RF Labels That Work For You

Figuring out how to stop shoplifting from occurring, can be a tough nut to crack with some items. Clothing items take RF security tags well. You usually locate the Checkpoint security tags on a seam or similar location. But what are tricky in RF systems are items like leather, purses, belts, bags and hats. An RF system relies on the use of RF security labels but what do you do when the RF label is either too large or the use of a pin is not practical or it will damage the product?

In the RF security world there is a low cost but high-end solution. It is the Alpha Fashion2 Tags. The Fashion2 RF security tags are less than 2 inches long and very thin. This tag requires the use of a pin. However, because of it’s small size it will fit on very small items such as those thong type swimsuit bottoms that do not have a whole lot of material to begin with!

 The Fashion2 Accessory Tag takes RF security in a whole different direction. This tag looks the same as the Fashion2 Hard Tag but it has one major difference. The accessory tag has a built in 3 inch coated aircraft cable with a built in pin. The cable loops around the item and then locks into place. In the past you would have to use traditional RF security labels and flex string. Because the cable is only 3 inches the Fashion2 rides close to your merchandise item and has a pleasant appearance. The cool thing about this tag is that when you remove it the cable stays attached to the hard tag. No more fishing around for a flex string.

Another strong RF security point is that the aircraft cable is a thicker more robust cable. It would take quite a bit of time to cut through this baby. The clear plastic coating protects the finish of your merchandise. Loop these RF security tags through belt buckles, shoes, purse handles, leather item buttonholes, openings in hats or bag handles. Basically if you can loop the cable through the merchandise item you have attached your RF Security labels.

 Both the Fashion2 and the Fashion2 Accessory Checkpoint labels come in RF and AM formats and are available in beige, gray and black colors. Standard or super detacher models available.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

How RF Labels Can Save Your Assets


Trying to stop shoplifting has always been reason for alarm to an apparel retailer.  People steal clothes, but people steal fewer clothes if there is an RF label attached.  They steal them because they want to have the latest fashion and either can’t afford it or don’t want to pay the price for it.  It’s usually the most popular items that are vulnerable to both the casual shoplifter and the professional shoplifter.  Professional shoplifter is defined here as one who resells the merchandise that he steals for profit.

 There are so many ways to steal clothing.  Drop in your shopping bag, conceal it in your own clothes, wear it out, or steal it in the fitting room or the restroom where there is plenty of privacy.  Then there are others who simply pick up the merchandise and walk out with it or snatch the clothing from a cube or round rack and run out the door.

 RF labels are the one item that apparel shoplifters don’t want to see on their intended targets.  The RF security tags mean that if the shoplifter wants to avoid detection of his activity, he is going to have to remove or disable the RF security labels that are on the clothes, an almost impossible task.  The Checkpoint security tags are designed so that they are held fast by a metal pin that is pushed through the fabric so that it does no damage.  The tag can’t be removed without damaging the item that it protects.  The RF label can only be removed by a specially manufactured detacher, which separates the pins from the reusable RF security tags.

 Checkpoint labels can enhance any retailer’s loss prevention program by protecting one of his most valuable lines of merchandise. RF security labels, when used properly, can be a great asset for any retail store.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Know Your Carry for RF Security Labels

A lot of people who have EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) systems are unaware that the direction the RF label is facing will effect how well the RF label is detected. There are three primary ways that RF labels and RF security tags face when they pass through the system.

 The first way is referred to as a front carry. This is where the RF security labels are vertical and parallel to the front of the store. The vertical posts on the antennas primarily detect this carry. Because of how the RF field is created the strongest part is usually around three feet above the floor. As the tag gets higher or lower it will not detect as well as it does in the middle.

 The second carry is a side carry. This is where the RF security tags are vertical and perpendicular to the front of the store. This is usually the strongest of the three carries because both the vertical and horizontal posts are detecting it.

 The third carry is a top carry. The Checkpoint labels, in this carry, are horizontal to the floor as they pass through the RF field. In general, only the horizontal bars are detecting the Checkpoint security tags. This means that the detection will be greatest when the tag is in line with one of the crossbars. With older/cheaper systems you will notice that there is a crossbar at about fifty-two inches and a second one about fourteen inches off the ground. With these systems the top carry is the weakest of the three carries.

