Loss Prevention Consultants

There are a lot of people that call themselves loss prevention consultants, but what should a professional loss prevention (LP) consultant provide? There are a number of disciplines in LP: employee theft, shoplifting, inventory control, safety sometimes falls under LP, LP training and auditing just to name a few.

Many LP people that consult are generalists in most of these areas. You should narrow down your search by looking carefully at what you need. Loss prevention consultants that have auditing development skills can help you keep your losses down by identifying and preventing theft, loss, shoplifting and more.

Auditing is proactive. Audits are designed to seek out the causes of loss and bring them to the surface. Management then can make policy and procedure changes that increase profitability. Audits are then done on a routine basis but unannounced basis. The results should go directly to Senior Management.

Another proactive area loss prevention consultants can help a business with is LP Training.  Training should target entry-level employees all the way to middle management. Topics can include employee theft identification and prevention, how to deal with employee theft, shoplifting, inventory control, vendor fraud, pre-employment interviewing and more.

Seasoned loss prevention consultants should have a minimum of 15 years of loss prevention experience in several major companies. Do not be afraid to ask for letters of reference or referrals. You should talk to them at length about their experience. Does it fit with your business model and goals? Watch for people that try to talk like the police. A true LP professional is a businessman not a cop.

Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. of Atlanta employs professionals with store level, regional level, district level and director level Loss Prevention experience, each with decades of success. For more information contact us or call 1.770.426.0547