I have a buddy that is a fellow loss prevention professional. He is responsible for his companies retail theft prevention program. His stores sell cellular telephones, accessories and service. He mentioned that their shoplifting is way up. I asked him how they are combating these losses and he said that they are trying to improve customer service skills but little else is planned.
A great anti shoplifting retail theft prevention program must clearly emphasize customer service skills. We know that shoplifters hate any attention. The more they get the more frustrated they become. They leave your store and go to your competitor who is not prepared.
The problem is that good or even great customer service skills alone are not the complete answer. What do you do when the customer to employee ratio is so high that it overwhelms your staff? This is not just during holidays. Payroll is one of our biggest expenses. So we try to keep staffing down to the lowest level we can. Especially now during rough economic times. When this happens it is a boom for shoplifters.
The answer is to send a message to shoplifters with a stop shoplifting program that will send them down the street to unprotected competitors store. This message is delivered with a program that includes Strong customer service skills, a no exception arrest policy, solid employee training and a checkpoint security system .
If you do not jail all shoplifters that word will get around. Shoplifters talk to each other just like you and your friends do. You will become the store of choice for shoplifters. They know they will go to jail they will go elsewhere. You cannot expect to stop shoplifting with out this policy.
A checkpoint security system protects your merchandise 24/7. It does not take a vacation. checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags are placed on your merchandise. When the shoplifting scum of the world attempts to steal they are caught. The deterrent alone will send most shoplifters away. Checkpoint tags are placed on clothing and soft goods. Checkpoint labels are paper thin and placed on any other merchandise from CD’s to power tools to grocery items.
An anti shoplifting retail theft prevention program requires a strong commitment and attitude. Do you have it?
For more information about checkpoint security system or checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags or retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices or anti shoplifting contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547