Leaps and Bounds – Alpha Security

Technology and human nature amaze me. Looking at the world and seeing the possibilities, information and access available literally, at our fingertips, is quite a phenomenon. Yet there are still innovations that have nothing to do with a computer chip, “the cloud” or an app that can completely change your life. But habits don’t change as easily and therefore you need to continue your quest to prevent shoplifting

In retail, or any small business for that matter, jewelry is a huge add on item. It is also a huge theft item my nature- or by design. Jewelry is small. It is easily concealed, and can be quite expensive. Jewelry losses sometimes outweigh the profit margins built into these impulse buys.

Alpha Security is a trusted name in retail anti theft devices. This is because they are reliable, and also because they simply work. The Alpha Jewel Lok is an innovation that is a simple lock to disallow product access. You cannot take a piece of jewelry off of a card with an Alpha Jewel Lok attached. The only option is to steal the Alpha Jewel Lok with the jewelry and set the alarm off.

They are simple by design, and at the forefront of leading retail anti theft devices technology.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547. 


Don’t Question Too Much – Alpha Security

Retail anti-theft devices made by Alpha Security are designed to be more than a one size fits all solution. One size fits all might work with some things, but not with retail anti-theft devices. In order to truly protect your inventory assets, you need to prevent shoplifting in ways that are specific to your needs.

The Alpha Spider Wrap is one of the best examples of solution specific retail anti-theft devices. It is made primarily to protect merchandise that is boxed. The merchandise might be anything from popular gaming systems to expensive baby monitors. When I used the Alpha Security Alpha Spider Wrap it was for power tools.

You see, most of these boxed items are easy to be used or sold without the boxes. It was not uncommon for us to hear about guys going onto job sites trying to sell power tools at a “fair” price. Since most laborers are required to provide their own tools for the job, many of them have no problems buying them out of a box for far less than they could pay for them in a store. They just knew not to ask too many questions.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Rise Above the Challenge – Alpha Nano Gate

At a high-end retailer that I used to work for, the store had two levels with escalators going up and down in the center atrium. If anyone went up or down, we knew about it. There was no need to have anything like Alpha Nano Gate at the escalators because of our great visibility.

Where we could have used the Alpha Security Nano Gate was at the elevator. These were tucked away in a far corner right next to an exterior door.  To this day, I don’t know how much merchandise we lost out that door because someone picked up something on the second floor, went on the elevator and then scooted right out the door. It was because we had no way to prevent shoplifting in the elevator.

It was first brought to my attention when an employee had seen two women pick up several designer suits and hastily scurry toward the elevator. My employee was smart and called down to the department closest to the elevator on the bottom floor and told them to wait by the elevator and offer their assistance.

Sure enough, as soon as the elevator opened, the women were shocked to see someone waiting. They handed over the stack of suits and left the store with out trying on or buying anything.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Simple Needs – Prevent Shoplifting

With all of the retail anti-theft devices on the market, it can be confusing and overwhelming to try and figure out what is the most useful for your shop. Just look at the Alpha Security line or retail anti-theft devices. There are more products than I can count and each one has its own special purpose.

Alpha Security designed their products with both Alpha 2 Alarm and Alpha 3 Alarm capabilities.

You can probably figure out which Alpha Security product you need to prevent shoplifting just by matching them up with the inventory item you are trying to protect. That’s the easy part to prevent shoplifting. Now it is time to figure out if you need an Alpha 2 Alarm or an Alpha 3 Alarm.

An Alpha 2 Alarm product will only activate if tampered with and the door alarms will sound if not deactivated. That is good for products where someone tries to take merchandise out of the box/ packaging to steal it, like electronics or power tools.

For an item like a high theft, expensive handbag you might want to use the Alpha 3 Alarm. This alarm will activate not only if the tag is tampered with, but will also provide an audible directly from the tag if the handbag is removed from the store without being deactivated. It is handy if the bag is concealed as the method of theft.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

More Power To You – Alpha Spider Wraps

I have a friend who is a district loss prevention investigator for a national hardware chain. She has seen the rise and fall of many trends from both shoplifters and employee theft cases. My friend has said numerous times that the Alpha Security Alpha Spider Wrap retail anti-theft devices are an invaluable resource.

She also has had the opportunity to see the impact that the addition of the Alpha Spider Wrap has made over the years. If it wasn’t for these retail anti-theft devices, the losses from high dollar power tools and other boxed items would be thousands of dollars more than what it is in these stores.

Power tools are a huge loss item because they have enormous resale value and opportunity. They are easily pawned, used or sold to another person on the streets or job sites. If they were not so easy to unload for profit, they would not be stolen so frequently.

The addition of the Alpha Spider Wrap has helped prevent shoplifting in the high loss department of power tools since they started using them.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


The Best Accessory for Your Accessories – Alpha 2 Alarm

The Alpha 2 Alarm lanyard is a retail anti-theft device comprised of a small block (only a few inches long) that has a wire lanyard permanently attached at one end. The wire is a heavy-duty wire that prevents it from easily being cut. In order to protect your merchandise, the cable wire is covered in a protective coating. This makes sure the wire does not snag on any fabrics or decorative embellishments.

The other end of the wire remains loose until it is attached to the merchandise. Then the loose end is inserted into the block. There is a push button release for easy removal with a detacher at your POS.

Even though this is one of the best uses for this particular type of EAS alarm, the Alpha Security Alpha 2 Alarm lanyard lock is for more than just purses. This is a versatile type of retail anti-theft device that can prevent shoplifting of a wide variety of accessories. The lanyards are large enough to work with large totes and handbags. They are not so big that they would not work for the smaller wristlets that are in fashion right now. The lanyard can also be used for other suitcases and luggage.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


The New Look – Jewel Lok

An essential up-selling tool in retail is jewelry. Jewelry is one of the most effective  means of creating a new look with an outfit. Nothing works like accessories to create or complete a new look with a new outfit or add miles to an existing outfit or a new pair of shoes.

Using standard retail anti-theft devices in order to deter and prevent shoplifting of accessories is not 100% reliable. The EAS tags and labels are hidden inside the packaging most of the time and it is a simple matter to remove the jewelry from the packaging. 

It’s a  no brainer for the average shoplifter to exit the store with stolen jewelry with little or no risk involved with only the standard devices in place. Enter Jewel Lok.

Jewel Lok is the latest innovation in jewelry retail anti-theft devices.  Jewel Loks tailored for necklaces and bracelets, as well as for hoop and stud earrings make it possible for the retailer to protect every size and type of jewelry in inventory. Each device is designed to create a highly successful, locking mechanism to make sure your jewelry does not walk out the door in the possession of shoplifters.

No more running around the store collecting loose, discarded jewelry packages. Jewel Lok precludes  the product  being removed without the proper detachers.

Reduce or eliminate the risk in selling jewelry now. Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti-theft devices utilized with Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting.

For more information on how you can employ retail anti-theft devices with Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system and prevent shoplifting please contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.


Are we talking about Chili – Alpha 3 Alarm

I would like to feel that I am pretty savvy when it comes to technology. There isn’t much that I can’t do or figure out. I am baffled when it comes to what exactly are the Alpha Security Alpha 2 Alarm and Alpha 3 Alarm retail anti theft devices.

I know this isn’t like a 3-alarm fire or a good bowl of 3-alarm chili. It did take me a bit to realize that Alpha Security has come up with different levels of protection against in store theft.

The most basic level is the typical EAS system.  A product has a tag that alarms when the tag passes through the field generated by two towers at an exit door. We see that in just about every big box retailer out there.

That is a good start, but what if you are trying to prevent shoplifting by more experienced shoplifters? Your retail anti theft devices need to step it up a notch. This is where the Alpha 2 Alarm comes in. That is an alarm that comes directly from the retail anti theft device if it is tampered with.

Now if you still need more protection look for the Alpha 3 Alarm. It has the alarm capabilities of both levels one and two. But the biggest difference is that an Alpha 3 Alarm will sound if the retail anti theft device (and the product) leaves the store without being paid for. The alarm will continue to go off for up to ten minutes allowing you time to find where the shoplifter has inevitably discarded the merchandise.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.


Wrap Your Head Around It – Alpha Spider Wrap

What is the single biggest reason why employees find discarded packages?  Shoplifters were attempting to eliminate the EAS tags. Most of the experienced shoplifters and professional thieves are aware that EAS tags are kept inside product packaging.

The next question- is there retail anti theft devices, which will effectively keep the product inside the package until it was purchased?

Lucky for us, there is.

Alpha Security makes the Alpha Spider Wrap.

I know that sounds like a complex series of web like strings intricately wrapped around product packaging. It sounds also like a potentially complex process to attach and detach when a customer buys the item.

In reality, The Alpha Spider Wrap is two bands that interlock around a box or other packaging that is susceptible to theft. There is a center disk that connects them and easily secures itself and detaches with the proper equipment.

Hardware stores are starting to use them extensively for power tools. That’s where I first stumbled across them. They have many more applications than just big boxes of power tools though. Just apply them to any boxes that you are having an issue with someone taking the product out of the box.

Most of the common shoplifting groups need a visual deterrent to prevent shoplifting. These retail anti theft devices also create an audible alarm within themselves. The audible alarm sounds when a shoplifter tampers with the Alpha Spider Wrap.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Alpha 2Alarm, Alpha 3Alarm, Alpha Fashion2, Alpha Jewel Lok, Alpha Nano Gate,  Alpha Shark Tag, Alpha Spider Wrap and other retail anti-theft devices from Alpha Security to use in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use Alpha Security retail anti-theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Protection with retail anti theft devices

Sometimes it takes a few losses to realize how desirable a particular item has become to the shoplifter. We cannot predict which items will be the next hot theft item or which merchandise will need our focus to prevent shoplifting.

The best strategy is to protect our most expensive merchandise with Spider Wrap, Jewel Lok, Shark Tag, or one of the many other retail anti-theft devices that are available on the market before theft can becomes noticeable.

My typical strategy after assessing price points is to focus on things that are easy to steal and easy to sell when determining which items require spider wrap. Any high dollar item with packaging that has a handle accelerates straight to the top of the spider wrap list. Expensive, small, or easy-to-conceal items are typically first on a spider wrap roster as well. Browsing local resale shops or online resale websites also helps to identify which merchandise is being targeted.

When determining the list of merchandise to shark tag, I will typically tag merchandise seasonally. I also notice the return trends for used items on specific types of merchandise. School dance seasons such as prom or homecoming are the most common times that we utilize Jewel Lok and Shark Tag.  

The Jewel Lok or Shark Tag affixed to all high dollar items deters customers from purchasing and wearing the item to their big event and then returning afterward.  Leather coats also merit shark tag to prevent seasonal wearers from purchasing an expensive coat at the beginning of the season and returning it when the cold season has ended.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti-theft devices to prevent shoplifting and increase your profits.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.