Using Cash Controls to Prevent Internal Theft – Atlanta Georgia

The best way to prevent internal theft within your organization is to inform your employees about your internal security measures. Furthermore, make sure they understand that if caught stealing you will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. The fact is that most employees steal simply because they think they can easily get away with it. Let it be known that they will probably be caught and definitely have to pay the price for their wrong-doing once caught and you’ll limit the number of thieves within you building.

Here are a few tips on how cash controls can help you prevent internal theft and send a message to your employees: Limit the amount of cash in a register and do frequent safe drops throughout the day. There’s nothing more tempting than a mound of cash sitting in front of you. Take away that temptation. Put one employee in charge of setting up cash drawers and put another one in charge of double checking it. Never put one person in charge of all of your money, again the temptation is too high. Issue one drawer to each cashier. Nobody else should be allowed to ring on this drawer. This sends the message that ‘whatever happens to this drawer is your responsibility’.

You should require that every register be closed after each transaction and a register should never be left unlocked when not attended. This will eliminate the claim that another employee rang in a sale when they were on break, at lunch, etc. All over-rings or under-rings should be signed off by a manager and the signature of all managers should be kept on file to prevent possible forgeries. These steps send the message that you’re serious about controlling your money and keeping employees honest. Use them and you’re guaranteed to limit the amount of internal theft you experience.

For more information about employee theft or corporate fraud investigator or corporate fraud investigation or employee theft investigation contact us at Internal Theft or call 1.770.426.0547 we are located in the Atlanta Georgia area

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