The Best Way to Stop Shoplifting in Atlanta, Georgia

The Best Way to Stop Shoplifting in Atlanta, Georgia

Actually, there is no one best way to stop shoplifting in Atlanta or anywhere else.  Whenever merchandise is put on display there will be shoplifters.

The best approach is to use a combination of anti shoplifting methods that are customized for your location, merchandise mix, and customer base.  Although shoplifting is widespread, there are groups and types of merchandise that require extra attention.

Some of the more common retail theft prevention strategies are:

·    Plainclothes store detectives.  Great for large businesses with the budget to support them, word gets out fast that shoplifters are being arrested frequently.
·    CCTV.  A good deterrent, but much more useful if there is staff available to watch.  Added value to disprove slip and fall claims.
·    Uniformed Police or Security Guards.  Again a budget buster, but necessary in some areas where violence is a threat.  More of a robbery deterrent.
·    Signs that indicate shoplifters will be prosecuted.  May prevent some impulse thieves, may be a turn-off to some legitimate shoppers.
·    Locking merchandise in display cabinets.  Pretty secure, but will it hurt sales, or take too much time to lock and unlock?
·    Arrangement of merchandise.  Keep high theft items near a wrap stand, raise the cashier area for better viewing, and eliminate hidden areas.  This is a low cost avenue to reduce theft.
·    Training staff in anti shoplifting policies and procedures?  Do they no how to act or react if they see or suspect a shoplifter in your store?  Another low cost high value activity.
·    Increase staffing when shoplifters are likely to hit.  Opening, closing, and after school are prime times.
·    Staff awareness/customer service.  Every customer should be greeted soon after entering the store, so they are aware that someone knows they are there.
·    Retail anti theft devices such as Checkpoint Security Systems. Checkpoint Security Systems are designed to detect merchandise that has active Checkpoint Security Tags attached and emit an alarm.

The store owner who wants to reduce or stop shoplifting at his place of business, should consider combining several of the methods that apply to his situation.

Need a partner to help stop shoplifting in Atlanta, Georgia or elsewhere? You can also visit our On-Line Store or call 770-426-0547 or click here.


Checkpoint Security Tags…The Secret Weapon

A lot has been written about anti shoplifting and retail anti theft devices. But the most versatile tool in this war is Checkpoint security tags. Unlike acousto magnetic labels, which are about the size, shape and thickness of a piece of “chicklet” gum the Checkpoint labels are paper-thin.

They come in so many varieties that it is hard to keep up with them. Checkpoint security tags can be white, black, clear which allows a packages barcode to show through. They can be printed on with your own printed with barcodes, logos, pricing information and more. You can also stick your own label over the top of them.

As far as size, Checkpoint labels have a wide range of sizes. This ranges from the postage stamp size to a 1.5” x 1.5” size. And there are many in between. For example the very popular 710 label is 1.3” x 1.4”. There are two sizes of round labels and they fit very well on the bottom of bottles such as medicines. They also work very well on the bottom of small square boxes. The round shape means that the corners of a label do not hang over the edges.

Another great series of Checkpoint security tags is the 615. The 615-barcode label has not only a fake barcode but also a small box printed on it that allows another sticker to be applied such as a logo or price tag. This all goes to hiding the intent of the Checkpoint labels.

And, of course, in the arsenal of retail anti theft devices is the Checkpoint systems themselves. Checkpoint Systems latest tool is the Evolve system. As anti shoplifting goes this is the top of the pile. Evolve has so many features packed into it I will need to write a separate blog for that. But for now consider the following Evolve features: superior detection with new revolutionary electronics, people counting, alarm detection that can tell if a customer is entering or leaving the store.

For more information on retail anti theft devices or checkpoint systems or checkpoint security tags or checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention or stop shoplifting contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

The Blitz: A Great Way to Stop Shoplifting

If you want to stop shoplifting in your establishment and send a powerful message at the same time I’ve found that a blitz is a great way to do that. Now, I’m not talking about suiting up in helmets and shoulder pads and laying a shoplifter out Ray Lewis style. (though God knows I’ve fantasized about doing just that on many occasions) A shoplifting blitz is when you concentrate a majority of your efforts and assets on a particular location for a set period of time.

