Increase Your Sells Decrease Your Steals

In my role as a loss prevention manager, I take pride in my efforts to prevent shoplifting in my store.  I know that I want be able to see and detain every shoplifter that enters my store.  This means that there are going to be times when I’m away from the store and no one will be watching the merchandise. Given this truth, I ensure that my store use retail anti theft devices.

            All retail anti theft devices are designed to create a visible deterrent and also an obstacle for any potential shoplifter.  As a loss prevention manager, I know it is important to prevent shoplifting whenever possible, as detaining shoplifters can be dangerous and costly in terms of time.  I would much rather prefer to not detain a suspect that I believe has shoplifted if I they are with a group of individuals.  I have to think of my safety and the safety of others around me.  Also, I have had to sit in court for hours on some shoplifting cases; this kept me away from my store and possibly allowed other shoplifters to hit my store.  It is a far better use of my time figuring out ways to prevent shoplifting. 

Security tags, security labels and security pedestals are just some of the retail anti theft devices I use to deter shoplifting.  These devices are cost effective for the stores and adds to the store’s overall merchandise protection strategy.  I also use retail anti theft devices on merchandise that is not displayed on the sales floor.  These devices help prevent internal theft as well as external theft.  Having these devices on your merchandise decreases their likelihood of being stolen.

            I have seen the benefits of including retail anti theft devices in a loss prevention program.  In order to prevent shoplifting, stores must focus on proven effective prevention methods.  Adding these anti theft devices to your loss prevention program is a smart choice.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Retail Anti Theft Devices: The smart way to save money.

Retail anti theft devices help retailers save thousands in losses by helping prevent theft.  These devices are especially effective at helping to prevent shoplifting.  These devices are cost effective and provide a visible theft deterrent.  This visible theft deterrent helps prevent shoplifting.

 Security labels and security tags offer merchandise protection for a variety of products.  Clothing and outerwear often use security tags that are pinned to the articles.  High dollar electronics and video games often use integrated security labels, which are integrated into the packaging of the product.  There are also security systems that utilize RF technology that gives off an audible alarm whenever merchandise passes through its field without being deactivated or detached.

            Retail anti theft devices have been effective at reducing losses due to shoplifting and internal theft.  As a loss prevention professional, I can not imagine what the losses would be for a major retailer that did not have at least some of the anti theft devices in operations at their stores.  I have seen stores have shrink losses of almost a million dollars and reduce that number by half the first year after adding an RF security system.  This was more than a 50% decline in inventory shortages. 

            Shoplifting accounts for a large amount of the losses occurring in the retail market.  This is why it is important to take every step possible to prevent shoplifting from happening.  It is too late once you get your inventory numbers back and they show a hundred thousand dollars in merchandise walked out your store.  A simple proactive solution to safeguarding your profits is to invest in retail anti theft devices.  There is no other investment that offers a return like arming your business to fight shoplifting.  These anti theft devices will give you the needed protection you want and will result in savings you can see.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Don’t get caught off guard when trying to Prevent shoplifting

     If anyone wants to do anything very well in their personal life or career. One has to be prepared and in a business being prepared is the first step in trying to prevent shoplifting issues within that business. Keep your profits from walking out the door is the main reason why Retail anti theft devices are used in establishments. Retail anti theft devices come in different types from Security tags, Bottle locks and many other devices with the main goal being to prevent shoplifting from occurring in your business. When dealing with methods to prevent shoplifting there is no such thing as over compensating you must use everything you can to protect your companies assets.  

      When preparing to combat shoplifting you must show your team how working together along with the Retail anti theft devices is the only way to prevent shoplifting. But these methods not only prevent, but they will also deter shoplifting fearing the device will cost them to much trouble to try and remove. Many times during my career I have seen many incidents where the device on an item has help to prevent shoplifting from occurring just by having some type of Retail anti theft device on an item. No matter how small or large a Retail anti theft device the main goal is to stop theft within your establishment. Don’t let a little thing as preparation catch you off guard.

      Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Shoplifting: Don’t become a victim.

Retailers in today’s business environment must be aware that shoplifting is a reality that persists and is resulting in more losses now than in the past. It is imperative for retailers to find an effective way to prevent shoplifting.  This is not an easy task as shoplifting has become such a big business.  There are groups of individuals who make their living preying on retailers who appear to be less protected against shoplifting.  These are usually retailers who do not have visible retail anti theft devices in use in their stores.

            In my experience as a loss prevention manager, I regularly talked with my associates about ways to prevent shoplifting.  One point I made sure I emphasize is ensuring that we are utilizing the retail anti theft devices that we had on hand.  I have seen tremendous success in reducing the overall loss in a store simply by the consistent practice of utilizing anti theft devices such as EAS tags. The perspective shoplifter understands that it is now going to take more time and effort to shoplift from this location.  Shoplifters are less likely to risk getting caught if they feel the store is proactive in trying to prevent shoplifting.

