The Unsuspecting Face- Clothing Security

When I mention organized crime, or organized retail crime, many of the people I am talking to start to picture scenes from The Godfather, or a roaring twenties mob boss. Because this image is so strongly embedded, many retailers think that because no one in a fedora and pin stripe suit is stealing from them they are immune to organized retail theft.
The sad reality is that organized criminals are stealing from these stores because the owners and employees are so oblivious to what is going on. The employees are simply looking the other way, or do not realize the full extent of the theft.
In fact, many organized retail theft cases that I have worked in the past revolve around a suspect that every one in the store has seen. That is because these thieves are in the store on multiple occasions and aren’t scared of employee interaction. When I show my employees pictures of my suspects so they can let me know if they see them, the employees often are surprised because they do recognize the suspect. They see them frequently, but never suspected a thing.
The days of mob bosses and pin striped suits are gone. The new face of organized crime is one of many nationalities, both males and females, and of all groups.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

When I mention organized crime, or organized retail crime, many of the people I am talking to start to picture scenes from The Godfather, or a roaring twenties mob boss. Because this image is so strongly embedded, many retailers think that because no one in a fedora and pin stripe suit is stealing from them they are immune to organized retail theft.

The sad reality is that organized criminals are stealing from these stores because the owners and employees are so oblivious to what is going on. The employees are simply looking the other way, or do not realize the full extent of the theft.

In fact, many organized retail theft cases that I have worked in the past revolve around a suspect that every one in the store has seen. That is because these thieves are in the store on multiple occasions and aren’t scared of employee interaction. When I show my employees pictures of my suspects so they can let me know if they see them, the employees often are surprised because they do recognize the suspect. They see them frequently, but never suspected a thing.

The days of mob bosses and pin striped suits are gone. The new face of organized crime is one of many nationalities, both males and females, and of all groups.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


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