For many women (and men) out there jewelry and accessories play a major part of identifying who we are as a person. Think about someone you know who never leaves the house without a signature piece of jewelry. Maybe it is a beautiful estate necklace. Perhaps it is a constant myriad of funky jewelry designed to make a bold statement. Maybe it is just a simple gold wedding band. The point is jewelry is often an extension of our personalities.
That is why jewelry and accessories play such an important role in generating sales revenue for retailers.
Unfortunately, for most retailers, jewelry and accessory departments are often one of the highest shrink product groups. The traditional retail anti theft devices are slowly growing obsolete.
Having a soft tag embedded into a paper jewelry package just doesn’t cut it anymore. They don’t prevent shoplifting when the shoplifters simply remove the jewelry from their cards and toss the packaging away before they leave the store.
Jewel Loks, on the other hand, prevent the shoplifters from removing the jewelry from the packaging. By eliminating this kind access to the product, shoplifters are thinking twice about trying to steal.
By utilizing Jewel Loks in display and in merchandising standards, you don’t have to worry about detracting the honest consumer from their purchase. They are discrete and are designed to allow the jewelry to fit on peg hooks and rounders, like they normally do.
Women are craving to let their personalities run free through the use of accessories; Jewel Loks allow them the means to do so.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547