Your Store’s Reputation

shoplifting4Your store’s reputation is based off of not only customer perceptions, but also how different elements of your community view your store. Beyond your customers, you employees, local law enforcement, criminals, and members of the court system all have a perception of your reputation. How you approach each of these community members plays a big role in how each one interacts with your store.

Customers are probably the easiest to understand. For the most part, they want a clean and safe shopping experience where they are going to get the best value for their money. The value placed on the goods you sell can be either through price reductions, or by offering designer or name brand goods, with stellar employee interaction as part of the shopping experience.

Employees are very similar to customers in their needs. They want a safe and secure place to work. They want to feel valued by their employers. When they see these things, employees are more likely to perform better at their jobs, and take better care of the people entering your store. When employees do not feel safe, secure, or valued, their job performance declines.

Employees are less likely to give good customer service, which can create a decrease in sales over time. It also allows for shoplifters and other criminals greater access to your store’s assets, without the same risk of getting caught. The more these events take place, the lesser of a reputation your store starts to have with the paying customers and your employees.

This can set of a chain reaction where it is now the criminals who favor your store. Your reputation becomes one where it is easy for shoplifters to steal from your store. This reputation will be passed from criminal to criminal and more thefts will begin to happen. The losses will become greater, and more brazen as the risk and fear of being caught diminishes.

Your local police station also has a perception of your store. If you are in a high theft area, but have low case production, they are wondering what is going on in your store. Is your reputation with the local police one of ignorance? Do they think you and your employees are incompetent and unobservant? Or do you maintain a relationship with the local police, and occasionally catch some shoplifters?

When you catch shoplifters, you send a message to your community that you are aware of what is going on in your store, and make efforts to eliminate the criminal element from your premises. Customer’s and employees feel safer and more at ease when they shop. Local police departments are more confident in your store’s level of awareness, as they see more calls and reports being filed from your store.

To maintain your reputation with law enforcement, you also need to show that your cases are reliable when you go to court. A reliable case equates to a stronger reputation for your store within the legal community. When you present shoplifting cases to the prosecuting attorneys and you have solid evidence as proof of who committed which crime, the attorney’s job is much easier. The more often you present solid cases, the better your reputation is within the court system.

Other things you can do to help perpetuate your reputation is to always show up to your given court cases. You should come dressed professionally, and should show up early. This allows you to confer with the attorneys ahead of time, creating a smoother case for everyone involved. You will find that many retailers’ representatives do not show up for court, or do not bring case files or other evidence with them. By doing these things your reputation starts to precede the cases that you bring. Having a consistent history of solid case work and reliability will also filter back into the criminal community, as they can’t plan on your absence to get away with their crimes in court.

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