Retail theft prevention is more than just a quick fix, but it is possible.

Most everyone is familiar with anti shoplifting devices such as EAS tags.  Hopefully, you are familiar with Checkpoint systems product, the Checkpoint security tags.  Many still don’t really have an understanding of how the Checkpoint security tags can really fight professional shoplifters and Organized Retail Crime rings.  Here is an example of how a fully functioning Checkpoint security system can work for retail theft prevention.

I had a store using Checkpoint systems.  One day the EAS alarm activated and the clerk looked up just in time to see a professional booster running out of the door with stolen product.  Now I already hear the questions.  If they got away where’s the retail theft prevention?  Keep reading.  In addition to the Checkpoint security tags, the store also had the Checkpoint systems CCTV system.  They were able to go back on the DVR to find the shoplifter entering and get a good picture of his face.  Management then showed the video to all of the employees and asked that they contact management if they saw that person.

Naturally, since the shoplifter was so successful the first time, he came back about a week later.  The cashier saw the perp enter the store and immediately called the manager.  The manager used the Checkpoint systems camera to verify that it was, in fact, the same guy and observed the shoplifter starting to conceal merchandise.  The manager went ahead and notified the PD who headed that way.  As the shoplifter attempted to leave this time the Checkpoint security system alarm sounded and the manager approached the shoplifter to ask for a receipt.  As the guy started to flea he ran right into the waiting arms of the police and was promptly taken to jail.

It sometimes takes work to build your case, but the right anti shoplifting devices make the job a lot easier when properly used.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Some shoplifters know how to bypass retail anti theft devices. Do you???

At this point in time there are several known tools used by career shoplifters to bypass retail anti theft devices.  As business owners and managers we have to keep up with these in order to make our retail anti theft devices still prevent shoplifting to the population at large.

 One example is what is called a booster bag.  If you know what to look for you can easily spot these.  Booster bags are generally large paper bags with handles that you expect to find at most clothing retailers.  The shoplifter lines the inside of the bag with tin foil and if a large amount of items with EAS tags are placed inside the foil boosts the RF signal from the tags to a point that it is too much for the pedestals to handle and thus causes the EAS alarm not to activate.  It is important to train you employees to be mindful of customers shopping that have bags from other retailers (especially if that retailer is nowhere close to your shop).  They need to pay extra attention to customers with paper bags and try to get close enough to see inside to make sure it is not lined with anything.

 Additionally, I have seen a number of stores who use handheld EAS deactivators at their registers for hard tags.  Personally, I recommend using flush mounted deactivators because they cannot be stolen as easily as the handhelds can.  It is becoming more common to find that thieves are distracting the clerks and stealing the handheld deactivators so that they can remove your retail anti theft devices themselves.  If you are going to use the handhelds then at least make sure to mount them to the register and make sure your cashiers alert you if any go missing.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Lessen the Impact of Theft with Checkpoint Systems

Businesses can be impacted by shoplifters at any time of the day. Businesses also feel the impact of shoplifting from a variety of thieves; everyone from the professional thief to the petty shoplifter. The outcome of either type of shoplifting is the same – loss of merchandise and profit for your business. The amount of loss can vary between the two groups and the impact on profit can be significant.


Retail theft prevention is a generic term for what you, as a business owner, can do to prevent theft in your business. It can mean teaching your employees about what they can do to prevent theft. Retail theft prevention can also mean utilizing anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint systems. Some type of system needs to be in place in order to lessen the effects of theft from shoplifters.


 A Checkpoint Security System, for example, includes Checkpoint security tags that can be attached to your high theft merchandise. These reusable devices are removed at the time of purchase at the register, and offer a deterrent to those customers that consider shoplifting at your business. They also are very difficult to remove without a key, so they slow down a shoplifter’s attempt to steal. Shoplifters need anonymity and speed in order to carry out their desire to steal, so a Checkpoint security system can take away those opportunities.


 Anti shoplifting devices can, for minimal investment, prevent the losses from shoplifting that your business is experiencing. Checkpoint security tags are a proven example of an effective tool for retail theft prevention. Profits improve, and shoplifters move on to an unprotected business.


 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.


 For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Can you really have a business that doesn’t use retail anti theft devices?

Of course.  Is it recommended?  Not really.  Shoplifting is a real part of any retail environment.  The solution to prevent shoplifting is fairly easy.  The answer is retail anti theft devices.

 There are a variety of retail anti theft devices.  One major device is the EAS system.  EAS stands for Electronic Article Surveillance.  In short, these are the noise makers at the door that beep when merchandise walks through that has security tags on them.  Putting tags on merchandise is a great way to prevent shoplifting.  Shoplifters by nature are sneaky.  They want to come in and go out without much attention.  If a shoplifter knows that the product they are stealing is going to set off an alarm then the whole “sneaky” thing goes out the window.  This is the deterrent effect that you want to have.  The hard part is getting the employees involved.