            The utilization of retail anti theft devices alerts the shoplifter that the store is serious about protecting its assets.  Shoplifters look for easy targets and prefer to bring as less attention to their criminal actions as possible.  Retail anti theft devices makes sure this isn’t possible.  EAS pedestals alarm at the door if a suspected shoplifters tries to conceal merchandise on their way out that has an EAS tags attached to it.  This is not the ideal situation for a shoplifter to be in. It is extremely important that the retailer create an environment in their stores that is shoplifter un-friendly.  Anti theft devices are great tools to use in order to prevent shoplifting and save the retailer money.   

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Retail Anti Theft Devices: A winning solution to preventing shoplifting.

Employing the use of retail anti theft devices has always been the first line of defense in controlling shoplifting.  Every specific plan to dete shoplifting should contain a component that includes retail anti theft devices.  Shoplifters are using various methods in which they try and disguise their criminal activities.  It is not easy for associates not trained in loss prevention to know a shoplifter from a regular customer. This is why anti theft devices provide the best solution to preventing shoplifting.

            Shoplifters want to appear to be your average everyday shopper.  The art of surprise is the goal of most perspective shoplifters.  One way in which retailers can turn the table on these shoplifters masquerading as shoppers is to utilize retail anti theft devices.  These devices have been proven method to prevent shoplifting.  Retailers have found that in order to prevent shoplifting that there must be a noticeable and pronounced deterrent.  Retail anti theft devices provides that observable deterrent.

            In a time where budgets are tight and there is simply not enough employees to watch the store and make the sales, another measure is need to help prevent shoplifting.  If an associate has to leave her register or is distracted by a customer, it could be the opportunity a perspective shoplifter is looking for.  The use of anti theft devices would create another layer of security for preventing shoplifting.  It is impossible to expect associates to be every where or to see everything. Clothing alarms and similar anti theft devices provides protection when associates simply are unable to prevent shoplifting.  In all my years of loss prevention experience I have seen many shoplifters walk away from an area that used anti theft devices and look for other items in the store that was not protected.  I am convinced that any plan to prevent shoplifting must include the use of retail anti theft devices.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Retail anti theft devices increasing more than just profits …

There are many benefits to using retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting.  The obvious benefit to using retail anti theft devices is that you reduce losses which ultimately keeps profits high.  The benefits to using retail anti theft devices do not end there however.

 Another benefit is found in increased sales.  In the twelve years I have been in retail I have found it very hard to sell merchandise that was not on the shelves and in stock.  In order to sell to our customers we have to first have merchandise.  When your available stock is stolen then you have legitimate customers who cannot buy the product at your store.  This is a loss of sales.  If it happens often enough then you may lose the customer altogether as consumers are too busy to waste a trip to a store where they can never find what they are looking for.

 Using items like EAS tags, Keeper cases and cameras will also reduce employee theft.  We all know that these devices prevent shoplifting, but employees are linked to far more theft than shoplifters are.  By using retail anti theft devices you will also deter employees from stealing and that will help your profits far more than stopping customers from shoplifting.

 Another benefit is increased moral.  In general, employees hate thieves.  They don’t like having to pay for products and watching others not.  Employees are also negatively impacted by theft as it reduces their benefits.  When stores are not profitable then raises don’t happen, hours are cut and fun things like holiday celebrations disappear.  When we control our losses then the employees win just as much as the company does.  This creates happier associates who in turn are more productive associates.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Shoplifting: Requiring increased diligence on the part of retailers.

There is a phenomenon that is changing the way in which retailers react to shoplifting.  Retailers are aware that organized crime groups are increasingly targeting retailers who have not taken clear steps to prevent shoplifting. In the current economic situation, shoplifting is becoming a more attractive and lucrative business for those involved in organized retail crime.  Retailers are seeing shoplifters take entire display racks of merchandise during a single shoplifting event. The utilization of retail anti theft devices is effective in combating the growing problem of shoplifting.  It is almost the standard for retailers to utilize anti theft devices as part of an overall plan to prevent shoplifting. Large retail organizations have seen the benefits for using retail anti theft devices to confront the growing problem of shoplifting.

            Loss prevention professionals are acutely aware of the role that retail anti theft devices play in creating an effective program to combat shoplifting.  Retailers must be proactive if they are going to prevent themselves from sustaining devastating losses from organized retail shoplifting rings.  The combination of attentive customer service associates and the use of retail anti theft devices are the keys to prevent shoplifting.  Devices such as EAS tags placed on merchandise and EAS pedestals positioned at entrances and exits to stores.  These devices continue to be the primary physical deterrents to prevent shoplifting. 