 That is why with newer systems you will notice several horizontal bars. The new design of antennas help to alleviate “dead zones” and pockets where a tag can pass through without being detected. If you keep this information in mind when you are tagging your products it will significantly help you stop shoplifting from occurring at your store.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547

A new season and a new reason to stop shoplifting

As we are headed into the season change from summer to fall many retailers are already getting their new lines of products.  Whether you sell clothes, hunting gear or groceries you know that the new season brings about new reasons to shop.  FYI, it also brings on new reasons to steal as well.  In order to stop shoplifting of your new product I recommend using RF security tags and RF security labels.

 RF security tags and RF security labels are what you may commonly know as sensor tags.  But these aren’t just your run of the mill sensor tags.  Checkpoint security tags and Checkpoint labels work on an RF frequency that can be tuned specific for your store.  The reason this is important is that many of the older and lower quality EAS programs have problems with any electronic device causing false alarms.  How many times have you heard that a cell phone or keyless entry has triggered a false alarm?  The newer technology used with RF labels and tags is designed to prevent these false alarms.

 You want to consider this for several reasons.  One, it is less wearing on your associates and customers if the alarm is not going off all day due to false alarms.  Two, your deterrent effect (which is what will actually stop shoplifting) is reduced when you can’t distinguish between false alarms and actual alarms.  Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint security tags are some of the best in the business and will go a long way toward helping you protect you merchandise.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint labels, RF security tags, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547


RF Labels Help Stop Shoplifting

Where I work, Checkpoint security tags play an important role in not only helping us stop shoplifting, but also in providing awesome customer service. The Checkpoint labels serve as a visual deterrent for would-be thieves but the use of the tags also lets our customers know we care about keeping prices low for them and are dedicated to work to stop shoplifting in our store.

 My store team uses soft RF security labels on smaller merchandise that is frequently stolen or new items that are high dollar that we think might be a potential target item for thieves. Using soft RF security labels on these products gives us a lot of flexibility as we can change where we use the tags to get the most out of our investment. As we notice theft trends change, we can easily adapt by placing tags on different merchandise.

 We also use had RF security tags on our clothing merchandise and items like purses and comforters. We have to be very diligent in training our associates to take them off since they aren’t deactivated at point of sale like the RF labels are. Our cashiers do a great job with this which keeps our customers happy because they don’t have to come back and have tags removed before they can wear the merchandise like often happens at other retailers.

 Considering using Checkpoint labels in your store? Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Can your Checkpoint security tags be used for something other than protecting inventory?

Your Checkpoint security tags protect your merchandise 24/7. They don’t call in or take a vacation. A properly used system will dramatically drop your shoplifting losses. But what else can your Checkpoint security tags be used for?

 How about controlling store use items such as tools and equipment? You could place RF security labels on these items that would alert you if they were being removed from the store. We know that people will steal anything that in not nailed down this includes store property. This could also include pricing guns and any other merchandise labeling equipment.

 Do not forget office equipment and supplies that may have a tendency to walk away with either customers or employees.

 You can also protect smaller items such as keys. Attach RF security tags to customer restroom keys. That way if the customer simply forgets to return them you will know. Store staff keys could also be tagged with RF security tags. This is not an issue of theft but just forgetting to put them back before going home. Have you ever come in one morning and the person who closed took the keys home by accident?

 Documents and paperwork that are not to leave the store can also be protected with Checkpoint labels. Again it is probably not an issue of someone stealing it. You just do not want it to leave the store.

Rental equipment or items should also be protected with RF security tags or RF labels until they have been properly rented and the customer is then authorized to remove them.

 For more information about contact us at or call 1.770.426.0547

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Do you know how to stop shoplifting

There is no one answer to stop shoplifting in retail stores.  Most true solutions involve several components.  One central component necessary in all good models is the use of RF security labels and RF security tags.  RF labels and RF security tags work on a Radio Frequency.  They are sensor tags that you can apply to your product and they will set off an alarm at the door if the tag has not been removed or deactivated.

 Many think that tags and labels are the same, but there actually is a difference.  Checkpoint security tags are hard tags that attach to product.  You will generally use the Checkpoint security tags for clothing and other soft lines products.  You can use lanyards to attach Checkpoint security tags to non-clothing items.  Checkpoint labels are what we refer to as soft tags. 

 Checkpoint labels come in several shapes and designs.  The traditional fashion is an adhesive sticker that you can put on boxed product or hid in non-boxed product.  By hiding, I mean putting the RF label somewhere inside the product.  Example: For wallets you can put a RF label on one of the advertisement cards inside.  This way if the thief takes the wallet from the box and puts it in their pocket or purse it is still protected by the RF label.  Checkpoint labels also can be sewn into clothing.  They are less noticeable and not as likely to be removed by would be shoplifters.

 Whatever solution you use to stop shoplifting I urge you to make RF security tags and RF security labels a part of that solution.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint security tags, Checkpoint labels, RF labels, RF security tags, RF security labels and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Security Labels- the best hidden deterrent


In order for one to stop shoplifting, preventive measures must exist. Checkpoint labels like: checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels and RF security tags help deter and eventually stop shoplifting.

 Checkpoint labels or RF labels can be small devices or stickers that can easily be hidden or made obvious on items of clothing, electronics, or other high or low dollar merchandise. Some RF labels can even be sewn into clothing disguised as a garment tag; which tricks the potential shoplifter into thinking there are no RF security tags. What better way than to trick or stop a shoplifter from stealing than to fool them with a hidden RF label.

Once I apprehended a shoplifter under the assumption that they could just walk out of my store wearing a high dollar sweater. I had noticed her walk towards the sweaters in just a t-shirt. Well because it was a little chilly outside, an opportunity to get warm quick, I could tell was on her mind. She seemed to be looking for a sweater that had no RF security labels or RF security tags. After a few try-ons, the customer noticed a sweater that did not have any checkpoint security tags instead it had a sewn in RF label, appearing to be the garment tag. The “customer” was obviously unaware of this hidden RF label.

Long story short, she left what she thought was free of checkpoint security tags sweater on and walked out the door. While walking out she set off the checkpoint security alarm tower that recognizes security tags left on items. Of course, this was a shock to her because she thought she had a found an item with no checkpoint labels.

 RF security labels are the best deterrent when you can’t always be present. They keep an honest man honest. And they keep a potential shoplifter aware of your no tolerance for theft.  You can rest easy also knowing that even when opportunity may arise for a customer to become a shoplifter a hidden RF label will stop shoplifting at the door.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

For more information on RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags, Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Reducing Losses with Checkpoint Labels

With a tough economy, retailers are looking for ways to stop shoplifting without sinking all of their profits into the effort. Shoplifting takes away from our profits and is a frustrating cost of doing business. It is not a cost that you have to suffer without being able to do something to reduce it.

 Checkpoint security tags and RF labels can go far to help reduce shoplifting in your business. Both can be affixed to your high theft merchandise, and an alarm will sound if the merchandise goes near your doors without being purchased. Knowing that this is a possibility can deter many shoplifters that do not want to take the chance of drawing unwanted attention.

 RF security labels work on a radio frequency in order to alert your employees. They are deactivated at your registers when purchased in order to prevent false alarms. Your employees are trained to react to the alarms appropriately, as well as how to deactivate them properly at your registers. The RF label is a simple yet effective way to help stop shoplifting within your business, convincing shoplifters that yours is not a business to steal from.

 Checkpoint labels are an industry leader in the loss prevention world and along with their reputation is the knowledge that you are doing something to help stop shoplifting in your business. RF labels can help get you on the right track to increasing the profits and reducing the loss. These along with a good loss prevention program, excellent customer service, and well trained employees can keep your business competitive for years to come.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, RF labels, RF security labels, and how to stop shoplifting contact us at RF label or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

RF Security Tags … An industry staple for a reason.

RF security tags have been around for years.  You probably are more familiar with the common name of sensor tags.  In reality the “sensor tag” is operated on a Radio Frequency, hence the technical name of RF security tags or RF security labels.  While many aspects of retail have changed over the years the one that has remained constant is theft.  Additionally, RF security tags and RF security labels continue to be the best way to stop shoplifting in you store.

 There are many different type of retailers in the market today.  As business leaders you know that there are no cookie cutter solutions to individual business problems.  For this reason I suggest looking into Checkpoint security tags and Checkpoint labels for you business.  Checkpoint recognizes that every business is different and they have a large variety of Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint security tags that can be used to custom fit a solution for your business.

 There is a key difference between RF labels and RF tags that you need to know when looking to stop shoplifting in your store.  A RF label is what is commonly referred to as a “soft” tag.  It is an adhesive tag that sticks the box or package.  RF security tags are what we consider “hard” tags that attach with a pin or clamp to merchandise and require a deactivator to physically remove the tag before the product can be used.  It is important that take a hard look at the type of product needing to be protected and work with your Checkpoint representative to pick the right RF label or tag for your specific needs.

  Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint labels, Checkpoint security tags, and other RF labels that can help you stop shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on Checkpoint labels, RF label, RF labels, RF security labels, RF security tags and how to stop shoplifting contact us at Checkpoint security tags or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia