Don’t let a Scrooge infiltrate your business. Use Background Check Experts to properly vet your potential employees

We have all worked with some really undesirable associates.  As a matter of fact I am sure you are thinking of someone right now.  How much of a better environment would it have been if that person had never been hired?  Poor employees can have numerous negative effects on a business.  They can steal which cuts into profits and sales.  They always bring down morale and they usually affect the great customer service we all strive to deliver to our clients.  Using Background Check Experts to conduct employee background checks and pre employment screening will go a long way to keeping these types of bad apples out of your business.

Background Check Experts are trained individuals who are skilled at looking into a large range of a perspective employee’s past history.  You can get criminal background checks that look for past crime history.  You can get background checks that look at a person’s financial history.  A pre employment screening could include drug tests and lie detector tests.  All of these are aimed at helping you hire the right person for the job that is being filled.  Now all of these employee background checks are not necessary for every position.  I would not use criminal background checks with lie detector test for a part time bagger, but I would consider it for a corporate executive or private security position.  It all just depends on what you feel is necessary for your workplace.

The biggest recommendation is use a reputable background check company to do the checks.  A quality background check company will use private investigators that are licensed to supervise the background checks being done.  They can also advise you on what checks might be best for you company.

For more information on background checks, background check experts, criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547