 In order to really prevent shoplifting you have to have a team effort.  Retail anti theft devices work to alert the associates of merchandise that might not be paid for, but it is still up to them to respond.  If a shoplifter sees someone set off the alarm and nobody pays attention then the deterrent effect is lost.  Not going to prevent much shoplifting that way.  A proper system is one where the employees actively engage the customer who set off the alarm.  That lets the potential shoplifters know that they will be questioned and their bags checked if they mess up and take product that has sensor tags on it.  Now we have a solution that will prevent shoplifting.

 Just remember, retail anti theft devices are designed to alert associates of a problem.  It is still their job to give good “customer service”.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

So how do you REALLY prevent shoplifting???

The answer to how they can prevent shoplifting is one that all good business owners search for at some point in time.  The reason is simple.  Shoplifting plays a major role in the success of the business’s profitability and has to be factored into the business model.  There are a couple of ways to stop shoplifting that I have found to be quite successful in my career.

 The first step to prevent shoplifting is to educate your employees.  Let them know what shoplifting is, who does it (everyone), how they do it and what to look for.  Then you want to empower them to act.  Now hear me loud and clear, you DO NOT want your employees making apprehensions or accusations. There is too much liability and personal safety in that method.  What you want to encourage is world class customer service.  Shoplifters want to be left alone and have privacy to do their dirty deeds.  If your employees follow the suspected shoplifter around the store and give great service then a good customer will be happy with the service level and the shoplifter will leave and go somewhere else.  This is a win-win if you’re keeping score.

 The second is to utilize retail anti theft devices.  There are several good ones out there.  Most everyone knows about Checkpoint security and their EAS tags. These have great deterrent effect, are cost efficient and work.  Putting EAS tags on high theft / high dollar merchandise is a great way to prevent shoplifting.  Another option, I one I have grown to love, is using retail anti theft devices such as safer cases and spider wraps.  Alpha security is one of the best makers of these products.  Safer cases lock up the merchandise in little boxes that the customer can easily get, but can’t easily steal.  Spider wraps do basically the same thing accept they have an alarm if tampered with.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Are anti shoplifting solutions at work for you?

If you pay an employee you expect him/her to work, right?  Well the same should go for the anti shoplifting devices you buy.  Let’s face it, with the economy where it is we are all concerned with expenses.  That said, you have to have employees in order to make sales and in the same regards you have to utilize retail theft prevention tools in order to protect the profit from those sales.

So how can you make anti shoplifting products “work”?  There are several ways.  First, you have to have the right “employee”.  Checkpoint security system is a leader in innovative retail theft prevention tools, such as Checkpoint security tags, cameras, clothing alarms, etc.  So now that we have hired the right “employee” in Checkpoint systems, we need to do the training.

Systems are only as good as the people who work them.  Managers need to be properly trained on how to use the Checkpoint security system cameras if they are going to track known shoplifters and avoid getting repeatedly hit by the same thieves.  Cashiers and other associates need to be trained on the EAS system so they know how to apply Checkpoint security tags properly and respond to the alarms properly.  (A few tips on the Checkpoint security tags placement.  Put hard tags in seams of product to avoid damaging the merchandise.  Put soft tags near the barcodes (preferably on the inside of the package if possible) to help ensure deactivation at the register.)

Finally, you have to manage the program.  Retail theft prevention is not a hands off process.  It requires monitoring, regular follow up to ensure proper functionality and fine tuning; just like the rest of your employees.  The good thing is Checkpoint systems offers great service to assist you in this process.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Checkpoint Security System, Anti Shoplifting or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia.

Retail theft prevention … fundamental or fantasy???

So everyone knows about Checkpoint security tags on merchandise, right?  There are several providers.  One that happens to be pretty good is made by Checkpoint security system.  I’ve had the opportunity to use their product and find it to be quality product at a good price.

But enough of that.  Do anti shoplifting devices work?  That’s the real question.  I can say without a doubt, “YES”!  Here’s an example.  A rookie thief wants to get product without attention.  He, like us, is familiar with the “beep, beep, beep” from the Checkpoint security system at the doors and knows that will draw attention.  When he/she see’s that Checkpoint security tags on product, then he/she is likely to head to your competitor to do the shoplifting there.  That is the key.  We say retail theft prevention too casually sometimes, but we often forget the “prevention” part.

There are other options as well.  Checkpoint systems offers camera systems too.  Cameras are great to use to record doors, registers and high theft areas of the store.  Just having them will cause potential shoplifters to think twice about stealing and it helps make your case in court when someone is dumb enough to still try.  You can always use smoke domes or “dummy domes” if you can’t afford the full Checkpoint systems camera system.  It still gives the illusion that you have a camera over certain “high theft” product and will deter the thieves.