            It is obvious that the return on investment for utilizing retail anti theft devices within a retail location is immeasurable.  Having a clear plan and mechanism in place to address shoplifting is extremely important for retailers serious about saving money.  I have seen firsthand, the impact that anti theft devices have had on reducing losses from shoplifting.  The goal of every retailer should be to prevent shoplifting.  The use of retail anti theft devices is one way to do just that.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


New Retail Anti Theft Device: Jewel Lok by Alpha High Theft Solutions

There has been a struggle with retail anti theft devices that protect jewelry. New products have come to the market that will change all of that. Alpha Security has released the first of several new items called Jewel Lok.

 Now you can prevent shoplifting of all your open display jewelry. The first item to be released is the Loose Jewelry Solution tag. This is one of the smallest hard tags I have ever seen. It has a small compact body that is only about 1.5” long. The hook fits through the jewelry item to be protected and locks back to itself.

 These retail anti theft devices are designed for bracelets, chains, necklaces and other small loose jewelry items.

 The Jewel Lok , Loose Jewelry Solution contains either an RF or AM EAS coil. The hook is hardened steel that cannot be cut with scissors or nail clippers and is coated in plastic to prevent scratches on jewelry. A shoplifter will think twice before stealing jewelry protected with this an Alpha High Theft Solutions Loose Jewelry device.

 The next items that have not yet been released are the Hoop Earring Solution and the Stud Earring Solution. These devices will prevent shoplifting by locking the earrings to the card. They are a benefit denial device. This means that the shoplifter will destroy the merchandise before it is removed. A Checkpoint label added to the card will complete the protection cycle.

 Follow this link if you would like to learn more and see photos and instructions about the Loose Jewelry Solution.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Did you know Public View Monitors actually prevent shoplifting?

Stores have been using camera systems for decades in order to catch and prevent shoplifting.  One popular component of camera systems is the use of Public View Monitors (or PVM).  The Public View Monitor is a video monitor that is placed on the sales floor where customers can see themselves on the screen.  This shows them that they are, in fact, being recorded.  The main reason for using retail anti theft devices is to prevent shoplifting and that is precisely what PVM’s can do for you.

 We use a variety of retail anti theft devices in our stores.  All have a different purpose.  For example, we use sensor tags because it will cause an alarm and bring unwanted attention to a shoplifter.  We use Keeper cases and Spider wraps in an effort to keep shoplifters from walking out with product.  We use things like ink tags so that if tampered with the merchandise will be rendered unusable and thus not worth the thief’s time to try.  The PMV’s are used for a different reason.  These are used to show shoplifters that they will be recorded on video and that we, and quite possibly the police, will know exactly who they are. 

 Shoplifters don’t want to be known.  They know that just because they don’t get locked up today doesn’t necessarily mean they got away free and clear.  I have had success prosecuting numerous thieves by filing a police report and turning over the video of a theft.  The police are then able to link the theft at my store with someone caught elsewhere or even pulled over for a traffic violation.  With that said, when a would-be shoplifter knows they are on video they are much more likely to go to another store where perhaps they are not being recorded.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Use retail anti theft devices to keep the upcoming “trick or treating” out of your store!!!

We all know that some customers “treat” themselves to our products without paying for them.  Additionally, we have all seen some “tricking” in our stores as well.  This may be in terms of running various scams aimed at getting products and services without paying for them or it could be more malicious and be property destruction and hold ups.  Whatever the form, it is important that we use retail anti theft devices in order to prevent shoplifting and protect our stores from the mischief that abounds.

 There are several great retail anti theft devices that can be used in the fight to prevent shoplifting, hold ups and property destruction.  One such device is the time tested Electronic Article Surveillance system (or EAS).  This system involves applying sensor tags to products and then setting off an alarm when the unpaid for products leave the store.  The newer systems by Checkpoint and Alpha Security work on an RF frequency and produces few “ghost alarms” (or false alarms) so they are much more reliable than the systems of old.

 Another option to use cameras and Public View Monitors (aka PVM’s).  Cameras are great because they record the activity in the store and provide crucial evidence when prosecuting offenders.  They also give you the ability to “go back in time” and see what happened when you went looking.  It is a great investigative tool that can’t be undersold.  When you use PVM’s you also add to the deterrent effect.  Ghouls, goblins and other criminals don’t want to be caught committing their misdeeds.  Knowing that they are being recorded will deter many from attempting serious offenses such as armed robbery and vandalism.  It is too easy for police to track them down so you increase the safety of your customers and employees by using these tools.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia