Checkpoint & A Trained Staff

Although it has become a cliché, knowledge really is power. Having a knowledgeable staff will significantly reduce your losses with the help of a Checkpoint security system . One of the main reasons for false alarms is that a cashier does not deactivate the checkpoint labels or forgets to remove the checkpoint security tags from the item being purchased.

I am sure that it has happened to you a time or two. You are purchasing something from your local hardware store or some one-stop-shop and after the purchase is complete you try to walk out the door. What happens? You alarm the system that is designed to stop shoplifters. But you are not a shoplifter. Now you have to wait for someone to check the items that you legitimately purchased or even worse a cashier that didn’t even scan the items tells you to go ahead and leave.

When this occurs it makes both the customer and employee lose faith in the system and its ability to stop shoplifting . All that is needed to prevent this from occurring in your store is a knowledgeable staff. If the employees understand how the Checkpoint security system works, then they will be more inclined to use it properly because no one wants to make a customer feel like a thief when they have done nothing wrong.

One of the main ways too keep this from occurring is consistency. Set a standard for where and how Checkpoint security tags should be placed. This will help cashiers know where to look to remove hard tags and ensure that soft tags are deactivated upon purchase. Also, it will improve the speed in which employees are able to tag merchandise because it will become repetition and not something new or different every time they are tasked with this job. (To be continued…)

For more information about Checkpoint security system , retail anti theft devices , checkpoint security tags , anti shoplifting or retail theft prevention contact us at Checkpoint Security System or call 1.770.426.0547 Atlanta Georgia.

Stop suffering profit loss with Checkpoint Systems

You business is suffering…from shrink.  Loss of merchandise at the hands of shoplifters is a frustrating dilemma for business owners.  However, you do not have to just sit back and accept the fact that shoplifters are targeting your business.  There are options available, such as Checkpoint security systems that can be effective at deterring and preventing losses to your business from theft.
Checkpoint tags are a visible deterrent that shoplifters do not want to have to deal with when they target your business.

Why have the extra hassle of figuring out how to get around a checkpoint security system when there are other businesses that are unprotected?  Checkpoint systems are a proven industry leader in this innovation and are a worthwhile investment to those wishing to explore anti shoplifting options.
As a business owner you need to offer merchandise that your customers desire and are willing to purchase.

When you sell items that are considered high theft, or appealing to those that shoplift, you are taking an additional risk by having these items available to your honest customers as well.  Protecting this high theft merchandise with checkpoint tags allows you to afford to offer this desirable merchandise without having to offset shrink with higher prices.

Honest customers appreciate your investment in retail anti theft devices.  While they may not realize it when they are shopping at your business, you ability to offer reasonable prices and in-stock merchandise is appreciated, and is directly related to your investment in retail theft prevention.

Checkpoint security systems offer the merchandise protection you need to be a competitive business, not a victim of theft.

For more information about Checkpoint security systems or checkpoint tags or checkpoint security system or checkpoint systems or anti shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.

Anti Shoplifting Efforts Get a Boost in Atlanta Georgia

Shoplifting that becomes more than a nuisance and has a serious impact on the bottom line calls for serious anti shoplifting efforts on the shop owner.

Shoplifting is so expected among retailers that it affects everything in the retail world from store design to merchandising to number of staff and the number of work hours scheduled.  Shoplifting is even a budgeted item (inventory reserve) because everyone in the business knows that retail theft is a given.

Retail anti theft devices of varying degrees have been found to have a positive impact on the rate of inventory loss for the retailer and proven to be cost effective as a means to stop shoplifting.

Technology has played a great part in the improvement of retail anti theft devices, from closed circuit television to electronic surveillance that detects merchandise as it leaves a store or department without being paid for.

Checkpoint Security Systems manufactures anti shoplifting solutions for almost any application or budget.  Once only affordable by the largest retailers, there are now Checkpoint systems that pay a quick return on investment for any size store or boutique.  Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are designed to be used on merchandise of any size and shape.  Boxes, soft goods, bottles, whatever needs protecting, Checkpoint systems are made to improve the retailer’s profit margin by preventing the dollars to walk out the door courtesy of the five finger discount.

Some retailers restrict their effort to high theft/high value items such as baby formula or leather goods.  The storeowner or manager is the best judge of how to use his anti shoplifting assets, including those made by Checkpoint Systems.

Call 770-426-0547 from Atlanta Georgia or anywhere to discuss solutions for shoplifting issues, or click here to Contact Us.  Be sure and visit our Online Loss Prevention Store to see the latest in retail theft prevention.

Time to Stop Shoplifting at Your Store

How can a storeowner or manager reduce or even stop shoplifting at his business?  Sometimes it seems like a losing battle at inventory time and there is a large unexplained inventory shortage.  The customers seem to be saying, “If it’s not nailed down, it’s mine.  If it is nailed down, I’ll pry it loose.”

The it’s time to take a look around and see what measures can be taken to stop shoplifting once and for all (or at least slow it down.)  As much as many storeowners would like to lock all shoplifters in prison and throw away the key, prevention is the more cost effective remedy.  Make them go somewhere else, like to your competitor, and let him deal with them.

