An extension of your personality

For many women (and men) out there jewelry and accessories play a major part of identifying who we are as a person. Think about someone you know who never leaves the house without a signature piece of jewelry. Maybe it is a beautiful estate necklace. Perhaps it is a constant myriad of funky jewelry designed to make a bold statement. Maybe it is just a simple gold wedding band. The point is jewelry is often an extension of our personalities.

 That is why jewelry and accessories play such an important role in generating sales revenue for retailers.

 Unfortunately, for most retailers, jewelry and accessory departments are often one of the highest shrink product groups. The traditional retail anti theft devices are slowly growing obsolete.

 Having a soft tag embedded into a paper jewelry package just doesn’t cut it anymore. They don’t prevent shoplifting when the shoplifters simply remove the jewelry from their cards and toss the packaging away before they leave the store.

 Jewel Loks, on the other hand, prevent the shoplifters from removing the jewelry from the packaging. By eliminating this kind access to the product, shoplifters are thinking twice about trying to steal.

 By utilizing Jewel Loks in display and in merchandising standards, you don’t have to worry about detracting the honest consumer from their purchase. They are discrete and are designed to allow the jewelry to fit on peg hooks and rounders, like they normally do.

 Women are craving to let their personalities run free through the use of accessories; Jewel Loks allow them the means to do so.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Deny, Deny, Deny

It would seem that to keep a product out on display and to also have it impervious to theft would be two conflicting sides of the coin. In all my years of trying to prevent shoplifting, I know that using the right retail anti theft devices can allow you, as a merchandiser, to do just that.

 When you are using a product like the Jewel Lok, you create a product denial scenario. It is a basic principal of retail loss prevention. If a thief cannot get to the product they desire, they will not steal it.

 Keeping merchandise under constant supervision, or lock and key, doesn’t always make a happy shopper. So switch out your lock boxes and display cases to the Jewel Lok. The customers have a full range of access to the jewelry, and you get to keep the jewelry on the cards until it is time to purchase.

 Jewel Loks attach directly on to the jewelry, which is something that wasn’t done in the past. Before, retail anti theft devices only attached to the package or jewelry cards. This made it easy for shoplifters to separate the two parts and sneak off with the half they wanted.

 By eliminating the ease of discarding the package and the old retail anti theft devices, you create what is known as product denial.

 Your customers have access, but your shoplifters are left out in the cold with nothing left to steal.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Incremental sales to major losses

Jewelry and accessories are a fun part of working in retail. Although it is typical to find fashion accessories in most clothing retailers, I have noticed a trend in not so traditional stores selling jewelry.

 They are mostly located up at the wrap stands for add on sales. Even more retailers are selling them during the holiday shopping season, and for retail, it is never to late to start thinking about holiday sales.

 I was working in a home fashions boutique and we would periodically get in shipments of little bracelets. Because we really had no need for retail anti theft devices (EAS) on the majority of our merchandise (hard tag a couch? Not so much.) We would see a huge issue with theft on our bracelets.

 Even at $5 or $10 dollars a pop, these little wonders sure did a number on our shrink. Because we did such a low volume of sales, these losses really added up.

 It would have been nice to have access to a great new product like the Jewel Lok. Designed to work with the existing systems, Jewel Loks are tiny little locks that (for bracelets) are like a mini padlock.

 The protective coating makes sure that the hoop does not scratch the bracelet. The detachers are also relatively small. Because of the space constraints, it would have been nice to have a system that felt like it was designed just for our needs. Exactly what the Jewel Loks are designed to do.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


One, two, three

With so many great retail anti theft devices out there to prevent shoplifting, it can get kind of confusing understanding the nuances of each type of product.

 I wanted to give a quick overview of the different stages of EAS alarms to include 2 Alarm, and 3 Alarm products.

 At the most basic of levels, all EAS products (soft and hard tags) regardless of form are equipped with a level one alarm. It means that the alarm will go off at the front doors when the retail anti theft devices passes trough, if they are not deactivated or removed first.

 That seems simple enough.

 Next comes the 2 Alarm. These are products that are a little more complex. The alarms are for higher ticket or higher theft items that need a little bit better of security. A 2 Alarm product will emit an audible alarm if the device is tampered with. So even if the EAS is not near a doorway, the alarm will sound if someone tries to remove the device.

 A 3 Alarm EAS tag is the highest and most involved form of retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting. A 3 Alarm will do what both a one alarm, and a 2 Alarm product will do. The best part is that the 3 Alarm will continue to emit that penetrating audible alarm for a full ten minutes after the product has left the store.

 I hope this helps clarify the differences for you.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Locked up, lose out

For a while, retailers that were fed up with preventing shoplifting of their small, high dollar, and/ or high shrink items simply started to lock them away. While I don’t know the exact numbers, I can only imagine that their shrink losses dramatically decreased, since no one but an employee with a key could access the merchandise.

 I can also assume that from a customer service standpoint, there has been a significant decrease in those sales. It’s no wonder that loss prevention is often referred to as “lost sales”

 I know that as a consumer there have been times that I have needed to purchase say a razor, and it has been locked up. In a perfect world scenario, you simply ask the available sales associate to get one.

 In today’s meager payroll world, spending time to go track down an associate and then find out they have to get someone else who has the key, is cumbersome and time consuming. I, for one, don’t always have the time, or patience to wait for that. I have on more than one occasion walked out of a store without making a purchase because it was taking to long to get my product out of the lock box.

 As it turns out, I am not the only one who has done this. Retailers are rethinking their strategy and going to new retail anti theft devices designed for better customer service and sales.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


10 Minutes is a long time

When you think of time, you understand that a second is over in a flash. A minute, takes a little longer, but depending on what is going on in that minute, it can feel like an eternity.

 10 minutes is an eternity if you are waiting for an important phone call. 10 minutes is an eternity if you are standing in line waiting to check out at a store. 10 minutes is an eternity if you are a 3 Alarm retail anti theft device screaming at the shoplifter who stole you.

 That’s right a 3 Alarm tag will sound for ten full minutes before it ceases its audible alarm. Hopefully the 3 Alarm retail anti theft devices will prevent shoplifting form the get go. If for some reason it does not deter the thief, there is essentially a three-step warning to convince them otherwise.

 Step one is the perimeter warning. If the tags get too close to the entry doors without being detached, an alarm will sound.

 The second step in the warning system is if the product is being tampered with. If a shoplifter tries to disarm or detach the 3 Alarm products without the proper detacher, it will generate an alarm.

 Finally, if the shoplifter still tries to steal the product, the 3 Alarm tag will continue to emit a siren for a full ten minutes. That should be long enough for the shoplifter to come to their senses, drop the merchandise, and let you come retrieve it.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Diamonds are a girl’s best friend

It is absolutely true! Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. I can’t think of a single woman out there who would not love to see a beautiful pair of diamond earrings or a diamond necklace wrapped up in a little box as a present for her.

 As a retailer who has worked with high end and middle grade diamond jewelry sales, I can tell you the conundrum we face when presented with a beautiful new piece of diamond jewelry.

 The first thing you want to do is make sure every employee working for you has seen the new piece and is completely in awe. That way they can talk up the sale to all of their clients.

 Next you want to find a great way to merchandise and display the jewelry. That is where the problem begins. Typical retail anti theft devices might work to prevent shoplifting in other areas, but not with a classy piece of jewelry like this.

 You can’t leave it unattended, so what’s a girl to do? Use the new Jewel Loks, of course.

 A Jewel Lok is a locking mechanism that is designed specifically for jewelry that needs to be mindful of presentation and preventing shoplifting.

 By using a Jewel Lok, you can then display the new diamond jewelry out in the open for all to see without worrying that the retail anti theft device will be bulky, or even worse, easy to defeat.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Hey, I found it!

I am always loosing my keys and my phone. I had even hired an assistant manager one time and explained to him on his first day at work was to make sure that I always had my phone and keys before leaving the office. He laughed, until five minutes later when I couldn’t find my phone.

 My friends know I am a lost cause. They often joke about getting me one of those remotes that you can attach an alarm on to your personal effects. That way you can just let your lost items send off a distress signal to help you locate them.

 I think that is why I like the 3 Alarm products for retail anti theft devices. The 3 Alarm will emit an audible alarm for ten minutes after a stolen product has passed through the store’s doorway.

 It gives you time to find your item. If you have a shoplifter stealing an item, they will try to run out the doors. Once the 3 Alarm activates, and they realize it won’t stop; the shoplifter will realistically drop the item.

 Even if they take the item with while they are running, ten minutes is ample time to find out where the item was discarded. You may not always be able to prevent shoplifting from happening, but you will always have a shot at recovering the merchandise with a 3 Alarm retail anti theft device.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Too loose, too tight, too heavy, too light

Oh loose jewelry, how I detest loose jewelry. It never fails that every time I walk by a spinner of loose jewelry like necklaces or bracelets, I always see a huge mess.

 Some of the price tags have been torn or ripped off. Necklaces are twisted together and bracelets never seem to fit back on to whatever peg they came from. I also see the remnants of the hang tags stuffed into odd corners of the store, presumably from shoplifters trying to defeat any retail anti theft devices (like soft tags) that may be hidden within.

 When we try to prevent shoplifting, it is very important not to compromise the visual aesthetics of a counter top display or even a display mannequin with our security tags.

 The Jewel Lok is one of the best solutions to numerous difficulties that loose jewelry presents.

 To start with, the Jewel Lok only weighs about 5 grams, which is very little weight. It won’t drag a necklace down or make a bracelet hang weird in a presentation piece.

 It is also very small in size, so it can be discreetly placed on a piece of jewelry, and no one would see it.

 The Jewel Loks are also made out of a strong metal lock, almost like a mini padlock. You would have to destroy the jewelry before you could cut or otherwise remove the Jewel Lok without the proper detachers.

 The hook is coated in plastic, so it won’t damage or scratch your product.

 While the Jewel Lok won’t reorganize my necklaces and bracelets for me, it will keep them from being stolen.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


No Risk Involved

Having jewelry is an essential up selling tool within a retailer. What better way to create an add on to an outfit or a new pair of shoes than to coordinate it with some great new accessories to complete the look.

 Using normal retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting your accessories is not completely 100% reliable. Most of the time the EAS tags and labels are hidden inside the packaging. Often the jewelry is easy to remove from that packaging.

 For a shoplifter, it is pretty much a no brainer. Take the product off or out of the packaging. Then discard the package in a remote corner of the store, or behind the mirror of the fitting room. Exit the store with stolen jewelry.

 In those scenarios, there is little to no risk involved for the shoplifter.

 Enter the Jewel Lok. It is the latest innovation in retail anti theft devices. There are jewelry specific solutions to prevent shoplifting of your merchandise.

 There are Jewel Loks for necklaces and bracelets, as well as both hoop and stud earrings. Each one creates a new, highly successful, locking mechanism to make sure your jewelry stays put.

 No more running around the store collecting loose, discarded jewelry packages. The Jewel Lok prevents the product from being removed without the proper detachers. Now you can be the one with little to no risk, selling your jewelry, that is!

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547