Are shoplifters putting the “low” in your Halloween sales? Time to start thinking about how to prevent shoplifting at your business

Halloween is fast approaching us and there is nothing scarier for a business owner than to see their merchandise being stolen. Even if the shoplifting ghosts and ghouls steal only one item, that one item will not only impact your profits but it means you have to sell even more just to make up for the stolen goods. Now that is something that can really damper the holiday spirit.

So how can you prevent shoplifting from occurring in your store? One of the most cost effective ways is to implement retail anti theft devices. These devices come in all sizes to fit the needs of your business. However, they share a fundamental element: they will prevent shoplifting from occurring in your store. There are labels that can be hidden underneath barcodes on fragrances and other boxed merchandise. There are also security tags which conveniently and discreetly attach to clothing items. If a thief had a choice between attempting to steal the item with retail anti theft devices and going down the block to the store without any protection, which store do you think they would rather steal from? The choice is easy.

Preventing shoplifting in your store doesn’t require a full surveillance team. Many of the thieves can be scared away simply by the sight of retail anti theft devices. These tools ensure your product stays where it is supposed to: on your shelves or in the hands of your customers. So don’t let shoplifters trick or treat in your store. Scare them away with retail anti theft devices!

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Cycle counts are a great way to assist in the fight to prevent shoplifting.

As business owners and operators we all understand the reality that shoplifting happens in our stores.  I think it is safe to say we all understand that we have to put measures in place to prevent shoplifting due to the financial impact that it causes. There are many ways to protect a business from shoplifting.  In most stores we use retail anti theft devices such as EAS tags, Keeper cases, Spider Wraps, etc.  One tool that I find is commonly missed is the use of audits such as cycle counts.

 While it is great to use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting, we must also track our high theft merchandise to make sure the retail anti theft devices are working.  If you simply put an EAS tag on an item (let’s say a drill for example sake) and you never track your inventory then how do you really know if you have provided a sufficient solution?  A cycle count is a routine inventory audit designed to track losses in order to determine if your anti theft solutions are working and to also help investigate losses. 

 If you find that every time you count your high theft product you have more shortages then you may consider using a different approach such as a Spider Wrap or other retail anti theft device.  You may also shorten the period of time between counts to try to narrow down the losses in an effort to pinpoint who is taking the product or to determine if you problem is related to employee theft or shipping errors as opposed to shoplifting.  Never forget that there are numerous ways to take losses and shoplifting is only one piece of that puzzle.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Keep Your Jeans on (the Shelf)

Working retail Loss Prevention for over 6 years there are quite a few things you get tired of. You see a lot of the same things happen day in and day out and it seems like your company is never going to do anything about it. Makes you wonder how many more millions of dollars do we need to lose before someone starts to listen to us? We (loss prevention associates) are always begging for additional resources to prevent shoplifting with little to no help.  

 I think the thing I am most tired of is grab and runs. There is almost nothing you can do as loss prevention to stop or catch them. I have been tracking this case for over a month where a woman enters the store, fills up a bag, leaves it near the door and then goes to get her car. She then pulls up to the doors gets out, gets the bag and leaves. This is so frustrating. She knows that we have very little retail anti theft devices like EAS tags. She knows that only a few items have any kind of retail anti theft devices. She has been in the store enough to know exactly what does and does not have it. Without some additional resources how am I supposed to prevent shoplifting from people like her?

 If we were to use more retail anti theft devices on something basic as jeans we could prevent shoplifting a lot more then we are currently. Retail anti theft devices work if we allow them to. If we would EAS tag more items or use other devices we could make a huge impact on our bottom line. As a supervisor I am graded every year at review time on my stores shrink percent. It bothers me that I am not able to control that more. If it were up to me I would have every item in the store with some retail anti theft devices. Shoplifters already check items to see if they have any type of device on them and select those items when shoplifting. Why not stop them dead in their tracks and through some road blocks out there? They come in looking for jeans missing their tags let’s make sure they don’t find any. It’s really simple, use Retail anti theft devices; prevent shoplifting; keep our jeans.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Prevent shoplifting from Organized Retail Crime rings

For those of you who may not know, Organized Retail Crime (ORC) rings account for more dollars lost annually than all other shoplifters combined.  ORC activity costs retailers billions each year and it is increasing rapidly.  Retailers must be aware of theft patterns in their store and take measures to ensure that they are not targeted by ORC groups.

