Media Display Stands are the perfect way to prevent shoplifting and drive sales.

Have you ever noticed how many retail anti theft devices work against standard logic to driving sales?  I have to admit that on many occasions I shudder when I hear our promotions department talk about a new sales strategy because it usually is counterintuitive to standard loss prevention programs.  One of the new developers of retail anti theft devices is really bridging the gap with their ground breaking technology.  Alpha security has put a lot of focus in the design of its products to finally bring sales and shoplifting prevention together.

 One great product for stores that sell electronic devices is the Media Display
Stand.  These stands do two things.  One, they provide power to your electronic display units so customers can test the products to find the one they like.  Two, they have a security alarm that allows you to be alerted if a thief tries to cut the cable and steal the unit.

 I think we can all agree that you will sell many more electronic devices when a customer can test the unit.  You can look at a phone or camera, but it is not until you can try it out that you are really able to appreciate all that the product has to offer.  With this said the first component of the Media Display Stand (the power function) will really help you drive sales by ensuring that customers will always be able to try out charged units.  Secondly, there is no value that can be assessed to the ability to prevent shoplifting.  There is not a lot of margin built into electronics.  For this reason shoplifting is very impactful.  Being able to be alerted to potential theft is critical to any business that sells electronics.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Use merchandising to help you prevent shoplifting.

Many business owners know how impactful merchandise presentation can be for sales.  Did you also know it has a huge impact on your ability to prevent shoplifting as well?  It does.  Shoplifters, especially professionals, aim to get in the store, steal your merchandise and exit as rapidly as possible.  To this end where and how you have your merchandise set up plays a large role in your susceptibility to being stolen from.

 For example, you don’t really want to put your most expensive merchandise right by the door.  The expensive merchandise is best suited closer to the register where associates can keep an eye on it.  Same rule of thumb goes for small and easy to conceal items.  You will want to put those near the register.  They make good impulse buys as the legit customer is going to the register anyway.  This also keeps the small stuff under the watchful eyes of the employees.

 Additionally, I recommend using retail anti theft devices to aid in your attempts to prevent shoplifting.  One great product that serves to aid in merchandise presentation and product security is the Keeper case from Alpha Security.  These cases can be used to hold that small product and keep it from being easily stolen.  Unlike a locking cabinet, the customer can still handle the merchandise themselves as it is openly displayed.  This is great for sales as customer like to be able to self service themselves up until checkout.  The cashier uses a key to remove the item from the Keeper and customer service is not impacted, but shoplifting opportunity is.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Increase sales with the Showsafe system.

Most business owners understand the importance of putting products in customer’s hands.  All sales are much like buying a new car.  If you look at the car on-line your interest might be piqued.  If you go to the lot and look at the car you start to “feel the itch”.  Once you take the car for that test drive you are sold.  The same thing goes for standard retail items as well.  The problem that we all face is theft.  You wouldn’t let someone test drive the car without a salesman with them.  To that end, I wonder how many car sales are lost because that customer looked, but did not drive.

 Again, we can apply the same logic to retail sales.  A customer may read about a new electronic gadget on-line.  They then may come to your store to look at it.  If they see it through a case and they can’t touch it, feel it, play with it and experience what that device has to offer then your chances of a sale are greatly reduced.  But just like that car, you can’t afford to let people have full access to high priced small electronics or they will be gone.  Enter Showsafe.  This is a retail anti theft device by Alpha security that allows you to display products for customers to be able to handle and test out while still helping you prevent shoplifting. 

 The showsafe system has cables that attach the handheld electronic devices to the system.  The customers can pick up and “test drive” the product, but the security cables prevent shoplifting from occurring.  If some wise guy tries to cut the cable, the system will alarm and give the employees time to react to the theft.  Showsafe is a win-win solution to aid in sales and prevent shoplifting.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Wouldn’t it be great if merchandise could help raise an alert when someone was attempting to steal it?  Now it can.  Alpha Security provides several retail anti theft devices that alert you to theft in several ways.

 The first way is with the AM or RF (whichever you choose) alarm system that you use.  The Alpha spider wraps and S3 alarm tags will work with your existing EAS system to sound the door alarms when someone tries to leave with tagged merchandise.  Additionally, both devices have built in alarms that will activate if the product is taken too far from the store.  Imagine someone trying to load up a bag full of product and then walk through the mall with all of these alarms going off in their bag.  Call me crazy, but I imagine that will bring them quite a lot of unwanted attention.

