True Anti shoplifting Efforts Include Checkpoint Systems

It doesn’t have to be overly complicated to stop shoplifting. Infact, it’s pretty simple to create an anti shoplifting program in any store.

A few steps and a small investment will be needed to give you the biggest “bang for your buck”, but it will work. As the economy stays stagnant, no growth, the acts and instances of shoplifting will only get worse. Now’s the time to create an anti shoplifting program in your business to help stop shoplifting if you haven’t yet done so.  Regardless of the type of merchandise you sell, Checkpoint Security Systems has the merchandise protection tool you’ll need. In anti shoplifting programs I’ve created I’ve always used checkpoint labels or checkpoint security tags. Designed to fit neatly and cleanly, Checkpoint Security Systems checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags have been always been dependable and efficient retail anti theft devices.

Considering what you may be losing in product, the investment into these types of retail anti theft devices is well worth it. How many times have you seen or been reported to, about customers leaving the store without paying for merchandise. How many inventories have you been through where the shrink (loss) has increase year over year?

As a store manager with a retailer in a metropolitan area it became very important for me to ensure my store was following the Checkpoint Systems checkpoint labels and checkpoint security tags retail theft prevention program. In fact, I took a serious interest inspecting the areas of the store and merchandise requiring checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags. Being that involved really helped drive the program and gave me one of the company’s lowest shrink result stores. I owe it to the employees that remained diligent in their retail theft prevention efforts, great management of the program and Checkpoint Systems checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags.

As I would say to any other manager, and any other retailer, if you are running your business without any kind of merchandise protection, you are asking for attention you don’t need or want.

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For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Labels , Checkpoint Security System , Checkpoint Security Systems , Checkpoint Security Tags , Retail ant theft devices or Retail theft prevention contact us at Stop Shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Anti Shoplifting Program Saves Money

Anti shoplifting programs aren’t really looked at from a profit saving standpoint. In fact, many businesses look at anti shoplifting programs as more of a hassle than anything else. I’ve heard everything from anti shoplifting programs are a waste of money to anti shoplifting programs really don’t stop shoplifting. In each of the cases, the view point was blurred by lack of knowledge.

Shoplifting has been around forever, and worsens in difficult or a challenging economy. It would not be a good business decision to forego protecting your business and merchandise.

No matter what merchandise you sell, using Checkpoint Security Systems retail anti theft devices like their checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels can provide protection and help stop shoplifting in your business. Both checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels from Checkpoint Security Systems provide the level or merchandise security and protection you’ll need to stay profitable.

Recently while working undercover as a loss prevention agent, checkpoint security tags and checkpoint labels really helped me control specific merchandise and areas of the business. Doing merchandise cycle counts as part of my daily duties, I used these checkpoint security tags and checkpoint labels to assist in monitoring merchandise movement.

Thieves all over know what to look for when casing stores and making their next move. They look for the stores that have no retail anti theft devices, have little customer service, highly desirable merchandise and more. Combine each of these factors together and you have a thief’s paradise. Without doubt, your business will be the target of the next big theft ring.

If you choose to go without protecting your merchandise, and have no anti shoplifting program, hold yourself responsible for the negative sales, loss of inventory and high shrink numbers. A simple fix including checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels can save you a lot of frustration down the road.

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For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Labels , Checkpoint Security System , Checkpoint Security Systems , Checkpoint Security Tags , Retail ant theft devices or Retail theft prevention contact us at Stop Shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Shoplifters Beware of Checkpoint Systems

If you go onto the web and do a search for shoplifters, or shoplifting stories, you will find multiple sites in which people brag about shoplifting. There are tips and how-to’s, and some also talk about how they were caught. Retail theft prevention professionals can learn a lot from reviewing these websites.

Having an anti shoplifting program is a necessity in order to be a profitable business. There are shoplifters everywhere, including in your store. If you are noticing a loss of inventory and empty shelves without sales to match, you probably have shoplifters targeting your business.

There are options available to business owners, however. You can help stop shoplifting by utilizing retail anti theft devices such as Checkpoint Security Systems. The reusable Checkpoint Tags and Checkpoint Labels are affixed to your high theft or high end merchandise. Not only do they offer a visual deterrent, they are nearly impossible to remove without a key.

