The “Don’ts” of an Employee Theft Investigation – Atlanta Georgia

Ok, so you’ve got grounds to begin an employee theft investigation. Great! Now you have a new set of issues that you need to deal with. There are quite a few ways to go about conducting your investigation and depending on who, what, when and where you’re investigating those may vary. However, there are a few things that you never want to do when conducting an employee theft investigation. Here are a few things that’ll help keep you on the right track:

Never, under any circumstances, act off of a hunch or here-say from another employee or customer. Remember, you are the expert and your eyes are the only ones that matter in this situation. If you do receive a tip treat it as just that. Keep an eye on the situation but don’t act until you have gathered evidence of wrong-doing for yourself.

Building a case can take time and we all have a lot to do in our everyday duties. However, don’t be too lazy or too overwhelmed to take the time to fully investigate every case. The longer it takes for you to catch the culprit the more money and merchandise is going out of your store.

Never accuse anyone of a crime until you’ve fully investigated the case and have undisputable evidence of their wrong-doing. Several companies have faced lawsuits for doing just that. Once you call someone in for an interview it should already be an open and shut case. Their confession is just the icing on the cake. Don’t get caught up in being the next Colombo; trying to force a confession out of someone. That only works on television. Keep these “don’ts” in mind when performing your next employee theft investigation.

For more information about employee theft or internal theft or employee theft investigation or corporate fraud investigator contact us at Employee Theft Investigation or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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