The Alpha Security Alpha Nano Gate has proven results that prevent shoplifting. When used in retail environments that need additional security in a more localized area, the Alpha Nano Gate has come to the rescue.
What many retailers are overlooking is how well the Alpha Nano Gate works in preventing employee theft.
In a few of my stores, I have employed a visual manager. Their job was to keep signage up to date, and create visual displays using new and popular merchandise.
Since they routinely took multiple products off the sales floor and back to their office/ stock area to carry out their job responsibilities, no one ever questioned why they had merchandise in their hands, or in piles back on their desk.
What we didn’t realize until after it was too late was that this manager had been stealing merchandise for years. It was only after they left to pursue anther job, did we uncover the massive quantity of discarded price tags, labels and retail anti theft devices.
They used their access to cover up the extra product they were taking home. If we had better controls in place, and used the Alpha Nano Gate to prevent merchandise back in the office, we may have prevented these losses.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate, Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547