 Finally, the spider wraps will alarm if they are tampered with.  The spider wraps have a wire that is used to wrap around the product and attach the device to the product.  If someone tries to cut the wire to remove the spider wrap then the alarm sounds and employees can respond immediately to the situation.

 Retail anti theft devices are never going to stop all of the theft, but you will be amazed at how much you can prevent shoplifting with tags that “speak for themselves”.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

It takes a CULTURE to truly prevent shoplifting.

We use the word “culture” a lot in business.  As we have all gotten a little smarter we have realized that all initiatives, in order to be successful, have to have the buy in of the associates at large. To prevent shoplifting there is no exception.

 There are many tools to help prevent shoplifting.  Retail anti theft devices such as EAS tags, Keepers, CCTV, etc. are all useful tools to aid in your shoplifting problem.  In truth though, it takes much more than these.  It takes a culture of awareness and commitment to protect the merchandise.

 For example, I have several stores where the managers don’t really believe in the value of our retail anti theft devices.  In turn, the associates are not diligent in ensuring the tags are on the products and the systems work properly.  Additionally, they do not pay any attention when the EAS alarm goes off.  It is no coincidence that these stores are my high shrink and high theft stores.

 On the other hand I have several stores where this is a focus.  The whole associate base (down to the baggers) knows what to look for in a shoplifter and they know the right kind of “customer service” to give suspicious characters.  They test their Checkpoint EAS systems daily to ensure functionality.  They also ensure that all items on the tagging list are protected.  To no surprise, they do a fantastic job in protecting the product.  When they do get thieves, they are typically not professionals and they “spook” a lot of potential thieves away by being alert.

 In order to really get at the root of shoplifting you have to create a culture of awareness and understanding.  Then you will really see the value of your retail anti theft devices in action.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

ENGAGED associates prevent shoplifting.

Now this does not mean that your associates need to be on the cusp of marriage to prevent shoplifting.  What this does mean is that your associates need to be ENGAGING customers in order to prevent shoplifting.  Many companies have a “Greet within 10 feet” slogan or something to that effect.  This goes beyond good customer service and actually helps deter shoplifting as well.

 Shoplifters don’t want to be given attention or acknowledged.  They want to come in, do their dirty deeds and then leave.  Just the engagement of the associate lets the potential shoplifter know that they are not just a ghost moving around the store and that goes a long way to deterring theft.  Secondly, you want to add retail anti theft devices to the mix.  This slows down a shoplifter and gives that good ENGAGING associate more time to find them. 

 A shoplifter tries to average being in and out of the store in under 2 minutes.  If you have a number of customers your associates may not be able to greet that potential shoplifter in that 2 minute time frame.  If you have retail anti theft devices such as EAS tags or Keeper cases then you just added time to the shoplifter’s trip.  Most shoplifters who know what they are doing will try to remove the retail anti theft devices prior to stealing the product.  Now that they have to try to remove the EAS tag or Keeper case your associates now have more time to find them, greet them and customer service them right down to your competitor.  We all say two heads are better than one and in the same respect the combination of ENGAGED associates and anti theft tools are the best way to prevent shoplifting.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Loss Prevention Agents are the best way to prevent shoplifting.


There is no better solution to prevent shoplifting than utilizing Loss Prevention Agents.  LP Agents are best utilized in addition to standard retail anti theft devices.  Here is how.

 Catching shoplifters is a hard task to do properly.  If done improperly the store can face expensive litigation for false imprisonment, defamation of character, etc.  This is why I strongly urge companies to use LP Agents who are trained in the legal and technical aspects of apprehensions as opposed to allowing store personnel to make these detentions.  One of the hardest parts of catching good shoplifters is to see them taking and concealing the products.  Here is where retail anti theft devices comes in.

 The experienced shoplifters are generally going to try to defeat the retail anti theft devices.  This is a time consuming process and really makes a shoplifter stand out from other customers.  You may have seen that shoplifter picking at the EAS tag or walking around with pliers in their hand.  The fact that they have this obstacle really helps the LP Agents pick out the shoplifters and also helps give them the time to get all the necessary steps to making apprehensions.

 For many companies you may not have the resources to properly staff and train an LP staff.  For this I recommend using contract Loss Prevention.  You can still get trained LP Agents and you reduce your own liability in apprehensions as the 3rd party agent is making the detentions and not the store directly.  It is a win-win.

 There is no easy answer to prevent shoplifting, but the combination of anti shoplifting devices and LP Agents gives you your greatest advantage.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Prevent Shoplifting with Retail Anti-Theft Devices

It can be frustrating to watch your profits walk out the door if you don’t have a plan in place to help prevent shoplifting. Every time someone steals something from you it’s like they hit your bottom line twice because you lost the product but also potentially a sale of that product to a legitimate customer. Shoplifting can also cause a service issue when items we offer to sale aren’t on our shelves for our customers. Where I work we use a combination of retail anti-theft devices like hard and soft EAS tags and spider wraps in conjunction with CCTV and security personnel and get great success.

 Preventing shoplifting can be as easy as hiring a loss prevention investigator or using retail anti-theft devices such as RF tags, CCTV equipment, Alpha spider wraps, bottle locks and EAS tags. Some methods, such as EAS, are a great and simple visual deterrant for shoplifters. They not only make it more difficult for shoplifters to use the merchandise they steal but also establish the impression of control by letting everyone who comes in your store know you take theft seriously and actively work to prevent it.

 Retail anti-theft devices are an investment that pays for itself in terms of increased sales, better service to your customers and greater awareness of the physical security of your business and assets in your sales associates. The devices are easy to install and remove and there are a wide variety of options available depending on your merchandising and product needs. There are a number of ways you can prevent shoplifting in your establishment.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

The key to prevent shoplifting is S3.


For those that don’t know, S3 is part of Alpha security’s line of retail anti theft devices.  Alpha has a great line of retail anti theft devices aimed at helping you prevent shoplifting.

 I first became acquainted with Alpha security’s products a little over a year ago.  Now, I am a true believer in the quality and usefulness of their products.  Alpha products are designed for retailers who need more than the standard retail anti theft devices.  For example, hard line retailers in particular should love the ability to prevent shoplifting that these products offer.  Many times there aren’t a lot of great tools for boxed, large or odd shaped products.  Sensor tags work great for clothes, but how to you protect TV’s, computers, phones, cosmetics, razors, liquor bottles, handbags, etc? 

 Easy.  Keeper cases, bottle locks, spider wraps, S3 alarm tags, showsafe systems, etc.  Not only do all of these solutions work to prevent shoplifting of your high end products, but they are all designed with the goal of keeping your merchandise openly displayed and closer to your customer.  The result is increased sales without the sacrifice of security.  This is a truly unique set of solutions that will protect most any item you have to sale.  Did I mention they look good?  If not, let me say that I am impressed with the visual aesthetic of these products.  As business leaders we all know the importance of merchandising to “WOW” our customers.  Alpha keeps that in mind with their products and gives you the ability to still deliver that great first impression and prevent shoplifting.  Try it for yourself.  You won’t be disappointed.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Prevent shoplifting with the help of Alpha security.

Up until recently there had been two major players in the “retail anti theft devices” game.  With the introduction of Alpha security there is now another major play in this game and they are hitting it out of the park.  Alpha security is a leader in innovative retail anti theft devices that not only prevent shoplifting, but also keep the focus high on sales.

 There are several advantages to the retail anti theft devices from Alpha security.  One is they are sturdy and last.  No one wants to continue to replace security devices.  You expect to buy them and reuse them for a while and these products can stand the test of time.  Another benefit is the many types of products.  Here are some of the items offered.  First are sensor tags.  You can get traditional tags and you can get tags with an alarm built in that will sound when tapered with or removed from the building.  (It’s easy to explain setting off the door alarm, but hard to explain that alarm going off in your pocket). 

 Keeper cases are also a great choice.  These are hard portable cases you can lock the product in.  Unlike a display case, the customer can pick up the item themselves and take it to the register.  Spider wraps serve a similar function.  For items too big for the keeper cases you can use these wraps to attach an alarmed device to the product.  Like the S3 alarm sensor tags, an alarm will sound if tampered with or removed from the building. 

 The benefit to the keeper cases and spider wraps is you can openly display your product which is much more conducive for sales as customers hate having to wait for an associate to get something for them from a locked display case.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia