What can a Loss Prevention Agent do for my business?

A loss prevention agent is an expert at reducing loss and increasing profits for a business owner. Any type of business can be the victim of theft from customers or employees: to what extent depends on what the business owner does to prevent and deter this activity.

For example, a business owner may not notice that a certain area of his store may attract shoplifters but a loss prevention agent is trained to spot these theft “hot spots.” Shoplifters tend to identify these comfort zones better than the employees themselves. A business does not want to help provide the opportunity for shoplifters to steal!

Businesses can also teach employees how to react to suspicious customers by having a consultant provide training. Employees can be taught how to identify a potential thief, and what to do to deter theft. Employees that do not receive such training when they are hired may not have any idea how to react should they notice that a theft is occurring or is about to occur. The resulting loss can be extremely frustrating for the business owner or manager.

Businesses might choose to bring in a loss prevention agent when they have a potential employee theft issue. Employee theft costs businesses more on average than customer thefts, and when this occurs it is an excellent time to bring in an expert. These experts are trained in retail fraud and conducting these types of investigations. Experts can also write or advise about policies and controls that should be implemented in order to help prevent future employee theft.

The possibilities are endless on how businesses can benefit from the expert advice of a loss prevention agent.

For more information contact us: loss prevention agent or call 1.770.426.0547.