Do You Hear It? – Clothing Security Tags

Fitting rooms are a hard area of a store to monitor and protect against being used for shoplifting. Often the rooms are left unmonitored, unlocked, and – due to a right to privacy- are unable to be watched. That doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel of defeat. It just means you have to find ways to work in other clothing security.
Did you know that shoplifters in a fitting room make different sounds than shoppers in a fitting room? It’s true. If you listen to the sounds a shopper makes, you will hear the rustle of material and hangers as they are trying an item on, there would be the sounds of slight movement as they check themselves out in a mirror from different angles, and then the rustle of material and hangers as they change into the next outfit.
A shoplifter, on the other hand, will be much quieter. They are spending more time trying to hear who is outside the fitting room. They are trying to slide clothing off of the hangers as quietly and discreetly as possible. There might be a distinct snapping sound as they pull price tags (often embedded with clothing security tags) off of the clothing. Generally there will be long pauses of silence in between their actions, as they listen to see if someone is aware of what they are doing.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

Fitting rooms are a hard area of a store to monitor and protect against being used for shoplifting. Often the rooms are left unmonitored, unlocked, and – due to a right to privacy- are unable to be watched. That doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel of defeat. It just means you have to find ways to work in other clothing security.

Did you know that shoplifters in a fitting room make different sounds than shoppers in a fitting room? It’s true. If you listen to the sounds a shopper makes, you will hear the rustle of material and hangers as they are trying an item on, there would be the sounds of slight movement as they check themselves out in a mirror from different angles, and then the rustle of material and hangers as they change into the next outfit.

A shoplifter, on the other hand, will be much quieter. They are spending more time trying to hear who is outside the fitting room. They are trying to slide clothing off of the hangers as quietly and discreetly as possible. There might be a distinct snapping sound as they pull price tags (often embedded with clothing security tags) off of the clothing. Generally there will be long pauses of silence in between their actions, as they listen to see if someone is aware of what they are doing.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


Changing With The Seasons- Clothing Security

I have started to notice several retailers’ boasting their bi-yearly sales. They are reducing the current inventory levels to make way for the next season’s new arrivals. While these sales make for a bargain hunters dream, the incoming merchandise can be a retailer’s nightmare if they are not using clothing security tags.
To increase the urgency and perceived need for a customer to buy more product, retailer’s focus on the new season’s merchandise. Touted as the latest and greatest, customers are being lured back to by more clothing.
This lure also brings back the shoplifter who is trying to stay ahead of the fashion trends by always having the latest styles and products. The sad reality is that for those that cannot afford the clothing, they turn to shoplifting to fill their closets.
When you diligently add security tags on clothes as the new merchandise comes into the store, you reduce the amount of theft overall- including the theft from the fashionista who is filling their closets on your dime instead of theirs.
Clothing security prevents your store from being targeted by shoplifters. When used consistently, these clothing security tags serve as a warning that each season’s merchandise is protected. Shoplifters will know that there is no point in even checking to see if the current season’s merchandise has been secured.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

I have started to notice several retailers’ boasting their bi-yearly sales. They are reducing the current inventory levels to make way for the next season’s new arrivals. While these sales make for a bargain hunters dream, the incoming merchandise can be a retailer’s nightmare if they are not using clothing security tags.

To increase the urgency and perceived need for a customer to buy more product, retailer’s focus on the new season’s merchandise. Touted as the latest and greatest, customers are being lured back to by more clothing.

This lure also brings back the shoplifter who is trying to stay ahead of the fashion trends by always having the latest styles and products. The sad reality is that for those that cannot afford the clothing, they turn to shoplifting to fill their closets.

When you diligently add security tags on clothes as the new merchandise comes into the store, you reduce the amount of theft overall- including the theft from the fashionista who is filling their closets on your dime instead of theirs.

