They Just Need One- Checkpoint Tags

If Checkpoint Tags are not consistently used on every article of merchandise that is determined to need retail theft prevention, you create an opening for shoplifters to take advantage of your store. The best and easiest way to determine if you are executing your tagging standard to 100% is to perform a self- audit for compliance rate.
A self-audit means taking either a sampling of those tagged items (for large quantities) or all of the items (for small quantities) and checking for accuracy. 
If you conduct a sample of twenty items and only ten have tags, you are at 50% accuracy. 50% is not going to keep shoplifters at bay. Based on this audit you know where you need to focus your efforts to make sure you are at 100% accuracy.
Shoplifters are very mindful of any opportunity that is presented to them that makes it easier to steal. Even though you are using retail theft prevention as a way to stop shoplifting, you aren’t guaranteed that a shoplifter won’t every come into your store.
Anti shoplifting tools like Checkpoint Tags are a deterrent only when used properly. If a shoplifter is trying to steal a pair of jeans to resell later, they don’t care which jeans they get. They will dig through a stack of merchandise, if they see one pair without a Checkpoint Tag, that’s the pair they will try to steal from you.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.
For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547 

If Checkpoint Tags are not consistently used on every article of merchandise that is determined to need retail theft prevention, you create an opening for shoplifters to take advantage of your store. The best and easiest way to determine if you are executing your tagging standard to 100% is to perform a self- audit for compliance rate.

A self-audit means taking either a sampling of those tagged items (for large quantities) or all of the items (for small quantities) and checking for accuracy. 

If you conduct a sample of twenty items and only ten have tags, you are at 50% accuracy. 50% is not going to keep shoplifters at bay. Based on this audit you know where you need to focus your efforts to make sure you are at 100% accuracy.

Shoplifters are very mindful of any opportunity that is presented to them that makes it easier to steal. Even though you are using retail theft prevention as a way to stop shoplifting, you aren’t guaranteed that a shoplifter won’t every come into your store.

Anti shoplifting tools like Checkpoint Tags are a deterrent only when used properly. If a shoplifter is trying to steal a pair of jeans to resell later, they don’t care which jeans they get. They will dig through a stack of merchandise, if they see one pair without a Checkpoint Tag, that’s the pair they will try to steal from you.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547 


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