With the retail electronics market at an all-time high you need Checkpoint Systems as part of your anti shoplifting efforts. These items are often of great interests to thieves. With their ever-shrinking size and high value they have become a target for shoplifters now more than ever. In 2009 retail shrink costs companies over $115 billion. For this reason the implementation of retail anti theft devices has become vital. Checkpoint Systems provides advanced EAS systems, burglar alarm systems and they specialize in high-theft solutions for the retail market.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: Why Checkpoint Systems? Well, that’s like asking why you should go to a doctor when you develop an illness. A doctor has the experience and training that you don’t. A doctor has dedicated their lives to solving the problems that you have. Sure, there are other alternatives, but just like you wouldn’t risk your health to some shaman or witch doctor you shouldn’t risk the health of your business to just anyone.
Checkpoint Systems provides the best in retail anti theft devices including the EVOLVE shrink management system, which is designed to grow as your business does, and the Liberty/3G system which provides superb RF protection. All anti shoplifting devices are not created equal. Alpha high-theft solutions are the best in the market. They provide keepers, spider wraps, hard tags and the Showsafe system which allows you to display your electronics for customer convenience without risking it being equally convenient for shoplifters to walk off with. In short, they’ve got the cure for what ails you. Include retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems in your anti shoplifting efforts as soon as possible.
Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for your retail anti theft devices
For more information contact us at Checkpoint Systems or call 1.770.426.0547