A Retail Theft Prevention Program, Have One?

I have a buddy that is a fellow loss prevention professional. He is responsible for his companies retail theft prevention program. His stores sell cellular telephones, accessories and service. He mentioned that their shoplifting is way up. I asked him how they are combating these losses and he said that they are trying to improve customer service skills but little else is planned.

A great anti shoplifting retail theft prevention program must clearly emphasize customer service skills. We know that shoplifters hate any attention. The more they get the more frustrated they become. They leave your store and go to your competitor who is not prepared.

The problem is that good or even great customer service skills alone are not the complete answer. What do you do when the customer to employee ratio is so high that it overwhelms your staff? This is not just during holidays. Payroll is one of our biggest expenses. So we try to keep staffing down to the lowest level we can. Especially now during rough economic times. When this happens it is a boom for shoplifters.

The answer is to send a message to shoplifters with a stop shoplifting program that will send them down the street to unprotected competitors store. This message is delivered with a program that includes Strong customer service skills, a no exception arrest policy, solid employee training and a checkpoint security system .

If you do not jail all shoplifters that word will get around. Shoplifters talk to each other just like you and your friends do. You will become the store of choice for shoplifters. They know they will go to jail they will go elsewhere. You cannot expect to stop shoplifting with out this policy.

checkpoint security system protects your merchandise 24/7. It does not take a vacation. checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags are placed on your merchandise. When the shoplifting scum of the world attempts to steal they are caught. The deterrent alone will send most shoplifters away. Checkpoint tags are placed on clothing and soft goods. Checkpoint labels are paper thin and placed on any other merchandise from CD’s to power tools to grocery items.

An anti shoplifting retail theft prevention program requires a strong commitment and attitude. Do you have it?

For more information about checkpoint security system or checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags or retail theft prevention  or retail anti theft devices or anti shoplifting contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Stop Shoplifting During The Holidays

With the holiday season our attempts to stop shoplifting seem to be like a fish swimming up stream. The problem is not that we may have more shoplifters but that we have more customers. We cannot spend the time we need watching the sales floor. If you have not prepared before this late in the game there is little you can do to put a full anti shoplifting program in place. However, there are some things you can do to slow it down

First use zone coverage. Instruct every employee to watch a certain area of the sales floor. If they spot a shoplifting problem then they should request help from others.

Intensify customer service. Shoplifters hate attention so let’s give them more than they can handle. This includes a greeting when they enter the store or department. I believe that this greeting must be more than a simple “hello”. Eye contact is VERY important. By making eye contact a shoplifter will feel that you remember what they look like and that they have been noticed. This will shut down most impulse and some amateur shoplifters. Your good customer will love it also! Remember that is why they are there to shop and get stellar customer service.

After the insanity of this season is over look at your losses due to shoplifting and make more permanent changes. A good anti shoplifting program has many cogs on the wheel. They are all important and you must use all of them to be profitable. Take a lesson form the major retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy. As a former Executive for companies like them I know that any anti shoplifting program must have the following:

Solid policy and procedure. Even if you are a one store operation. P&P will help you to guide your employees and draw a line in the sand of what they can and cannot do. If you would like a free copy of a shoplift policy that you can customize to fit you just contact me.

Training, training and more training. You cannot expect that you or your employees can handle shoplifting situations without gaining a comfort level.  Anti shoplifting training will do that. You cannot just read this stuff in a book and expect that they will succeed.

Checkpoint security systems . These systems are key to deterring shoplifters of all types: impulse, amateur and professional. Your employees place checkpoint security tags on soft goods such as clothing. checkpoint labels are placed on all other goods. The checkpoint security systems then become your full time, never takes a day off security employee. They watch your goods when you can’t. Like when you are slammed with customers and the customer to employee ratio is high. checkpoint security tags and checkpoint labels are easy to apply and remove or deactivate by your staff.

For more information on anti shoplifting or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security tags or checkpoint security systems contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Anti Shoplifting wave hits the retail world

As if an anti shoplifting wave needs to hit any retailer. If a retailer is waiting to experience shoplifting to engage in anti shoplifting efforts, he’ll close his business first.

Anti shoplifting is a large part of the retail world. Every day, managers and business owners walk their stores and shops wondering if they are doing enough to protect their assets and boost their profits. Are they making any impact? That’s hard to say. Loss Prevention Consultants specialize in overseeing a business and making the necessary recommendation to help a retailer protect them, and encourage sales growth.

A manager/owner I once worked with was under the impression that his shop(s) was not experiencing shoplifting and if it was happening, it was minimal. He sold high end beauty products and believed that since his stores were in a “higher income” area, he wouldn’t suffer from shoplifters.

True, he may not have the same amount of shoplifters, but he will experience shoplifting and with the product he sells, one or two shoplifters could really hurt his business. After a long discussion, and me showing him several instances of shoplifting at surrounding stores and shops, he decided to install a Checkpoint Security system . As I told the manager, a Checkpoint Security system would provide a better sense of security in his store and would truly protect his profits and encourage better customer service. The day of final installation, 3 shoplifters were identified as they drop or threw merchandise as they fled the store. They merchandise dropped was worth several hundred dollars from each shoplifter. The Checkpoint Security system deterred the shoplifters by taking away their privacy.

Now, and since the installation, the store has increased their profits because merchandise is in the store and available for purchase. Anti shoplifting is any everyday task for this manager and his store team.

For more information about checkpoint security system or checkpoint security tags or checkpoint labels or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention visit us at anti shoplifting or call us at 1.770.426.0547

Scaring away the bad guy with Checkpoint Security Systems

Stop Shoplifting ?  That’s easier said than done, but you can definitely make an impact on shoplifting and other losses that your business may be experiencing by utilizing retail anti theft devices .

One worthwhile option to consider is Checkpoint Security systems .  Checkpoint labels are proven to reduce and deter shoplifting in a business. Shoplifters hate attention, so it is your job as a business owner to provide that attention, the best you can, to every shoplifter that chooses to enter your business.  To have it any other way means that your potential profits are walking out your door, along with the merchandise that you paid for.

When a shoplifter is choosing a business from which to steal, they will choose the unprotected business over one that provides good customer service and has retail anti theft devices .  That is just common sense – and yes, some shoplifters do have some.  Shoplifters also seek out the merchandise that they desire, but do not want to pay for.  If your merchandise is desirable, then it appeals to shoplifters as well.  Protect it with Checkpoint Security systems .

Retail theft prevention continues to change just as time and technology do.  Stay up to date with the best anti shoplifting products that you can acquire.  Investing in loss prevention and asset protection for your business creates what every business wants to acquire – profit, and more of it.

For more information about retail anti theft devices ,  checkpoint security systems , anti shoplifting , checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547.

Retail anti theft devices and positive profits

In a world with retail anti theft devices aplenty, I wanna share with you a couple of examples of Checkpoint Security systems I’ve used.

As a loss prevention professional, my job is to ensure I am supporting the profitability of the stores and company I am working for. This includes advising executive management on the different tools necessary to combat shrink or theft and loss. Specifically, I always advise on using Checkpoint Security systems .

One day I was walking a store on a standard visit. The manager was telling me about a group of guys that he believes were “casing” his store. Sure enough, not 15 minutes into the walk, he points out one of the guys.

The “lookout” was inspecting merchandise, looking at the checkpoint labels affixed to the product. I called to the loss prevention agent working the store and had him review the suspect on camera. As we made our way to the office, the loss prevention agent had observed the suspect repeatedly attempt to remove the checkpoint labels . We watched the suspect move to the next section of merchandise to an item that used Checkpoint security tags . He was obviously puzzled. He pulled out his cellphone and made a call. Whoever he was speaking with got an ear full about the Checkpoint Security system devices on the merchandise. Irate, he threw the merchandise in the aisle and left the store.

