Anti Shoplifting Efforts Get a Boost in Atlanta Georgia

Shoplifting that becomes more than a nuisance and has a serious impact on the bottom line calls for serious anti shoplifting efforts on the shop owner.

Shoplifting is so expected among retailers that it affects everything in the retail world from store design to merchandising to number of staff and the number of work hours scheduled.  Shoplifting is even a budgeted item (inventory reserve) because everyone in the business knows that retail theft is a given.

Retail anti theft devices of varying degrees have been found to have a positive impact on the rate of inventory loss for the retailer and proven to be cost effective as a means to stop shoplifting.

Technology has played a great part in the improvement of retail anti theft devices, from closed circuit television to electronic surveillance that detects merchandise as it leaves a store or department without being paid for.

Checkpoint Security Systems manufactures anti shoplifting solutions for almost any application or budget.  Once only affordable by the largest retailers, there are now Checkpoint systems that pay a quick return on investment for any size store or boutique.  Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are designed to be used on merchandise of any size and shape.  Boxes, soft goods, bottles, whatever needs protecting, Checkpoint systems are made to improve the retailer’s profit margin by preventing the dollars to walk out the door courtesy of the five finger discount.

Some retailers restrict their effort to high theft/high value items such as baby formula or leather goods.  The storeowner or manager is the best judge of how to use his anti shoplifting assets, including those made by Checkpoint Systems.

Call 770-426-0547 from Atlanta Georgia or anywhere to discuss solutions for shoplifting issues, or click here to Contact Us.  Be sure and visit our Online Loss Prevention Store to see the latest in retail theft prevention.

Anti Shoplifting Solution Decisions

There is no one in a better position to make decisions about anti shoplifting solutions than the business owner himself.  Of course the decision should not be made without a thorough analysis of the factors that contribute to the inventory shrinkage problem and gaining all the input he can possibly get.  This is one decision that should not be made by intuition alone.

The problem may be obvious.  The owner or manager may receive reports from employees or customers that have witnessed customer theft.  Merchandise may mysteriously disappear from display.  There are any number of signs that may indicate a big shoplifting problem, the most serious of which is inventory loss that translates into lost profits.

One of the most effective anti shoplifting solutions comes from Checkpoint Security Systems.  The proper use of pedestals from Checkpoint Systems, along with Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels will not only alert store personnel when an item that has not been paid for is leaving the store or department, but will deter all but the most determined shoplifter from even attempting to steal from the store.

Pedestals from Checkpoint Security Systems can detect merchandise of all kinds, large or small.  There are Checkpoint tags designed to protect everything from eyewear to shoes to golf clubs.  Checkpoint labels are used to safeguard groceries, boxes, packages, and certain types of apparel.   Almost any type or style of high theft merchandise can be protected by a tag or label from Checkpoint Security Systems.

No matter the size of the business, a Checkpoint Security System will be cost effective because the profit gained from selling the merchandise that would have otherwise been shoplifted will quickly cover the cost of the system.

Get help for your anti shoplifting strategy by clicking here:  Stop Shoplifting or call 770-426-0547 in Atlanta Georgia.  Click here to visit our Online Loss Prevention Store.

Checkpoint Systems – Anti Shoplifting

When it comes to protecting your merchandise from theft yet continuing to make it accessible for customers, Checkpoint systems may be the best thing going. You can put forth all your efforts into presentation and merchandising, making sure that you’ve advertised in the proper places to the proper people but if in the end you see your merchandise, and your profits, walk straight out of your front door as a result of external theft or employee pilfering, well, that dog won’t hunt. It’s time to check out Checkpoint Systems .

They provide many different services in apparel labeling, to include all kinds of tickets, tags and labels that will not only help you protect your merchandise but do so with minimal time and effort.