 One major way to prevent shoplifting from ORC groups is to utilize retail anti theft devices.  There are many devices to choose from.  In truth, there is no one answer.  Each business will need to utilize several retail anti theft devices specific to their products and the groups stealing from them.  For example, you may use EAS tags for your standard items and then utilize Keeper Cases or Spider Wraps for specific high dollar and high theft items.  You will also want to consider what items you are applying retail anti theft devices to.  Not everything needs an EAS tag or needs to be in a Keeper Case.  Think of what items could be easily sold at a flea market, pawn shop or on Ebay.  There is probably not a huge market for pillows so you can skip that item.  On the other hand electronics, jeans and baby formula are all great examples of high target products.

 Another option is to mark you product with your store name and number.  For example, if you have baby formula, use a sharpie to write your company name and the location number on the product.  This will identify the product as belonging to your company if you find it being sold elsewhere and will help the police recover your stolen goods.  It also reduces the resale value as fencing operations don’t want to risk selling marked goods and that goes a long way to prevent shoplifting.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


So, what is the best way to prevent shoplifting??

There are many ways to prevent shoplifting.  One way is to utilize retail anti theft devices.  Another option is to train all associates how to properly engage customers and give that “extra” attention to would-be shoplifters.  Yet another option is to hire Loss Prevention Agents to apprehend shoplifters.

 The real answer to how to best prevent shoplifting is to employee a strategy that combines all of the above tools.  First, retail anti theft devices, such as sensor tags and keeper cases, go a long way to deterring theft.  They also make it harder and more obvious when someone is trying to steal this product.  That helps gives your store associates and Loss Prevention Agents more time to react.

 Secondly, you want knowledgeable and engaging associates.  While you don’t want to assume the liability that comes with your store staff making apprehensions; you do want them to recognize signs of shoplifting and you want them giving extra attention to suspected shoplifters.  Engaged associates will deter would-be shoplifters and they will increase your customer service for your good customers.  This is really a win-win option.

 Finally, I suggest you employee trained Loss Prevention Agents in order to prevent shoplifting.  You can hire these yourself or you can use contract LP.  Shoplifters quickly learn whether your company makes apprehensions or not.  When they find out you don’t have LP and the store staff doesn’t make arrests then they will continue to steal from your company and tell all their friends.  Having LP available to make routine apprehensions lets the shoplifting community know that you are not an easy mark.  When you add LP to a store with retail anti theft devices and engaged associates you are well on your way to keeping shoplifters away from your store and away from your profits.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

To prevent shoplifting everyone must all work together

     When a business looks at ways on how to prevent shoplifting they have to look at every aspect of their business.  They have to look at what areas of the store are more vulnerable than others. They use Retail anti theft devices to protect their merchandise in the store. But to prevent shoplifting it takes every employee to become part of the preventive measures.

      Business owners must show their staff how to use the Retail anti theft devices properly. When they educate their staff they are helping their business lower their losses. The staff is the first line of defense in the battle that all retailers must endure to prevent shoplifting, internal theft and paper work error.  

      Retail anti theft devices come in all different shapes and types to be used in protecting various items from clothing items to electronics items. But along with the use of these devices to prevent shoplifting employers must show employees method of being proactive to prevent theft. Employees need to understand that doing things such as greeting customers that enter a department and reporting suspicious situation to management or security.

      Employees must understand that they are all an important part to securing the assets of the store along with the Loss prevention staff. So for any business to have a successful program to prevent shoplifting the entire staff needs to be involved. Depending on the use of Retail anti theft devices alone will not make for a successful security program. The only way for a business to succeed in protecting their asset is if all employees work together as a team.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.256


Get more value with your retail anti theft devices with Nano Gate.

For those with retail anti theft devices by Alpha Security you have probably noticed a reduction in theft.  Alpha’s EAS tags are a great product to prevent shoplifting.  But are you getting the full use out of your Alpha 3 alarm technology?

 The Nano Gate is a product that is commonly left out when purchasing the Alpha system, but is an important component.  The Nano Gate can be placed in strategic sections of your business to help you get the most of your 3 alarm technology.  When items with the 3 alarm tags pass by the Nano Gate it activates the alarm on the sensor tag.  This brings unwanted attention to the customer, employee or vendor trying to steal and gives you reasonable cause to do a package inspection.  (It’s hard to say the alarm going off in your pocket or bag isn’t a tag). 

