Can You Out Run Your Shrink?

No matter how hard you try, I’ll bet you just can’t out run your shrink losses. Trust me, I have seen many stores try. They think that as long as they keep exceeding their sales budgets, retail security can take a back burner.

 The days of stellar positive comps are over. Expenses are being cut left and right to make up for the difference in profits. Retail security is critical to bottom line profit increases. At some point, you can only cut out so much. So where do you turn?

 Anti theft devices are designed to resolve your shrink losses. If you use cheap tags and cheap labels for your go to anti theft devices, you can avoid costly expenses to reduce your shrink.

 Not just for anti shoplifting, these tags and labels will also keep your employees in check. Most companies report that around 40% of shrink is incurred by store employees. Why wouldn’t you want to make the right cost effective decision?

 Don’t keep cutting, and definitely don’t try to keep running. Put the focus back on retail security in your store.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!

A Dime A Dozen

In the land of retail security, anti theft devices are a dime a dozen, sometimes literally. That doesn’t mean that every cheap label and every cheap tag is made up to the same standards.

 When it comes to anti shoplifting devices and tactics, the implementation of an EAS system when paired with EAS labels and tags can potentially decrease shrink losses tenfold. That is one of the main reasons why it is so common for retailers to use EAS systems. It also makes sense that every company out there is going to try and cash in on the sale of cheap labels and cheap tags.

 Not every EAS devices is created equal. Some labels are refurbished and do not have a high accuracy rate. Sometimes the labels may actually reactivate themselves if they sit too long, causing customer service issues. How much are you willing to pay for accurate results?

 Just because you can make and sell inexpensive products, doesn’t really mean you should. Go to a reliable source and make your retail security investment efficient and effective.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Are You Being SMART With Me?

Retail security is a vast ever-expanding world of tips, tricks, gadgets and gizmos. Trying to determine where to start can be a completely overwhelming task. Even though there are a zillion ways to create an anti shoplifting plan, try sticking to just one or two simple ways to begin with. Once you are comfortable with the scope, highlights and limitations of your plan it is much easier to move on to round two: execution.

 When you are starting to execute, think of it like any other action plan. One of the methods we used frequently was the SMART Plan. Are you being Specific, Measurable, Actions, Realistic, and Timely?

 When I train my managers, I always guide them through the SMART Plan way of thinking. All too often I would see elaborate action plans that sounded great on paper, but were far too complicated, time consuming or expensive to ever really work out.

 Pick out something easy to institute into your daily routine. Anti theft devices like labels and tags are readily available and simple to use. You can also easily procure cheap labels and cheap tags to fit into your budget. It’s an all around SMART move!

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Preventing Return Fraud

Using anti-theft devices can be an effective tool to preventing return fraud in stores with return policies geared toward providing good customer service. Return fraud has been and continues to be a major problem in retail security. ORC (Organized Retail Crime) groups target merchandise that is valuable and easy to steal, which typically is merchandise lacking anti-shoplifting devices. The groups take non-tagged merchandise in order to appear legitimate when making a return of the merchandise they had previously stolen.

 Return fraud, when conducted in ORC situations, will usually occur in several visits to the store. When dealing with a chain of stores, these visits may occur one after another as they travel a central interstate or highway. The first visit may only involve a subject staging merchandise in a specific and secluded area of the store. The merchandise will probably be the highest valued, easiest to conceal, non-tagged merchandise that they can find. This subject may stage the merchandise in bags prior to leaving. The second visit will consist of the concealment and/or theft of the merchandise that was previously staged for them. This visit will probably take no longer than five minutes in the store and is difficult to detect. The third visit is where the fraudulent return takes place where the subject will return the merchandise that was previously stolen. These visits will often consist of several different subjects, and all three steps may happen simultaneously with several sets of merchandise. The easiest way to combat return fraud is to protect your merchandise with anti-theft devices. 

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Keep them shopping

Why is retail security so important to running a successful business? Anti theft devices are often seen as a time consuming hindrance and bad PR instead of a valuable tool. The number one reason is customer satisfaction.

 It may seem like customers would be more likely to use the ignorance is bliss mantra when they shop. If there is no apparent sign of retail security, then they should assume they are perfectly safe, right? Not necessarily. If you do not have any visible theft in your store, it could really just be a matter of time before you become a target for shoplifters.

 Shoppers want to feel safe when they shop. A relaxed shopper will take their time and walk the aisles seeing what you have to sell. They are more likely to try on several items in a fitting room instead of just one. They are also in a better mood. That makes it easier on you and your staff to increase your ticket average and decrease your customer complaints.

 A customer that does not feel safe will not do any of those things. If they even decide to buy anything, it will be quick and to the point. Don’t allow petty criminals to scare off your good business.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Criminal of Opportunity

Using anti-shoplifting devices such as EAS hard tags and soft tags has really done a great deal to cut down on shoplifting from the opportunist or armature shoplifter in my building. The typical person that is shoplifting is someone that shops at the store regularly, loves the merchandise, but just can’t afford to buy it all the time. These people steal because it is easy and accessible. When you take those things away by implementing anti-theft devices, you eliminate the probability of armature theft taking place. When you remove the opportunity, you reduce the theft.

 Even when you do have an ambitious shoplifter, they tend to be easier to identify when you have anti-theft devices in place. Working in retail security for as long as I have, you’ve seen it all. Recently I had a shoplifter that selected a few shirts that were protected with some hard tags. I didn’t pick up on the person until they were in the corner of our shoe department using the edge of the shelf to try and pry the hard tag off of the items. They were able to wrestle a few of them off the merchandise, but it took them quite some time and a lot of determination. I had several sales floor employees contacting me and letting me know what was going on as it was so obvious. By the time they had removed the tags and concealed the merchandise I was able to contact the police and have them ready to apprehend before they even left the building.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Retail security simplified…

I am often amazed at how complex we as business leaders tend to make things.  In an effort to always do more and do it better we sometimes just overcomplicate proven processes.  Take retail security for example.  I am amazed at how many different providers there are of anti-shoplifting tools.  Last I checked all EAS tags were created equal. 

 Think about it.  It is the same technology.  Whether you get name brand EAS tags or you get cheap tags you still will be preventing loss by protecting your product.  Anti-theft devices are unnerving for most shoplifters.  Most major studies show that the overwhelming offender is an amateur.  This type of shoplifter only knows one thing; anti-theft devices help you get you caught.  If they don’t care whose name is on the tag then why do we?  Why pay for a name brand tag when cheap labels and tags still deter theft.  When you consider switching to less expensive equipment you will still deter theft and save on expenses.  I think that’s called a win-win situation.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!

A helpful tip…

We all know retail security is a tough game.  There are so many different facets to performing the job that it can seem daunting at times.  What makes it worse is that even after you have taken every possible anti-shoplifting precaution or have access to, and use, every anti-theft device on the planet, somehow there is someone out there who will still steal from you.  It doesn’t matter HOW they do it or even WHY they do it, they just do it and that’s all we need to concern ourselves with.  That is why when we get beat (and don’t say you haven’t because we know that’s a lie) we need to learn what our weakness was and adapt to compensate for it.

An example would be a recent endeavor to stop a series of snatch and grab thefts occurring in our high-end children’s clothing area, which is unfortunately positioned within twenty feet of a main exit.  It took two hits to that area before we realized what was happening and required installing and affixing more anti-theft devices.  When that didn’t work we installed a brand new camera to catch him in the act.  That failed too.  He was too quick and there wasn’t enough time to spot him and apprehend him.

The solution:

Move his target section to the far end of the second floor.

When it comes to retail security you just need to think outside the box to succeed.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs.


Anti-Theft Devices Help Put the Shoe on the Other Foot

While working as a Loss Prevention agent for a clothing retailer, our shoes were literally walking out the door…on the feet of shoplifters. Our daily routine included visits to our office by associates from the shoe department who found a box containing dirty and worn footwear that someone decided to swap out with our merchandise. We tried to watch the cameras for the shoe aisles as often as we could to try to detect if any customers were displaying indicators that revealed their intention to make off with our shoes. Alas, it turned out that there were too many footwear thieves and too little LP employees for detainments to tighten up our retail security in the shoe department.

The loss to the department and store was so devastating that my employer realized the need to invest in anti-shoplifting tags to prevent this problem from getting the best of us. Immediately the efficacy of the anti-theft devices became apparent, when at first the amount of shoe swap outs halted completely. However, within a week certain shoplifters came prepared with cutting tools to defeat the tags. On the other hand, the time it took to try to remove the sensor prolonged the thief’s time in the store and it was a pretty noticeable activity. In addition, when we arrested these equipped individuals the police often charged them with burglary because of the instrument in their possession. Best of all, the utilization of these tags helped us keep retail security in my store under control and the number of shoe swap outs was decreased by more than seventy-five percent. The anti-theft devices helped us stop dishonest customers from effortlessly walking countless miles in our shoes for free.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti-theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti-theft Devices to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us

Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!

Made in the USA

First of all I should say congratulations to anyone who has decided to use any sort of anti theft devices. Retail security theft is a significant issue to any retailer who is trying to save their profits on all fronts. Better yet, congratulations on deciding to use EAS tags and labels for your anti shoplifting needs.

Now that the decision has been made, it’s time to think about some of the associated costs. You need to have at a minimum, EAS tags or labels and a tower at the entrance to alarm the devices. Just because the cost of prevention is far less than  a loss of merchandise due to theft, doesn’t mean you have to spend your last penny on them.

By going with a reliable company, it is easy to get cheap labels and cheap tags for your needs. You should be aware that many companies do offer cheap tags and cheap labels that are not made in the USA.

While they may have a good price, they may end up costing in the long run. Some do not deactivate properly causing customer complaints. Some aren’t activated, which defeats the purpose of even having them.

Make sure your company uses tried and true made in the USA tags and labels to really get the most for your money.

Visit RBC Security Solutions for Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!