Checkpoint Tags And Checkpoint Labels

There seems to be some confusion about what are checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags . Both are checkpoint security systems  anti shoplifting devices .

Checkpoint tags are usually hard plastic. They come in a variety of shapes and colors. Checkpoint tags are attached to clothing, hats, shoes, accessories and any other cloth type merchandise. A pin that is inserted through the merchandise material and then into the tag itself normally accomplishes this. Checkpoint tags can only be removed by the use of a detacher. There are several levels of detachers. They are generally broken into type by the strength required to unlock the clutch that holds the  checkpoint tags pin in place. Detachers should be bolted or secured to the cash-wrap to prevent theft of the detacher.

Checkpoint labels are paper-thin and they are broken into several categories. The first is deactivatable and the second is non-deactivatable. Both types of labels are placed directly on to the merchandise or packaging. When merchandise with Checkpoint labels that are deactivatible are sold then the cashier passes the merchandise over a deactivation pad that causes the label to become inert. Normally deactivation is electronically tied to the POS scanner. Non-deactivatable labels cannot be deactivated. The label can be reused over and over.

Checkpoint labels come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The retailer, in most cases using the same printers that are used for printing price or barcode tags, can directly print on some checkpoint labels . Some have an inert barcode printed on them. Genuine checkpoint labels have a very aggressive adhesive and are not easily removed. Loss Prevention Systems also provides custom printing for a very reasonable price. This allows a retailer to print something such as their logo on checkpoint labels in small or large quantities.

Checkpoint security systems also include the Alpha line of products. This opens a whole additional world of hard tags, wraps and more.

For more information on checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags contact us at checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547.

Anti Shoplifting And Weird Shoplifters

I have recently been thinking back on the anti shoplifting programs I have either designed or worked under. I have apprehended quite a few people shoplifting over the years. In most of these I did not have checkpoint security systems to support me. I had to locate and stop the shoplifting “customer” without any help. A few of the more weird ones:

I apprehended a woman shoplifting that was a Nun at the time. I told the court that I thought, “It might be a hard habit to break for her”. The judge even liked my bit of humor.

Another involved a person who shoplifted a framed picture of Christ (no religion does not play into this over all). I really could have used checkpoint tags on that merchandise, as I did not even think someone would steal one of those.  I guess I thought somewhere in the back of my mind from my Catholic background that lighting might strike him or something.

A co-worker of mine caught a County Court Clerk shoplifting. Wow. Wouldn’t you hate going into work after that? I bet the Judge she worked for was not happy.

Checkpoint security systems did play into the one guy that decided to run out the door with an armload of merchandise with checkpoint tags on them. The system going into alarm distracted him and he ran into the door-frame. You guessed it, out cold on the floor. That particular store chain did not even conceal the checkpoint tags. What did he think would happen?

Actually I like shoplifters for the entertainment they provide. If it were not such a serious problem it would be funnier. I really like the ones that when the checkpoint security systems catches them at the door, they profess sternly that they do not have any unpaid merchandise on them. But when we are escorting them to the office they are pulling stolen items out and dropping them on the floor… OMG, some of these people should not be out on the street without adult supervision!

Shoplifting is not a laughing matter. You have to have a serious anti shoplifting program in place or you will not survive the jokers out there that have no moral problem with cleaning you out.

For more information on an anti shoplifting program contact us: checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security Systems Tagging Procedure

To aid you in tagging with your Checkpoint security system I have put together this condensed guide. These seem to be the most common issues that come up and can easily be made a part of your Checkpoint security system employee training.

Some checkpoint tags have a red dot, do not use these tags. Red dot tags did not pass Checkpoint quality control. Even though there may be a number of red dot tags on a roll there is always the correct amount of good tags on each roll.

  • Checkpoint tags should be placed as close as possible to the UPC (barcode).
  • Tag all merchandise consistently. This allows all employees including new employees to find checkpoint tags quickly.
  • All Checkpoint tags should be kept away from metal and foil. Checkpoint tags can be placed ¼” away from metal or foil items.
  • Never cover instructions or warning labels. Also think about your customer. If you put a checkpoint tag over information that the customer needs to make a decision about the product you will cause them frustration.

You should establish a policy and procedure for using checkpoint tags. You do not want the effectiveness of your checkpoint security system to drop off because employees make changes that are not in the best interests of the store.

Checkpoint security systems generally will reduce shoplifting a minimum of 70 percent if you and your staff use it wisely.