Shoplifting is unfortunately a part of everyday retail.  The only way to truly employ retail theft prevention is to utilize the anti shoplifting devices that are available today.  Crime evolves and you have to keep up so it won’t shut you down.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Security System or Anti Shoplifting contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Can Checkpoint security system work for your business?

Of course it can. The Checkpoint security system is a leading provider in anti shoplifting devices and strives to provide retail theft prevention solutions to its clients.  In today’s economy retail businesses will not survive without Checkpoint security tags or some type of anti shoplifting device to protect the product.

The last few years have seen a rise in retail theft.  This makes perfect sense considering the “great” economy we’re enjoying.  We all feel the pinch so I can understand one’s reluctance to invest in Checkpoint systems and other retail theft prevention products.  The problem is you can’t afford not to.  It is impossible to watch all customers at all times.  In fact, professional thieves and Organized Retail Crime (ORC) rings thrive on small businesses that don’t use Checkpoint systems.  The reason is simple.   It is much easier to steal from a store that does not use anti shoplifting devices that one that does.  ORC has become a multi-billion dollar a year business.  How much of your profits are being lost to these menaces?

There are a variety of options one can choose from provided by Checkpoint security system.  A common option, and one that is time tested and proven, is Checkpoint security tags.  These Checkpoint security tags go on high dollar / high theft items in order to deter theft and at least alert you when theft is taking place.  Checkpoint systems also offer clothing alarms.  These are devices that secure high dollar clothes (i.e. leather jackets, handbags, etc.) to the racks and create a rather loud audible siren when tampered with.  This will give you plenty of time to react to a potential theft before the perps get out the door rather than after.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting, Retail theft prevention or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Checkpoint Security System or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Stop Thief! Prevent Shoplifting the Efficient Way – Atlanta Georgia

Yelling “Stop Thief!” at a shoplifter who is leaving a retail store probably isn’t the most efficient way to prevent shoplifting, although some business owners would probably argue that it couldn’t hurt.  Shoplifting does hurt retailers, however, right where it does the most damage – in the pocketbook.  Shoplifting means lower profits, lower stock levels, and lower morale among employees.

 Checkpoint Systems has a way to control customer theft that is a lot more acceptable than screaming at the top of your voice at a shoplifter exiting your store.  Checkpoint is designed to detect protected merchandise that has not been purchased as it passes through a detection field at the store’s exit.  Once the sensor is detected, an alarm sounds that alerts the store staff and the customer that there is an item passing through that still has an activated label or a special tag attached.  These labels and tags can only be deactivated or removed at the point of sale by a store employee.

 Once the alarm sounds, store staff approaches the customer to determine the cause of the alarm.  Training on the best way to accomplish this is provided by Checkpoint Systems so that legitimate customers aren’t offended and shoplifters are dealt with quietly and quickly.

 The presence of a system, tags, and labels are enough to discourage retail thieves and prevent shoplifting by casual shoplifters and most professionals, who had rather target an easier victim than one protected by a retail anti theft device.

 Retail businesses of all kinds are using EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) systems and are finding that their shrinkage figures are substantially reduced and their net profits are maximized as shoplifters migrate to other locations to carry out their crimes.

 Using one of Checkpoint Systems retail anti theft devices is a much more efficient way to prevent shoplifting than to find a shoplifter and yell at him as he leaves your store.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for Checkpoint Systems and other products to help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Beep, Beep, Beep. Retail theft prevention sounds good to me.

Ever been in a store and heard the annoying beep, beep, beep at the doors? I bet no one even looked up did they?  Anti shoplifting systems are only as good as the people who use them.  So what are anti shoplifting systems?  These are systems designed to assist in retail theft prevention.

One primary source is provided by Checkpoint systems.  The Checkpoint security system utilizes Checkpoint security tags placed strategically on high theft merchandise.  When the merchandise is purchased at the register the Checkpoint security tags are removed or deactivated from the product.  When shoplifters try to steal product the Checkpoint security tags trigger the alarms on the Checkpoint security system that alerts employees of potential theft.  But here is the main point.  Anti shoplifting devices, such as Checkpoint systems, will not STOP a shoplifter.  No one has ever seen a security system throw a shoplifter down and put them in handcuffs.  They system only works if the employees respond.

At this point shoplifters know about, and are leery of, the Checkpoint security system.  Often times shoplifters will watch to see what employees do when the Checkpoint security system sounds.  If the employees engage the customer then the shoplifter is likely to go and steal elsewhere.  If the employees do not pay any attention to the alarm then the shoplifter knows that he/she does not have to worry about the Checkpoint security tags on the product and they can help themselves.

The true tool in retail theft prevention is employee awareness and engagement.  Tools such as Checkpoint systems are a great aid to assist employees in this endever.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

For more information on Checkpoint Security Tags, Retail theft prevention, or Checkpoint Security System contact us at Anti Shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia