The Sharp Dressed Man – Retail Theft Prevention

During a recent post-shoplifting interview, we discovered that our store employees were unintentionally profiling shoplifters. We learned this from a very sharp dressed shoplifter. He would come into our stores wearing a bright purple suit that made him stand out in the crowd. Because all of our anti-shoplifting training is geared towards shoplifters who are avoiding detection, no one ever suspected this man of being a thief.

This shoplifter said that he always came into the stores well dressed because people were not as suspicious of him. Employees would smile and say hello as he walked passed. It wasn’t until he set off the alarms that anyone would realize what was going on. By then it was too late for them to do anything about it.

It was a sad realization that he was right. If he had come in to steal and was wearing casual or worn out clothes, he might have been targeted immediately. By dressing up, the employees all assumed he had money, and therefore would be paying for his purchases and never raised their suspicions.

We want our employees to stop shoplifting through consistent customer service. When they failed to give the well-dressed customer proper service and attention, they opened the door for uninhibited theft to occur.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

Boost Your Profits, Not Your Products – Anti-Shoplifting

Some areas are seeing a resurgence of booster bags being used by shoplifters as a way to defeat Checkpoint systems. These are primarily foil-lined bags that can interfere with the transmission signal sent by checkpoint security tags to the other components of the checkpoint systems. If the signal is weakened or eliminated, the alarms will not sound, making for a clean get away by the shoplifter.

In order to prevent or stop shoplifting using boosters, you need to be extra diligent. Because it is harder to spot the merchandise leaving, you have more limited warning flags to look for.

It comes back down to recognizing the nervous behaviors most shoplifters have. Because they are more confident that they won’t be caught, the signs are subtler, but they are still there.

Watch for customers who are picking up multiples of an item. If it is clothing, are they picking up several of the same item in the same size? Shoplifters who are using boosters are looking for a bigger haul. The disregard to normal quantities a shopper would buy is one of the signs of a shoplifter.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

Soak Up The Profits – Checkpoint Labels

What many consumers are not aware of is Checkpoint labels actually go beyond the clothing department. Checkpoint Systems have retail theft prevention that is designed for specific grocery applications. The RF Soaker Pad is one of those products created for anti-shoplifting of fresh meats.

The nice thing about using these Checkpoint labels is that there are no additional processes that need to be conducted to stop shoplifting. The RF Soaker Pads are simply switched out instead of using the non-EAS pads. The production department puts these new soaker pads onto the Styrofoam package and then the meat goes on top.

The retail theft prevention comes from the Checkpoint labels that are pre imbedded into the soaker pads. This makes it easy for grocers to stop shoplifting fresh meats, which in turn helps to preserve and increase profitability.

From a more technical aspect, the Checkpoint labels that are imbedded in the soaker pad are designed to work after it has been in contact with the liquids. As long as at least half a pound of meat is placed on the soaker pad, the RF Soaker Pad is microwavable. This means there are no additional warnings or precautions that need to be made by the consumer if they chose to freeze and then defrost the meat via microwave.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

Slow Down – Retail Theft Prevention

What if there was a way to immediately react to and possibly slow down the rate of theft (or stop shoplifting altogether) without having retail theft prevention?

I suggest that everyone invests in Checkpoint systems or a similar form of anti- shoplifting deterrents. Checkpoint systems have an undisputable historical success in reducing theft in retail establishments. However, it does take time to get something installed. During that time, you don’t want to continue to experience the same rate of theft that you have been.

Merchandise only to your rate of sale with your high theft items. If you are only selling two boxes of razors in a week, for example, don’t put out five boxes. You don’t have the sales to support that larger quantity of product being on a shelf. It also gives the thieves access to a larger quantity of product to steal.

If you limit the razors to only two boxes, you might still lose two of them, but you won’t lose five boxes. Thieves will take what they can, especially if it is a small and desirable item. If you give them access to that many of an item, they will take it. If you merchandise only what you will sell in a specific time period, then you will have the merchandise available to your customers, and some extra in the back, just in case you do experience a theft.

You can always re-evaluate your shelf levels after the retail theft prevention package is installed.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

All Systems Go – Checkpoint Security Systems

Technology has greatly improved over time. Now Checkpoint security systems are much more durable than what they used to be. I have had many experiences with Checkpoint security systems breakdowns that are a direct result of damage done to the EAS pedestals.

The damages were often a direct result of countless shopping carts banging into the pedestals on their way out the door during a busy weekend. The water from the floor cleaner would sometimes seep into the base and disrupt the electronic components.

Now the bases are more resistant to water or to intentional tampering. The pedestals are also now constructed from impact resistant thermoplastics. All of which helps keep the systems running when they should and eliminating more of the false alarms that were a result from system failures and damages.

One of the theories about using the Checkpoint Security Systems is that they are an identifiable and a visual deterrent to stop shoplifting. Unlike other anti-shoplifting devices, the pedestals are also an audible cue that the store is protected. If the pedestals are an unreliable form of retail theft prevention, the entire system becomes an unreliable way to stop shoplifting. It is imperative that the pedestals stay in working order to maintain the integrity of the store’s retail theft prevention.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

Return to Sender – Checkpoint Systems

Our store uses Checkpoint systems for anti-shoplifting. This helps to alleviate most of the criminal element from coming into the store to start with. Next, these same tools that we use to stop shoplifting help clue us in when someone tries a fraudulent refund. They come to the cashier and try to refund merchandise that still has the Checkpoint systems tags still attached, and no receipt.

Other stores that I know of do not use retail theft prevention devices for anti-shoplifting. Since the theft of the merchandise was so easy, the store was viewed as an easy refund target within the community. They also did not have any sort of policy in place regarding refunds that did not have a receipt. As a result, refunders on almost a daily basis targeted them.

We started a policy of allowing customers three no receipted refunds within a six-month period before we declined the return. That gave the legitimate shopper an opportunity to return items that a receipt was lost, or they received the items as a gift.

The end result was that we were able to make accommodations to satisfy (instead of alienating) our customer base (usually the ones who did not return merchandise with retail theft prevention tags). For those that abused the refunds, we were able to capture data on who was doing the returns (asking for a picture ID) and track their movements and develop shoplifting cases accordingly on those suspects.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547 

Overcomplicated and Ineffective – Retail Theft Prevention

Loss prevention is often thought of as a very difficult and complex set of processes or policies that detract from an employee’s time to get their “real” work done. I see too many employees or managers who are over thinking their retail theft prevention strategies and the end result is that their plans often are not followed through or successful.

By simplifying an action plan, you can give that plan a better shot of being successfully implemented and used. I wonder how many of them would have been more successful had we simplified them down to three simple steps.

Think about a store trying to add Checkpoint systems into a store. If you can add these anti-shoplifting tags onto merchandise using three steps, don’t you think it would be more impactful to the employees to remember three steps instead of a complex twenty-step process?

  • Step one decides which merchandise needs help to stop shoplifting.
  • Step two puts the retail theft prevention products on that merchandise.
  • Step three moves the now-tagged merchandise back onto the sales floor to be sold.

By reducing the number of steps, you have a better chance of them working and ultimately to stop shoplifting from happening inside your store.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

The Gift in the Lift – Retail Theft Prevention

A study done by one of the major credit card companies showed that shoplifting is secondary only to going out to eat as a form of personal reward. Yikes! It makes me wonder just how many people out there are shoplifting. It also makes more sense why it is important to utilize as many forms or retail theft prevention as possible.

Regarding shoplifting, getting a “lift” can actually mean two separate things. It is the literal shop-lift or the act of the theft that amateur or opportunist shoplifters are looking for. They can get also get the emotional or adrenaline lift from stealing and getting away with something. Just as there are shoppers who can get a similar lift from a great sale (think day after thanksgiving sale madness) these are people who get the psychological lift from getting something for free.

At some point, the need for the lift has to be significantly reduced through the probability (not just a possibility) of getting caught. If you cannot provide enough incentive to NOT steal, the internal need to steal will overcome a potentially honest shopper. Having retail theft prevention that is visible and eminent will help persuade them to stop shoplifting in your store.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

One in Three – Anti Shoplifting

I recently read an article that said approximately one in three shoplifters will steal again. It is very surprising that so many shoplifters will continue their path of theft even after an apprehension. It makes for an interesting perspective on the tools we use for anti-shoplifting.

After reading this article, I came to realize that it is not simply a matter of using something like Checkpoint systems to alert you and your employees to potential shoplifters in your store. It is really about making your store less than desirable for a shoplifter to even enter your store. The ideal is to stop shoplifting completely before it begins. Making the shoplifters go away from your store instead of victimizing it.

Anti-shoplifting tools are about prevention, more specifically, it is about prevention once a shoplifter enters your store. If you can, try to take those tools another step further. Put signs on your doors saying shoplifters will be prosecuted.  For example, how about having a sign that says you monitor the premises through electronic and remote surveillance? That would help further the impression that the store is monitored by someone who may or may not be visible in the store.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547

Cannon Ball! – Stop Shoplifting

For many retailers, the Cruise season is here! For those who don’t know, the term cruise season is the more common term for the dead of winter influx of swimsuits hitting the shelves. This change in merchandise needs to bring a change in our anti shoplifting tactics.

Swimsuits are hard to control. Small and easy to conceal, they are all too often a high dollar item just begging to be taken. It is common that they are stolen in a fitting room. Sometimes they are simply concealed in a purse or pocket on the sales floor. So what’s a progressive retailer to do? Well, look no further than Checkpoint systems.

Chances are you already have a Checkpoint Security System in place that uses the basic soft labels or hard tags. That means you already have a step in the right direction for retail theft prevention. The simple applications of anti shoplifting devices are sure to make the right splash in your swimwear sales this year!

I frequently see retailers avoiding the use of hard tags because they are afraid they will damage the stretchy material of the suit. The Lycra easily snags on the metal pins.

There are other alternatives to the traditional pin tags that do not damage the material. They make sure your retail theft prevention doesn’t do a cannonball this year.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Anti-Shoplifting devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop shoplifting in your store.

For more information on Anti-Shoplifting, Checkpoint Labels, a Checkpoint Security System, Checkpoint Security Tags, Checkpoint Systems, or Checkpoint Tags and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to Stop Shoplifting in your store or call 1.770.426.0547