Whether you are a seasoned LP Professional or new using retail anti theft devices I have a new solution I want to discuss. It is called Spider Wrap and is made by Alpha Security. I have been thoroughly impressed with the line of products by Alpha as they aim to provide solutions to a myriad of products.
I have often found items that were hard to protect with standards EAS tags. For years it seems there have only been two EAS solutions: hard tags and soft tags. While these are great, there are some products that just need something else. The product may be in an odd shaped package. I may not come in a package, but just be wrapped in plastic (which does not give you anywhere to apply a tag). Whatever the complication, the Spider Wrap is a great solution.
The Spider Wrap is a set of wires that wrap around odly shaped product and come together at a sensor tag. It can house items in clam shells, small boxes and other odd shaped packages. It does not take up any real space so you can still stock a serviceable amount of product on the peg or shelf. Another great positive is that the deactivator is the same S3 key that is used on the rest of your Alpha products. (I can’t tell you how convenient I have found just having one deactivating device for all of my products.) All-in-all this just one more in a great line of retail anti theft devices that you can use in your attempt to prevent shoplifting.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547
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