Retail Shrinkage – Atlanta Georgia

 When it is your job to combat shoplifting and retail shrinkage you must stay forever vigilant. There are a number of people in this world that will use any opportunity to relieve you of your hard earned goods. Not long ago a friend and colleague of mine was working in a department store when one of the associates, a kind elderly lady, began complaining of severe pains throughout her body. Several of the managers, a few other associates and my friend went out to help. They made her comfortable and called 911. The paramedics arrived within minutes and quickly took the elderly woman to the nearest hospital.

 Upon returning to his office my friend noticed, via CCTV, a huge mess on the sales floor. He reviewed the footage and found that while he had been helping the elderly associate a group of shoppers (who apparently recognized him) figured that while he was on the floor that nobody was minding the store. They were correct. They grabbed handfuls of clothing and merchandise and simply walked out of one of the side exits. Everyone had been so preoccupied that they never noticed the group of thieves. Retail shrinkage isn’t always caused by premeditated acts, sometimes they are simply crimes of opportunity.

 That being said, I’ve heard of criminals who will work in groups. One will have an accident, or in some way cause a commotion, while the other robs the place blind. You can never be too careful. Even in times of stress or chaos it is important to always be mindful of the possibilities and construct a plan to combat retail shrinkage in any and all situations.

For more information contact us at Retail Shrinkage or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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