CEO or CE- Who?

There is a pretty big case in the media right now about a CEO of a major Internet company who has been caught lying about his qualifications on his resume. Had it not been for the background checks run by an investment firm, who knows how long this charade would have continued? It makes me wonder if anyone even would have known.

Clearly, a thorough background check was not done when this man was hired on. If it was, a simple verification of their school records would have shown that the degree they stated having, was not actually real.

It is just another reason why employee background checks are so important.

This company has been struggling in recent years, and having a CEO who was not as qualified as they originally thought may be playing its part in the company’s success. It would be impossible to say if someone else would have put the company in better standings, but to lie on a resume at the CEO level puts into question this persons scruples and trustworthiness.

It also puts into question the credentials of every other employee in this company. If the CEO can get away with a falsehood, how many other employees have either lied about their qualifications or previous work history.

Whether or not your company is struggling, every person employed must be held accountable to the standards of qualifications they have stated that they have.

 For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

What is the worst that could happen?

No employee is safe. Consistent pre employment screening is a critical part of your company’s ultimate success rate. You might be asking yourself that if you don’t run employee background checks, what, really is the worst that could happen?

The first thing you need to know, is that almost 50% of applicants looking for jobs have some sort of embellishment on their job applications or resumes. Sometimes it might be a simple stretch of their actual job responsibilities or duties.

Sometimes it might be a stretch of dates a job was held to try and cover up a gap in employment. Maybe it is the salary they made, because they are trying to get more money at their next job.

Sometimes, it might be a complete fabrication of a college degree obtained, or of the actual job position held. One should question if they really do hold the necessary competencies required to fulfill the job demands and requirements.

During a pre employment screening, any of these potential discrepancies should come to light. It would be a time to actually question the applicant to find out what they are going to say, and of course how deep does their lie go.

Employee background checks are critical to determining your company’s success. If all you employ are under qualified and overpaid employees, how far do you really think your success will go? Even if it is just one employee out of the whole company, are you willing to risk your future on their lies?

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

How far are you willing to trust someone?

When you hire an employee for your company, there is always a certain amount of apprehension involved. You want to make sure that this person is honest and hardworking. You want to know that they are going to make you proud and satisfied that you made a good hiring decision. The last thing you want is to hire someone who turns out to be completely different from the person they presented themselves as during the interview.

One way to ease some of the apprehension is to run a complete and thorough pre employment screening. This should include more than just a question and answer session. Having a skills or critical thinking test is a good way to get a different perspective at their capabilities.

Another way is to run an employee background check. This background check should include criminal and credit checks. You really need to take it a step further by verifying previous employment and education listed on their job applications.

While a background check company can effectively run these employee background checks, you can run a background check of your own. Pick up a phone and actually call the references listed. You would be surprised how few people actually call on listed references. You might be surprised at what the references actually have to say about the candidate.

Let a background check company ease your apprehension by allowing them to run pre employment screening so you know whom you can really trust to hire.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Stay Savvy

The small business owner is a unique specimen of the business culture. They are often financially savvy, innovative and very passionate about what they are doing. They are not the ones to stand on the sidelines waiting for success to fall in their laps. This is why they are living their lives as an entrepreneur.

This is also why, when faced with an unexplained shortage, lack of sales production, or an all around bad hire, they take it personally. Small business owners generally have screened, interviewed and hired each of their employees personally. It is personally that they take any affront to their hiring decisions.

This is one of the critical areas that running background checks can help with. Employee background checks that are conducted by an outside, impartial Background Check Company can see past a personal, emotional response to a job candidate.

The Background Check Company’s only job is to see past the black and white on an application. They can run various levels of employee background checks to cover credit, work history, convictions, pay rates, etc.

These background checks help to fill in the blanks that are sometimes overlooked in an interview or a pre screen. Often, just mentioning to a potential candidate that there will be a background check conducted for all new hires is enough to keep some of the truly bad seeds at bay.

They know that any lies or issues they are trying to cover up will potentially be unearthed. This leaves the small business owner free to go back to being passionate about their jobs, their stores, their customers and their business, all while maintaining their financial savvy.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Why perform background checks?

Hiring new talent is a trying and time consuming process that taxes the resources of any company.  While it is a frustrating fact of doing business, it is an unfortunate requirement to ensure you obtain quality talent to add to your company.  The problem is you still cannot allow your company’s staffing needs to be figuratively blinded by glowing recommendations and ten-page resumes chocked full of exemplary qualifications.

In these dire economic times people have become desperate to find work and the unsavory practice of lying about qualifications or work history has become more commonplace than ever.  If you or your human resources department doesn’t require employee background checks or any sort of pre employment screening you may find your company hiring a virtual lemon of an employee.  Without performing an employee background check on your new receiving hire you might never know they never actually operated a forklift before which could lead to a potentially deadly accident and a huge liability.  If you don’t perform a pre employment screening on that supposed cash room veteran you won’t find out that they were fired from their last job for stealing to pay for a gambling problem.

Background checks can protect your company from potential problems before they start (literally).  The reason background checks were created in the first place was to ensure people are who they say they are.  As loss prevention professionals (or managers looking to protect company assets) we can use this resource to our advantage and reveal who is worth hiring and who is simply padding their resume.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

Sometimes you have to get close to your employees

While performing pre employment screenings and backgrounds checks are essential to weeding out undesirables from the truly sought-after talent it isn’t the most sure-fire method to spotting troublemakers before you hire them.  Sometimes, in spite of all your precautions and preparations someone comes along and fools your rigorous application process and gains access to your company’s assets.  That is why on top of going through with the battery of background checks and pre employment screenings you have to keep a closer eye on your team.

As an example, my store hired someone to fill a low-level supervisor position just before Thanksgiving.  This girl had all the right references, a solid work history, and passed the company’s employee background check without a hitch.  For quite some time she was the perfect example of a young, hard-working, punctual individual.  She was well liked by the cashier staff and admired by her superiors.  But there were signs that something was off about her two months ago.

It was common knowledge among the staff that she was the primary supporter of her family; her mother, her newborn siblings, and her grandmother.  She never really complained about her lot but it was understandably a hard position to be put in for someone of such a young age.  It didn’t raise suspicion about her, per say, but rather created more admiration and sympathy for her.

Then about two weeks ago she was caught buying dozens of items ranging from clothing to house wares that she had marked down to practically nothing using another associate’s login information.  It was a terminable offence, and one that could have been spotted much earlier had we taken the time to dig deeper and find out her mother’s disability payments had been reduced causing a greater financial burden on her.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Pre Employment Screening And Business Safety

The use of pre employment screening has become a standard process for many businesses.  Most large corporation employ teams of background check experts to look into criminal background checks and employee background checks.  While this is almost always available to large companies, smaller companies do not always have the funding for the increase in payroll.  This is where the Background Check Company offers the service.

The Background Check Company offers teams of background check experts to perform pre employment screening.  These background check experts provide the customer with services such as background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks, and other pre employment screening.  The importance of a thorough pre employment-screening standard can prevent an employer from hiring a less than desirable individual.

Criminal background checks can give the employer insight into a potential employee’s level of integrity.  This information is crucial especially when hiring for positions of leadership and responsibility.  The employee background check can look into the credentials and experience with an objective eye.  This is important if the position requires a certain level of technical acumen.  A general background check provides reference to the quality of employee and how former employers and peers view the candidate.  These background checks can prevent from hiring someone dishonest, under qualified or not the right fit.  The Background Check Company can provide all of these services for the any business or individual.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

The Up Side of a Neutral Referral

One of the arguments against running background checks or pre employment screening is the lack of information garnered from neutral referrals from previous employers. A neutral referral started to become common practice in the 80’s and early 90’s. It all started as a way to avoid lawsuits based off of defamation of character. When a company risks those sorts of lawsuits from their previous employees, it does make some sense.

As a result, most employers now will only give the dates of employment and the last job title the employee held. Many feel that this limited information can render a background check for pre employment screening useless.

Background check experts know differently. The neutral referral can give quick and accurate information to the background check experts. When some companies are finding over 50% of applicants are not accurate in the information they submit on a resume, every little bit helps.

A neutral referral can shed some light on where a person was or wasn’t during an employment period. Sometimes gaps are discovered. Sometimes, after a few follow up questions with the applicant, the real reason they left comes out.

You can even determine if a person never held the job title they are claiming. It could mean they are actually under qualified for a certain position. They might actually be asking for too much money based on their previous experience.

Never discredit the importance of any information you can find, even if it is just a neutral referral.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Background Checks are not just for business owners

Criminal background checks are an important factor when bringing new staff into their company. Background check experts make sure that the employer receives all the needed information regarding their new employee. But currently regular citizens are using different forms of background checks to find out more about the people there are dealing with whether it’s a new love interest or a new business acquaintance.

A Background Check Company normally processes many Employee background checks but recently has seen an increase in business from other sources.  I myself have made sure that all new employees go through a pre employment screening just to assure that the information on their applications is the same. This is just a small investment that can save company a lot of money in the long run. As a business owner you want to protect your business as much as possible. So hiring a Background check expert to conduct background checks is a very smart business decision.

So remember a background check company can offer you some piece of mind by just doing a simple pre employment screening.

For more information on background check experts, background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

By Any Other Name

We all know that William Shakespeare said that a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.  Clearly Mr. Shakespeare didn’t work for a background check company. Any reputable background checks expert will tell you that when it comes to background checks and pre employment screening, not everyone with different names are roses.

I worked a rather large internal case a few years back. We flew in our corporate Loss Prevention Managers to help us out. One of the first things they did was to run a name and address verification on this employee. It was a similar protocol to what they had done when they had previously worked for a background check company.

The amount of information they could pull was staggering. It listed every place this employee had lived for the last ten years, including other occupants listed at the same address. To our surprise, this employee had been living with another one of our employees. Not only was this a clear policy violation, but it also opened up a whole new door to the investigation.

These guys really were background check experts in my book. The background check they did gave us a new employee to investigate that we may not have caught otherwise. Based on this new information, we were able to investigate and resolve close to $100,000 in losses over the previous five years they had been employed at our company. Had we done this sort of pre employment screening to begin with, the employee would not have been hired to begin with.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547