We strongly recommend that you have a formal training session with each employee. This can be accomplished in fifteen minutes. Train selected employees to be your Checkpoint security systems “auditors”. These employees should be not only the trainers but should spot check merchandise for compliance with your tagging policy and procedure.

These auditors can also inspect the checkpoint security systems on a routine basis. This takes only a few minuets. They should check all antennas and do not forget to inspect deactivation units at the POS.

For more information contact us at: checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Why Checkpoint Tags Over The Imported Knockoffs?

We get this question from time to time. Genuine checkpoint security tags have a considerable advantage over the knockoffs out there. We hear tales of sales people saying that the tags they have perform as well as Checkpoint tags . Lets clear up some of the myths:

Genuine Checkpoint security tags ARE very different in deactivation. Knock offs in as much as 30% of the time will re-activate on their own after they have been deactivated at the POS and the customer exit. This is because they are cheaply made. Embarrassing and you do not need the customer hassle. Genuine checkpoint tags deactivate each time, every time period.

Genuine checkpoint tags have an aggressive adhesive. They will not fall off even if they have been on the merchandise for some time. This makes it more difficult for the person shoplifting to detect the tag and remove it easily.

Genuine checkpoint security tags do not fade. Discolored tags look terrible and degrade the look and appeal of your merchandise. Knock offs tend to fad or discolor quickly.

Genuine checkpoint tags come with 2000 to a roll or tray that are guaranteed to work if applied properly. The checkpoint security tags that did not pass QC are marked with a red dot. Do not use them. There are 2000+ good labels (non red dot) on each roll or tray.

Genuine checkpoint security tags can only be purchased from a Checkpoint Dealer. Loss Prevention Systems, Inc is a Gold level Dealer and we guarantee the lowest price on your new genuine checkpoint tags.

Do not allow shoplifting or a slick salesman cause you any more losses. Shoplifting needs serious solutions provided by serious companies.

For more information contact us at checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Anti Theft Devices That Make A Difference In Shoplifting

If you are looking for an immediate impact on your retail theft shoplifting problems you want to attack it with anti theft devices head on. To do this you must understand the difference between active and passive systems.

An example of a passive system is Closed Circuit TV (CCTV). Retailers install CCTV cameras through out the store. The cameras are recording on a DVR. The manager may even have a monitor in their office. But unless the cameras are watched at all time the system is passive. It is for after the fact. Some who is shoplifting knows this. They will even test it by concealing an item, move to another location and dump the item to see if anyone reacts. If not, the next time they come in the shoplifting begins.

An example of active anti theft devices is an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) system such as Checkpoint security systems. Checkpoint tags are placed on merchandise and when someone who is shoplifting attempts to steal tagged merchandise the Checkpoint security systems at the customer doors alarm. Even better than this when someone who is shoplifting sees an EAS system they most likely will simply go elsewhere like your unprotected competitor.

Why is this? It is because an EAS system is active and “watching” all the time. The Checkpoint security tags are always on the merchandise 24/7. They cannot be removed without staff intervention. As long as the retailer keeps the Checkpoint security systems in good working order they are always guarding the merchandise that is tagged.

Other anti theft devices could include glass cabinets or other locking devices to lock up merchandise. That is not as desirable since it does not allow the customers to handle merchandise and then decide at their own pace. In addition customers become frustrated quickly when staff is not right there to unlock merchandise.

Retail theft is tough enough to control without having the correct tools. Checkpoint tags on your merchandise keep your profits on your bottom line.

For more information contact us at retail theft or call 1.770.426.0547

How Do Checkpoint Security Systems Work?

There are many types of anti theft devices. Checkpoint security systems are one type. They are easy to use and available for every type of product. There are three components to Checkpoint security systems. The first is the checkpoint tags or labels are placed on your merchandise. There are hard tags that can be placed on clothing, or there are sticky label that can be placed on virtually any other type of product.

The second component is the device that either removes the hard tags or the deactivation pads that deactivate the labels. These devices are easy to use so it won’t take long for your employees to get into the habit of dealing with the system.  Checkpoint tags and labels are the highest quality in the industry.

The third component is the EAS (electronic article surveillance) antennas. There are a few designs to choose from giving you the option to have them stand out, which can be a theft deterrent all on their own, or you can have them blend in more so as not to detract from your store’s decor.

Once you have your Checkpoint security system EAS antennas installed you apply the checkpoint tags or labels to your merchandise. If someone tries to remove a tagged item from the store an alarm will sound when they pass by the EAS antennas. This alerts your employees that there is a potential problem and they can stop the person and resolve the issue.

