shoplifting does tend to occur more often during the holiday season than during any other time of the year.

“After Black Friday, the stores start getting more crowded, and it’s easier for shoplifters to go unnoticed,” Gideon said.

Must-do identity theft protection tips for holiday shoppers

As you race hither and yon to the mall, to the grocery store or to grandma’s house while spreading holiday cheer, that jingling sound you hear is probably not sleigh bells. If you’re not careful, that might be the sound of money flying out of your pockets and into the hands of the crooks that target holiday shoppers.

Identity theft doesn’t just happen online. Crooks can pilfer your personal information right out of your wallet or cellphone unless you take some steps to be extra vigilant during the holiday shopping season.

Here are some simple, must-do measures to keep in mind over the next few months:

  • Streamline your wallet. Leave anything you don’t need, such as your Social Security card (you should never carry it in your wallet), your library or wholesale club card, and excess credit cards at home. Only take the credit cards you know you will use.


Shut Them Out- Bottle Security

One of the advantages a state run liquor store has is the ability to limit those can come into their store. They have the ability to mandate that no one under the age of 21 can step foot into the store. It’s a pretty effective form of bottle security, eliminating the risk of theft by minors.
Unfortunately, for many of us who are left, we are not just a liquor store. We are stores that sell liquor, amongst other items. It is not as practical for us to completely eliminate the under 21 crowd, as many of them do buy our other merchandise. If we shut them out completely, we will loose our other sales.
What we can do is take their ideas for bottle security and incorporate them into our store layouts. By creating a store in store area, we can limit which customers enter this now restricted area.  
Some options are to completely close an area off and have a door securing the space from the rest of the store. It would be more expensive, but it would also easier to regulate. Another, less costly way, is to section an area off using existing shelving runs and aisles. This uses the supplies you already have, while still delineating a spot for your liquor to be sold from.
Even adding a designated area that can closely be monitored by where your employees normally are stationed (such as by the registers) help the employees maintain visual bottle security on the merchandise. I would not suggest merchandising the liquor right by an exit door, since it could be a prime target for grab and run thefts.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

One of the advantages a state run liquor store has is the ability to limit those can come into their store. They have the ability to mandate that no one under the age of 21 can step foot into the store. It’s a pretty effective form of bottle security, eliminating the risk of theft by minors.

Unfortunately, for many of us who are left, we are not just a liquor store. We are stores that sell liquor, amongst other items. It is not as practical for us to completely eliminate the under 21 crowd, as many of them do buy our other merchandise. If we shut them out completely, we will loose our other sales.

What we can do is take their ideas for bottle security and incorporate them into our store layouts. By creating a store in store area, we can limit which customers enter this now restricted area.

Some options are to completely close an area off and have a door securing the space from the rest of the store. It would be more expensive, but it would also easier to regulate. Another, less costly way, is to section an area off using existing shelving runs and aisles. This uses the supplies you already have, while still delineating a spot for your liquor to be sold from.

Even adding a designated area that can closely be monitored by where your employees normally are stationed (such as by the registers) help the employees maintain visual bottle security on the merchandise. I would not suggest merchandising the liquor right by an exit door, since it could be a prime target for grab and run thefts.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, EASy Bottle or Liquor Bottle Security and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us or call 1.770.426.0547