Don’t let a Scrooge infiltrate your business. Use Background Check Experts to properly vet your potential employees

We have all worked with some really undesirable associates.  As a matter of fact I am sure you are thinking of someone right now.  How much of a better environment would it have been if that person had never been hired?  Poor employees can have numerous negative effects on a business.  They can steal which cuts into profits and sales.  They always bring down morale and they usually affect the great customer service we all strive to deliver to our clients.  Using Background Check Experts to conduct employee background checks and pre employment screening will go a long way to keeping these types of bad apples out of your business.

Background Check Experts are trained individuals who are skilled at looking into a large range of a perspective employee’s past history.  You can get criminal background checks that look for past crime history.  You can get background checks that look at a person’s financial history.  A pre employment screening could include drug tests and lie detector tests.  All of these are aimed at helping you hire the right person for the job that is being filled.  Now all of these employee background checks are not necessary for every position.  I would not use criminal background checks with lie detector test for a part time bagger, but I would consider it for a corporate executive or private security position.  It all just depends on what you feel is necessary for your workplace.

The biggest recommendation is use a reputable background check company to do the checks.  A quality background check company will use private investigators that are licensed to supervise the background checks being done.  They can also advise you on what checks might be best for you company.

For more information on background checks, background check experts, criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Pre employment screenings for Holiday help.

If you have not already begun, you will shortly start adding hours and employees to handle the holiday rush.  It is important that you consider using a pre employment screening and criminal background checks before making your seasonal hiring decisions final.

All employees are a risk.  Even with a good interview you never really know what you are going to end up with until the employee starts working.  That is why I always recommend using a quality background check company to perform criminal background checks to help ensure you are getting a trustworthy candidate.  This is even more important when adding seasonal help.  Seasonal employees don’t have long term goals with your organization and are there for one reason; get extra money.  While your goal is that the “extra money” be in the form of a pay check, many aren’t that picky.  As a seasoned Loss Prevention Professional I can say that this group accounts for a large majority of my internal theft cases on a yearly basis.  To this end anything the store can do to weed out potential bad apples is a great benefit to the company.

Background check experts can also conduct non-criminal employee background checks.  They can do background checks into finances, employment history, educational history, sex offender registry, etc.  All of these background checks will help you as the employer get a better feel for your candidate and help you make the best hiring decision possible.

Background check experts should be trained investigators.  When you use a reputable background check company to conduct your employee background checks you also can limit liability in cases where an employee causes harm or damage to others.  You might have to pay for the damage, but the damages due to negligent hiring will be much less significant.

 For more information on background checks background, check experts, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Don’t Get Buried in a Mountain of Useless Applications -Atlanta, GA

Pre employment screening is a useful tool in today’s economy. There are so many applicants vying for each position. How do you determine just by looking on paper who you want to spend your time hiring? Background check experts can help.

A reliable Background Check Company can ease the stress associated with finding the right candidate for a position. Running a background check will give insight into information that is often not found on the generic application often used for an open position. It can include a criminal background check and a credit check.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know if that felony was for theft, or assault instead of a DUI or a traffic violation? How about the applicant who doesn’t have any bankruptcies or foreclosures, but still has a mountain of debt they can’t realistically repay on the salary you are providing? These are just two of the more common types of background checks that a Background Check company can run.

While employee background checks are not a replacement for an actual question and answer interview, they do provide a “heads up” to potential questions that should be asked. Pre employment screening will help weed out the applicants that you probably don’t even want to waste your valuable time with.

For more information on background check experts, background checks,  criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta, GA 

Sometimes Things Change. Background Checks – Atlanta, GA

So you did your due diligence and hired the best possible candidate for the position. Time has passed and they are ready for a promotion. Do you just hand over the keys to the store? They passed the Pre employment screening, shouldn’t that be good enough?


Sometimes things change. The Background Check company you used to run their initial background check only found what had been done. Background check experts aren’t fortune tellers. They can’t see that your trusted associate has fallen on hard financial times and now may be a higher risk for cash theft. Pre employment screening for an employee background check won’t show the DUI they got after they were hired.

Before you start handing out promotions, the proactive employer will make mandatory background checks (including a criminal background check) at every level. This will allow you to see anything that may have transpired since they were hired on. A fair amount of companies also make a drug test mandatory prior to any promotions or transfers.

Background Check experts can help determine which employee background checks will be the most effective. They will help you keep only the best candidate for each and every position.

For more information on background check experts, background checks,  criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta, GA 

Pre employment screening an extra layer of business protection

All businesses need to protect their assets, so before focusing on external matters, they need to focus on internal matters. Employee background checks can help address all those issues. Before hiring any new employees a Background Check company assures that all employees receive some type of Criminal background checks. These Background check experts provide a business with different types of background checks. All new employee’s should go through some type of Pre employment screening just to assure that the business is getting the best person for the position.

Simple Employee background checks can give you the peace of mind that you have done everything possible to protect your assets from within by conducting background checks.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Holiday Season, Holiday Hiring, Who Needs Background Checks??

I worked for a small box retailer who like many other retailers did most of their business for the year from November through January. Since the sales and foot traffic were at their highest points during this time of the year it was necessary to employ “seasonal” employees. Typically these “seasonal” employees were temporary employees used in part time shifts to help shoulder the craziness of the holidays. Some retailers do a great job all year employing a reputable background check company with qualified background check experts to scrutinize employees that they have deemed worthy of hiring. Then there are same retailers who completely drop the ball and allow a huge influx of temporary employees into their locations to work without conducting any employee background checks whatsoever. In my experience I have noted in detail that while, yes, sales do go through the roof during the holidays so does shrink. By the time the dust settles and end of year inventories are conducted most retailers who have not conducted background checks are left to scratch their heads at terrible inventory results. Meanwhile those temporary employees whom have caused most of the losses were already hastily let go to save payroll thus leaving no recourse for the retailer’s loss prevention department.

This is a frustrating cycle that could be broken by ensuring a proper pre employment screening process is in place before any employee is offered a job. Retailers should start with the overall ideology that every employee both full time and part time should not work one shift before submitting to both a criminal background check as well as an employee background check. Selecting a good background check company with a team of background check experts requires a good deal of research that should be done at the beginning of the year, not at the holiday onset. Typically employees who apply and work for holiday help positions do not have a vested interest in the companies for which they temporarily work. The more nefarious side of this situation that loss prevention professionals encounter are those “seasonal” employees who specifically go to work during the holidays with the goal to steal as much as possible. These types of thieves target companies who do not conduct any type of employee background checks.This, specifically, is one reason that conducting background checks on previous employment is necessary. We used the previous employment check to even identify employees who in the past worked at our company in stores where shrink had been very high. Having background check experts conducting these background checks even caught mistakes made within our own human resource record keeping department.

To sum up, employers will have a successful holiday season if they start with a detailed pre employment screening process. Retailers should conduct detailed interviews and follow up interviews which focus on asking tough questions regarding previous employment, brushes with the law and a history of residence. The next step should be an orientation explaining the mission statement of the company, the methods investigations are conducted, how the company deals with thieves and last but not least the fact the company will be conducting criminal background checks. This process will deter the career criminal who would see fit to work for you for the purpose of the “five finger discount”.

Background check experts would be the first to tell you that employee background checks are not full proof and can not guarantee the integrity of the employee you hire. Background checks are merely another tool to weed out potential threats to your business. From a loss prevention perspective it is necessary to have a pre employment screening process as a layer of protection especially during the holiday season. It’s like having an extra man on the field watching your back. The holiday season is the time of year when things are running loose and ragged and is when things will slip through the cracks. Loss Prevention, at times, has to plug in to help sales, focus less on audits, training and case resolution. Criminal background checks are a non invasive way to help keep problems from arising. Do your homework to ensure you select the right background check company for your business and it will pay you back in dividends.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Do you have a Background Check Company?

I hope the answer is “Yes”.  Criminal background checks and a pre employment screening are vital to ensuring you make the right hiring decisions.  We all know how much of an impact our employees have on the success of the business.  A good employee increases sales and customer satisfaction.  Conversely, a bad employee affects moral, customer service and losses.  While many companies have developed insightful interview templates to help find the best candidate, I find that many forget about employee background checks and pre employment screening.

Here are some of the things that background check experts can offer your business.  1) Criminal background checks can help you to be sure you are not hiring someone with proven integrity issues.  With the recidivism rates as high as they are you can make an educated guess that someone guilty of one crime will at some point commit another.  Why take the risk?  2) Pre employment screening can cover many different avenues.  They can be personality tests to ensure you are hiring someone with the right temperament to handle customers and stress.  They can also include drug tests which is another important aspect of ensuring you have a trusted candidate.  Background check experts can also offer insight into the financial stability of a candidate.  Statistically someone in need is much more likely to steal than someone who is flush with money.  I would not recommend making a hiring decision simply based on this fact, but it can be an important factor to take into consideration with the other facts.

Employee background checks offer a lot of useful information to assist you in making the right hiring decision.  Employees are perhaps our largest investment so doesn’t it make sense to spend the money to get the right one?

For more information on background checks, background check experts, criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Picking the right Background Check Company can be hard.

It is not hard to find a Background Check Company, but it can be difficult to find the right one.  Pre employment screening and employee background checks are vital to any business.  When looking for a Background Check Company I recommend finding one that utilizes background check experts.

Some companies simply push information to the local police and say they did criminal background checks.  In reality a good Background Check Company will do much more than that.  They will utilize background check experts to query information from a variety of police departments.  They will also look at financial information and other factors that may be important to paint a good picture of your potential candidate.

A good Background Check Company will also offer a good pre employment screening service.  The pre employment screening can cover drug testing, personality tests as well as other aptitude information.  All of these things are important when choosing to bring a stranger into your business and entrusting them with your customers, your merchandise and your money.

Today, background checks are increasingly affordable.  Modern technology makes background checks much easier which in turn makes them a more affordable service to offer.  It also makes conducing employee background checks more sensible.  If you needed to put together a bookcase would you use an old-fashioned screwdriver or a new powered screwdriver?  Most people would use the newer option since it is available and makes the job easier.  To that end, you can simply rely on the old-fashioned interview and hope you pick the right candidate (which is not an exact science) or you can also add criminal background checks and pre employment screening to improve success in this process.  The decision seems easy.

For more information on criminal background checks, background check experts, background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Making the Decision Easier with Background Checks

When you are looking to hire employees for your business, you want to be able to be comfortable with your decision.  How do you know the history of this person, their background, or that what they are saying about themselves is true? Background checks prior to hire can aid in the decision making process and help you be able to know you have made the right decision on a prospective employee.

By employing a background check company, you are able to make sure those that wish to work for you are trustworthy and up to the task.  Criminal background checks are also worthwhile to protect the assets of your business and prevent your business from becoming a target.  Businesses lose more to internal or employee theft than they do from customer theft, so employee background checks are an excellent way to prevent loss created by your own workers.

A pre employment screening by a background check company weeds out the potential employees that would not be a good fit for your business.  Whether the issues discovered are criminal, a poor job history or a fabricated resume, employee background checks are worth the investment in order to be proactive in protecting your business.

Do you have the time to do thorough background checks on every potential employee that you interview for your business?  I did not think so.  Background check experts can help out by doing that work for you, and reporting back to you the details you need to know in order to make an informed decision.

Peace of mind and trustworthy employees are easier to come by with help from a background check company.

For more information on background check experts, background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Preventing Bad Hiring Choices With Background Checks

Have you ever been confident in the abilities and outward qualifications of a potential employee for your business, only to realize later that based on their prior job history the decision to hire them was a mistake?  That has happened countless times at workplaces.  After all, it is difficult to size up a person and truly understand what they are about after one or two meetings with them.

Utilizing a background check company can aid in solving these problems you face as an employer.  An employee background check can tell you so much more about a person than what you are able to determine from reading a resume` or chatting with a candidate for employment.  While us honest people want to take what someone is telling us about themselves at face value, we also have a vested interest in protecting our business and not setting it up to suffer losses.

A pre employment screening can give you an in-depth report about who this person really is and whether or not they would be a worthwhile contribution to the success of your business.  Criminal background checks also help you decide if this potential employee should be working at your business.  Peace of mind does not get any better than that.

Someone seeking employment is probably not going to tell you all about their work history, criminal history, etc, when you are visiting with him or her about whether or not they should work for your company.  They are trying to sell themselves as a viable candidate, but before you make that commitment background checks are a way to know the risk you are taking is a worthwhile one.

Background check experts can do the investigating for you so you can find the person that is the best fit for your company.  Lowering the risk taking on a potential employee by conducting background checks increases the potential for profit in the long run.

For more information on background check experts, background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547