Signs of Internal Theft – Atlanta Georgia

Previously we discussed signs that an employee may exhibit to clue you in to possible internal theft. Now, I wanted to tell you about some other signs to look for from others that may let you know you have a potential problem. It’s estimated that $52 billion a year is lost due to internal theft so it may be beneficial for you to know and understand what to look for and how to stop a costly problem before it starts. Customers are a great source of information. They may not always be right as the old adage says, but they’re always worth listening to.

If you get constant customer complaints about shortages or substitutions in their orders you should begin to become suspicious. Frequent refunds (especially of the same kinds of merchandise) by one employee should send up a red flag. Sometimes a customer may see something on your sales floor but not want to get involved at that point. So be aware of any anonymous phone calls or letters you may receive explaining an illegal or immoral act. It’s easy to dismiss these as pranks, but I caution you to give them the proper weight and investigate them thoroughly.

In today’s business climate you’re always looking for an edge so you probably encourage your employees to build a relationship with potential customers. However, beware that this can become a slippery slope. Watch for any employee that seems a little too close to the customers and always be weary of a customer that comes in and demands to only deal with a certain associate. There are many different signs to look for that may clue you in to wrong-doing inside your business. Internal theft is a big problem in business today, but it’s one that can be managed if you pay attention to the signs and act accordingly.

For more information about employee theft or employee theft investigation or corporate fraud investigation or corporate fraud investigator contact us at Internal Theft or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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