Shoplifters are able to do what they do by not drawing attention to themselves. Checkpoint security systems enable businesses to bring attention to those shoplifters, and reduce the losses that the businesses are experiencing. When shoplifters see that there is a Checkpoint Security system in place, they are more likely to move on to the next unprotected business.

While the web can be a how-to guide for how to shoplift, that does not necessarily mean that your business will suffer more because of this. If you know that your merchandise is protected by Checkpoint Security Systems, you will not see stories online about how your business is an easy target. You may even see some shoplifters warn each other not to steal from you because of your retail anti theft devices.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail theft prevention tools such as Checkpoint Tags and Checkpoint Labels from checkpoint security system s to help you stop shoplifting and start your own anti shoplifting program.

For more information about Checkpoint Tags of Checkpoint Labels or anti-shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint security system or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.

I want to buy from you, but your prices are too high.

We are all frustrated with the worthless, freeloading bums that are shoplifting. Not just retailers but the general public. I am personally sick of paying higher prices to compensate for my favorite stores theft problems. How are you as retailer going to solve this problem? I want to shop in your store, but if you aren’t using retail anti theft devices I’m paying more to buy from you than your competitor and I’m forced to go to them.

 Retail anti theft devices, such as Checkpoint Systems Checkpoint security tags and Checkpoint labels are proven to work! Retailers using these anti shoplifting tools see immediate results. When a thief sees Checkpoint Security Tags and Checkpoint labels in a store they know they aren’t getting out with any products without being caught. Checkpoint Security Systems only use the highest quality products. Their security tags are nearly impossible to remove without the use of a special key, which is kept behind the cash register. If a thief tries to leave the store with an item carrying one of these tags an alarm will sound.

If you want to stop shoplifting within your business you need to implement Checkpoint Systems. For a small investment you can stop shoplifting costing you less money and in turn, your customers. You may be worried that , as a customer, my shopping experience is hindered by these anti shoplifting devices, I hardly notice them. Trust me, if you want to stop shoplifting in your store and bring your customers back through low prices get Checkpoint Security Systems installed today!

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Security systems retial anti theft devices such as Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels.

For more information on Checkpoint Systems , Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Labels , Checkpoint Security System , Checkpoint Security Systems , Checkpoint Security Tags , Retail ant theft devices or Retail theft prevention contact us at Stop Shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Shoplifting: Like taking candy from a Baby…

Are shoplifters picking on you? Do you want people to stop shoplifting from your store? It’s time you got Checkpoint Security Systems installed. Shoplifters are no better than a schoolyard bully. They pick on stores that are too naïve to use retail anti shoplifting devices and steal their products like lunch money. Everyone knows the only way to get rid of a bully is to stand up to them, right? It’s time for you to stand up to shoplifters.

Checkpoint Security Systems, a leading manufacturer of retail anti theft devices can give you the tools to stand up to shoplifters. Checkpoint Tags and Checkpoint labels are small sensors that can be affixed to your goods to stop shoplifting in your store. Checkpoint tags are tough plastic tags that are usually used on clothing and accessories. They are attached with a metal pin and cannot be removed without a key at your register. These checkpoint tags sound an alarm at the front of your store if someone tries to leave with one still attached to the items they have taken. Checkpoint Labels are small, postage stamp sized, labels that can be affixed to product packaging and will also sound an alarm if they leave the store without having been deactivated at the register.

When shoplifting bullys see you utilize a Checkpoint Security System they won’t want to mess with you anymore! With a Checkpoint security system you can effectively stop shoplifting in your store. Checkpoint systems show that you aren’t putting up with them anymore. They will get caught if they even try to steal from you anymore.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint systems.

For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Labels , Checkpoint Security System , Checkpoint Security Systems , Checkpoint Security Tags , Retail ant theft devices or Retail theft prevention contact us at Stop Shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Have Low Shrink and a Good Inventory with Checkpoint Systems

If you business is one that takes an inventory of your merchandise once a year, you know that it takes just one poor inventory to shatter the morale and resolve of your store employees.  Along with that is the obvious side effect of lower profit, and undo loss attributed to shrink.  Climbing back up from that low point can be difficult and challenging.

Before your business sinks to that level, anti shoplifting strategies such as Checkpoint Security Systems can be considered.  Retail anti theft devices such as this have proven to reduce loss due to shrink, thus making merchandise better available for the honest, paying customers.

Checkpoint security tags and Checkpoint labels are affixed to your high theft merchandise.  These anti shoplifting measures offer a visual deterrent to the potential shoplifter, and also sound an alarm should they pass through your business’s doors without the item having been purchased.  Investing in a Checkpoint security system is a way to take a proactive approach to reducing your losses, before the results of your yearly inventory scream at you to do something to protect your business.

Retail theft prevention is a direct component in how well your store will inventory.  If you have a large amount of merchandise that is being stolen, by customers or even employees, then that loss results in lost profit for your business.  While there are other factors that contribute to shrink, anti shoplifting measures such as Checkpoint security systems can counter the stolen portion of your shrink numbers.  Checkpoint systems make merchandise more difficult to steal, allowing it to be in stock for your customers to purchase.

Your business can stay one step ahead of the shoplifters, and thus one step ahead of the competition, by protecting your merchandise with Checkpoint security systems.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti theft devices, checkpoint security tags, checkpoint labels, checkpoint security system, retail theft prevention or Checkpoint systems.

 For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or checkpoint security tags contact us at checkpoint security system or call 1.770.426.0547.

Checkpoint systems can make you dream of profit instead of loss

Wouldn’t we all like to effectively stop shoplifting within our businesses?  Could you imagine the profit to be made if there was no such thing as shrink?  But unfortunately, such a thought is a dream.  There are, however, anti shoplifting tools you can use to maximize your profits by significantly reducing your loss from theft.  The next best thing to no shrink is reduced shrink through the use of retail anti theft devices from Checkpoint Systems.

Checkpoint security systems can be used to reduce loss due to theft in your business.  By keeping Checkpoint security tags attached to the clothing you sell, for example, you can send a clear message to potential thieves that may come into your business.  That message is that you are serious about your stores retail theft prevention and you protect your merchandise from thieves.

Checkpoint labels as well as checkpoint tags are placed on your merchandise so that if it leaves your business without being paid for, employees are alerted.  These anti shoplifting tools are like having an employee guarding every item you sell, preventing shoplifters from taking the merchandise without paying for it.  It’s a minimal investment that is well worth the expense in order to protect the merchandise you wish to sell.

The ability to effectively stop shoplifting doesn’t have to be a dream.  You can make the anti shoplifting dreams a reality by investing in anti shoplifting tools like these.  Checkpoint systems will help you in this endeavor by being a deterrent to the would-be shoplifter, as well as an alert when theft does occur in your business.

Live the dream with a profitable business, not one that has to succumb to the loss caused by out of control shoplifting activity.

To purchase Checkpoint Security Systems retail anti theft devices, Checkpoint tags, Checkpoint labels or other retail theft prevention tools visit our website.

For more information on anti shoplifting , stop shoplifting , Checkpoint security systems , retail theft prevention , Checkpoint labels , Checkpoint security tags , Checkpoint tags , Checkpoint systems contact us at retail anti theft devices or call 1.770.426.0547.

Protecting your Merchandise with Checkpoint Systems

I’ve learned after working a few years in retail theft prevention that shoplifters come in all shapes and sizes.  They are all ages, all backgrounds, and all classes of people.  I’ve also learned that while some are obvious as to what their intentions are when they enter your business, others have learned to blend in and do their work virtually undetected.  Your shrink dollars and unaccounted for merchandise tells you that they have been there – but you are only left reeling in their wake.

Anti shoplifting devices can help deter these shoplifters when you might not otherwise be able to.  A business can be fully staffed and still employees can miss the tell-tale signs of a potential shoplifter.  Or that shoplifter might just be well rehearsed with his or her technique for stealing.  With retail anti theft devices such as Checkpoint security systems Checkpoint Tags, your merchandise itself can protect your assets and increase your profits.

Checkpoint labels and Checkpoint security tags can be affixed to your high ticket and high theft merchandise.  With Checkpoint systems in place, your merchandise can essentially defend itself.  The sneaky shoplifter who might otherwise steal from you will reconsider when they see that you have invested in retail theft prevention measures.  Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels deter these shoplifters simply by being there.

Any person who walks into your business could be a shoplifter.  They aren’t all shoplifters, but there are more than you might suspect.  By utilizing anti shoplifting options such as Checkpoint systems, you can let the retail anti theft devices do the work of reducing the shrink and loss experienced at the hands of these people.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Security Tags and other Checkpoint security systems devices.

For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or checkpoint security tags contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.

Make your Fitting Room an anti shoplifting zone

Wherever I go and whomever I talk to in this field I hear the same complaint: It’s nearly impossible to stop shoplifting in fitting rooms. The biggest reason for this difficulty is the inability of most retailers to spend the payroll to employ a dedicated fitting room attendant; someone who can provide a superior level of customer service to everyone using the fitting rooms, while (most importantly) discouraging any would-be shoplifters from concealing merchandise while inside of the secluded spaces. What’s the solution to making your fitting room an anti shoplifting zone? Checkpoint Systems retail anti theft devices.


 Checkpoint Systems offers Fully Integrated Tags (FIT) which provide branding, data and security in a single tag. Using these Checkpoint labels means that when a crook enters the fitting room with the intent to steal and look for the usual retail anti theft devices (i.e. EAS or ink tags) and find none they’ll believe they’re in the clear. It’s not until the bells and whistles start going off that they’ll realize that something has gone terribly wrong with their plan. They have just walked through an anti shoplifting zone.

In addition to helping you stop shoplifting, Checkpoint labels retail anti theft devices also afford retailers with the ability to speed merchandise to the shelf. This can save you valuable man hours which you can in turn use to increase profits by focusing on sales, customer service or by employing a dedicated fitting room attendant to further cut down on shrink within your organization. Checkpoint labels are also helpful anti shoplifting tool in combating internal theft as well, making them a worthwhile investment for any retail company. If you’re serious in your attempts to stop shoplifting then you need to take a serious look at Checkpoint Systems.


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 For more information contact us: Stop Shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Anti Shoplifting Approach for Juveniles Atlanta Georgia

Unsupervised juvenile shoppers sometimes require their own anti shoplifting attention. Unfortunately teenagers are still developing their sense of right and wrong as well as trying to rebel against authority. So just what is best way to handle suspicious teenagers without chewing them up and spitting them out?

Although youthful shoplifters may appear bold at times, that is usually just to impress their peers.  They of course prefer to avoid detection, or in some cases find a reason not to shoplift.  In ten years of working with a local county juvenile probation department in their anti shoplifting campaign, I came across very few juvenile offenders who were alone when the committed the act of shoplifting.

Given that all shoplifters, particularly young and relatively inexperienced ones, want to choose the easiest target possible as a victim, retailers who have installed retail anti theft devices like those manufactured by Checkpoint Security Systems have the best chance of deterring potential juvenile shoplifters from committing their crimes.

Clothing is a prime target of teenagers, particularly females.  Clothing is one of the easiest items of merchandise to protect using Checkpoint Security Systems retail anti theft devices.  Simply place Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels on the merchandise you are having theft problems with and they will stop shoplifting almost 100% of the time. Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint Labels are virtually impossible to remove (use genuine Checkpoint Security Systems equipment, not a cheap knockoff that can be easily defeated) by a potential shoplifter.  Checkpoint Tags and Checkpoint labels are a visual deterrent to most would be shoplifters and will effectively stop shoplifting from most teens, especially the ones looking for a reason not to shoplift in the first place.

So the good news is that while youthful shoplifters seem to be everywhere, they are relatively easy to prevent.  With a few simple anti shoplifting tools a retailer can protect their assets from teens. If a retailer depends on Checkpoint Security Systems retail anti theft devices to protect his merchandise he will have far fewer problems than one who doesn’t.

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For more information on anti shoplifting ideas and how you can help stop shoplifting or Checkpoint Security Systems , or  Checkpoint Security Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia