Taking a look within – the role of a Loss Prevention Investigator – Atlanta

A loss prevention investigator can be brought into a business when there is a suspected loss caused by employee theft.  These types of cases need to be investigated and analyzed by those that are experts in the field of loss prevention and asset protection.

When a loss is discovered that is caused by an employee, the loss prevention investigator will analyze data, identify the extent of the loss, and use various reports to confirm the loss.  Once the loss has been pinpointed and a suspect identified, witnesses may be interviewed in an effort to build a case against the suspect.

In the same way police investigate cases, the loss prevention investigator explores all aspects of a case in order to build it into one that can be prosecuted if so desired.  Once a case is completed the investigator will probably conduct an accusatory interview of the identified suspect.

During an accusatory interview, the investigator will visit with the suspect and explain the situation, giving the suspect an opportunity to discuss their role in the loss the business has experienced.  A loss prevention investigator is trained to conduct these types of interviews.

Businesses that handle internal theft investigations, with or without an outside investigator, need to have a policy and set guidelines in place. Loss prevention consultants can help businesses create the type of protocol necessary to conduct a thorough and legal internal investigation.

Employing the expertise of loss prevention consultants and investigators is a sure way to develop a solid, legal, and prosecutable case against those employees that choose to betray your trust and steal from your business.

For more information about loss prevention investigator contact us: loss prevention consultants or call 1.770.426.256 – Atlanta Georgia