Employee theft Cases are like Onions…

I worked with a corporate investigator that used to say employee theft cases are always like peeling an onion. The further down you get, the more it starts to stink and the more layers start to unfold.

 In my experience, he was right. Employee theft cases keep retail security personnel on their toes. Just one employee out of control can equate to thousands, sometimes even tens of thousands of dollars in losses and the cases always seem to dig deeper and deeper.

 There is a way to help diminish employee theft. Use retail anti-shoplifting tools on your merchandise.

 Retail anti-shoplifting tools like retail anti-theft devices, are better known as EAS labels and tags. They are designed to provide a multi layer of defense against losses.

 These labels and tags are primarily designed to help eliminate and deter shoplifters, but also work well in deterring employees from stealing.

 If an employee were to steal an item that causes an alarm to go off, every one around them will know. The employee has to come back and face the rest of the store, filled with people who know them.

 A shoplifter’s greatest asset is anonymity. An employee who does not have the same tool is even more likely to get caught.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Scare off your shoplifters with cheap tags and cheap labels.

 Store owners and managers must have a retail anti-shoplifting mindset, especially these days with the economy and the way it is. As a loss prevention officer I have seen a spike in shoplifting, employee dishonesty, and organized retail crimes. Making sure your stores retail security is up to par is essential in combatting the shoplifters that wander into your place of business. Not protecting your merchandise is just inviting thieves to line up and steal from your store.    

 Retail anti-theft devices are very inexpensive and have a huge return on investment. Cheap labels can be purchased and placed on clothing without any risk of damaging the product. Cheap tags can be purchased as well in order to compliment the labels by adding further visual deterrence. Wouldn’t it be great to scare off some would-be shoplifters from your store so that they go steal from a major competitor?

 The goal is to make your store a retail anti-shoplifting establishment in order to maximize profit and minimize loss. Retail anti-theft devices serve many useful functions. However, the most useful function that I’ve noticed throughout my career is that store management get a better night’s sleep the night before inventory day.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Don’t let the hard times deter you from protecting your bottom line!

Small business owners are having a tough time in this economy but this is no time to forget about protecting the bottom line. In fact, retail security is more important than ever because when times are tough people will do what ever tey need to get by, including shoplifting.

When I am hired to do lp consulting for small business owners I have an uphill battle to help them spend money to save money. Most of these businesses are retailers selling a variety of products. My first pitch is an EAS system. Unfortunately many of the EAS systems are expensive and fall outside the price range these small businesses can afford. As the economy started to recede and the trend of small businesses to spend less on retail security increased I realized I needed to conduct additional research to see if there were any other companies out there who were making affordable retail anti-theft devices.

I found a company called RBC Security Solutions and realized that for every bump in the road in the economy there are very intelligent people who are constantly looking for innovative ways to manufacture quality products in more efficient ways to be able to offer them at a more inexpensive price. I could not believe the variety of retail anti-theft devices RBC offered such as cheap labels and cheap tags. Retail Security is a tricky business that is never cookie cutter or one size fits all. A business has to be fully evaluated from its administrative practices to its employees to its sales performance to its demographics and finally its physical location. Once that evaluation is complete a shrink busting strategy including anti-shoplifting tools can be implemented. RBC had a full compliment of inexpensive retail security devices that fit nicely into the owners strategy to control shrink in his store.

 RBC has become a much needed ally to the retail world and to loss prevention professionals who are trying to find new inexpensive ways to protect their company’s assets. One thing I learned from RBC Security Solutions that has become a mantra of mine is “Inexpensive does not mean cheap!”. Even though this company boast cheap tags and cheap labels, once you see the quality of the product that RBC security solution sells you will realize there is nothing cheap about the quality.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Keeping your Equipment Up to Date can Actually Save you Money!

It is a sad fact that in today’s job market and national economy a lot of us in the Retail Security or Operations field end up having to move about quite a bit.  More often than not the reason is that the company you were working for didn’t have the budget to keep you (or even your whole department) on the payroll.  I understand fully the need for corporations to ‘trim the fat’ in order to survive but the area they certainly shouldn’t be skimping on is Retail Security or a fairly current suite of retail anti-Theft Devices.

 A few months back I fell victim to the budget cut goblins at a certain retail firm but was quickly picked up by another company looking to completely rebuild their Loss Prevention department from the ground up.  They had a lot of great ideas as they pertained to retail Anti-Shoplifting setups and deterrence over apprehension but there was one major problem; not a single piece of their retail Anti-Theft Device inventory was younger than twenty years old.  In fact most of it was much older. The problem with this arises when you get a shoplifter that knows how to defeat out of date equipment. There is a reason that Anti-Shoplifting devices have evolved over time and it is important that retailers understand this when considering their anti-shoplifting methods.

 If you have a store that is trying to cut back on spending but not on Loss Prevention make sure they consider all the retail Anti-Shoplifting alternatives so you don’t feel like you are fighting high-tech, computer savvy thieves with old-fashioned, pre-calculator equipment.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!


EAS Towers are Great for Restrooms!

Among the more perfidious methods of theft in retail environments, is a shoplifter taking their selected items into store restrooms.  There are often very exacting requirements to adhere to before executing any shoplifting apprehension involving a restroom concealment and it creates a great deal of pressure and stress for us within the Loss Prevention community; so much so that nine times out of ten we avoid going after such suspects as the risk of making a bad stop is too high.

 The way around this is to create a problem for the shoplifters before they even get to the ‘safe zone’ of the restrooms.  Since the vast majority of items taken into restrooms already have retail anti-theft devices in place it is simply a matter of establishing compatible retail security towers just before the restroom entrance.  That way, should anyone try to get a tagged item into said restroom alarms would sound just as if they tried to exit the store with the same items. 

 Furthermore, in some jurisdictions the attempt to take unpaid product into a store restroom is akin to walking out the front doors with it and a stop can be made (with cause) when the alarm sounds.  Of course you need to verify with your state and company retail security policies but if you have the ability, use it.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us

Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retailAnti-Shoplifting needs!


Cheap Tags to replace your Broken ones!

Over the past few weeks I have been noticing more and more instances where there are piles of retail anti-theft devices stashed in some dark corner of the store, broken and mangled beyond usability.  It is the calling card of semi-pro and professional shoplifters going about their business of circumventing our retail anti-shoplifting measures.  On top of the cost of the items they stole there is the added cost of replacing all the destroyed tags.  The loss of ten or twenty every week may not seem like much but it adds up fast.  Before you realize it you have no retail anti-theft devices left to adhere to new stock and the price to order new shipments might be outside the constraints of your budget. 

 Beyond trying to do the impossible (which is to completely shutdown ALL retail theft) the only thing you can hope to do is mitigate your losses through renewed focus on your problem areas and looking for less expensive but still compatible replacement devices to supplement your retail anti-shoplifting needs.  I myself have had to replace almost every retail anti-theft device in one of my stores for the dual fact that so many had been defeated and they were so ridiculously outdated.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible Anti-Shoplifting or Anti- theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags for your Retail Security and Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Hold your shoplifters up, not the other way around…

Some shoplifters are in and out of a store in a matter of minutes. If they are a repeat shoplifter in your store, it might just feel like you are trying to capture a ghost.

 Then there are the others who take so long, that you almost want to go over and give them a hand stealing just so you can speed up the process of apprehending them. Those are the times that drive me nuts.

 When you are at the point of watching a shoplifter talking them into actually concealing the item, there is no turning back. You have to watch to make sure you know what they are taking, and where they are putting it.

 I have found that the usual hold up and saving grace is the retail security anti-theft devices. These cheap tags and cheap labels hold the shoplifter up. The shoplifter is trying to figure out what to do with it so as not to set off the store alarm and they tend to take a lot of time doing this. Do they try and remove it? Should they just take the item anyway?

 You can tell they really want the item, but they are debating if it is worth the risk. This is the heart of anti-shoplifting methodology: using retail anti-theft devices to deter and prevent shoplifting in your stores.

 While I hate the wait, I am glad the EAS tags are doing their job.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti-theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Tags and Labels are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail Anti-theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Cheap labels and Cheap Tags can be Extra Eyes and Ears for you

Retail security is about more than just acting like a security guard. That’s why you need all of the tools and resources you can get at your disposal. Retail anti-theft devices help keep your store in check from theft and fraud.

 Retail anti-shoplifting tools like cheap labels and cheap tags act like extra eyes and ears inside the store. Because these retail anti-theft devices stay affixed to your merchandise you don’t have to monitor every single piece of inventory every single second your store is open.

 These labels and tags will deter a shoplifter who is looking to steal an item they think no one is watching. When they realize there are EAS tags, they will often discard the item because they know they cannot get out the door unseen.

 Even if they try to remove a retail anti-theft device, it will usually draw attention to their activity. You can hear the sounds of labels being ripped off of clothing. Hard tags take way too long to remove that someone is bound to notice them.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti-theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Tags and Labels are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail Anti-theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!


A Spike in Theft…

             Ever since the downfall of the economy I have noticed a spike in thefts in my store. Retail security has become a major focus now because of this. During meetings my manager and I stress the importance of not only customer service, but utilizing retail anti-shoplifting tactics and retail anti-theft devices in order to make sure the only merchandise leaving store is paid for.

             Two examples of retail anti-theft devices which are inexpensive are cheap labels and cheap tags. Cheap labels are anti-theft devices that stick to merchandise and warn would be thieves that you use anti-shoplifting tools. Cheap tags come in all different forms to fit the needs of your business and simply clip onto merchandise to act as a visual deterrent. If a tag is placed incorrectly where it is not visible, the label stating that that particular item is protected will help in scaring off shoplifters.

             By making sure your retail security habits and retail anti-shoplifting mindset are a top priority, you will have a better night sleep the night before inventory.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti-theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Tags and Labels are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail Anti-theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!


Don’t let them add insult to injury….

When a thief steals merchandise from a retail establishment, it is called shoplifting. When the shoplifters try to return the stolen product for store credit, it is call an insult. The shoplifters are brazen enough to walk back into your store and place your inventory on the refund desk and expect that you give them money/ credit for those items.

 Retail security needs to stop the problem before it gets thrown back in your face. The losses happen at the point of the theft, not the refund. Therefore, the activity needs to be stopped at the point of theft.

 Retail anti-theft devices are one of the first and best lines of defense in your anti-shoplifting arsenal. Using cheap labels and cheap tags help deter shoplifters before they even get out the door.

 If for some reason you do have shoplifters coming back with stolen product. Get as much information as you can. Ask for a valid picture ID, and note any vehicle make and model and plate numbers, if you can obtain them safely. All of this will help you build a case with local law enforcement to shut them down permanently.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for retail Anti-Shoplifting or retail Anti-theft Devices that can help you with your Retail Security needs like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Tags and Labels are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use retail Anti-theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Retail Security and retail Anti-Shoplifting needs!