This was one of many examples of the benefits to having a Checkpoint Security system a store. This suspect saw that he and his crew couldn’t easily get merchandise out of the store without being noticed. Shoplifting is an easy crime when the shoplifter goes unnoticed, but interrupt their privacy and almost immediately you protect your profits. As retail anti theft devices Checkpoint security tags and checkpoint labels take away that privacy!

Checkpoint Security systems are a standard feature in my company and as a professional, advise any and all Retailers to do the same.

For more information about checkpoint security system , checkpoint labels or checkpoint security tags visit us at retail anti theft devices or call 1.770.426.0547

Investing in Checkpoint Security Systems for an increase of profit

In a market with many options for retail anti theft devices , a business owner must do his or her homework in order to make the best selection that is appropriate for their business. Checkpoint Security systems are an option that pays off – in increased profits and reduced shrink.

Increased sales and profits are what every business owner is after.  A solution to theft is checkpoint tags , so that the potential loss incurred can be turned around into profit.  Doesn’t that sound like a great solution?
Profit just does not occur without considering retail theft prevention .

Profit is what every business needs to survive…so that is where the focus must lay. Retail anti theft devices must be utilized to maximize profits and reduce what takes profits from your store.

Checkpoint security tags can be used to help prevent theft in your store.  By simply implementing anti shoplifting techniques, your merchandise is more protected.  This means that it is available for your honest customers to purchase. Checkpoint labels activate EAS alarms if they are taken out of your doors without being purchased.  Alarms sounding at the doors are not what a shoplifter wants to encounter…

Shoplifters do not want attention when trying to steal your merchandise.  So give them all the attention that you can – in the form of a checkpoint security system . Remember prevention is the best anti shoplifting tool to stop shoplifting !

For more information about checkpoint security systems , checkpoint tags , checkpoint security tags , anti shoplifting , checkpoint labels or Checkpoint security system contact us at retail anti theft devices or call 1.770.426.256.

Checkpoint Systems ROI can be immediate, usually in a few months

The ROI of installing checkpoint systems for retail theft prevention is dramatic over time and better yet is realized very quickly.

Let’s suppose we have a clothing boutique with annual revenues of $1mil.  Typically these smaller retailers are highly susceptible to shoplifting and employee theft losses due to low staffing levels.  Many times we see these boutiques being operated by only one person.  This makes controlling shoplifting very difficult when there are more than a couple customers present.

Retailers like this with $1mil in annual revenues will often have inventory shrink rates of over five percent, but let’s say they have good loss prevention processes in place and they only have a shrinkage of 2%.  If they are doing average with management they are seeing a net profit of around 2% as well.

In this scenario, utilizing checkpoint systems for retail theft prevention will cut the inventory shrinkage in half at least.  So that takes losses from $20,000 annually to $10,000 annually.  That extra $10,000 transfers directly over to the profit margin.  So the original $20,000 in profit margin jumps to $30,000…that is an increase of fifty percent in net profit margin!

And the average clothing boutique retailer likely only has one door into / out of the store.  One set of checkpoint antennas will protect the store, and not including install or  checkpoint labels / checkpoint security tags the antennas cost Between $1,700 and $2,700 per pair new with warranty.

Based on $2,700 the ROI in this case would be in less than three months, after that the checkpoint systems is a money maker!

For more info visit: checkpoint systems / retail theft prevention 

Use checkpoint labels for retail theft prevention

Checkpoint labels are great tools in the arsenal of retail theft prevention and serve many purposes. The checkpoint labels are available in many different shapes, sizes, printable blank labels and custom printed options.

How checkpoint labels work is via RF (radio frequency) technology.  The labels have circuitry built into them that react to  checkpoint security systems antennas installed at entry and exit points for the purpose of retail theft prevention.  The labels will generate a signal when they are positioned in range of the checkpoint antennas and set off the alarm.  This will alert staff of the potential theft occurring and also alert the shoplifter that they are in trouble.

Using a checkpoint security system will increase employee awareness of potential shoplifters keeping more eyes on your merchandise and processing issues more effectively.  Systems like this will send a message through the shoplifting community that the retailer is serious about retail theft prevention and the thieves will move on to other unprotected stores.

Less retail loss due to theft means more product available for sale and studies show that equates to a boost in sales.  Price Waterhouse Coopers recently found just under 10% increase in sales with one retailer who installed a checkpoint security system and used checkpoint labels.

Less losses also mean boosted profits.  Lose one $10 item and it will take the average retailer an additional $500 in sales to earn enough profit to recover from the loss.  If you  stop shoplifting losses the effect on profit margins are easily 50% to sometimes 100% increase in net margins.

To learn more visit: retail theft prevention / checkpoint labels 

The Best Anti-shoplifting Program

One of the best anti shoplifting programs available to retailers today is a Checkpoint Security system .

Retailers around the globe suffer lost profits everyday as a result of shoplifting customers. Many of these customers shoplift for reasons like, lines are too long, the store has poor customer service, and the pricing is too high, they don’t like to pay for merchandise and many more. These types of thieves are called opportunists. They typically don’t sit at home and plan out a shoplifting spree; they make the decision while they are in the store. These are some of the toughest shoplifters to catch, because they don’t usually give off the same “tells” that other, more experienced shoplifters. A Checkpoint Security system is designed to help your business succeed and deter this type of theft. Imagine a customer that is generally a good person, upset about the price of an item in your store. He decides he want to “steal” the item. He looks around and conceals the merchandise in his waistband. He makes his way to the front of the store and notices the Checkpoint Security system . He panics and heads back to the aisle he stole from. Dumping the merchandise, he leaves the store.

A Checkpoint Security system utilizes checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels attached to merchandise. Once this tag is passed through the antennae, the Checkpoint Security system sets off an alarm to notify store employees and management, creating a “not-so private” environment for the thief. This is anti shoplifting at its best!

Listen, if your business is suffering from retail theft, don’t wait until it’s too late. Develop a solid loss prevention plan, include a Checkpoint Security system . Attach Checkpoint labels or checkpoint tags to your hardest hit items and watch how your profits will increase as the merchandise is still in your stores and available for purchase.

For more information about anti shoplifting training, checkpoint tags , checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention contact us at stop shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Labels , Alpha, Lame Excuses & the Global Retail Theft Barometer

The Global Retail Theft Barometer (GRTB) has uncovered that 20 percent of the 50 most-stolen product lines in North American retail stores remain unprotected! When I think about that I have to wonder what logic a retailer is using to not protect the most stolen items in their inventory? It is not that complicated to stop shoplifting .

Postage stamp size checkpoint labels placed on a piece of that merchandise will virtually shut of the theft of those items. If the theft threat level is even higher an Alpha spider wrap, or 3-alarm tag will handle it.

So why would a retailer not do this and put more money on their bottom line? Many of them do not think they have a problem. We see retailers every day that do not even take an annual inventory let alone do cycle counts on hot items. They think that if they have some money at the end of the day that they are making it. What a shame that they just walk away from better profit margins. They simply surrender and tell the shoplifter that they can have what they want.

I have also seen retailers with the lame notion that checkpoint systems are too expensive. But they have no problem letting a lot more money walk out the door? What sense is that?

Checkpoint labels automatically tell a shoplifter “go somewhere else” (your competitor who is not protected). Alpha raises the bar even higher. The shoplifter is not going to risk trying to get out with Alpha because the built in siren will be going off. Even if they are running down the street the siren will be blasting away.

If you are a retailer you must stop shoplifting or you will not be a retailer for long.  Checkpoint systems will make that happen. Shoplifters are sent a strong message and know that their actions will attract attention.

Don’t be a statistic on the GRTB!

For more information about checkpoint systems , checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention contact us at checkpoint labels or call 1.770.426.0547