Subcontracting a loss prevention agent in Atlanta a great value at $399 per month


Many businesses are considering subcontracting a loss prevention agent as a solution to problems with short staffing.  The down economy has just about all businesses looking at lowering overhead costs.  Payroll is at the top of the list and often one of the first areas business leaders look at to get costs down.

Companies who have loss prevention staff have most likely not only let go of in store personnel but cut back on regional staff as well.  This means the loss prevention program is not being worked regularly at the store level.  Unfortunately since 43% of all inventory shrinkage is due to employee theft, and the em[ployees know when there are staffing cuts, they can see this as an opportunity to steal more and more often.

A loss prevention agent will start by simply observing the current daily practices, procedures and facility.  A loss prevention audit should then be performed to organize findings and develop a loss prevention plan.  This plan is then put into practice through employee training, supervision and reinforcement.

Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. of Atlanta offers an outsourced loss prevention agent plan for as little as $399 per month.  This will include the initial audit as well as random unannounced audits throughout the year.  An allowance for employee theft investigations is included as well as regular reports, loss prevention posters for employee areas and more.

To learn more go to: loss prevention agent