Checkpoint labels create win, win, win, win for retailers

Using checkpoint labels with your checkpoint security system delivers a quadruple win situation in the battle against retail theft.

(In no particular order) we have win number one. The reduction in inventory shrinkage will translate over to boosted profit margins.  Losing inventory directly affects net margins.  A $10 item lost will take $200 to replace in a 2% net margin situation.  Keep that $10 item and you just added $200 to the available profit & net margin.

Second win on the list would be less retail theft means more stock on the shelves available for sale. Retailers often do not consider how using products such as checkpoint security tags deliver a measurable increase in sales.  Price Waterhouse Coopers recently studies a chain of supermarkets over a fourteen-week period and found that after the implementation of the checkpoint security system the net sales increase by over 9%.

Again in no particular order let’s take a look at another win; sending shoplifters (thieves) elsewhere and keeping them out of your store creates a better environment for staff and customers.

Last but certainly not least the presence of the anti theft devices means less retail theft, reducing shrinkage.  Typically retailers see a reduction in inventory losses of over 50% when implementing systems such as a checkpoint security system.

For more information on using anti theft devices go to: checkpoint labels 


Checkpoint Labels boost profit margins

Whether you are considering the installation of a Checkpoint security system or you have a system installed, you may want to take a look at how using Checkpoint labels can boost your profit margins.

It has been proven that shoplifters looking for an easy target to steal from will pass by stores that are protected with tough loss prevention systems.  The presence of a Checkpoint System at the front door tells the thief they are better off moving on to an unprotected store.  And the same is true for would be thieves in your store.  Protected merchandise is passed over for unprotected merchandise.  No retailers place a security tag on every piece of merchandise.  You have to know what you are losing and what you are okay with losing to properly protect your merchandise from theft.

So how does this translate into boosted profits?  Consider that your products that have checkpoint labels on them are valued at $15 like a music CD or a movie/ DVD.  And let’s say on that product you have a net margin of ten percent.  If you lose one $15 dollar item, did you lose $15?  Most will answer “no I lost $13.50 because that is what I paid.” The reality is you lost $150 because that is the amount of sales volume it will take to replace the $15 item.

Your current losses directly translate into your net margins.  Cut your losses in half and watch your net margin jump.  If you sell $1mil, have 5% in losses and a 2% net margin… cutting your loss sin half will double your margin.  This is very realistic and typical for retailers of this size.

To learn more about how to stop shoplifting visit: checkpoint labels 

Checkpoint labels available in printable price tag form

Retailers looking to cut labor time and increase loss prevention measures are moving towards printable checkpoint labels.  If you are a retailer using checkpoint systems to stop shoplifting problems and you are currently labeling your merchandise you should take a look at your options with checkpoint labels.  Checkpoint systems offers a variety of printable labels both in thermal transfer and direct transfer media.

A thermal transfer label will receive ink from a ribbon in the printer.  This method is preferable due to a couple factors.  The print shows up much better and the labels do not discolor like the direct transfer labels.  Direct transfer labels are coated with a material that reacts through a static electricity type process to make the coating generate an image.  There are no ink ribbons in this type which may seem to be a benefit; however without the ink the image produced is less prominent and the labels can fade as well as discolor due to their nature.

Aside from thermal transfer or direct transfer checkpoint labels you can choose size of label.  There are two that are most popular, the checkpoint 410 and the checkpoint 615.  The 410 is 1.5″ X 1.5″ and the 615 is 1.125″ X 2.25″.

The labels can also be purchased pre printed with your choice of printing on them.  This offers a great disguise such as “Great Buy” or “Sale” etc…  You can even get your logo printed on them.

For more information go to:  checkpoint labels

Why choose a Checkpoint security system over a sensormatic system

The two top anti theft devices for retail are a Checkpoint security system or a sensormatic system and although they may appear to be very similar retailers are surprised to learn that they are completely different in how they work.

The checkpoint security system utilizes RF or radio frequency signals to detect the checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags whereas the sensormatic system utilizes AM or accousto magnetic signals to detect the sensormatic tags.  In both cases the tags vibrate when between the antennas at the entry and exit doors which will set of the tag alarm system.  But that is where the similarities end.

Let’s look at the advantages  checkpoint systems has over sensormatic:

Checkpoint’s RF technology is the latest technology and can incorporate RFID.  Here is an excerpt from an article about Walmart:

Beginning August 1, men’s blue jeans and underwear sold at Walmart will carry electronic radio identification tags. The company, the world’s largest retailer, insists the devices are crucial to improving the logistics of inventory management, while critics point to the privacy concerns associated with the tags.

The markers in question, called radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, are implanted in the garments and can be read by hand-held scanners. Wal-Mart officials praise the portability of the tags and the boost in speed and accuracy they bring to inventory control. “This ability to wave the wand and have a sense of all the products that are on the floor or in the back room in seconds is something that we feel can really transform our business,” crows Raul Vasquez, Wal-Mart’s representative for its stores in the western states.

The AM technology is not a “SMART” technology and it can only do what it currently does…no integration capability. So the Checkpoint RF technology has fantastic future development potential that the Sensormatic AM does not.

This is just one of many reasons.  Go here to learn more:  checkpoint security system

Checkpoint Labels great primary and secondary lines of defense

Those who use a  checkpoint security system may think of  checkpoint labels as a primary line of defense against shoplifting but often overlook the secondary protection possibilities.  They offer many styles and shapes as seen below:

They are often used as care labels, warning labels, sale info, store info and can be printed as price tags.

There are custom solutions designed for food, health and beauty, drugstore and pharmacy, apparel, electronics and more.  This takes the guess work out of what label to choose for any application.

But few users are taking advantage of the secondary line of defense possibilities.  If you are using a  checkpoint security system and only using hard tags (re-usable rigid tags that are pinned or hung from merchandise), you may want to consider adding checkpoint labels if nothing else as a secondary line of defense.

By applying a hidden label in or on your merchandise in addition to a hard tag you are protecting yourself against the more professional shoplifters who may be able to remove the hard tag you are using.  These hidden  checkpoint labels  will set off your  checkpoint security system when the product approaches the exit surprising the thief who thought they had the system beat. And the labels are very inexpensive to use, just a few cents each.

To learn more go here: checkpoint labels

Checkpoint Systems leads the anti shoplifting technology market

Checkpoint Systems out of New Jersey is the world’s leading manufacturer of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems helping retailers all over the globe reduce retail theft and increase profits.

The reason lies in the technology.   Checkpoint systems are based on radio frequency (RF) vs. the older accousto magnetic (AM) technology used by Tyco’s Sensormatic systems.  The RF system offers multiple advantages, one of the most used is the virtually unlimited use of labels.

Many retailers buy blank labels and print their pricing information directly on the  checkpoint labels.  This reduces labor and increases security at the same time.

Checkpoint systems labels can be custom printed in bulk to include logo art, safety instruction or just about anything you could want, which disguises the security tag.

RF technology is the leading technology in retail inventory management as well with the increasing use of RFID.  Retailers are currently using RFID to scan/ read product as it enters the dock and it immediately gets logged into inventory.  The technology exists to read the RF labels on products while on the shelf which will allow retailers to do instant store wide inventory or automate ordering based on shelf stock.

Checkpoint systems also can integrate into POS systems for various benefits, one being only deactivating labels that are actually scanned into the register.  This eliminates thieves running merchandise over an unoccupied counter to deactivate a labels and steal the product.

To learn more go to checkpoint systems

Checkpoint Security System Introduction

A  checkpoint security system will help you reduce your shoplifting losses and increase your profits by keeping more inventory on hand and available for sale.  A Checkpoint security system involves installing devices inside the exit way, “antennas” that will detect inventory that has been “tagged” with checkpoint security system tags which are either Checkpoint hard tags or Checkpoint labels.

This method of anti shoplifting technology is also a great deterrent.  Studies show that installing Electronic Article Surveillance antennas (EAS) at doorways visually says that “this place is protected and secured”, which will scare of a large majority of shoplifters.  These shoplifters then pass the protected store by and move on to another unprotected retail target.

Learn more here:  checkpoint security system

New Checkpoint Labels

Now is the time to take a look at the new Checkpoint tags and checkpoint labels . One of the most exciting is the EP-3210 Clear Poly (Enhanced Performance). This tag is “see-thru”. Checkpoint has really outdone itself this time!
Checkpoint labels can be placed directly over the barcode on a product. The barcode can then be read directly through the tag. But there is more. The EP-3210 Clear Poly pretty much disappears once in place. Yes the circuit of the tag is visible but in the tests we have run the tag blends into many products packaging.
Checkpoint truly is the innovator in the Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) market. The new line of EP tags include two sizes of round tags which are great for small boxes or bottles and have no corners that may have to wrap around the edges. Other sizes include the postage stamp size and the EP-410, which is the same size as the traditional 410 tag.
But why use the new EP tags? This series gives the BEST performance of any 8.2 tags in the market, period end of sentence!
Consider this,  checkpoint labels out perform any other manufacture. The adhesive is aggressive and wont give out and cause the tag to fall off the merchandise. When you deactivate a Checkpoint security tag… it is deactivated. It will not re-activate on it’s own. Reactivated tags are common with non-Checkpoint and cause embarrassing alarms when your customer attempts to exit your store after a legitimate purchase.
Loss Prevention Systems sells all Checkpoint tags including the EP-3210 Clear Poly.

For more information:  checkpoint labels or call 1.770.426.0547

Anti shoplifting solution for small retailers on a budget

The Checkpoint Security Systems ValueGuard antenna system is a security system for small retail stores on a budget who are looking to prevent shoplifting. It uses a basic design with many details of Checkpoint Security Systems more advanced antenna systems. The outcome a sturdy  (EAS) Electronic Article Surveillance antenna system that is able to deliver immediate benefits at a lower price.

It is ideally designed for any retail application such as  hard goods stores, liquor stores, grocery stores, book stores, sporting goods and convenience stores just to name a few. This ValueGuard system includes Digital Signal Processing, superior Checkpoint labels and tag discrimination and the power to work well in today’s most difficult retail situations.

The Features Include:

  • Works with the complete range of Checkpoint labels 8.2 MHz RF labels, as well as hard tags.
  • Tuneable for either 8.2 MHz or 9.5 MHz applications.
  • Integrated alarm sounder and alarm indicator light which enables easy alarm identification.
  • Three foot or six foot aisle systems
  • Stainless Steel endcaps help protect the antennas form damage
  • Optional merchandising panels can be used to generate revenue through advertising sales or to promote in-store specials
  • Checkpoint labels can be custom printed by you with your barcode, product or logo information

For more information go to: anti shoplifting /  checkpoint security systems or call 1.770.426.0547