Clothing security prevents your store from being targeted by shoplifters. When used consistently, these clothing security tags serve as a warning that each season’s merchandise is protected. Shoplifters will know that there is no point in even checking to see if the current season’s merchandise has been secured.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


Keep Them at Bay- Clothing Security Tags

Clothing security tags play a vital role in mitigating shoplifting by the majority of non- professional shoplifters. There are the shoplifters who steal out of need, or want, not necessarily to make a profit or a living off of the stolen goods.
Because much of the theft reported nation wide comes out of these non professional shoplifters, some retailers have seen upwards of 80% reduction in inventory losses and shrinkage that had previously been caused by shoplifting.
Security tags on clothes prevent the amateur shoplifter because the tags are a visible deterrent. Any one can see the tags hanging off of an article of clothing. Because the tags are so common amongst retailers that both honest customers and shoplifters are aware of what the tags do.
This keeps these low level shoplifters at bay, for the most part. These thieves are not prepared for how to deal with the attention they would receive from an activated clothing alarm. Many would not know if they should drop the merchandise and run to save their skin. Should they keep going and hope no one is following them? These are the questions shoplifter’s think of. 
The more they have to plan and calculate their theft, the less likely they will be to execute the plan. Slowly, the amount of work required doesn’t outweigh the benefits from the merchandise they are trying to steal.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

Clothing security tags play a vital role in mitigating shoplifting by the majority of non- professional shoplifters. There are the shoplifters who steal out of need, or want, not necessarily to make a profit or a living off of the stolen goods.

Because much of the theft reported nation wide comes out of these non professional shoplifters, some retailers have seen upwards of 80% reduction in inventory losses and shrinkage that had previously been caused by shoplifting.

Security tags on clothes prevent the amateur shoplifter because the tags are a visible deterrent. Any one can see the tags hanging off of an article of clothing. Because the tags are so common amongst retailers that both honest customers and shoplifters are aware of what the tags do.

This keeps these low level shoplifters at bay, for the most part. These thieves are not prepared for how to deal with the attention they would receive from an activated clothing alarm. Many would not know if they should drop the merchandise and run to save their skin. Should they keep going and hope no one is following them? These are the questions shoplifter’s think of. 

The more they have to plan and calculate their theft, the less likely they will be to execute the plan. Slowly, the amount of work required doesn’t outweigh the benefits from the merchandise they are trying to steal.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


Don’t Worry About the Alarm- Clothing Alarm

A grab and run is a quick in and out theft where the criminals grab as much merchandise as they can and then run out the door as fast as they can to a waiting car. Because this kind of theft relies on speed, they are not concerned with defeating clothing security tags. They don’t care if they activate the clothing alarm since they will be gone before anyone can respond and try to stop them.
You can usually expect to have at least one if not more than one person entering your store to physically grab the merchandise. They will pick their targeted area- handbags, jeans, and specific designer or label, and grab as much as they can carry at one time.
They may or may not have another person acting as a lookout. Their main job is to let the rest of their crew know when the coast is clear to run out the door. As such, many times we see the grabbers lingering near the doors with piles of clothing waiting for the signal to go.
Finally, you can expect at least one or two people to stay outside. Their job is to have the get away car ready at the exit. They extra person might be there to open the doors of the car, the signal that the lookout is waiting for. If you see a car waiting by a door, you might want to make sure they are there for a good reason. 
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

A grab and run is a quick in and out theft where the criminals grab as much merchandise as they can and then run out the door as fast as they can to a waiting car. Because this kind of theft relies on speed, they are not concerned with defeating clothing security tags. They don’t care if they activate the clothing alarm since they will be gone before anyone can respond and try to stop them.

You can usually expect to have at least one if not more than one person entering your store to physically grab the merchandise. They will pick their targeted area- handbags, jeans, and specific designer or label, and grab as much as they can carry at one time.

They may or may not have another person acting as a lookout. Their main job is to let the rest of their crew know when the coast is clear to run out the door. As such, many times we see the grabbers lingering near the doors with piles of clothing waiting for the signal to go.

Finally, you can expect at least one or two people to stay outside. Their job is to have the get away car ready at the exit. The extra person might be there to open the doors of the car, the signal that the lookout is waiting for. If you see a car waiting by a door, you might want to make sure they are there for a good reason.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


Looking At The Top 80%- Clothing Security Tags

Clothing security tags play a vital role in mitigating shoplifting by the majority of non- professional shoplifters. There are the shoplifters who steal out of need, or want, not necessarily to make a profit or a living off of the stolen goods.
Because much of the theft reported nation wide comes out of these non professional shoplifters, some retailers have seen upwards of 80% reduction in inventory losses and shrinkage that had previously been caused by shoplifting.
80% seems like it would be an anomaly, one of those reports just to help validate a product or service. Can everyone really see an 80% reduction in theft? Actually yes, yes you can.
Of course, you first of all need to identify where your losses are coming from. Security tags on clothes won’t help you with merchandise that never made it into your store from the vendor. Clothing security doesn’t help you if your inventory losses are coming from damaged products. If your cashiers are not selling the correct item number or SKU, you do not have a theft issue, you have an operational issue.
Clothing security tags are only an effective deterrent against shoplifters, and to a lesser degree, employee theft. They increase the risk of a shoplifter being caught, making it far less attractive for them to steal.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

Clothing security tags play a vital role in mitigating shoplifting by the majority of non- professional shoplifters. There are the shoplifters who steal out of need, or want, not necessarily to make a profit or a living off of the stolen goods.

Because much of the theft reported nation wide comes out of these non professional shoplifters, some retailers have seen upwards of 80% reduction in inventory losses and shrinkage that had previously been caused by shoplifting.

80% seems like it would be an anomaly, one of those reports just to help validate a product or service. Can everyone really see an 80% reduction in theft? Actually yes, yes you can.

Of course, you first of all need to identify where your losses are coming from. Security tags on clothes won’t help you with merchandise that never made it into your store from the vendor. Clothing security doesn’t help you if your inventory losses are coming from damaged products. If your cashiers are not selling the correct item number or SKU, you do not have a theft issue, you have an operational issue.

Clothing security tags are only an effective deterrent against shoplifters, and to a lesser degree, employee theft. They increase the risk of a shoplifter being caught, making it far less attractive for them to steal.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


Social Media To The Rescue- Clothing Security

Social Media is a great way to market a small business. It is free service that quickly and effectively communicates with and entices potential customers to come shop with them. In some cases, social media can be used as a secondary form of clothing security.
A woman went to a local clothing boutique and stole a dress. Afterwards she wore the dress and posted a selfie with her not only wearing the dress but indicating that it was a new dress.
About the same time, the clothing boutique owner posted onto his social media that a dress had been stolen. He had a picture and a description of the dress that turned out to be a one of a kind, distinctly patterned dress.
Someone saw the posting from the local clothing boutique, and also saw the woman’s posting wearing the same dress and notified local law enforcement. The woman was subsequently arrested and prosecuted for the theft.
Because of the distinct look of the dress, it was easy for the law enforcement to make a positive identification. Had the dress not been as distinct, an arrest may not have happened. It was a lucky break for the clothing boutique owner, since he did not have any other clothing security in place to prevent this from happening.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

Social Media is a great way to market a small business. It is free service that quickly and effectively communicates with and entices potential customers to come shop with them. In some cases, social media can be used as a secondary form of clothing security.

A woman went to a local clothing boutique and stole a dress. Afterwards she wore the dress and posted a selfie with her not only wearing the dress but indicating that it was a new dress.

About the same time, the clothing boutique owner posted onto his social media that a dress had been stolen. He had a picture and a description of the dress that turned out to be a one of a kind, distinctly patterned dress.

Someone saw the posting from the local clothing boutique, and also saw the woman’s posting wearing the same dress and notified local law enforcement. The woman was subsequently arrested and prosecuted for the theft.

Because of the distinct look of the dress, it was easy for the law enforcement to make a positive identification. Had the dress not been as distinct, an arrest may not have happened. It was a lucky break for the clothing boutique owner, since he did not have any other clothing security in place to prevent this from happening.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


200 Out The Door- Clothing Security

While some criminals feel like they need to develop highly complex and in depth plans to shoplift, steal and defraud a clothing store, it is often the simplest methods that still carry the biggest payoff. Risking a clothing alarm going off may be avoided with the right criminal tools.
A recent example is the theft of over two hundred pairs of underwear from a high-end clothing store. A man walked into the store with a large bag, went to the closest tables he could get to, and pushed as many pairs into the bag. He then ran out of the store. After reviewing the store’s clothing security cameras, it was determined that this man was in and out of the store in less than two minutes.
Eventually the police did catch up to the man, and found the merchandise, along with the bag. It turns out that the bag had a foil lining- designed to thwart the clothing alarm. In most states these kinds of shoplifting aides are illegal, and can impose added charges to the shoplifter.
While foil linings can still defeat some clothing security, many of the more reputable dealers are using technology that not only alerts employees to foil linings coming into the store, but also will not be defeated or bypassed by their use.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

While some criminals feel like they need to develop highly complex and in depth plans to shoplift, steal and defraud a clothing store, it is often the simplest methods that still carry the biggest payoff. Risking a clothing alarm going off may be avoided with the right criminal tools.

A recent example is the theft of over two hundred pairs of underwear from a high-end clothing store. A man walked into the store with a large bag, went to the closest tables he could get to, and pushed as many pairs into the bag. He then ran out of the store. After reviewing the store’s clothing security cameras, it was determined that this man was in and out of the store in less than two minutes.

Eventually the police did catch up to the man, and found the merchandise, along with the bag. It turns out that the bag had a foil lining- designed to thwart the clothing alarm. In most states these kinds of shoplifting aides are illegal, and can impose added charges to the shoplifter.

While foil linings can still defeat some clothing security, many of the more reputable dealers are using technology that not only alerts employees to foil linings coming into the store, but also will not be defeated or bypassed by their use.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


Rebranding and Security Solutions- Clothing Security Tags

When most people think of clothing security tags, the hard plastic buttons and pins generally come to mind. For retailers who are rebranding their merchandise, clothing security tags are the anti theft labels that can be sewn into a seam of a garment.
When the retailer rebrands their merchandise, they will typically take out the existing labels and sew in their own ones. For a shirt, this would be in the back of the neckline or collar. This is a perfect time and place to add sew- in clothing security tags.
These tags are actually a soft/ paper label that is encased in a small pocket of material. The pockets are close to the size of a quarter. The softer pocket material around the anti theft label helps reduce any discomfort a customer might experience when trying the shirt on.
This is really a nice way to incorporate clothing security into your rebranding process. Adding the pocket with your brand label really take no more time than just adding in your brand label. The pocket is a secure way to add clothing security with minimal time and effort on your part, or that of your employees. Best of all, the pocket is removed after being purchased by the customer once they get home, with a pair of common household shears.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

When most people think of clothing security tags, the hard plastic buttons and pins generally come to mind. For retailers who are rebranding their merchandise, clothing security tags are the anti theft labels that can be sewn into a seam of a garment.

When the retailer rebrands their merchandise, they will typically take out the existing labels and sew in their own ones. For a shirt, this would be in the back of the neckline or collar. This is a perfect time and place to add sew- in clothing security tags.

These tags are actually a soft/ paper label that is encased in a small pocket of material. The pockets are close to the size of a quarter. The softer pocket material around the anti theft label helps reduce any discomfort a customer might experience when trying the shirt on.

This is really a nice way to incorporate clothing security into your rebranding process. Adding the pocket with your brand label really takes no more time than just adding in your brand label. The pocket is a secure way to add clothing security with minimal time and effort on your part, or that of your employees. Best of all, the pocket is removed after being purchased by the customer once they get home, with a pair of common household shears.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 


Is That One Or Two- Clothing Security

We have had more success with selling swim items separately, instead of as a two-piece set. Customers can buy the correct top and bottom sizes they need, and are much happier with their purchase, decreasing the amount of returns we have on these items.
We also have fewer issues with miss-matched sets. We don’t have to worry about customers taking two sets in different sizes and piecing together the sizes they need, leaving us with a set that is not the same size, and almost impossible to sell.
We also have a better margin selling two pieces for slightly more than what we would sell the set as before. This gives more wiggle room for sales and promotions. It also helps offset some of our shrink losses from shoplifting, since swimwear is always a high theft item.
I had an incident recently where a woman had come into the store to buy a new swim set. She thought that she could be sneaky and basically, con the cashier. This woman picked out her two-piece swimsuit and put them on the same hanger. Then she pulled the price tag off of one of the pieces. She was trying to make it look like the pieces were to be sold as a set, instead of individually.
The cashier caught the error and rang her up for both pieces, instead of just one.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547

We have had more success with selling swim items separately, instead of as a two-piece set. Customers can buy the correct top and bottom sizes they need, and are much happier with their purchase, decreasing the amount of returns we have on these items.

We also have fewer issues with miss-matched sets. We don’t have to worry about customers taking two sets in different sizes and piecing together the sizes they need, leaving us with a set that is not the same size, and almost impossible to sell.

We also have a better margin selling two pieces for slightly more than what we would sell the set as before. This gives more wiggle room for sales and promotions. It also helps offset some of our shrink losses from shoplifting, since swimwear is always a high theft item.

I had an incident recently where a woman had come into the store to buy a new swim set. She thought that she could be sneaky and basically, con the cashier. This woman picked out her two-piece swimsuit and put them on the same hanger. Then she pulled the price tag off of one of the pieces. She was trying to make it look like the pieces were to be sold as a set, instead of individually.

The cashier caught the error and rang her up for both pieces, instead of just one.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547


Go Big Or Go Home- Clothing Security

One of the challenges facing retailers who sell clothing is trying to prevent a grab and run theft. A grab and run is about as self-explanatory as you can get. The thieves, as there are typically more than one, come into a store, pick up a large quantity of the same merchandise, and run out the door into the waiting get away car.
Usually the merchandise will be either an entire fixture arm of clothes, or all of the merchandise on a display table. We see jeans, name brand coats, and designer ready to wear being the biggest targets of these thefts.
Sometimes the thieves will load their own arms up as with as much as what they can hold, sometimes they will use the store’s shopping bags or carts to hold the massive quantity of merchandise on their way out the door.
Because these thefts are so big and obvious, the shoplifter will come in and out in as little time as possible- sometimes less than a minute total. They will have scoped out the store ahead of time to find out where items are kept. They will figure out the best place to park the escape vehicle, and they will know when your employees are most and least likely to notice them.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547

One of the challenges facing retailers who sell clothing is trying to prevent a grab and run theft. A grab and run is about as self-explanatory as you can get. The thieves, as there are typically more than one, come into a store, pick up a large quantity of the same merchandise, and run out the door into the waiting get away car.

Usually the merchandise will be either an entire fixture arm of clothes, or all of the merchandise on a display table. We see jeans, name brand coats, and designer ready to wear being the biggest targets of these thefts.

Sometimes the thieves will load their own arms up as with as much as what they can hold, sometimes they will use the store’s shopping bags or carts to hold the massive quantity of merchandise on their way out the door.

Because these thefts are so big and obvious, the shoplifter will come in and out in as little time as possible- sometimes less than a minute total. They will have scoped out the store ahead of time to find out where items are kept. They will figure out the best place to park the escape vehicle, and they will know when your employees are most and least likely to notice them.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547