Preventing Employee Theft – Atlanta Georgia

Employee theft is on the rise in the U.S. and American retailers are paying a heavy price. Some blame the economy, gas prices, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the President, etc. Who really cares why it’s happening? What we really want to know is how to prevent it from happening to us, right? Well, here are a few handy dandy tips I’ve picked up along the way that may be able to help you prevent employee theft in your organization.

My mama always said, “A fish rots from the head first.” Now, I have no idea whether this is true or not, but I do know that if your employees see you breaking the rules and ignoring the regulations then it’s only a matter of time before they’re doing it too. Always be honest and up front with your employees about what you expect from them and what they can expect from you. Lead by example. Make sure all employees are aware of the rules. Have them read your handbook, etc. and then have them sign acknowledging that they’ve read and understand the rules and regulations.

Establish an employee entrance/ exit; enforce a rule that no personal belongings (purses, backpacks, etc.) are to be allowed on the sales floor. Make sure that the employee parking lot is a good distance from the building. In short, make it as difficult as possible for your workers to steal from you. Most employee theft is a crime of opportunity. Eliminate the opportunity and you’ll usually eliminate the crime. However, if you do have someone who you catch stealing from your organization you should always prosecute that individual to the fullest extent of the law. It sends a message. That message? You will NOT tolerate employee theft.

For more information about employee theft investigation or internal theft or corporate fraud investigator contact us at Employee Theft or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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