Preventing Employee Theft & Negligent Hiring Claims Go Hand In Hand – Atlanta Georgia

In the thirty years of conducting employee theft investigations I look back and see that many of the problems these employees caused us could have been prevented at the time of hiring had the company paid attention to the warning signals.

If addressed in the beginning BEFORE a candidate is hired these same warning signals also provide your company protection from negligent hiring claims. It is important to look at hiring as a process that must be adhered to even if you are a small business.

To protect your company you should do the following:

  • All job applicants must fill out your application form. You should not simply accept their resume. They need to completely fill out you application and sign it. Your application should include a detailed work history. It should also ask about criminal convictions. Yes, you can do that and you should, every time.
  • Actually check their criminal records. It is easy and cheap.
  • Conduct personal interview with the candidate. This should be done by at least 2 people but the more the merrier.  I suggest 3-5 interviews with different management people in your company. This allows you to get many views and in the long run the new employee will be even more accepted as others have a stake in their success. Don’t have anyone else that can do an interview? Ask a trusted business friend, spouse or other person who is professional and will represent you and your company well.
  • Require references both personal and work related. Then actually check them. You will be surprised what they will tell you if you know how to ask the right questions.
  • Have a set of forms that you use each time for this and retain those forms in their file.

These items will serve you well and will help protect you from negligent hiring claims and employee theft. Make them a standard part of your business.

For more information about internal theft or white collar crime or employee theft or corporate fraud investigator or corporate fraud investigation contact us at employee theft investigation or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Corporate Fraud Investigation When Should I Call? – Atlanta Georgia

Loss Prevention Systems Corporate Fraud investigator s have conducted thousands of employee theft investigation s for all types of companies. Large companies with experienced senior staff and the smallest of companies that are less than 5 employees. One problem that we consistently see with all of them is when the client contacts us. Most of the time it is late in the process. It is not an issue for us but it normally does cost the client more. Because we generally have to start over with much of the investigation.

Most people including some of the most savvy business people I have ever met are like a fish out of water in these situations. Because of this they do not know how to build a proper corporate fraud investigation . And because we all watch CSI they try to be their own corporate fraud investigator. It is not like what we see on TV, far from it.

Our job is to build a corporate fraud investigation that will prevail with civil and criminal courts and serve to effectively block unemployment claim if the client so desires. Most company executives are frustrated in these situations because they are missing a key business element that they must have to make their every day business decisions. That is control. They do not know what to do. We provide and therefore restore that sense of and actual control.

But why not just call the police or FBI? They have a staff of professional investigators. They have the skills. Of course they do. But as anyone in my field knows the chances of getting law enforcement to do this type of employee theft investigation is like playing the lottery. It isn’t that they do not want to or do not have the skill. The fact is that there is so many investigations assigned to them they cannot actually work one to the extent necessary to get the investigation where it need to go. The average police detective in the U.S. is assigned 40 +/- investigations in a thirty-day period. They are civil servants and work a 40-hour workweek. How many of those 40 investigations do you really think get worked?

On the other side we at LPSI assign one corporate fraud investigator to an investigation. They work on it from start to finish and that time frame is short depending on the case. Even complicated ones. Most of the delays we experience is the client trying to catch up with us.

SO when should you call? Save yourself some money and call right away before you start firing people, calling the police and defiantly before the losses and investigation becomes water cooler gossip.

For more information on corporate fraud investigator , internal theft , employee theft , employee theft investigation contact us at corporate fraud investigation or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Employee Theft Is A More Serious Problem Than You Realize – Atlanta Georgia

The average employee thief steals $1,876 per incident compared to the average shoplifter who steals on average $226 per incident. Why is this? Most retailers are shocked when thy see these numbers some are even in denial. The words ring out “my employees wouldn’t do that to ME”. Oh yes they would and do!

I have personally conducted over 2300 investigations of employees involved in employee theft . They do steal and will steal anything they see as of value to them. This could be paper, pens or other office supplies for their kid’s school work (that’s not so bad…is it?) to your merchandise, cash and time.

Employees steal, including some of yours, sorry but that is just fact.

Oh man that is depressing now what do you do? Well, first off keep in mind I am not saying all employees. But at an average theft of $1,876 how many bad ones can you afford?

