The importance of quality employees and how to prevent loss before it happens.

As economic times have continued to become more difficult, many employers are now using every method available to ensure they are hiring the right people.  The hiring process has become more important than ever.   Many successful companies are now using background check companies and background check experts.  These background checks include criminal background checks, employee background checks.  These pre-employment screening tools allow the employer to control who enters into their talent pool.

By employing a background check company or background check expert, the employer can access very important information regarding the candidate’s history.  These background checks can reveal other wise private information such as, criminal background checks.  This gives the employer visibility to information that can speak to the quality of employee and can reveal any disqualifying information.  These background check companies and background check experts can also process employee background checks.   These employee background checks provide the prospective employer a look into the candidate’s quality of work and relationship with previous employees.  This is a good measure in projecting the behavior of the candidate while under employment.  A company that is looking to hire can also take the process one step further by using pre employment screening.  Pre employment screening can include all of the above-mentioned criteria, but can also include competency based pre employment screening.  This screening can identify candidates that have the technical and behavior based skills to be successful in your business.

Having worked in the retail industry for a number of years, I have not only been the subject of the practice of background checks and pre employment screening.   The process is very fluid and not intrusive.  It has also provided me the opportunity to work for a few great companies, but more importantly it has guided me in developing myself to be competitive for higher-level positions.  These screens have included background checks, criminal background checks and employee background checks.

 For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Pre employment screening: Taking a Proactive Approach to Business Losses

Pre employment screening is quickly becoming the industry standard for hiring in the retail industry.  Many leading retail companies are using every measure available to ensure that quality employees hired.  Pre employment screening most often consists of:  criminal background checks, employee background checks, and general background checks.  The aim of these checks is to eliminate any negative employees from an organization.   While many of these larger retailers employ a department to conduct these background checks, criminal background checks and employee background checks, smaller organizations can resource background check companies and background check experts.

Background check companies and background check experts can provide the smaller business a cost effective approach to quality hiring practices.  Having worked in a managerial loss prevention capacity for large organizations and worked in a small family business, I can attest the importance of pre employment screening.  While managing a regional team for a large organization, I was tasked with hiring and maintaining employee head count.  I used a background check company to process the new employee information.  On one occasion the background check revealed a employee that had an extensive felony record.  This information was not provided during the hiring interview.  As one could imagine, this person was not hired.  It’s because of the background check company and their background check experts, that we were able to remove the offer of employment.

Many small business owners will say, “Well I can’t afford this service.”  The fact of the matter is, that while background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks, and pre employment screening is a cost, a bad employee can cause a much greater financial loss.  The difference is one is controllable and the other is not.

 For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

Are background checks really necessary?

A retailer I once worked for asked the question, “Are background checks really necessary?” They found out the hard way.

A young and promising manager was hired expeditiously to fill a long open management position at metro location. Heavy customer flow, huge volume sales and an unruly staff encouraged the hiring managers to forego any pre-employment screening and background checks. As time went on, the store didn’t seem to be making any sort of headway on controls and as a matter of fact was experiencing a new concern…cash shortages.

Criminal background checks and pre-employment screening are important parts of the business environment. Nothing can kill a business faster than an employee that comes on board with the intent to commit harm on the store.

I and other members of the loss prevention department looked into this store, trying to figure out what the problems could be. It didn’t take very long to realize what was going on. There was clear cut evidence of theft. Now it was a matter of finding the culprit. Cash is secured in the safe, so we looked at personnel with access to the safe, then contacted our Human Resources Department and looked at any background checks and pre-employment screening information available. Obviously, no criminal background checks were completed on any of the 4 persons that had access to the safe.

Our investigation showed us the newly hired manager, and we interviewed him. In the short 6 months he was with us, he took us for nearly $10,000 in cash and more in merchandise. After, we looked into his background and found that he had been fired from 2 other retailers for theft and did over a year in prison for embezzlement. Certainly, criminal background checks and proper pre-employment screening could have prevented this.

For more information on background check experts, background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre-employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Let a Background Check Company help you create the best staff for 2012.