For example, let’s say you have a particular location that has been taking a great deal of losses due to an increase in shoplifter traffic. That particular location normally employs 1, maybe 2, loss prevention associates at any given time. Bring in 2 or 3 more trained loss prevention professionals for about a week. Give them the necessary equipment and information on what the high-risk items are at that particular location and let them do what they do. What this does is overwhelm the shoplifters with numbers. They can no longer distract one associate while another robs you blind. Snatch and runs become a futile attempt because you have enough personnel to post someone discreetly at or near the exits.

Additionally, when you put that many loss prevention professionals in 1 place a healthy competition will naturally develop. Everyone wants to show that they’re the best. Plus, shoplifters talk. If you’re having a substantial problem it’s because that community has already deemed you an “easy mark”. When your efforts to stop shoplifting ramps up they’ll begin to talk about that too. Once enough crooks get caught they’ll figure out that you’re serious and find another retailer to frequent. If you’re having a problem try the blitz, it’s a great way to stop shoplifting in your establishment.

For more information about retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security system contact us at Stop Shoplifting. You can also visit our On-Line Store or call 1.770.426.0547

A retailer’s battle between good and evil

Early in my employment in retail theft prevention , I received an email detailing a tool an individual had used for shoplifting.  Attached to the email was a picture, which the asset protection employees had lovingly labeled a “booster buggy.”  It was a child’s stroller, and with a blanket over the front of it, it did not look suspicious at all.  But if you lifted that blanket, the crafty shoplifters had built a box in the seat of the stroller, complete with foil lining, black tape on the outside, and a flip lid.  It was used to conceal and walk out with quite a bit of our business’s merchandise.

If these shoplifters would only have put their creativity to work for good instead of evil, the world might be a better place.  Unfortunately, because of crimes like this, retail prices are higher for the honest customers.  Businesses must utilize the resources that are available to stop shoplifting in order to combat this “evil” that all business owners face.

Retail anti theft devices can aid in this battle against “evil”, by deterring those that intend to shoplift from you.  Shoplifters want easy access to your merchandise and a quick get-away, and retail anti theft devices take away both of those opportunities.  They are a wise resource to utilize on your anti shoplifting crusade.

Having an effective retail theft prevention program for your business is also a mighty weapon against shoplifting.  Educated employees that provide good customer service, retail anti theft devices, key controls, closed circuit television, and a variety of other variables all can help stop shoplifting in your business.

With good retail theft prevention, the “evil” of shoplifting can be defeated in your business, allowing for “good” profits. Make your anti shoplifting program a priority for 2011 and enjoy a more profitable year.

For more information about retail theft prevention or stop shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or anti shoplifting contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.

Who Invented Shoplifting?

Merchants have been trying to stop shoplifting probably since the first store keeper in prehistoric times put his merchandise on a rock display and turned his back on his first customer, then turned back around to find both the merchandise and his customer (the first shoplifter) missing.  He then decided to watch each and every customer in his store, but as he added more and more merchandise, got more and more customers, this became impossible, so he hired the first plain clothes detective to keep watch over his goods.

After several customers had been clubbed and fed to the dinosaurs, he decided there must be a better way and started to consider ways to become the leader in retail theft prevention.

There had to be a way to allow his customers to see and feel the merchandise he had for sale, and to stop shoplifting, or at least keep it under control to maintain profitability.

Over the next several thousand years, various methods evolved that were designed to stop shoplifting: Improved customer service, CCTV, locking displays, employee awareness, store design, arresting prosecuting shoplifters and so on.

Finally, some engineers came up with retail anti theft devices that stand silently at the door until someone tries to exit the store with merchandise that has an active clothing security tag attached and the system begins to beep and draws attention to the shoplifter.  Not only does this stop shoplifting, it deters shoplifters from coming in the door in the first place.

Now nothing is going to stop shoplifting entirely, but storeowners owe it to themselves to investigate a leader in the field of retail anti theft devices, Checkpoint Security Systems.

Although not as satisfying, it’s better than beating shoplifters over the head with a club.

To reduce your shoplifting losses call 770-426-0547 or click here.