The solution begins with better management and controls. Remember those famous words of President Regan “trust but verify”. You must verify employee’s work as a routine. Look into a little here and a little there. Employees should believe that you look at everything. Keep them guessing.

But keep in mind you will still have people that will try to steal and some will succeed in employee theft . What do you do when you suspect employee theft ? The old school and macho approach is to investigate it yourself. Have you ever heard the analogy “a person who acts as their own attorney in court has a fool for a client”?

Another failed method is to just fire them. In that case you should first ask your self several questions: Who taught them to do this and is that person still employed here? How much have they really stolen from me? You would be shocked in most of these answers. Are you trained to look for employee theft ?

Get professional help. OK, yes that is what we do. But we are VERY good at it. However, more importantly you can waste your time and money doing it yourself and get poor results because it is not what you do for a living. Or we can fix the current employee theft problem and put you back into the drivers seat then help you to correct the situation so it does not occur that way again.

For more information about employee theft or internal theft or corporate fraud investigation or corporate fraud investigator contact us at employee theft investigation or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Statistics from Global Retail Theft Barometer 2010

Internal theft and the value of corporate fraud investigation – Atlanta Georgia

Internal theft is the biggest factor when talking about inventory shrinkage. Employees around the globe cause the greatest loss to retailers. Yet, to this day, there are still managers and business owners that don’t believe their employees are stealing from them.

Recently, a window company, which has been in business for 31 years, had been operating in the red. For the last 10 years, they had been experiencing inventory shrinkage and loss. This is a small business run by a husband wife and two close friends. The friend, a bookkeeper, reported the poor sales weekly to the main owner. Worried about his business, he decided to bring in consultants to help with his losses. It was all or nothing. The consultants recommended to the owners the need for a thorough employee theft investigation and review the possibility of internal theft .

Insulted, the manager refused and stopped business with the consultants. Internal theft was not a problem at his company, and there was no need for an employee theft investigation as this was a small company and no one was stealing from him. He believes his losses were because of the downturn in the economy. Weeks passed and the poor performance continued. The managers got together talked about the possibilities of closing the business. As a result of the inventory shrinkage and poor sales performance, the team knew this could be it.

Later, the husband and wife team hired a corporate fraud investigator. The corporate fraud investigator spent a week going thru the inventory results, conducting forensic accounting, speaking with employees. The corporate fraud investigator found the answer, but knew the owners were not going to like it.

The corporate fraud investigator went to the home of the business owners, specifically, the husband and wife. He explained to them what he had done over the last week and his results. It wasn’t good and employee theft was definitely the cause. The bookkeeper of 20 years had been pocketing cash for 10 years, totaling over $1 million.

Do you really want to wait until employee theft gets to this level before you take action?

For more information about employee theft or internal theft or employee theft investigation contact us at corporate fraud investigation or call us at 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Employee theft: Helping themselves to your profits – Atlanta Georgia

Some retail studies show that one third of all theft that a business may experience is caused by employee theft .  When a business owner looks to hire an employee, he hopes that the employee will be trustworthy and able to perform their job in a manner that helps in the function and profitability of the business.  No business owner hopes to have employees contribute to their shrink percentages.

Internal theft can be prevented or reduced in a variety of ways.  Managers and owners should maintain a good relationship with employees.  Those that are disgruntled are less likely to care about stealing from their employer than those that are happy with their jobs.  Businesses with low turnover rates have been shown to have reduced rates of internal theft in some cases.

Policies and procedures need to be in place for a business’s vital areas, and these need to be followed by everyone.  Business owners and managers need to realize that all employees could potentially choose to create a loss for their business, regardless of the fact that they have previously been a trusted employee.  Circumstances may change in an employee’s life to where he or she may be able to justify a theft from his employer.  Policies have to be enforced for every employee in order to prevent the opportunity to steal.

Another best practice is to have a background check conducted on all prospective employees.  This will weed out the candidates that may have been caught and prosecuted at another business for internal theft or other illegal activities.

When there is an employee theft investigation that needs to be conducted, businesses are wise to consult a corporate fraud investigator in order to complete an accurate and thorough investigation.

