Are you missing random quantities of merchandise? Perhaps items that aren’t normally on your high shrink list? If you are, then you are probably being hit by an amateur shoplifter.
What is an amateur shoplifter? They can be anyone who enters your store with the intent to steal. It can be a teenager on a dare, a grandmother on a fixed income, or even a mother with a small baby. The first shoplifter I ever caught, put over 200 dollars in clothing under her baby in a stroller.
The use of Checkpoint Security tags or RF security tags probably would have been enough of a deterrent for her. As I watched her picking up clothes, she would check each one for an RF security tag. If the garment didn’t have the Checkpoint security tag , she put the item into her stroller.
Amateurs are not hardened criminals. The last thing they want is to be caught. Using RF labels on smaller items and RF security tags on clothing, bags, and shoes greatly reduces the losses to this particular type of thief. They do not want to run the risk of exposure. RF security labels and RF security tags are near impossible to remove on their own, and these thieves know the alarm will sound if they try to leave with the merchandise. They know it its in their best interest to go to a different store and leave yours alone.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.
For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547