When your potential shoplifter comes into the store, does staff that look him in the eye and say hello greet him?  Do they frequently ask him if he needs any help?  Does he see retail anti theft devices such as a Checkpoint Security System designed to stop shoplifting at the entrance?  Is vulnerable and desirable merchandise protected with Checkpoint security tags that will activate an audible alarm as it leaves the building without being paid for?

Are salespeople strategically located to be able to observe all areas of the sales floor at all times?  Is there adequate staff assigned and in place at vulnerable times like opening and closing?

Shoplifters don’t want to be noticed and they don’t want to be caught.  Reduce your risk by training staff, reducing target opportunity, and inviting shoplifters out of your store through visible prevention measures.

The battle to reduce or stop shoplifting can be won, but it takes a sustained and broad effort.

Let us help you in the battle to stop shoplifting. Call 770-426-0547 or contact us at stop shoplifting. You can also visit our On Line Store.

A Checkpoint Security System From the Technician’s Point Of View

Ok, let’s say that you have made the wise decision to purchase a Checkpoint Security System for your store. I would like to explain to you some of the functionality of your system. The Checkpoint systems create a RF (radio frequency) field around your front door to detect the security tags that you have placed on the merchandise. The tags are tuned to 8.2 MHz, which although it is a unique frequency, does not mean that there are not other items near your storefront that could also give off 8.2 MHz.

When your system was (or soon will be) installed the technician will take time to look for and correct any “interference” that might be present at the time.

As time goes on, some Checkpoint systems could experience false alarms. There are many reasons that this could occur but it is unlikely that it is something wrong with the system itself. If your system is alarming, it is detecting 8.2 MHz. The most common causes for false alarms are due to changes in the environment, whether tagged merchandise is placed too close to the antenna or a door that is settling. This is why it is important to have a preventative maintenance plan for your system. As the merchandise and storefront front changes, so will your Checkpoint systems.

It is very important to keep your Checkpoint security system functioning properly because if a problem occurs where false alarms start happening employees will all too often start to ignore any alarms. Checkpoint systems are most effective when they are incorporated with knowledgeable employees and a quick response.

For more information about Checkpoint security system , retail anti theft devices , anti shoplifting or retail theft prevention contact us at checkpoint systems or call 1.770.426.0547 in Atlanta Georgia.

Checkpoint Security Systems & Alpha Hard Tags Anti Shoplifting Solutions

Alpha High Theft Solutions, which is a Checkpoint Security Systems company, has an incredible anti shoplifting offering in the Checkpoint hard tag world. Alphas hard tag construction is far superior to anything else on the market. These hard tags are meant to last and show little wear.

Fashion2 Hard Tag – This tag is awesome! Only 2.75 inches long by 0.5 inches high and wide it is one of the smallest on the market. The pickup is still as sensitive as most stores need. It is a tag that will complement stores merchandise by staying out of the way. Its compact size does not allow for a flex string hole. It will accept standard pins. The seams are real solid. Use the Alpha Fashion2 on shoes and small items such as coin purses. The Fashion2 is beige in color.

Fashion2 Accessory Hard Tag – This takes the fashion2 into another world. It has an integrated 3-inch cable. It is used the same way you would use a traditional Checkpoint Security Systems mini hard tag and flex string. The big differences are that the cable is part of the hard tag and does not get separated easily. AND this is a very robust aircraft style cable. It is three times the thickness of a flex string and is clear vinyl coated. The Fashion2 Accessory Hard Tag cable also comes in 9-inch lengths.

Eyewear Tag – Small and light. The Eyewear Tag clamps down on the stems of prescription eyewear or sunglasses. The Eyewear Tag requires a special tool to remove it at the POS. Anti shoplifting in the eyewear arena is a tricky issue. Bulk and weight can be a problem with today’s lightweight frames. This new tag will resolve both of those issues.

NEW Ink Tag – This is a real departure for ink tags. This tag has the 8.2 MHz hard tag built into it. The red and yellow glass ink vials are set deep inside the tag. The clearly written warnings to shoplifters are printed directly on the ink tag, which precludes you from having to use a separate warning label as before. The pin is a very different concept. The pin back is clear plastic and the same size as the ink tag (50 mm) wide. This is a very compact, stout ink tag. Construction is what you would expect from Alpha High Shrink Solutions and Checkpoint Security Systems.

For more information about checkpoint security systems or checkpoint security tags  anti shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint systems or retail theft prevention contact us at anti shoplifting or visit our Online Checkpoint & Alpha Store.

Checkpoint Systems – Anti Shoplifting

When it comes to protecting your merchandise from theft yet continuing to make it accessible for customers, Checkpoint systems may be the best thing going. You can put forth all your efforts into presentation and merchandising, making sure that you’ve advertised in the proper places to the proper people but if in the end you see your merchandise, and your profits, walk straight out of your front door as a result of external theft or employee pilfering, well, that dog won’t hunt. It’s time to check out Checkpoint Systems .