It is extremely important to train your employees on responding to the alarms. If no one responds to the alarm the customer will leave. Studies show that most people only steal when they have the opportunity to do so. By responding to the alarms you take away their opportunity thus reducing your shrink rate and retaining your profit margin.

For more information:  checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Realistic results from a Checkpoint Security System

If you are experiencing inventory loss through shoplifting, you have probably considered installing a  checkpoint security system or similar product.  You may have asked yourself whether the investment is worth it wondering what the result would be.

checkpoint security systems corporate head quarters called in third party experts Price Waterhouse Coopers to conduct a study for a major supermarket chain.  Their findings are very interesting, here are a few tidbits…

Four locations tested, 98 sku’s in test

Four weeks pre  checkpoint security system installation observation

10 weeks post  checkpoint security system installation observation

Overall shrinkage on the 98 sku’s tested averaged out to a 69.79% reduction in shrinkage!

Since the shrinkage was reduced profits also increased for two reasons, first there is more product available to sell if not stolen and second less losses obviously means the cost of goods does not have to be recovered or absorbed into profits.

This resulted in a net increase in sales of 9.2%.

So with a  checkpoint security system installed the retailer not only lost less product due to theft they actually increased sales by having more product on the shelf for buyers.  The system had an average ROI of between 6 to 9 months.  Keep in mind supermarkets have very low net margins, usually below 2% so getting a ROI that quickly is significant.

To explore the type of results you could expect go to: checkpoint security system

Contact Loss Prevention Systems for a consultation today.

Handling Customer Alarms of a Checkpoint Security Systems

What do you do if a customer alarms your  checkpoint security systems. Follow the steps below:

  1. Approach the customer and in a friendly manner state “Excuse me, we may not have checked out your purchase properly. Please step back into the store, and we’ll get that taken care of.”
  2. Ask for the customer’s bag – never grab it.
  3. Walk purchase through the  checkpoint security systems antennas/ pedestals to verify alarm.
  4. Check merchandise against receipt.
  5. If merchandise all checks out – pass the items over the deactivation pad again.
  6. If there is merchandise that was not purchased – ask the customer if they would like to purchase it at this time.
    purchased – ask customer if they would
    like to purchase it at this time.

Another way to remember this process when approaching a customer is to use the “vowels” of alarm response:

A Address the customer.  “Excuse me sir/madam,”

E Explain what happened.  “…We seemed to have failed to deactivate an inventory control label from your merchandise…”

I Invite the customer back into the store…Would you mind stepping back inside the store with me so I may assist you…”

O Offer an apology. “…I am very sorry for this inconvenience.”

U Understand what alarmed the system.

Training, common sense and your  checkpoint security systems will reduce shoplifting substantially.

Checkpoint Security Systems Used For Promotions

Checkpoint Security Systems antennas used as promotional tools!

By using AD PANNELS you can advertise a current sale or an up coming sale right at the door when your customer walks in.

Loss Prevention Systems Ad panels attach to  existing Checkpoint Security Systems antennas and can display any information you desire.

Put your store brand, logo, sales or other special information on the ad panel.

ad panel peppers

You can place information on just one or both sides.

Another added benifit is that ad panels help protect your Checkpoint Antenna from damage.

Want to “ad” a new look?

For more information:

Checkpoint Security Systems

or call


Anti Theft Devices Boost Profits and Keep Shoplifters Out

It is a proven fact that installing anti theft devices in retail applications will deter shoplifters sending them on to unprotected stores.  Retailers frustrated by theft often overlook how less inventory loss translates to more profits.  Lost inventory ends up affecting operating costs.  Just stating the obvious, higher costs means lower profits.  Lower costs mean higher profits.  You can make more money without having to sell more product.

The most effective solution that keeps the riff raff out of store is the installation of an Electronic Article Surveillance (or EAS) system.   Checkpoint security systems is the market leader in EAS systems.  The system includes installing pedestal mounted antennas at the entry/ exit ways.  These antennas are visible from just outside the door so shoplifters scoping out a potential target can see them before entering the store, and at that time will move on to another target.

The presence of anti shoplifting technology such as checkpoint security tags on clothes and merchandise in the store will deter the amateur shoplifter and the impulse shoplifter from stealing.  The checkpoint security tags are detected by the antennas at the doorways and will set off a loud alarm and flashing light alerting staff to attend to the situation.

The tag alarm on merchandise can only be removed by a specific tool that is mounted behind the cash out counter.  The tag alarm is highly visible and is a great visual deterrent.

To learn more about checkpoint security systems  anti shoplifting solutions visit here: anti theft devices or contact: Loss Prevention Systems, Inc., a national installation company.