RF Labels for different kinds of thieves.

When a seasoned Loss Prevention agent thinks of Checkpoint security tags or RF labels he is not one to envision the be-all-end-all answer to retail theft.  Nothing is more effective than the steadfast vigilance and uncanny perceptive skills of actual agents.  But Checkpoint labels and RF security tags prove themselves as solid deterrents that stop shoplifting of a certain sort rather effectively.

There are two types of shoplifters that plague the retail world; the casual opportunist and the seasoned, organized veteran thief.  The seasoned thief, the one who makes their ‘living’ through such illicit acts, knows almost all the same tricks of the trade that loss prevention and law enforcement individuals use to catch them.  It doesn’t make them impossible to detect and apprehend but it does mean things like an RF label or checkpoint security tags will do nothing to stop them.  They have the knowledge to circumvent and defeat such things but in doing so it does open them up to being detected when they have to remove and dispose of defeated tags in a fitting room or when they need to skulk into a conspicuous corner.

As for casual shoplifters, they are the reason Checkpoint and RF labels are worth the implementation.  As many of us in the Loss Prevention profession have seen, once a casual thief finds evidence that the item they have selected won’t be an ‘easy grab’ they will generally back down.  By making the little fish quit before they start it gives us in LP the time we need to keep an eye out for those professional thieves.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 


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