Corporate Fraud Investigation When Should I Call? – Atlanta Georgia

Loss Prevention Systems Corporate Fraud investigator s have conducted thousands of employee theft investigation s for all types of companies. Large companies with experienced senior staff and the smallest of companies that are less than 5 employees. One problem that we consistently see with all of them is when the client contacts us. Most of the time it is late in the process. It is not an issue for us but it normally does cost the client more. Because we generally have to start over with much of the investigation.

Most people including some of the most savvy business people I have ever met are like a fish out of water in these situations. Because of this they do not know how to build a proper corporate fraud investigation . And because we all watch CSI they try to be their own corporate fraud investigator. It is not like what we see on TV, far from it.

Our job is to build a corporate fraud investigation that will prevail with civil and criminal courts and serve to effectively block unemployment claim if the client so desires. Most company executives are frustrated in these situations because they are missing a key business element that they must have to make their every day business decisions. That is control. They do not know what to do. We provide and therefore restore that sense of and actual control.

But why not just call the police or FBI? They have a staff of professional investigators. They have the skills. Of course they do. But as anyone in my field knows the chances of getting law enforcement to do this type of employee theft investigation is like playing the lottery. It isn’t that they do not want to or do not have the skill. The fact is that there is so many investigations assigned to them they cannot actually work one to the extent necessary to get the investigation where it need to go. The average police detective in the U.S. is assigned 40 +/- investigations in a thirty-day period. They are civil servants and work a 40-hour workweek. How many of those 40 investigations do you really think get worked?

On the other side we at LPSI assign one corporate fraud investigator to an investigation. They work on it from start to finish and that time frame is short depending on the case. Even complicated ones. Most of the delays we experience is the client trying to catch up with us.

SO when should you call? Save yourself some money and call right away before you start firing people, calling the police and defiantly before the losses and investigation becomes water cooler gossip.

For more information on corporate fraud investigator , internal theft , employee theft , employee theft investigation contact us at corporate fraud investigation or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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