As we enter the new year I would imagine we can all look back at the associates we hired in 2011 and in many cases ask ourselves, “What were we thinking?”.  The hiring process is a very complex process.  One large problem is that for the most part you have to rely on the person’s word that they are a good employee and you don’t get to test them out before you make an offer.  (Hint: Most people have biased opinions about their skills that may not reflect their actual ability).  To help with that you can utilize pre employment screening and background checks to help weed out the less than desirable candidates.

“Knowledge is power” – Francis Bacon.  We have all heard this quote and hopefully understand how true it is.  So then why would we give someone the keys to our success without finding out as much about that person as possible?  There are many different pre employment screening and background checks that can be performed by professional background check experts.  One type is criminal background checks.  Criminal background checks look into an applicant’s life history and searches for arrests and convictions.   Generally, you don’t want to hire a sex offender to work at your daycare or put a thief in your jewelry store.

Background check experts can also conduct employee background checks that look at a person’s education, work history and finances.  Don’t you want to make sure the person who says they’re a doctor to actually have a medical degree?  Applicants often overstate their qualifications on their resumes too.  Perhaps they were an assistant manager, but said they were the manager.  That is important.  Plus a small lie up front is usually a prelude to bigger lies down the road.   Employee background checks can help prevent a lot of headache later and is definitely worth the investment to make sure you have the best people working in your business.

 For more information on, background checks, criminal background checks, background check experts, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

The Growing Trend of Resume Fraud

Everyone wants to put their best foot forward when applying for a position but when a candidate misleads a prospective employer with the hope of securing employment there is a problem.  Human resources experts argue that nearly 40% of resumes are fraudulent.  That means 2 out of 5 resumes contain exaggerations or omissions that a reasonable person would consider deceptive.  Examples of resume fraud can be anything from claiming to have worked at a job for a longer period of time to outright falsifying credentials such as degrees or professional certifications.

What can employers do?

Conduct pre employment screening and background checks. It’s difficult to spot a liar in a job interview and it’s not enough to just follow-up with references these days.  Employee background checks can help every employer avoid a bad hiring decision.  It’s not hard to write an honest resume but many applicants roll the dice and take their chances because many employers still fail to conduct employee background checks.

I believe there are three overarching benefits to conducting pre employment screening. Deterrence tops the lists because making it clear that background checks are part of the hiring process will discourage applicants with something to hide. Background checks also encourage honesty in the work place by creating a culture motivated by integrity from the start of the onboarding process.

Fact-finding is a key ingredient to pre employment screening so supplementing your initial impression of a candidate forged during the interview process with facts can help an employer make informed decisions. Employee background checks are conducted by major corporations because they can provide an added layer of protection from liability.

One bad hire could potentially cost an employer thousands in lost time or litigation costs and they may not have a leg to stand on in court if they haven’t conducted an employee background check. If you haven’t done so already, take the initiative and make informed decisions by implementing pre employment screening and background checks as part of your hiring process.

For more information on background check experts, background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 


Preemployment Screening: The Multitiered Approach

Retailers both large and small are starting to realize the importance of pre-employment screening via background checks. As a loss prevention professional one of the toughest challenges was to convince the powers that be the importance of preventing loss by contracting a background check company. The proof is in the pudding, countless post theft interviews point out prior terminations as well as criminal convictions. During post theft interviews many of the suspects stated that they were never asked at any stage of the hiring process about previous employment terminations nor whether they had been charged and convicted of any crimes. But a business can not jump into the pre employment screening process without a plan. There are many background check companies out there offering a variety of services. The key is to choose a background check company that employs reputable background check experts and offer various services including criminal background checks (local/state/federal), employee background checks (previous employment & education) as well as pre employment screening training.

In doing research for the right company to conduct your background checks you have to look at the process as a whole not just background checks. I would look into the accreditation of the background check experts for the companies I was considering. I would choose the company that had the widest range of job experience in both human resource and legal backgrounds. I would want their team to include individuals who have worked in the retail world, the legal system and government work. This would ensure a healthy knowledge of not just conducting criminal background checks or employee background checks but also a seasoned knowledge to ensure your company and theirs worked in tandem to achieve common goals.

The pre employment screening process starts with the job application. What is  considered a thorough job application? What are you trying to ascertain in the application to help you select the right person for the interview process. Notice I didn’t say select the right person to hire, this is a step by step journey and if done correctly will lead to the best possible choice of employees. From the very start I would be working with the background check experts by reviewing my company’s current hiring process. I would ask for a review of the job application. It is imperative your job application is detailed and uses correct wording to flesh out any prior convictions as well as terminations from previous employment. Obviously any recommended changes would have to pass through the human resource and legal department, but lets be honest, they should be a part of the decision making from the start. By asking the right questions on the application you will hopefully deter those potentially bad employees from completing an application. Also by asking the right questions you can start to formulate questions for those people whom you choose to make it to the interview level.

The next step should be gathering together all of the applications which have made the cut. Each application should be gone over with a fine tooth comb and pertinent questions formulated for the interview. Typically many of the questions will center around employment history. You can really ask the same questions thereby ensuring the answers are all the same and coincide with the results of the employee background check. The other area to be delved into should be any charges or convictions. If the job application shows a conviction and an explanation of the charges and outcome then it is necessary to ask detailed questions regarding the incident. This again will be either proven or negated by a criminal background check. During this first interview you can also ask specific questions to ascertain honesty and loyalty. Notes should be taken by the interviewer or preferably a witness so as to ensure information has been properly gathered for review. Follow up questions can be and should be formulated for a potential second interview.

A second and even third interview is recommended before actually hiring an employee. After the first round of interviews the powers that be should convene to review the notes and opinions from each interview. Detailed follow up questions should be constructed to hone in on areas of concern or uncertainty. Focusing on honesty, loyalty ability to handle pressure and a person’s disposition can and should be done at this second interview. At this point you as the interviewer can really start to focus on these follow up questions to dig into and flesh out and potential issues not yet fully addressed. Each step is an obstacle a potential employee has to clear to achieve employment. It should not be a walk in the park.

The last step is ensuring the potential employee fills out the proper release forms so the correct background checks can be processed. It is very important that correct addresses and prior addresses are collected since most company’s will conduct local criminal background checks within the county the potential employee resides. I firmly believe that local and state wide criminal background checks be conducted since travel is cheap and readily available thus increasing the bubble we exist within. The employee background check is very important, any shift from the truth should be addressed formally.

As you can see the preemployment screening process is a multi tiered system that will hopefully give you the best of the best potential employees. More and more company’s are realizing that to impact their shrink proactively they need to start at the beginning with a structured multifaceted hiring process. Having background check experts work with you to formulate such a plan will pay for itself in the end.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547


Pre-employment screening: keep criminals out of the work place

Finding the right person for the right job can be a daunting task for any employer.  Pre employment screening will help you identify the right candidate so you do not waste precious time and resources on a new hire that’s going to do more damage than good.

Background check experts believe keeping an unqualified person out of the workplace is extremely important to protect assets. States have their own pre employment screening laws that employers must follow.  In addition, overarching Federal regulations exist that govern a background check company.

A company I once worked for conducted a pre employment screening for all new hire associates as part of our shortage mitigation program.  We outsourced our employee background checks to a background check company to reduce our liability.  During the hiring process we asked each prospective employee to complete a consent form authorizing the background checks.

Criminal background checks were conducted on all candidates that have access to cash or restricted areas.  The background checks were returned by the background check experts in a timely fashion and we were armed with the information we needed to make an informed hiring decision.

I was surprised to learn how many of our prospective new hires were convicted of shoplifting.  A significant number of prospective new hires even had a felony conviction that would have gone unchecked if we had not conducted a background check.

Without the information you need to make an informed decision your business is vulnerable from infiltration by career criminals and thieves.  Criminal background checks helped us keep criminals out of the workplace and are without a doubt the first line of defense to protect assets and profits.

For more information on background check experts, background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547


The consequences of a bad hiring decision

Pre employment screening is a necessary part of the hiring process that cannot be overlooked because the consequences of one bad hire can be disastrous.  In most businesses employee costs are the first or second line item in your annual budget.  Employee costs can include anything from pay, benefits, training and much more so making good hiring decisions and conducting background checks is critical to protecting your investment.

Unfortunately most companies today spend more time and effort trying to decide on the best copy machine or competing wireless devices than they do in selecting qualified applicants or conducting background checks.  Background check experts believe that the fallout from a single bad hire can rise to more than twice the employee’s annual salary.

The long-term impact of failing to conduct employee background checks is numerous; lost customers and business, litigation, lost brand recognition or credibility, damaged employee morale, theft or destruction of property, workplace violence and so much more.  The possibilities are endless!

Most businesses do not have the time or resources to conduct pre employment screening in house so they hire background check experts that can save time and reduce liability.  Don’t let your workplace become victimized by a bad hire because you failed to employ a background check company to perform criminal background checks on your prospective new hires… or even your existing employees!

A background check company can conduct fast and affordable criminal background checks on your short list applicants before you make that critical hiring decision. The simple measure of conducting employee background checks alone could you’re your business thousands in lost time and revenue by keeping criminals out of the workplace.

For more information on background check experts, background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Better Holiday Business with Employee Background Checks

Businesses are busier than ever right now and to handle the increase in customer traffic, many businesses are looking to hire temporary employees for the holiday season.  Are criminal background checks necessary, even for temporary employees?  The answer is yes.

Pre employment screening can weed out those people that may be looking to steal from you for the holidays.  Criminals know that along with the season comes an increase in desirable merchandise, as well as cash from increased sales.  Some criminals seek temporary employment just to gather intel on how to steal from businesses.  They steal on their own internally or by becoming an employee to enable co-conspirators acting as customers to steal.

Even when caught, many thieves go on to commit crimes again.  This is evident by the rate in which those in prison return later again after being released.  Often the desire to earn a quick profit illegally is greater than the risk being taken.  This is why employee background checks can be very beneficial to the business owner wanting to know who exactly he or she is hiring.

A reputable background check company can help you make your decision by doing an in-depth check on your potential employee.  Background check experts will provide you with the information you are unable to obtain from a resume, an application, or even a face to face interview.

Background checks for employees, whether temporary or permanent, are worth the reassurance that the decision you have made to hire is the right one.  Going this extra step before hiring can save losses down the road.

 For more information on background check experts, background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

The benefits of a thorough background check

Employee background checks are an essential part of the retail and business world. Every year retailers experience high dollar losses related to dishonest employees or employees that were not processed through a pre employment screening process.

Recently, I worked for a company where background checks were not a priority. In one store, a newly hired employee showed strong management potential. During store visits, this employee was always on point, spoke intelligently about the business and demonstrated strong business acumen. I remember hearing the comments from the senior management staff about this employee and how he was destined to be the next store manager at this high sales volume store.

At this company, the senior staff was not overly concerned about background checks for employees because they believed they had the competence to identify potential “monsters” and we good judges of character. Moreover, to this company, pre employment screening was a waste of money and a criminal background check was absolutely not necessary and overkill. During one conversation, I mentioned a background check company I had worked with in the past, and said this company could very easily, seamlessly come in and perform a criminal background check on potential management employees.

Not taking my advice, the senior management staff promoted this new employee to a co-manager position. He started off strong and demonstrated his willingness. He was given more responsibility and access to various points of the store. Within a year, he made store manager. Within the next year, he made off with over $100k in cash and merchandise that he and his friends planned on since his promotion.

Had the company simply invested in the effort of pre employment screening and background checks, this loss could’ve been prevented. During the investigation, I discovered this employee had been terminated from a previous employer for embezzlement. He had a serious criminal history that could have easily been identified with a criminal background check, and this loss could have been prevented.

Background check experts are not only good at employee background checks; they are directed to help prevent losses in your business with thorough pre employment screening.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store.

For more information on pre employment screening, background checks, criminal background check, background check experts and background check company contact us at employee background checks or call us at 1.770.426.0547