When something raises a red flag that makes a business owner suspect employee theft, there is probably much more that went unnoticed before that red flag was raised. In this case do not wait to order an employee theft investigation .

For more information about employee theft or internal theft or employee theft investigation or corporate fraud investigator or corporate fraud investigation contact us at corporate fraud investigator or call 1.770.426.256 – Atlanta Georgia

Employee theft investigation boosts profits – Atlanta Georgia

Did you know doing an employee theft investigation boosts your profits? Retail loss prevention experts estimate that employees cause larger losses than shoplifters. These facts prove the necessity for a solid retail loss prevention program and diligent employee theft investigation.

Now, we all know that inventory shrinkage caused by internal theft can cripple a store. An employee theft investigation should be tailored to your business to specifically target the highest shrink merchandise in your stores.

Recently, a company I worked for had a 10% shrink number after an inventory. Now, being in retail loss prevention , this high number told me that this store needed in depth employee theft investigation . It was obvious this store was suffering from internal theft and it was only gonna get worse if the retail loss prevention department didn’t do something about it. So, I initiated an employee theft investigation on several employees in the store.

Conducting investigations on internal theft suspects can be a daunting task if your business is not suited with the right equipment. After reviewing several hours of video, speaking with several associates, I was able to narrow down the main culprits to loss inside of this store. Employee theft was rampant in this store. The managers were even part of the problem. I arranged my employee interviews based on the active amount of their participation. First, was the manager on duty. He had keys to all parts of the store including the receiving area roll-up door (where most merchandise was exiting), and had codes to access the alarm panels and camera systems in the store.

During the interview of the manager, I asked him about internal theft in his store and what he thought of the inventory shrinkage. Immediately the manager told me that none of his employees were stealing and that shoplifters caused all of the 10% loss.

For more information about employee theft , internal theft , corporate fraud investigation or corporate fraud investigator contact us at employee theft investigation or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

The Key to an Employee Theft Investigation – Atlanta Georgia

Simply put, the key to a proper employee theft investigation is listening. I know, it seems like common sense right? Well the one thing I’ve learned in the 10 plus years I’ve been in this business is that common sense isn’t all that common. When it comes to uncovering the perpetrator of an internal crime, the best sources of information are often the people who work together and see one another day after day in all types of situations. They know what constitutes “normal” behavior in co-workers and can spot abnormal behavior within minutes. You, the investigator, will probably not have that perspective.

In any employee theft investigation the most important step is to make the employees understand why revealing the information is good for them. Coercing employees to tell what they do not want to tell only works on the television cop shows. All investigators will eventually learn that it’s the innocent suspects who are most eager to see the case solved. Nobody likes the specter of doubt hanging over their head, especially when they’ve done nothing wrong. So logically, they should bend over backward to tell the investigator everything they can about who might have committed the theft right? Wrong. There are several reasons why they don’t.

News, especially bad news, travels fast within any organization and nobody wants to be labeled as a “snitch” or a “rat”. Therefore the investigator must convince the individual that they’re actually doing a service to their fellow employees by divulging the information. Even if the other employees don’t realize it they are biting the bullet and in fact being a hero by telling what they know or suspect. For this to be effective the investigator has to also believe it. Anyone who feels like they’re being conned will clam up immediately. Keep the lines of communication open and you will simplify your employee theft investigation .

For more information about employee theft, corporate fraud investigation or internal theft contact us at employee theft investigation or call 1.770.426.0547

The benefits of retail loss prevention and employee theft investigation – Atlanta Georgia

Retail loss prevention has been part of the retail world for many years. Contributing to the protection of assets and boosting profits, retail loss prevention is a solid operational partner.

In many instances retail loss prevention has proven its worth. When I first started working in the retail loss prevention field, as a loss prevention agent, my job was simple, catch shoplifters. There was nothing to it. Later, as I developed my experienced changed from simply catching shoplifters to  employee theft investigation. Employee theft investigation was a more challenging aspect of retail loss prevention. Employee theft investigation showed just how easy it was and is for dishonest employees to ruin a business.