Well, what if you’re not in the apparel business? Checkpoint systems is still a valuable resource for you. They provide retail theft prevention for supermarkets and hypermarkets, drugstores and pharmacies, warehouses and superstores, electronics stores, hardware stores, and specialty stores. They specialize in EAS tags, Spider wraps, bottle tags, etc. In short, if Checkpoint systems can’t tag it, then you probably don’t need it.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security system or checkpoint security systems or checkpoint security tags or retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices contact us: Checkpoint Systems or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security Systems & Alpha High Theft Solutions New Ink Tag

Alpha High Theft Solutions a division of Checkpoint Security Systems has released a new ink tag. This tag takes ink tag protection to a new level. The tag is robust in its construction. It will stand up to the day-to-day abuse that employees and shoppers alike will give it. It will clearly stop shoplifting of the items it is placed on.

The red and yellow ink glass vials are encased inside a solid round frame that allows the vials to be clearly seen. The ink tag is round and two inches in diameter. The ink tag itself is ¾ inch tall.

The locking pin is also two inches across and fits very well to the back of the ink tag. The clamshell design makes it very difficult to pry the two pieces apart. The pin back is clear plastic and very solid in design.

The reusable ink tag and pin is available in three clutch strengths: S3, Standard and Super Lock.  This provides for different levels of security and merchandising flexibility.  The ink tags are available in RF (beige color) and AM (gray color) formats. The EAS detection such as Checkpoint Security Systems 8.2 is built right into the ink tag. This eliminates the need for a hard tag, saving money.

The appropriate customer warnings are printed directly on the tag and will not wear off with repeated use.

These new Alpha High Theft Solutions ink tags should be used on clothing, some accessories, hats, leather or any other apparel. Stop shoplifting in your storesnow!

For more information about Alpha High Theft Solutions or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security tags or checkpoint security systems or retail anti theft devices or retail theft prevention or anti shoplifting contact us at stop shoplifting . You can also visit our On-Line Store or call 1.770.426.0547

Use Your Checkpoint Security Systems For More Than Shoplifting

Checkpoint Security systems are an undisputed anti shoplifting tool in the war on shoplifters. But in addition to being an anti shoplifting tool you can get even more out of them. Consider the following items.

Employee theft. Merchandise with Checkpoint tags and labels can also be a deterrent to employee theft. As long as you control who has access to detachers or deactivation. This is where the key lock on the detacher also comes in handy. Deactivation that is tied into your POS so that an item can only be deactivated after the item is scanned will also be a deterrent. Most companies only allow employees to enter and exit from one door. If that door is covered with antennas then this closes off another way merchandise can be removed.

Another use is to tag items that you do not want to leave the store. Restroom keys, manager keys, even documents can be labeled. If you have items that sometimes go home with an employee such as a set of keys, the tag can be a reminder. It is not an issue of theft but if the item leaves it can create a nightmare for others.

How about tools or other store use items? Checkpoint tags with a flex string or lanyard will help remind someone that they have it in their possession and to put it back before they go home. What about an employee who is working on a display and is using store tools. He leaves for a little bit and does not secure the tools and a customer decides he wants that cordless drill or battery for himself.

What about store use items such as calculators or flashlights? A Checkpoint tag or Checkpoint label will solve that. Don’t forget other critical items such as pricing guns and the gun that puts the hangtags on clothing.

We have a limited supply of a Checkpoint tag that Checkpoint security systems no longer makes. It is a key tag. It looks just like a key ring tag. But it is a Checkpoint tag. We include them in our new customer welcome kits. Would you like one?

For more information about retail theft prevention , retail anti theft devices , Checkpoint security systems , anti shoplifting , Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels contact us at stop shoplifting . You can also visit our On-Line Store or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security Tags…The Secret Weapon

A lot has been written about anti shoplifting and retail anti theft devices. But the most versatile tool in this war is Checkpoint security tags. Unlike acousto magnetic labels, which are about the size, shape and thickness of a piece of “chicklet” gum the Checkpoint labels are paper-thin.

They come in so many varieties that it is hard to keep up with them. Checkpoint security tags can be white, black, clear which allows a packages barcode to show through. They can be printed on with your own printed with barcodes, logos, pricing information and more. You can also stick your own label over the top of them.

As far as size, Checkpoint labels have a wide range of sizes. This ranges from the postage stamp size to a 1.5” x 1.5” size. And there are many in between. For example the very popular 710 label is 1.3” x 1.4”. There are two sizes of round labels and they fit very well on the bottom of bottles such as medicines. They also work very well on the bottom of small square boxes. The round shape means that the corners of a label do not hang over the edges.

Another great series of Checkpoint security tags is the 615. The 615-barcode label has not only a fake barcode but also a small box printed on it that allows another sticker to be applied such as a logo or price tag. This all goes to hiding the intent of the Checkpoint labels.

And, of course, in the arsenal of retail anti theft devices is the Checkpoint systems themselves. Checkpoint Systems latest tool is the Evolve system. As anti shoplifting goes this is the top of the pile. Evolve has so many features packed into it I will need to write a separate blog for that. But for now consider the following Evolve features: superior detection with new revolutionary electronics, people counting, alarm detection that can tell if a customer is entering or leaving the store.

For more information on retail anti theft devices or checkpoint systems or checkpoint security tags or checkpoint labels or retail theft prevention or stop shoplifting contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

The Blitz: A Great Way to Stop Shoplifting

If you want to stop shoplifting in your establishment and send a powerful message at the same time I’ve found that a blitz is a great way to do that. Now, I’m not talking about suiting up in helmets and shoulder pads and laying a shoplifter out Ray Lewis style. (though God knows I’ve fantasized about doing just that on many occasions) A shoplifting blitz is when you concentrate a majority of your efforts and assets on a particular location for a set period of time.

For example, let’s say you have a particular location that has been taking a great deal of losses due to an increase in shoplifter traffic. That particular location normally employs 1, maybe 2, loss prevention associates at any given time. Bring in 2 or 3 more trained loss prevention professionals for about a week. Give them the necessary equipment and information on what the high-risk items are at that particular location and let them do what they do. What this does is overwhelm the shoplifters with numbers. They can no longer distract one associate while another robs you blind. Snatch and runs become a futile attempt because you have enough personnel to post someone discreetly at or near the exits.

Additionally, when you put that many loss prevention professionals in 1 place a healthy competition will naturally develop. Everyone wants to show that they’re the best. Plus, shoplifters talk. If you’re having a substantial problem it’s because that community has already deemed you an “easy mark”. When your efforts to stop shoplifting ramps up they’ll begin to talk about that too. Once enough crooks get caught they’ll figure out that you’re serious and find another retailer to frequent. If you’re having a problem try the blitz, it’s a great way to stop shoplifting in your establishment.

For more information about retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels or checkpoint security system contact us at Stop Shoplifting. You can also visit our On-Line Store or call 1.770.426.0547

Where are the best places for Checkpoint tags or Checkpoint labels? – Anti Shoplifting

This is another question that we get asked frequently. Placement is very important not only for theft but you must consider merchandising your good customers. Checkpoint tags and Checkpoint labels are the best in the industry. If you are to get your investment out of your checkpoint systems then you have to pay close attention to placement.

Let’s talk about your good customers first! If you place checkpoint tags on clothing in such a way that the customer is not able to try them the merchandise on or if it interferes with the customers visual impression you may lose the sale. If you place Checkpoint labels on product packaging in such a way that you cover up instructions, warning labels, expiration dates… then that customer may pass your products by. The great news is that you don’t have to. Checkpoint systems tag and label offerings can cover any situation.

Checkpoint tags – consider placement on shirts on the rear of the shirt at the collar seam or on a seam on the side under the arm. Do the same with pants and skirts. Place the tag on the back at rear seam below the belt line or on a side leg seam at the knee. Do not put checkpoint tags on a belt loop. The shoplifter will break the belt loop and fix it later. In these locations the customer will not see the checkpoint tags or will be inclined to ignore them.

If you would like a free Checkpoint systems tag placement chart please contact us. This chart has many other items on it and could be posted in the back room of your store.

Checkpoint labels – Wow Checkpoint systems has so many types of labels available it is too much to put in this blog. So I will discuss only a couple. Covering up important information on packaging could lead a customer to not purchase or damage the tag to see what’s under it. If they then do not purchase you have an unprotected product on the shelf.

Look at tag size, yes size does matter!!! In this case a smaller tag may be your best option. You would want to use a postage stamp label. It is the size of, well…a postage stamp. They come in plain, barcode and black. Black is great to hide on a liquor bottle or other dark colored packaging.

Another option is to use the new “Clear Poly” Checkpoint labels . This label has a see through center and is very low profile. You place the clear poly label directly over the UPC barcode. The label basically disappears. And your scanner reads the barcode directly through the label. These things are great!

If you would like a free sample of any Checkpoint labels contact us.

For more information on retail theft prevention or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint systems contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

What dollar level should you tag and label?

This question comes up frequently. Your Checkpoint systems are very effective anti shoplifting devices. But you must use them in a well thought through, deliberate way. You should establish and write down what items you are going to put checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags on. Look at this plan once a month. Compare your employee’s feedback about what items seem to be shoplifted and what items you have protected. Then make changes.

1. Consider conducting a “cycle count” on an item or two that you are concerned with. A cycle count is simply doing a count of how many of one item you have on hand. Add in what you have replenished of that item. Then subtract what you have sold of that item. Your POS/cash register should help you with this last part. Even if you do not track items normally set it up to track this one item you are watching. Instruct your employees to ring that item up that way. This will tell you if you need to include that item in you’re anti shoplifting plan.

2. Set a dollar value threshold. For example if you sell items priced from $0.75 to $250 then you want to look at what items are cost effective to cover. If your margin on the $.075 item is 300% and the thefts have been low then it may not be a good candidate to place checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels on. But if that same item is a high theft item then the amount that you budget or feel is acceptable to absorb in loss may warrant protection.

Many retailers keep it simple and tag/label everything over a certain dollar amount such a $5.00. This approach is fine but could make your cost of labels higher that it could be. However, the trade off with tracking losses and the labor to do it may be worth it.

3. What merchandise items are hot right now? For example in Atlanta and other places in the US there are problems with “Blue Jeans Bandits”. These shoplifters come into a store and scoop up large quantities of higher end jeans and try to run out. In this case good quality hard tags or even Alpha 3 Alarm Hard Tags would be warranted.

Remember, just because you installed checkpoint systems does not mean you will stop shoplifting and the problem is solved. You must take ongoing action to keep the thieves out. Plan for what merchandise you want to use your checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags on. Then revisit this anti shoplifting plan monthly and make modifications. That keeps you on the offence not the defense!

For more information about  retail theft prevention , checkpoint systems , checkpoint tags , checkpoint labels , stop shoplifting contact us at anti shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547

Checkpoint Security Systems and the retailer

Checkpoint security systems are not your run of the mill systems. Sure, there are many systems out there that claim to provide the same level of security, service and protection. However, few can match the quality and service provided by checkpoint security systems .

What is the benefit of having a checkpoint security system ? For starters, it gives the amateur shoplifter that ability to decide “Never mind, I won’t steal this merchandise today”. Checkpoint security systems work by providing a visual presence, much like a uniformed security guard standing at the front of your store. The would-be shoplifter see’s the inability to exit the store without being noticed, so they give up. Also, look at your merchandise.

In the efforts to help stop shoplifting, retail anti theft devices are affixed to several type of merchandise. Now, when the average shoplifter enters your store, he see’s these retail anti theft devices and decides to not take merchandise. All shoplifters want privacy. They want to be able to get in and out of your store quietly, without being detected. A Checkpoint security system takes away that privacy.

Retailers worldwide are always looking for the solution to stop shoplifting. Can shoplifting be stopped? The jury is still out on that one. For now, focus on reducing the instances of shoplifting and protect your stores, merchandise and employees.

Employees? Did I forget to mention that a Checkpoint security system can help keep honest people honest? Sure, if an employee knows that he must remove retail anti theft devices or has to try and take off checkpoint security tags to defeat the checkpoint systems , he/she certainly will think twice about it.

All in all, keeping your store safe and easy to shop will not only boost your profits but will give your employees a sense that you care. If you care, they will care. If you haven’t already, develop a plan to help stop shoplifting in your stores.

For more information about checkpoint systems , checkpoint security tags , checkpoint labels  or anti shoplifting contact us at Checkpoint Security Systems or call us at 1.770.426.0547