They provide many different services in apparel labeling, to include all kinds of tickets, tags and labels that will not only help you protect your merchandise but do so with minimal time and effort.

Well, what if you’re not in the apparel business? Checkpoint systems is still a valuable resource for you. They provide retail theft prevention for supermarkets and hypermarkets, drugstores and pharmacies, warehouses and superstores, electronics stores, hardware stores, and specialty stores. They specialize in EAS tags, Spider wraps, bottle tags, etc. In short, if Checkpoint systems can’t tag it, then you probably don’t need it.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security system or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint security tags or retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices contact us: Checkpoint Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Systems – Atlanta GA

There are retailers that take extraordinary anti shoplifting efforts to keep their merchandise from walking out the door unpaid.  These efforts range from keeping highly desirable merchandise in plain view to keeping it under lock and key to actually not selling it at all.  Checkpoint systems can help storeowners keep and sell hot items rather than losing the profit to thieves.

There are liquor store owners in Atlanta GA that don’t even stock some popular brands of liquor because the theft and loss rate is so high that it isn’t profitable.  This is the extreme anti shoplifting measure, but the only 100% sure way to prevent theft.  Checkpoint Systems has developed ways for storeowners to display their merchandise in such a way that legitimate customers can pick it up and examine it, but eliminate the likelihood that it will be stolen.  Some of the solutions will even discourage the practice of opening a bottle in the store and either having a drink or pouring the contents into a different container and leaving the store, which can happen with some types of retail anti theft devices.

Checkpoint systems produce the latest and best in retail anti theft devices, and continue to improve on ways to stop shoplifting for retailers.

Not putting popular items on display negatively impacts sales.  Displaying items openly exposes them to theft.

Maximize sales and profits with a free consultation in Atlanta GA.  Call 877-426-0547 or click here:  Retail Anti Theft Devices

Checkpoint Security Systems & Alpha High Theft Solutions New Ink Tag

Alpha High Theft Solutions a division of Checkpoint Security Systems has released a new ink tag. This tag takes ink tag protection to a new level. The tag is robust in its construction. It will stand up to the day-to-day abuse that employees and shoppers alike will give it. It will clearly stop shoplifting of the items it is placed on.

The red and yellow ink glass vials are encased inside a solid round frame that allows the vials to be clearly seen. The ink tag is round and two inches in diameter. The ink tag itself is ¾ inch tall.

The locking pin is also two inches across and fits very well to the back of the ink tag. The clamshell design makes it very difficult to pry the two pieces apart. The pin back is clear plastic and very solid in design.

The reusable ink tag and pin is available in three clutch strengths: S3, Standard and Super Lock.  This provides for different levels of security and merchandising flexibility.  The ink tags are available in RF (beige color) and AM (gray color) formats. The EAS detection such as Checkpoint Security Systems 8.2 is built right into the ink tag. This eliminates the need for a hard tag, saving money.

The appropriate customer warnings are printed directly on the tag and will not wear off with repeated use.

These new Alpha High Theft Solutions ink tags should be used on clothing, some accessories, hats, leather or any other apparel. Stop shoplifting in your storesnow!

For more information about Alpha High Theft Solutions or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security tags or checkpoint security systems or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or anti shoplifting contact us at stop shoplifting . You can also visit our On-Line Store or call 1.770.426.0547

Use Your Checkpoint Security Systems For More Than Shoplifting

Checkpoint Security systems are an undisputed anti shoplifting tool in the war on shoplifters. But in addition to being an anti shoplifting tool you can get even more out of them. Consider the following items.

Employee theft. Merchandise with Checkpoint tags and labels can also be a deterrent to employee theft. As long as you control who has access to detachers or deactivation. This is where the key lock on the detacher also comes in handy. Deactivation that is tied into your POS so that an item can only be deactivated after the item is scanned will also be a deterrent. Most companies only allow employees to enter and exit from one door. If that door is covered with antennas then this closes off another way merchandise can be removed.

Another use is to tag items that you do not want to leave the store. Restroom keys, manager keys, even documents can be labeled. If you have items that sometimes go home with an employee such as a set of keys, the tag can be a reminder. It is not an issue of theft but if the item leaves it can create a nightmare for others.

How about tools or other store use items? Checkpoint tags with a flex string or lanyard will help remind someone that they have it in their possession and to put it back before they go home. What about an employee who is working on a display and is using store tools. He leaves for a little bit and does not secure the tools and a customer decides he wants that cordless drill or battery for himself.

What about store use items such as calculators or flashlights? A Checkpoint tag or Checkpoint label will solve that. Don’t forget other critical items such as pricing guns and the gun that puts the hangtags on clothing.

We have a limited supply of a Checkpoint tag that Checkpoint security systems no longer makes. It is a key tag. It looks just like a key ring tag. But it is a Checkpoint tag. We include them in our new customer welcome kits. Would you like one?

For more information about retail theft prevention , retail anti theft devices , Checkpoint security systems , anti shoplifting , Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels contact us at stop shoplifting . You can also visit our On-Line Store or call 1.770.426.0547