Prior to this experience, I was a bit naïve and thought, “no way, employees don’t steal” or like many managers out there, I thought, “I work with a great group of people, there’s no way they’re stealing”. Hello! Big mistake in the thought process. Infact, in many instances, some of the most trusted employees I worked with were stealing the most merchandise and causing the most retail loss. However, with internal theft or employee theft investigation , I learned that there are many factors leading to retail loss.

Examples of statistical information pertaining to internal theft include: young males (under25), employees with personal money troubles, family members working in or at the same location, disgruntled employees and a lack of management oversight. Although, these are just a few, there is no fool proof way to identify internal theft , nor is there any exact way to stop it. However, with diligent employee theft investigation and a solid loss prevention program, internal theft can be greatly reduced.

Now, the other factor, shoplifting. How can we ever prevent shoplifting? Is it possible to prevent shoplifting? YES! You can prevent shoplifting. Shoplifting has been around since almost the beginning of time and will continue to happen, but it certainly is possible to prevent shoplifting.

For more information about internal theft or employee theft contact us at employee theft investigation or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Minimizing Internal Theft – Atlanta Georgia

The sad truth is that internal theft accounts for two-thirds of theft businesses experience. It ranges from pilfering pens and pencils to grand larceny. Employees carry out theft in a number of different ways. Sometimes items are slipped into pockets, pocketbooks or briefcases with little or no forethought; and sometimes an individual might plan ahead, hide when the business closes, then carry out their crime in secret, without having to worry about being seen. Whatever the particular mode stealing is stealing and in order for you to run a profitable business you must minimize internal theft as much as possible.

The first step is to screen and select new employees carefully by using reference checks, credit checks, psychological tests and personal character examinations. Once you bring someone aboard watch them closely and check receipts daily. Believe it or not there are individuals out there who will take a position just for the opportunity to steal from that particular company. They usually don’t waste time getting down to business so you better not waste time catching them. Next, you should adopt a standard of excellence in conduct and performance. Encourage your employees to be the best and take pride in their jobs. People who feel pride in their work accept responsibility for their performance and are far less likely to jeopardize what status they’ve worked for.

Use key controls, time locks, changing locks, alarms and security guards to discourage dishonest employees. Nobody wants to be outted as a thief, use that fear against the would-be thieves. Supervise trash pickups, and occasionally check trash collection sites and trucks. Collusion between dishonest employees and trash men is not uncommon. In fact, one of the most common ways in which to steal something is to simply throw it away then come back after hours and fish it out of the garbage. Keep up on trends and stay alert to what’s going on in your organization and these tips will help you minimize internal theft .

For more information about employee theft , employee theft investigation  or corporate fraud investigation contact us at internal theft or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Employee Theft – What Is The Primary Cause? – Atlanta Georgia

We know from long experience in the loss prevention field that there are many reasons that employees steal.  Greed, want, need are all reasons. We as employers can do little to effect the reasons except to do the best we can to screen out potential problems such as candidates with poor criminal histories; candidates that have a poor credit history who may be handling our money and drug abusers top the list

But what are the CAUSES of employee theft ? In the 2010 Global Fraud Study by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners the leading primary internal control weakness is…”Lack of Internal Controls”. In organizations with less than 100 employees it amounts to 47% (over 100 employees equals 33.7%). There is not even a close second.

Keep in mind that the cause is something that we as business leaders have complete control over. Yet business appear to do little or clearly not enough to protect the fragile margins we have. I believe that there are two reasons for this.

Number one is that it seems in many cases there is a lack of strong leadership. The kind of leadership that people understand and respect. An understanding by employees at all levels that strong controls that the company has in place will not under any circumstances be violated and that such violation is not open to interpretation. The violation of these procedures will be met with strict and immediate punishment at all levels. This draws a line in the sand.

Number two is that even when that line in the sand is drawn we find it to hard or we are too busy to maintain it. Because of this that line in the sand is quickly washed away by the waves. We then find ourselves a year later scratching our heads trying to make sense of why another serious employee theft or series of employee theft incidents have occurred.

Want to bring employee theft under control once and for all? Make your line in the sand a granite wall with no compromise that the waves will not affect.

For more information about employee theft ,  employee theft investigation , internal theft or corporate fraud investigator contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia