It’s hard to prevent shoplifting, but Alpha makes it easier.

We all know how hard it is to prevent shoplifting even when the store is slow.  It is especially hard to prevent shoplifting during the busy times.  There are increased customers, increased inventory coming into the stores and employee stress increases.  Trying to add shoplifting prevention to the mix is just one more iron on an already blazing fire.  Here is where you have a partner.  Retail anti theft devices are designed to help save you time and stress worrying about shoplifting.

 One vendor of retail anti theft devices that I recommend is Alpha security.  Alpha is a leader in innovative solutions for theft prevention.  Two key products for this time of year are keeper cases and spider wraps.  Keeper cases are plastic cases that you can lock your merchandise in.  They can be purchased in many sizes to fit a wide variety of merchandise.  Some of the custom sizes are made to fit: infant formula, DVD’s, video games, cosmetics, razor blades, etc.  They can be used by a wide range of retailers.  The big benefit is that you can allow self-service while still “locking” up your expensive and high theft items.  They also have built in EAS tags that will work with your existing EAS systems.

 Spider wraps are another great item.  They come in 2 sizes and are wires with an EAS sensor and tamper sounder attached.  The spider wrap wires can be adjusted to fit most any boxed item you have from GPS units to Flat Screen TV sets.  They will set off the EAS if attempt to be stolen and if the wire is cut there is a powerful sounder that will raise an alarm.  Both solutions from Alpha will help take the worry out of theft and allow you to focus on SALES, SALES, SALES!!!

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Preventing Shoplifting…It can be done!!

Most shoplifters out there are not professionals and typically are impulse thieves looking for easy targets such as businesses without retail anti theft devices.

Many small business owners spend too much time worrying about overhead that they forget that the bottom line can be affected by shrink.

  Most of the companies I have worked for understood the importance of preventing shoplifting via physical security using retail anti theft devices such as checkpoint security tags (hard tags/soft tags/ink tags/EASy bottle tags). Other such retail ant shoplifting devices are camera systems, lockable merchandise cases and lockable clothing lanyards. All of the aforementioned devices can and will have an impact to help prevent shoplifting if employed consistently and correctly.

 It is imperative that initial training of the sales staff is executed clearly before any of the are used. Pinpointing your most vulnerable product, setting a feasible price point for tagging the product and then a daily or weekly audit of the tagged product to measure tagging compliance and proper tagging methods are the most important steps to take in ensuring your investment will prevent shoplifting at your place of business.

  I have conducted many interviews with shoplifters and the clear message from all have been that if a store is not employing tools or methods to prevent shoplifting that are clearly labeled and properly implemented, that is the place they will spend most of their time attempting to shoplift. No company who sells retail anti theft devices will tell you that their product will deter shoplifting 100%; they will explain that their product is a formidable obstacle to most shoplifters if a business properly trains their staff and implements their product consistently and correctly.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Shoplifting and How To Prevent It.

Shoplifting has a significant impact on the retail industry.  While the true figure is debated by the leading retail industry organization, it is known that it is a multi-billion dollar business in itself.  As a result of this activity, many industry leaders have invested in resources to prevent shoplifting.

 These investments have come as direct result of the impact of shortage, which is made up of shoplifting, internal theft and operational error.  While internal theft and operational error impact the business, this article will focus on preventing shoplifting and the retail anti theft devices used.  To prevent shoplifting, a business leader needs to first identify how the losses are occurring.   Once the method is identified, the leader can then implement the use of retail anti theft devices.  These retail anti theft devices can be CCTV systems, RF tags, clothing article security tags, and remote monitoring systems.  These Retail anti theft devices can have a significant impact to prevent shoplifting.  To effectively use retail anti theft devices and prevent shoplifting, the retail leader should compare their shortage number before and after the use of retail anti theft devices.

 To prevent shoplifting the use of retail anti theft devices can act as a part of an overall loss prevention strategy.   Retail anti theft devices are so effective in preventing shoplifting, that I have seen high shortage stores effectively reduce levels to below industry and national standards within a years inventory cycle.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Prevent shoplifting with Public View Monitors!!!

Public View Monitors (PVM) have been around for years.  The reason you have seen them for years is that they do a good job to prevent shoplifting from your store.  There are many companies that use a myriad of retail anti theft devices, but I am surprised how often business leaders don’t think of Public View Monitors.

 For those who may not know, a PVM is a monitor that you hang on the sales floor that shows a specific camera view.  These are most commonly used at entrances and exits.  This is to show customers that they are being monitored and that you do have cameras.  This knowledge will go a long way to prevent shoplifting as thieves don’t like to steal from stores with cameras.  Many shoplifters know that stores use fake domes to make people think they have cameras.  The PVM’s show them that you are not pretending, but actually have a state of the art system.

 Another way to prevent shoplifting with Public View Monitors is to place some viewing your high theft items.  At my stores I use PVM’s by my baby formula, razors, cosmetics and over the counter medications.  This lets would-be shoplifters know that those particular areas are monitored and if I am missing product then I can see who took it.  By showing them that they are on camera we have seen a remarkable reduction in theft.  This is also a great deterrent to hold up and robbery.  Again, if someone knows their illegal actions will be captured on video and turned over to the police they are less likely to commit the act.  By showing would be robbers that you have good camera coverage you will force them to other stores who are less adequately protected.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


What Are You Doing to Prevent Shoplifting?

Retailers must ensure that they are doing all they can to prevent shoplifting.  Shoplifting is a serious problem and must be met with serious solutions.  Retailers that create an environment in their stores that makes it difficult for shoplifters to conduct their criminal activities will be successful in reducing their inventory losses.  There are a few measures that retailers can take that will have an instant impact on reducing inventory losses and prevent shoplifting.

            It should be the goal of every retailer to create an environment of shoplifter awareness.  Attentive associates are always the first line of defense in the fight to prevent shoplifting.  Associates should be trained in identifying suspicious behavior.  Shoplifters often have the same method of operation.  They will enter the store in hopes of catching an associate busy and unaware of their movement throughout the department.  The shoplifter wants uninterrupted time to steal the merchandise they want.  This is why attentive associates are important.

            However, it is not always possible for an associate to be there to prevent shoplifting from taking place.  This is the reason smart retailers invest in retail anti theft devices.  These devices act as a visible deterrent to shoplifting.  Retail anti theft devices is great at deterring shoplifting.  Shoplifters know that these devices are not easy to get around.  Security tags that are attached onto clothing are impossible to remove from clothing.  Merchandise that has RF security labels integrated into them is hard to identify and the shoplifter may be detected by a RF security system.

Having a well trained staff and the right retail anti theft devices in your store can mean major reductions in inventory shortages.  It is imperative that both of these measures be apart of an overall strategy to reduce the losses from shoplifting in your stores.  Preventing shoplifting is the responsibility of every associate, but even good associates need help.  Retail anti theft devices provides the help they need.

            Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Do you use Keeper cases to prevent shoplifting?

I bet the answer is “No”, but hopefully you will reconsider.  Keeper cases are one of many great retail anti theft devices produced by Alpha Security in an effort to help you prevent shoplifting.  I had never heard of Keeper cases until about a year ago when I changed jobs.  The new company I went to work for started using them after we saw them at a conference.  I have been more than impressed with line of retail anti theft devices that we use from Alpha Security.

 The Keeper case is great for small items.  There are many different sizes and shapes that can be used to fit specific commodities and then there are other boxes that can be used as a “catch all” for whatever you need protecting.  Some of the specific commodities that are offered are cases for: video games / DVD’s, Razors, Family Planning items, Blank DVD spindles, Infant Formula, etc.  Again, there are generic Keeper cases as well that you can use for other boxed merchandise.  I have a variety of other items that I use them for (i.e. cosmetics, over the counter medicines, small electronics, etc.). 

 The Keeper case is a clear hard plastic box that locks the merchandise inside.  It has a built in non-deactivatible tag in the top that will work with your existing EAS system so no other hardware is required.  You can simply get the cases you need and start to prevent shoplifting immediately.  Another great feature is that you can get clips to hang the Keeper cases on pegs or you can stock directly on the shelf.  This sometimes helps in merchandising odd shaped packages as the case has a flat bottom and stacks nicely without falling over.  Finally, you get the security of locked products without the negative impact of customers having to wait for someone to get the product for them.  They can self-serve and bring to the register.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Using common sense to Prevent shoplifting

     One of the strongest tools that all retailers have to Prevent shoplifting is common sense. There are so many signs that can help retailers prevent theft from their business. There are many Retail anti theft devices to help combat shoplifting both externally and internally. But without common sense these tools are useless.  One of the first things retailers can do is to properly train their staff on how to help Prevent shoplifting by providing something as simple as customer service. One of the things I would tell staff members is to greet all customers and continue to offer assistance. A shoplifter is looking for any area that is empty, so the last thing they want to see is a staff member continuously asking them if they need assistance.

      One of the other functions that I conducted was to make sure that all staff members were trained properly on the use of the Retail anti theft devices that they are going to be using daily. Since your staff is another layer of protection to Prevent shoplifting the more training you give them the more protection you have within your business. The most important thing to understand about how to Prevent shoplifting is that there are many types of Retail anti theft devices at your disposal so make sure that you use them all starting to the one we all have common sense.

      Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Prevent shoplifting of holiday specials with Spider Wraps

As we are gearing up for fall and the holiday season I remember being struck by surprise last year at the items being sold by retailers as a whole.  I found many retailers carrying products that they normally don’t carry in hopes of picking up some extra sales.  In particular I was surprised by how many stores had GPS units.  I would expect this from an electronics store, but not from grocery stores and home décor stores.  What was particular alarming was that these stores did not know how to protect this product since it was not part of their particular line.

 I want to challenge everyone to start looking at the holiday items that are being planned and prepare a strategy to protect these items.  They are obviously items in high demand or they would not be used to draw business.  With that being said, they will also draw theft.  The only way to prevent shoplifting of high target items like this is to utilize retail anti theft devices.  Now you can certainly use traditional EAS tags, but good thieves know how to bypass this system.  A more impactful solution is Spider Wraps by Alpha Security.  These wraps have a cable that attaches a sounder to the merchandise.  If it is tampered with then it sets off an alarm and draws attention to the thief.  It also will keep the package from being opened so a shoplifter cannot simply remove the product from the box and conceal in a bag or pocket. The Spider Wrap also works with your existing EAS system so it will set off the EAS alarm if removed from the store. 

 We will all be receiving product that we may not normally carry.  The only way to prevent shoplifting of this merchandise is to plan ahead.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Prevent Shoplifting during the Holidays

While there is a multitude of ways to steal, one method is gaining an increase in popularity. Box stuffing is just like it sounds. Shoplifters take a large box, generally from a fairly low dollar item, and stuff it full of high dollar items. Because the box is rang trough the POS, it often does not call attention to the theft.

 The use of retail anti theft devices like hard and soft tags can be an effective tool to prevent shoplifting incidents, like box stuffing. By not only having RF tags on the high dollar products like electronics or jewelry, using a soft tag on the inside of large boxes assists in the detection of box stuffers. The additional retail anti theft devices provide a two fold attack to prevent shoplifting.

 The first, is that the more tags there are to deactivate, the harder it is for the shoplifter to attempt to remove. They are counting on being able to quickly stuff the box and go. Too many tags, make for too many obstacles, thus slowing them down.

 The second part is at the POS. With more tags on your product, there is more opportunity for one to set off an alarm going out the door.

 The associates will have the extra advantage to prevent shoplifting because of the obstacle RF tags place. Box stuffers beware, retail anti shoplifting devices will    make stealing not worth your time. Move on!

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Stop Shoplifting and Manage Your Inventory Better

The best way to manage your inventory is to make sure you track your sales and your inventory receipts. Retailers have to not only manage their inventory, but they also have to prevent inventory shortages.  Unfortunately this process is not as easy as it sounds because of that well known criminal element called, the shoplifter.  Retailers diligently try to prevent shoplifting in their stores.

            One way retailers are trying to prevent shoplifting is by using retail anti theft devices in their stores.  Retail anti theft devices like clothing security tags and clothing alarms are very easy and simple to use and apply to merchandise.  In an effort to track and better manage inventory, some retailers have begun using RF security tags and labels. 

The RF security tags operate using an RF frequency and interacting with a frequency detection device.  The RF devices have become the standard theft deterrent devices being used in stores.  The ability of the device to help manage inventory and prevent shoplifting has really appealed to the retail industry.

The need to be successful at eliminating inventory losses due to shoplifting is essential to the long term viability of any business.  When retail anti theft devices first became popular, retailers only used them on the high dollar merchandise.  What they found out was that they were keeping the high dollar merchandise, but losing the lower priced high profit margin products.  This made a lot of retailers began to use more retail anti theft devices in their stores.  This increase in merchandise protection, lead to a decrease in the number of shoplifting incidents being reported by the stores.

In business it is important to keep waste and inefficiency to a minimum.  This is why effective inventory management and control is so important.  Every retailer must put a program in place to address the potential inventory losses due to shoplifting.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547