 The Nano Gate is a great solution as it has plug and play installation so it can be put anywhere.  You can install it at your entrance and exits.  It can be installed by restrooms to keep thieves from stealing product in there.  I can be installed at your back receiving doors to keep vendors and employees from walking product out of the back.  Wherever you want to install the Nano Gate you can.  It is a great solution to bolster your current anti-theft program and will help reduce theft from all parties.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


You don’t have to be Spiderman to prevent shoplifting. Try using Spider Wraps instead.

Whether you are a seasoned LP Professional or new using retail anti theft devices I have a new solution I want to discuss.  It is called Spider Wrap and is made by Alpha Security.  I have been thoroughly impressed with the line of products by Alpha as they aim to provide solutions to a myriad of products.

 I have often found items that were hard to protect with standards EAS tags.  For years it seems there have only been two EAS solutions: hard tags and soft tags.  While these are great, there are some products that just need something else.  The product may be in an odd shaped package.  I may not come in a package, but just be wrapped in plastic (which does not give you anywhere to apply a tag).  Whatever the complication, the Spider Wrap is a great solution.

 The Spider Wrap is a set of wires that wrap around odly shaped product and come together at a sensor tag.  It can house items in clam shells, small boxes and other odd shaped packages. It does not take up any real space so you can still stock a serviceable amount of product on the peg or shelf.  Another great positive is that the deactivator is the same S3 key that is used on the rest of your Alpha products.  (I can’t tell you how convenient I have found just having one deactivating device for all of my products.)  All-in-all this just one more in a great line of retail anti theft devices that you can use in your attempt to prevent shoplifting.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Have you considered EAS tags to prevent shoplifting of your little things??

Stop right there.  Minds out of the gutters.  You can certainly use retail anti theft devices such as EAS tags to prevent shoplifting of the under garments you may sell.  What I am talking about are your other accessories.  Items such as: sunglasses, belts, shoes, handbags, small packaged items, etc.  They say “big things come in small packages” for a reason.  That reason is that many small accessories are quite expensive.

 For many years EAS tags came in two types.  The first is hard tags that are generally large and require a pin and label to attach the tag to the item.  Can’t really use that on sunglasses.  The other option was to use soft tags, but those are a little easier to remove than hard tags.  Well now there are hard tags from Alpha Security designed to fit these smaller and unique items.  Alpha’s “Mag Accessory Tags” and “Eyewear Tags” can be used on your existing AM and RF EAS systems. 

 The Eyewear tags are made specifically for putting on glasses.  These can go on sunglasses or even prescription glasses that you may sell.  They are durable and hard for shoplifters to remove.  Since they will trigger your EAS alarm they will go a long way toward reducing theft.

 The Mag Accessory Tag is the other great option for small items.  They are less bulky than traditional hard tags and have a small corded loop that is used to attach to the product versus a pin that goes through the product.  These can be applied to most anything but boxes and will prevent shoplifting much better than traditional soft tags. 

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Prevent shoplifting and outsell your shrink. That is the real solution.

Shrink is a very important part of business.  It has just as much affect on the bottom line as does sales.  A major source of shrink in many retail stores is shoplifting.  So how can one prevent shoplifting?  The answer in part is to use retail anti theft devices. The other part is good customer service and increase sales.

 Let me explain.  Retail anti theft devices, such as sensor tags and keeper cases, work to deter shoplifters from taking products.  Sensor tags set off alarms and bring unwanted attention to shoplifters.  To this end many shoplifters will refrain from taking your product and go somewhere else.  Keeper cases and spider wraps from Alpha Security do much the same thing.  They secure your product and make it hard to steal.  This again will cause many shoplifters to leave your product on the shelves, which is where you want it.

 This serves two important functions.  One, it keeps you from assuming losses due to theft.  This will make you more profitable at the end of the day as you now have less shrink eating away from your bottom line.  Secondly, it will increase sales and reduce shrink.  Sales are increased by the availability of the product for your customer.  Customers can’t buy product if shoplifters wipe out the shelves before they get the chance.  So now we have sales on the rise.  This in and of itself reduces shrink. 

 All good LP professionals understand the concept of “out selling” your shrink.  Since shrink is derived from dividing you losses into your sales, the larger your sales are the lower your shrink percent.  Losses are always going to be part of your business so focus on sales and use retail anti theft devices to counter this evil.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia