Don’t Employ Criminals

Employee background checks are a crucial step in the hiring process. Taking extra precautions now can prevent theft in the future. Working as an LP detective, I once received a tip from a manager that one of his associates had friends visit him and shop in the store often. It also turned out that the associate’s register consistently turned up short.

I decided to work a case on this associate. Over several weeks I watched him and built my case. One evening, his friend came to visit. They shopped around the store, selecting merchandise from his department. The friend ended up with six shirts and three jeans.

At the register, the associate rang the friend for one shirt and one pair of jeans but bagged the other seven unpaid for items. The associate walked his friend to the exit where my fellow detective was waiting.

Needless to say, we pulled both suspects into the LP office and notified the police. When they arrived, they ran the associate in their system to check for priors. The associate carried an alias which was linked to two charges of robbery. He had a bench warrant out for his arrest.

We estimated a total of $2,000 in register shortage over his six months of employment. We never obtained a cash theft admission from him, but the shortage ended after his termination.

This entire situation could have been avoided during pre-employment screening and background checks. $2,000 of cash and an unknown amount of merchandise theft would have never occurred if criminal background checks had been implemented by a background check company.

For more information on background check expert, background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

I am not an expert

There are a lot of things that I know. Some of them came from formal education. Some things came from on the job training. Other things that I know came from real life experience. I think that makes me a better, well-rounded person.

What is does not make me is an expert.

As much as I would love to say that I am an expert in everything, simply put, I am not. Realistically, no one can be. That’s why we hire out certain tasks to experts in their fields. Background check experts are a great example.

I know the basics of what a background check does. I know why background checks are important to my business. I have absolutely no idea how to even begin running and researching background checks.

This is where background check experts come into play. They know what to do and how to do it. They are well versed in the legal pieces of what they can and cannot ask. They also know what information legally cannot be obtained.

Background check experts also have the time to devote to the process. All they do is run background checks. I have a billion things going on, and even more piling up on my desk as we speak.

I am not an expert, but this time, I don’t have to be. I can concentrate on my work and let the background check expert’s focus on theirs.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

Think you know it all?

There are many ways to conduct an employee job interview. I have seen most of them at some point. I am even a little bit embarrassed to say that during my early days as a manager, I was guilty of conducting some pretty shoddy interviews that left me with some pretty questionable employees.

Once I started in security management, I was not oblivious to the usefulness of a stress interview. We would conduct them with cases of employee dishonesty. It went a little something like this:

There were two of us in a small room that we would turn the heat up a bit in. Yes, we knew to wear lighter clothes that day, to avoid the heat. One of us would stuff some folders with blank papers and grab some blank VCR tapes to “pad” our case files. While one of sat behind the desk, the other would pace the room, both rapidly firing out questions as we saw fit.

The result was a very quick confession, as our employee was not able to get his bearings straight. Unfortunately I know that some executives would use this same approach for job interviews, expecting a more “real” look at the candidate.

Times have progressed and with the availability of background checks, why go to this sort of trouble to hire a new employee. I saw first hand how these new hires started their jobs filled with animosity and would quickly move on to something else.

Had we simply stuck with running a background check, we may have retained those, and even better qualified candidates longer.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Finding the Pattern

A pattern is simply a repetition of images, sounds, or events that when put together create a whole picture. These pictures often give us answers to questions that we may not even know we need to be asking.

My daughter has been skipping her naps over the last few days. The first time she fell asleep in the car for about ten minutes, but when I tried to get her inside and up to bed, she woke right up. Later she fell asleep while I was holding her. Again, she woke up as I laid her in bed. Well after she had a restless night of sleep, I was able to identify the pattern as an ear infection.

While it would have been nice to catch it sooner, the first few clues meant nothing to me until I saw the full pattern emerge.

Employee theft cases are the same way. You look for any patterns you can find to identify previous acts, and obtain future thefts in progress.

What you don’t want is to forgo employee background checks that might identify criminal patterns prior to employment. If you have to wait to identify a pattern of theft before you can stop it, you have waited too long. You will never see the cash or the merchandise again.

An employee background check expedites the pattern finding process by taking into account their prior activities, whether they are criminal records, or spotty previous work history.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Promote from within

I recently went on a job interview with a company that was trying to hire me for a loss prevention position. They said right from the beginning that they knew I was overqualified for the position they were offering me.

Even though they had the next level position open, they wanted me at a step down. The reason was that they like to promote from within. It was very rare that they would hire external candidates for upper level positions.

In a lot of ways, that is a very smart business move. To promote from within gives several advantages over hiring from the outside. Even with pre employment screening, some things you can’t always track, like work ethic.

Being able to watch and experience first hand how an employee responds to situations will never show up on a pre employment screening. This knowledge can help determine if a promotion is warranted based on the first hand knowledge of their skill sets.

Promoting from within is also a great motivator for your existing employees as they feel that advancement opportunities are attainable.

When a company does promote from inside its ranks, take care in conducting further employee background checks.

Just because an employee passed all of their pre employment screenings, doesn’t mean an employee background check can’t still be advantageous.

This new employee background check can screen for any negative events that may have happened since their start date. It is also a chance to screen for things that may not have been needed before. Think about if the promotion will give the employee access to restricted files, cash or other assets, or even a new set of potentially liable situations.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Don’t Get Buried in a Mountain of Useless resumes

Pre employment screening is a useful tool in today’s economy. There are so many applicants vying for each position. How do you determine just by looking on paper who you want to spend your time hiring? Background check experts can help.

A reputable Background Check Company can ease the stress associated with finding the right candidate for a position through Pre Employment Screening. Running a thorough background check will give insight into information that is often not found on the generic application often used for an open position. It can include a criminal background check and a credit check.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know if that felony was for theft, or assault instead of a DUI or a traffic violation? How about the applicant who doesn’t have any bankruptcies or foreclosures, but still has a mountain of debt they can’t realistically repay on the salary you are providing? These are just two of the more common types of background checks that a good Background Check company can run.

While employee background checks are not a replacement for an actual question and answer interview, they do provide a “heads up” to potential questions that should be asked. Pre employment screening performed by background check experts will help weed out the applicants that you probably don’t even want to waste your valuable time with.

For more information on background check experts, background checks,  criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 

Background Checks — Making the Decision Easier

When you are looking to hire employees for your business, you want to be able to be comfortable with your decision.  How do you know the history of this person, their background, or that what they are saying about themselves is true?   Performing Background checks prior to hiring can aid in the decision making process and help you be able to know you have made the right decision about a prospective employee.

By using a background check company, you’re able to make sure those that wish to work for you are trustworthy and up to the task.  Criminal background checks are also worthwhile to protect the assets of your business and prevent your business from becoming a target.  Businesses lose more to internal or employee theft than they do from customer theft, so running employee background checks is an excellent way to prevent loss created by your own workers.

A pre employment screening by a reputable background check company weeds out the potential employees that would not be a good fit for your business.  Whether the issues discovered are criminal, a poor job history or a fabricated resume`, employee background checks are worth the investment in order to be proactive in protecting your business.

Do you have the time to do thorough background checks on every potential employee that you interview for your business?  I didn’t think so.  Background check experts can help out by doing that work for you, and reporting back to you the details you need to know in order to make an informed decision.

Peace of mind and trustworthy employees are easier to come by with help from a background check company.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547


Reference Checking, it does still happen.

A few years ago I was applying for a job. It was a pretty standard application, name, education, work history, references. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary. After a pre screening phone interview, I was called in for a face-to-face interview. A few hours after I left, I received a phone call form one of my previous supervisors. She was calling to give me an update on the glowing reference she had just given me.

Now, I always let my references know that they have been put down on an application. This was the first time (ever) that any one actually had taken the time to call my references. Since I have been out in the work force for almost two decades, it caught me off guard.

I started to think about how much information a potential employer misses out on by not running comprehensive and diverse pre employment screening.

If companies or employers are not taking the time to call a reference, are they taking the time to really dig down into a background check to find out all they can in regards to a potential new hire?

Pre employment screening is a way to drill down deeper into the lives of your applicant pool. If there is anything suspicious to report, an applicant is probably well versed in how to hide it. They are already anticipating leading questions in an interview and will d their best to deflect the question.

Background checks will filter out the deflections and reveal anything that may be a cause for concern.

 For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547 


Statistically, they do not come from the top

I have spent many years working with cases of employee dishonesty, theft and fraud. Statistically, the majority of those employees were working in a non-management capacity. It was always a big deal if the case implicated an actual member of management.

Part of the commotion was that managers are expected to operate with a different level of trust and professionalism. That’s why they are mangers to begin with. The other part is because it really is a much smaller percentage of managers who are actually committing theft and fraud.

That being said, I see so much more emphasis placed on running background checks and drug tests for management positions. That could be from either in house promotions, or external hires.

To me, anyway, it seems almost like it is counter productive to run those background checks while ignoring a much larger issue. There is a lack of complete background checks run for non-management employees.

There might be arguments about the additional costs incurred by running checks on everyone. I would place the counter argument that the dollars lost from even a single case of employee dishonesty can be massive.

I have seen employee theft cases reach into thousands of dollars, some even tens of thousands. How many background checks need to be run before that total reaches tens of thousands of dollars?

Run a consistent check for all employees. Keep the bad ones out before they are even considered for management.

For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547

Picking the best Background Check Company can be difficult.

It is not hard to find a Background Check Company, but it can be difficult to find the right one.  Employee background checks and pre employment screening are vital to any business.  When looking for a good Background Check Company I recommend finding one that utilizes Employee background check experts.

Some companies simply push information to the local police and say they did thorough criminal background checks.  In reality a real Background Check Company will do much more than that.  They will utilize background check experts to query information from a variety of police departments and state agencies.  They can also look at financial information and other factors that may be important to paint a good picture of your potential candidate.

A reputable Background Check Company will also offer a good pre employment screening service.  The pre employment screening can cover drug testing, personality tests as well as other aptitude information.  All of these things are important when choosing to bring a stranger into your business and entrusting them with your customers, your merchandise and your money.

Today, background checks are increasingly affordable.  Modern technology makes background checks much easier which in turn makes them a more affordable service to offer.  It also makes conducing employee background checks more sensible.  If you needed to put together a bookcase would you use an old-fashioned screwdriver or a new powered screwdriver?  Most people would use the newer option since it is available and makes the job easier.  To that end, you can simply rely on the old-fashioned interview and hope you pick the right candidate (which is not an exact science) or you can also add criminal background checks and pre employment screening to improve success in this process.  The decision seems easy.

 For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547