How Much Are They?

Prom is a magical time in a young girls high school career. There is the excitement and anticipation of being asked to go to a formal dance.  It is a more mature dinner and dance, a gateway into the “adult” world. For some, there is even the glamour of riding around in a limo for the night. It is truly a memorable night.

 Unfortunately, it can also be a very expensive night. By the time you add up the shoes and hair and dress, dinner, limo, corsages, accessories… The expenses can end up being just as memorable.

 As a retailer, it goes without saying that you are always trying to prevent shoplifting. Having the most up to date retail anti theft devices is a must to stay ahead of the game. When it comes time for Prom, employ the use of a Jewel Lok for your accessories.

 Jewel loks are designed specifically for accessories like earrings. Instead of flimsy backs with embedded soft tags that can be discarded, Jewel loks keep everything in place until purchase.

 With all of the other expenses, and the peer pressure to look your best, it is not uncommon for the pressure to get the best of an impressionable teenager. Rather than forgo an added expense like accessories, some may turn to shoplifting to supplement their pocketbook.

 Be proactive and keep your accessories under the right kind of lock and key; the Jewel Lok.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Avoiding Spider Bites

As I new homeowner, I spend a lot of my free time in one of two places; the hardware store and in the home décor section of big box retailers. Having worked for a home improvement warehouse in the past, my eye is still instinctively trained to watch out for the high shrink items as I walk around. 

One of the things that my local store uses, which we did not, is Spider Wraps. These ingenious little devices are cords that cross a box like the ribbon on a present with a round attachment in the middle. They serve a few purposes in their role to prevent shoplifting.

 The first is easy, any time you use a retail anti theft device to protect your inventory, your shrink will decrease. The next is when used on an item like a power drill; you keep the product inside its case and packaging. The Spider Wrap protects the case from being opened. I have numerous apprehensions where the merchandise was removed from its case and concealed in a bag or under a coat.

 Finally, if the perpetrator cannot open the box, they may try to steal the entire thing. The Spider Wrap will do its job by sounding an alarm if the box is stolen. Don’t forget the squeal it will emit if the wrap is tampered with. All in all, it is safe to say that Spider Wraps are a highly effective tool to prevent shoplifting.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


The Lipstick Index

Lately, our health and beauty section of the store has been seeing an increase in shoplifting attempts. It makes sense, I guess. When times are tough, people want something to make them feel better. I read an article about recessions and how everyone has their own indicators about how bad the economy is. One in particular that caught my eye was the Lipstick/ Nail Polish index.

 The Lipstick/ Nail Polish Index is basically an influx in sales of lipstick, and now nail polish as well. That new pop of color can bring a smile back to a woman who is down on her luck for a rather reasonable splurge. She may not be able to afford a new pair of shoes or a new outfit. A tube of lipstick on the other hand is more financially attainable.

 Same principle goes for shoplifters. A woman wants to feel a little better, but may not be able to afford the lipstick, so she steals it instead. Trying to prevent shoplifting of this nature is often tricky. These are the opportunists who don’t intend to steal, but are presented with an opportunity and her wants get the best of her.

 This is where using retail anti theft devices is crucial. Because these are not your typical hardened criminals, the simple application of a retail anti theft device like and EAS tag makes a huge impact. The would be shoplifter won’t dare try to take that extra step to deactivate it. Their want will be put back into check and the customer will leave the store as a customer, not a shoplifter.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Securing your removal keys is a no-brainer

Every type of security device is removed in one of two methods: the legitimate way using a corresponding removal key, and the illegitimate way which usually involves a pair of pliers or bolt-cutters.  Savvy shoplifters know how to identify the legitimate tools and always look for opportunities to get their hands on them.  Every so often they succeed thanks to the laziness, forgetfulness, or plain carelessness of an employee. 

I’ve seen some companies secure the tools right to the cash wrap and others require their employees to carry them on their person or stash them in a register.  For stores using Spider Wraps, 2 Alarm, or 3 Alarm retail anti theft devices only the last two methods are plausible as it would prove impossible to remove a Spider Wrap with a tool that was welded to a counter.  In my experience, the best way to ensure the convenient removal of your Spider Wraps is to make it impossible for your tools to wander.  Obviously there is no sure-fire practice as every store operates differently, but I am basing my suggestion on a fairly ‘textbook’ store setup. 

In most stores there is usually a space (or cubby-hole if you prefer) somewhere directly beneath or nearby the register.  Installing a small storage space, similar to a hide-a-key on the underside of the space provides you with a discreet area to protect your removal tools from prying eyes while also keeping them in an area your employees will remember since it will be so unique.

Keep in mind though that regardless of how you secure you try to prevent shoplifting by protecting your retail anti theft device removal tools if a shoplifter really wants to get their hands on one, they will find a way.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

The low impact way to prevent shoplifting

Maybe you have a smaller store, or perhaps just don’t have a huge budget for retail anti theft devices.  If such is the case there is a simple method to scare off a large portion of your potential ‘opportunist’ shoplifters; deception. 

All it takes it creating the illusion you have a bigger network of retail anti theft devices than what you actually possess.  As I have said before, the most common way to prevent shoplifting is to use your tools as a deterrent first and foremost and focus your hands-on work for the tried and true criminals. 

Starting with the basics you should at the very least install Nano Gates at your entry points.  That right there generates the idea in the heads of those entering your store that you possess the items that work in concert with the Nano Gates.  Then, at your discretion (and within your plans/budget), you install retail anti theft devices on very visible and/or high value merchandise.  Be they Spider Wraps or Jewel Loks just make sure everyone sees that they are there. 

Finally, you want to remove as many blind spots in your store as possible, and maybe even put up a few false cameras.  While YOU will know that they are not real, the vast majority of potential shoplifters won’t and will avoid trying to pull anything while they suspect they are being watched.

It may not seem like a great way to spend your loss prevention budget, but as I said before, with just a few Nano Gates and the overall illusion that you are more secure than you actually are, you can trick thieves into leaving you alone before they even attempt anything.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547


Preventing shoplifting vs. Stopping a shoplifter

When most people think about store security they think that their job is to catch shoplifters. But in reality a better way to safeguard retail store merchandise is to Prevent shoplifting. Retail anti theft devices are one way to prevent shoplifting, but there are other methods that can be addressed to help in this matter.

 Obviously store security will apprehend suspect shoplifter when they are caught in the act of shoplifting. But as a business owner you also want to have a way to deter shoplifters from even attempting to shoplift. Retail anti theft devices come in various forms to deter theft such a placing RF security tags, RF security labels on clothing and other hi value items or keeping hi value items under lock and key.

 But one of the most valuable anti theft weapon that a business has is the staff. Training your staff properly on methods to prevent shoplifting is one of the best ways when combining it with retail anti theft devices can deter theft. Most shoplifters do not want to enter a store that has observant and a staff very skilled in customer service. If a shoplifter sees that the staff is very observant in the department and approaches them seeking to help them. They aren’t able to remove the retail anti theft devices from the merchandise. So the shoplifter would rather leave empty handed than take a chance of being apprehended.

   Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


They don’t help if you don’t use them right

The other day I was out shopping with my wife at one of her favorite retail clothing stores.  It is one of those places that offers bargains and sale prices on big name items in the fashion community and has on hand everything from shoes, perfumes, clothes, handbags, and even cookware.  As I was staring off into oblivion (as I am unable to maintain interest in a store that offers nothing to those of us with a Y chromosome) I noticed something that actually roused me from my self-induced stupor.

It was as we were walking through the part of the store where they kept the handbags.  The bags are on racks and hang by their straps to save space and provide ease of access and, upon inspection I noticed the majority of them had 2 Alarm tags affixed to them.  In and of itself, the application of 2 Alarm tags, or ANY retail anti theft device on designer handbags was nothing special.  Rather, it was HOW the 2 Alarm tags had been affixed that caught my eye.

On almost every bag I came across, the 2 Alarm tags had been placed on the most ineffectual part of the bag possible.  Rather than thread a heavy ring or loop of any of the bags, the tags had been secured AROUND the straps themselves.  These meant that anyone wishing to remove them would only need to unlatch one side of the adjustable strap and simply slide the tag right off the purse. 

I doubt it had been intentional but it was so blatant I had to tell the store management about the oversight.  There’s no point having retail anti theft devices if they aren’t going to be used effectively.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Alpha’s Cable Lok Will Secure Your Handbags

While employed at a department store, we began experiencing an increase in grab and run incidents involving handbags. One or more shoplifters would enter the store, pile purses on their arms, and quickly flee the store and enter an awaiting vehicle. For Loss Prevention, our ability to prevent shoplifting of this merchandise proved arduous; unless we were fortunate enough to be watching the door or happened to initiate observation of the subject before selection, an honest stop wasn’t feasible.

 My company had eliminated using cable lock boxes and tethering merchandise to racks a few years earlier because they inhibited customers’ ability to try on and examine the merchandise and thus reduced sales. Additionally, they certainly didn’t make for an attractive display of designer handbags. Since eliminating those tools, they hadn’t found a replacement retail anti-theft device to protect purses and smaller leather goods.

 With the augmentation of grab and run incidents, my employer turned to Checkpoint System’s Alpha division to find a solution to prevent shoplifting in our Handbags department and they recommended the Cable Lok, available in either a 2-Alarm or 3-Alarm format. Both solutions sound when tampered with and activate an EAS signal, but the 2-Alarm lacks the feature of self-alarming if removed from the store.

 The retail anti-theft device that my company chose for this type of merchandise was the 3-Alarm Cable Lok, which we could easily secure around the handle of the purse and it wouldn’t get in the way when honest customers wanted to see what it looked like over their shoulder. Not only did they eliminate our grab and run incidents, we received excellent feedback from our customers. Whether the 2-Alarm or 3-Alarm suits your needs, the Alpha Cable Lok will help you reduce loss in your store too!

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Retail Anti-Theft Devices: Technology For A Real Problem

Shoplifting or theft is as old as the marketplace.  For many years retailers worked with limited technology to address the issue, but today is a new day.  The loss prevention industry has long sought for new technology to provide an edge against shoplifting.  Recently, the focus has been on retail anti-theft devices as a means to prevent shoplifting.  Currently, there are many retail anti-theft devices on the markets, some examples are:  2 Alarm, 3 Alarm, Jewel Lok, Nano Gate, Shark Tag, and Spider Wrap.

 Each of these tools has their place in the retail environment.  The 2 Alarm and the 3 Alarm security tags is a flexible article security tag.  It can be used for many different applications such as:  Clothing security, merchandise security and most of all to prevent shoplifting.  The 2 Alarm and 3 Alarm tags use RF or EAS technology to notify the store’s personnel in the event that merchandise is taken from the store.  These tags work best with merchandise that can be pinned.  The Jewel Lok is a small security tag.  The Jewel Lok is designed to work to secure your high priced jewelry.  The Jewel Lok works on the same principal as the 2 Alarm and 3 Alarm, but in a smaller package.  These devices are designed to prevent shoplifting

 The shark tag and Spider Wrap are newer products to hit the marketplace.  The Shark tag is used to prevent loses that can occur from return fraud.  The Shark Tag is a non EAS/RF retail anti theft device.  It is attached to merchandise and easily removed by cutting.  This allows the retailer to see if the merchandise has been worn.  While not designed to prevent shoplifting, the retailer can then deny the return of unsellable merchandise.  Spider Wrap is used for securing merchandise packaged within boxes.  The Spider Wrap retail anti-theft device is a great tool for “tagging” these difficult to control items. 

 All of the above mentioned retail anti-theft devices could be partnered with the Nano Gate.  The Nano Gate is a device that is placed on the exit/entrance of an area that needs to be secure and not have your product in the area.  I’ve worked in the loss prevention industry for a number of years and it’s my belief that it is important to invest in retail anti theft devices for the health of any business.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Nano Gates are no use without tags!

The other day I was in a store in a different part of the district that had not reported any tagging audits in over four months.  It just so happened that at that same point in history that store’s Loss Prevention department had been dissolved due to budget cuts, leaving all Loss Prevention duties in the hands of the store manager and his assistant managers.  Unfortunately they weren’t all that knowledgeable, or bright, when it came to enforcing and adhering to LP practices.

I was there with a team of other LP associates to perform a sweep of the property and find everything that was being done incorrectly so that it could be corrected and to simultaneously instruct store management as to how to perform their required duties.  While there were a few major issues, such as no employee bag checks or failure to review CCTV footage, the biggest issue was found in the realm of what I was assigned to look for.

There wasn’t a single retail anti theft device in place, anywhere.  Not a one 2 Alarm or 3 Alarm tag was in place.  Not even a Spider Wrap haphazardly attached to a bulk item.

We were stunned.

This was a store that had a fully functional Nano Gate system at all of the entrances, but that was of course useless without any retail anti theft devices to set it off.  When asked how they expected the Nano Gates to function, the store manager thought that all products arrived in store with security devices hidden inside them.

At this point you may apply palm to face in frustration.

As for the store supply of retail anti theft devices; we found ALL OF THEM tucked away in a stock room in boxes that clearly indicated what they were.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547