Checkpoint Systems are a Shoplifter’s Nightmare in Atlanta, Georgia

Checkpoint Systems are a Shoplifter’s Nightmare in Atlanta, Georgia

What does a shopper think when he enters a retail store that has a functioning Checkpoint Security System at the entrance to the store?  Does she think that shoplifting must be running rampant in the area, or that the use of Checkpoint Systems shows a concern for keeping prices low and theft by customers under control?

The sad fact is that shoplifters are everywhere a piece of merchandise is put on display, from the swankiest boutique to the corner convenience store.  The statistics are out there; retailers lose a huge amount of merchandise to thieves, which translates into a loss of profit, meaning higher prices for consumers.

So the addition of Checkpoint Systems is generally a good decision for a retailer to make.  There is no inconvenience to the legitimate customer, and it not only alerts employees when a piece of merchandise protected by checkpoint security tags exits the premises, it also serves as deterrent to the potential shoplifter.

How does it accomplish this?  First, suppose that a customer intends to go into a store for the purpose of stealing several items of merchandise.  When he approaches a store protected by an anti shoplifting device such as a Checkpoint Security System, his first thought is to find a softer target, one that has no such retail anti theft devices.  Like a speeder who knows where the traffic cop sits, the shoplifter will avoid places where he knows he might be caught.

But what about the casual shoplifter, one who impulsively steals merchandise simply because the opportunity arises?  The thought of the Checkpoint Security System standing silently at the exit will probably affect that person’s decision, and stop him from taking an unnecessary risk.

In addition to deterring the hard-core shoplifter, the Checkpoint System gives the impulse shoplifter second thoughts.

For information on Checkpoint Systems in Atlanta, Georgia, call 770-426-7593 or click here.  Outside Atlanta, call 770-426-0547.


Retail Anti Theft Devices

Retail anti theft devices may just be the cure for what ails you! If your business is having a problem with shoplifters you’re not alone. Reports say that stores in the U.S. lost $26 billion last year from shoplifting alone. Sure, you can hire a semi-pro wrestler and a pit bull to guard every exit, but luckily we live in a world of technology and therefore there’s a better way.

Security experts say the most effective anti-shoplifting tools these days are CCTV and EAS systems (electronic article surveillance) such as checkpoint security systems . Separately they are both a good option. Used together, experts say, they’re almost unbeatable. EAS is a technology used to identify articles as they pass by pylons in a store. This identification is used to alert someone that unauthorized removal of items is being attempted.

According to the Association of Automated Identification Manufacturers, over 800,000 EAS systems have been installed worldwide, primarily in the retail arena. (So if you don’t have one you’re already behind the curve) EAS systems are useful anywhere there is an opportunity for theft of items of any size. These types of retail anti theft devices enable a retailer to display popular items on the floor, where they can be seen, rather than putting them in locked cases or behind a counter.

Shoplifters may be extremely inventive and rather patient at times but the truth is that they’re lazy. If you properly protect the items within your store they will simply take their business elsewhere to some other retailer who is not quite as vigilant and dedicated to the idea of loss prevention as you are. Retail anti theft devices such as checkpoint security systems and others will help your business become an unfavorable target to shoplifters and keep your product on the shelves.

For more information about retail anti theft devices or checkpoint security systems or anti shoplifting or stop shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Retail Theft Prevention

Retail theft prevention is a difficult job which requires you to be on your toes at all times. Most shoplifters attempt to remain undetected while they conceal merchandise and quietly slip out of the door without anyone being the wiser. However, there are a percentage of shoplifters who are simply brazen criminals; they just grab stuff and walk out with it. These crooks rely on the gullibility and slow response time of sales clerks. Some will grab garments from racks close to the door and run out. This can be easily prevented by alternating the directions of hangers on the racks. This makes the hangers lock up when someone tries to remove too many of them at once.

Fitting rooms are a necessary convenience for your legitimate customers. However, they can be a dream for shoplifters. A critical part of retail theft prevention is to keep a watchful eye on your fitting rooms. A common technique, especially if your fitting rooms aren’t well monitored, is for the thief to steal garments by putting them on under her own clothes and wearing them out of the store. Others will just put the clothing on and walk out, leaving their own clothes behind.

The really brazen thieves simply walk out with large items. You can prevent this by making it unusual for legitimate customers to carry out their large purchases with a policy that all large items must be picked up at a location physically separate from the sales floor, or that employees take all large items out to customer’s cars. Many retailers place bright stickers on purchased large items. This at least makes it easier for employees to tell if the merchandise has been paid for or if it is being stolen.

Retail theft prevention requires everyone’s involvement, so make sure your associates are trained and knowledgeable in what to look for.

For more information about anti shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or stop shoplifting contact us Retail Theft Prevention or call 1.770.426.0547

Where are the best places for Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels? – Anti Shoplifting

This is another question that we get asked frequently. Placement is very important not only for theft but you must consider merchandising your good customers. Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are the best in the industry. If you are to get your investment out of your checkpoint systems then you have to pay close attention to placement.

Let’s talk about your good customers first! If you place checkpoint tags on clothing in such a way that the customer is not able to try them the merchandise on or if it interferes with the customers visual impression you may lose the sale. If you place Checkpoint labels on product packaging in such a way that you cover up instructions, warning labels, expiration dates… then that customer may pass your products by. The great news is that you don’t have to. Checkpoint systems tag and label offerings can cover any situation.

Checkpoint tags – consider placement on shirts on the rear of the shirt at the collar seam or on a seam on the side under the arm. Do the same with pants and skirts. Place the tag on the back at rear seam below the belt line or on a side leg seam at the knee. Do not put checkpoint tags on a belt loop. The shoplifter will break the belt loop and fix it later. In these locations the customer will not see the checkpoint tags or will be inclined to ignore them.

If you would like a free Checkpoint systems tag placement chart please contact us. This chart has many other items on it and could be posted in the back room of your store.

Checkpoint labels – Wow Checkpoint systems has so many types of labels available it is too much to put in this blog. So I will discuss only a couple. Covering up important information on packaging could lead a customer to not purchase or damage the tag to see what’s under it. If they then do not purchase you have an unprotected product on the shelf.

Look at tag size, yes size does matter!!! In this case a smaller tag may be your best option. You would want to use a postage stamp label. It is the size of, well…a postage stamp. They come in plain, barcode and black. Black is great to hide on a liquor bottle or other dark colored packaging.

Another option is to use the new “Clear Poly” Checkpoint labels . This label has a see through center and is very low profile. You place the clear poly label directly over the UPC barcode. The label basically disappears. And your scanner reads the barcode directly through the label. These things are great!

If you would like a free sample of any Checkpoint labels contact us.

For more information on retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint systems contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

High End Product Theft? Solve The Problem And Stop Shoplifting!

Are you scratching your head trying to figure out how to stop shoplifting losses on a high cost item such as leather, women’s handbags or power tools? Shoplifters like to target these items for obvious reasons; one item gets them a very high return. There are solutions to this issue.

Many retailers take the approach that they have to lock up or put this type of item behind the counter. This keeps it away from thieves but it also limits access by legitimate customers. There are also older systems that “tie” the item down with a simple cable or a wire that is alarmed. Those methods are messy, difficult to manage and quite frankly look ugly in your merchandising efforts. Putting item behind glass again does not allow customer access.

Consider another idea. Place an Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tag on the item and stop shoplifting once and for all. These hard tags protect the merchandise in three ways at the same time. They allow the customer to pick up the item, look at it and carry it around the store. They do not need employee assistance. Oh and by the way the Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tag is not very big and it is very well built

The three ways this hard tag protect the merchandise are:

  1. Early detection – If a shoplifter attempts to remove the tag by cutting it off or forcing it the tag itself goes into alarm. A built in sounder goes off alerting employees.
  2. EAS protection – If the shoplifter tries to leave the store it will activate your Checkpoint systems or other EAS system. The tag it self will also go into alarm.
  3. Extended Range – If the shoplifter tries to run away the built in sounder stays in alarm until the battery dies which is quite a long time. I like this part. We love to see a shoplifter standing there with the alarm sounding outside the store.

For your good customers once they reach the checkout your employee simply removes the Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tag to be recycled for use on another piece of your merchandise.

Alpha products work hand in hand with Checkpoint systems or your current EAS to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information about Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tags, checkpoint systems or other retail anti theft devices contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547