Checkpoint security tags control losses and boost profits

The use of  checkpoint security tags in a retail store will deter thieves from attempting theft.  The goal is retail theft prevention which will reduce shoplifting traffic and reduce the need to confront shoplifters in the act.

Studies show that casual shoplifters represent 70% of the shoplifting activity.  These shoplifters are opportunistic and impulsive.  The presence of anti shoplifting / retail anti theft devices will stop them from attempting.  76% of shoplifters will not attempt theft when encountering retail anti theft devices such as checkpoint security tags on merchandise.

Another interesting fact is thet 60% of shoplifters return to the same store because they got away with theft there before.  So installing retail anti theft devices such as checkpoint systems will deter theft, keep thieves out  and or from coming back to your store and reduce theft significantly, likely by around 70% or more.

Using checkpoint security tags to stop shoplifting will boost profits, it is simple math.  If you lose one $20 item and have a 2% net margin after all is said and done, you will have to sell $1,000 of merchandise to replace the loss.  This is because it takes profit to buy inventory…if there is only .40 cents of net profit in a $20 item…you can see it takes a lot of sales to fix even one stolen item.

So conversely if you save / stop your losses you will put all those sales dollars directly on to the bottom line profit margin.  Cut your loss by 50% with a 2% net margin and you could see a 50% or more increase in net margin.  This makes the use of checkpoint security tags a no brainer.

Fort more information visit: checkpoint security tags

Checkpoint Tags – Tags For Sporting Goods And Electrical Cords

Checkpoint systems which owns Alpha has produced a couple of new retail anti theft devices that are hard tags intended for several merchandise items…corded electronics and tools, golf clubs and baseball bats. These hard tags are one piece that is hinged, wraps around the shaft of the item and locks in place. Each one has a non-slip grip on the interior. This keeps the O-Tag from moving around freely and protects the finish on your product.

They come in two sizes. The easiest way to describe them is that the smaller size fits electrical cords, golf club shafts and fishing rods size items. The large O-tag fits the shaft of a baseball bat.

Of course the O-tags retail anti theft devices are reusable over and over. They require an S-3 Key to unlock them. The S-3 gives them unequaled security. The S-3 key is very unique and keeps shoplifters from using another device to unlock the tag. Remember: your Checkpoint systems S-3’s must always be secured by bolting them to your cash/wrap or processing area in the back.

If you have power tools such as corded drills, circular saws and jigsaws you can now place the smaller O-Tag on the cord and have the unit on display or on the sales floor. The O-Tag does not hinder your products appearance and allows customers to completely interact with it.

The small O-tag is black the large one is gray. They are available in either RF or AM.  They come in cases of 100. Alpha has printed or molded into the plastic  “Electronic Alarm”. This gives a clear visual deterrent to the shoplifter.

The O-Tag is an item that you would be able to use a small quantity to cover some very expensive items.

For more information about shoplifting or checkpoint systems contact us at retail anti theft devices or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint security tags available in a variety of shapes and sizes

If you are considering the use of retail anti theft devices take a look at checkpoint security tags.   Checkpoint Systems is the world leader in EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) systems likely due both to their ability to keep up with trends and their use of industry leading technology.

Whether you are protecting handbags, leather jackets, shoes, boutique apparel, men’s, women’s or children’s clothing, accessories, hardware such as electric drills and expensive tools, CD music, DVD’s & Blue Ray discs, ipods, memory cards, health and beauty products such as cosmetics, razors, drugs or baby formula, even liquor bottles…in other words anything you can sell in a retail setting can be protected by checkpoint security tags and or with their Alpha High Theft line of anti theft devices.

Some of the tags are called 3 alarm.  They will not only set off the alarm at the door, they have tamper sensitivity and built in sirens that will go off at any time the tag is tampered with…and that same siren will go off if the product is taken out of the store bringing attention to the shoplifter in a big way. You may have seen some of these in what are called “spider wraps”… security devices with cables wrapped around boxed items such as GPS units, small LCD digital photo frames etc…

If you are in the retail business you are losing inventory due to theft.  There is no way to avoid the presence of thieves, but what you can do is send them on to unprotected store by using anti theft devices such as checkpoint security tags and Alpha High Theft security products.

For more info visit: checkpoint security tags or Alpha High Theft Solutions