I worked with a corporate investigator that used to say employee theft cases are always like peeling an onion. The further down you get, the more it starts to stink and the more layers start to unfold.
In my experience, he was right. Employee theft cases keep retail security personnel on their toes. Just one employee out of control can equate to thousands, sometimes even tens of thousands of dollars in losses and the cases always seem to dig deeper and deeper.
There is a way to help diminish employee theft. Use retail anti-shoplifting tools on your merchandise.
Retail anti-shoplifting tools like retail anti-theft devices, are better known as EAS labels and tags. They are designed to provide a multi layer of defense against losses.
These labels and tags are primarily designed to help eliminate and deter shoplifters, but also work well in deterring employees from stealing.
If an employee were to steal an item that causes an alarm to go off, every one around them will know. The employee has to come back and face the rest of the store, filled with people who know them.
A shoplifter’s greatest asset is anonymity. An employee who does not have the same tool is even more likely to get caught.
Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.
For more information on how you can use retail anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.
Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!