Retail anti theft devices that do more than stop theft.

There are many different retail anti theft devices on the market today.  One set of products that I absolutely have fallen in love with are the Safer Cases from Alpha.  These products do more than just prevent shoplifting.  They also add a positive visual aesthetic to your shelf presentation; which, from a merchandising standpoint is great for sales.

 These retail anti theft devices are hard plastic boxes that you can lock your boxed or package products in.  They are great because the customer can still handle the product and read the product information without having to wait on an associate to unlock a case for them.  Once at the register the cashier has a key to unlock the Safer case and ring the product up.  It can prevent shoplifting by keeping a shoplifter from being able to easily conceal the product.  In addition, there is a sensor tag built into the lid of the case that will activate the existing EAS alarm if someone tries to steal the product.

 As for visual aesthetics they make the product look great and make the shelves look full.  One problem with that most stores face is the issue of putting out too much of a high theft product because they don’t want the shelves to look empty.  This sets them up for Organized Retail Crime rings to wipe out a large amount of product at one time since it was all sitting out.  The Safer cases do take up a little room, but that is good as it adds depth to the shelf.  You can get away with having just a few items out to purchase without looking like you are going out of business.  Additionally, it makes it easy to keep items in odd shaped packages neat and orderly.  In the boxes everything lines up in nice crisp rows that really add an organized look to the shelf.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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